Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

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Dagobah Resident
Mod note: This thread concerns the coup d'etat in Kiev, Ukraine, in January 2014, and subsequent events leading up to the launch of the new Kiev regime's 'Anti-Terrorist Operation' in April 2014.

The current thread about the resulting civil war in Ukraine, and its ongoing regional and geopolitical ramifications, is here:

Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

I was just reading some articles about situation in Ukraine on rt and, particulary this article After reading the coment below it I was somewhat appaled by the ignorance of some people and some of their coments there for some time, probably there are many trolls there from time to time. This particular coment that got me going says:

could be very wrong, but if you compare this situation in the Ukraine to the happenings in Turkey a few months ago, it looks very different.
The police officers in the RT clip don't look shocked, neither are they in a state of panic, fear or hysteria. No signs of adrenaline pumping. The so-called rioters/hooligans/hoodlums with their faces covered don't hit them very hard with their sticks, it seems staged, as far as I can judge. And why were the police told to stand down? It doesn't make any sense.
Compare this to the outrageous and sadistic behaviour of Turkish police and the number of protesters that were killed or seriously wounded, a few even lost their eye-sight.
And these hooligans can just do as they please?

First of all how can someone see their state if they are wearing helmets, face and gas masks and have turned backs? If they are in a state of panic and hysteria is it not logical to conclude they would not be fit to do that job? Adrenalin rush and fear are present but that does not involve running away(if not in no way out situation) but in increased vigilance. And if you see them calm it is because they are full blown psychopaths or because they are trained and have experience in such situations which is logically to conclude if they are in riot police. Now the above person is expert in how it is being hit hard by stick, probably experienced it herself or through hollywood movies. Hard enough is not that one was stabbed to death and many more burnt, their head, upper torso and neck burning because of this neo-nazis. Yes, RT has long history of framing videos like US media is what was the main aim here.

I assume they are holding their orders because they do not want further escalation until they try to make the deal with opposition which does not seem it would come. Then there are coments on other sites about brutality, which is far from it because this is like picnic when compared to some western countries. And if they get what they were asking for they yell brutality, brutality, like was with that guy that was striped naked by police for throwing Molotov cocktails. Just shows subjective state of mind among people. What do they expect when using violence, sunshine and rainbows afterwards. In the west police is more then happy to give you treatment even for non-violence so it does not takes much to figure it out what is in store when cops get killed. It is not so black and white.
Re: Статьи об Украине

so many inadequate people among the protesters in Kiev
they are naive and aggressive
oligarchs are fighting for power with the help of these people

(pardon my english)
Re: Article about Ukraine

Regardless of the pro-protesters x pro-government debate ('divide and conquer' comes to mind), I really can't understand how one would come to the conclusion that the confrontation is staged.
Re: Article about Ukraine

Yanukovich decided to hold on to the throne of blood. yesterday in the neighboring town 60 km away from me were explosions, "berkut" cops and youth-dregs there beat all who came, and in many other cities exactly the same events were. this "tools" on both sides - radicals and provocateurs, and all this fuss planned in advance and provocateurs want to plans like stripping the protesters or the state of emergency came into effect.

recent article title: "The soldiers raise the salary by half - the Defense Ministry."

my friend from Moscow wrote to me yesterday:
"I talked with AP Sitnikov in 2007 - he is the president of the Russian Association of Public Relations, and (here's a surprise), Vice President of similar associations in the United States. Did Yeltsin's election campaign, Putin, Tony Blair and many more who . He told me that he personally planned the Orange Revolution. And personally invented the image of Tymoshenko."
this Mr. Sitnikov - agent on 2 fronts, as I looked.

another friend from Russia wrote yesterday too:
"I talked with a friend today, he depupat District Council under the President, and so they were the day before Yanukovych, who says he would all have long been forcibly dispersed to, but can not, as the U.S. and Germany there are very large garter".

if the government does not frost, could resolve the conflict at the very beginning, when it did go really peacefully. also have information that the Russian special forces disguised in Kiev, but I can not confirm it and nor deny. I seen the pictures brought Russian grenades, ammunition and the like, a thousand pieces, for police and "berkut". and Putin said that "we does not intervene in a friendly country."
Re: Article about Ukraine

They have blood and split now. People divided into two camps hated each other. just Nazi slaughter indiscriminately, anyone who gets. just cops and uncouth hooligans together against all citizens, even in civilian dress up cops. kidnap, raped, tortured, thrown naked in the woods. not one corpse founds in this last days. "berkut" on the streets and out of hospital abductions people, pull them from cars, loaded into their cars without license plates.

The West and Russia shared Ukraine among themselves, that's all...

we refused to join the Customs Union, and the Kremlin decided to punish us so, by revolution. it all started with the chain still the August conflict on the borders with Russia. step by step. Putin needs Crimea for their fleet, too. he just bought all sorts of Yanukovych "gifts" and loans, but it is lies on us all, the people, are not these billions will give the president ? we will give it. with our salaries. more than a year preparing for the European Union, and suddenly he says "they have to bend down me", we will not enter. Of course, people boiled and they came out to protest. but the government froze, even more secretly, Yanukovych itself almost every day flew to Putin and now and then something signed with him. "Putin - our savior, he did not bend down us." and plus that vile lie outright Kremlin daily about Ukraine, I'm just stunned by this nonsense, their "news" and distortion of the truth for themselves in a favorable light, and Russians believe in this bullshit. now half the Ukrainians hates Russians. good brothers out there in the Kremlin, however. well then first began to nothing at all unjustified violence "berkut", and further already known.

I do not support any of the parties. Yes, I am against current government, they only need to expel, can not leave them after all they did. but the opposition too - hypocrites and rogues, they just want to take leadership of the country themselves, and only for this they need this endless people protest. everyone banal pulls the blanket over himself.

look at Syria, Thailand, Palestine ... Now we do. how long will it last? U.S. absorbs the country one after another, and Russia - but in its "sphere of influence" and a few other ways, but the essence is. to then absorbed from all countries and to build together with a single world state.
USA - "head of the Beast", Russia - "feet", 2 parts of a One.
Re: Article about Ukraine

I just try to describe the situation as objectively as possible, I live among this and watch without brainwashed, emotions and prejudices, I monitored events day-to-day.
examining articles for this day, a picture emerges of which I knew from the beginning - the U.S. is more transparent figures in this revolution.
Re: Article about Ukraine

Well the latest media reporting seems to indicate that the protestors have won the day wrt the legislation and the President has not only reversed the recently enacted law he has also sacked the Prime Minister, if I got that the right way around.

Ukraine has a long way to go but the widespread nature of the protests has won this round.
Re: Article about Ukraine

As regards the video:

Police will generally do what they are ordered to do. In this situation it appears that the police were ordered to stand down, they were leaving up the stairs and out of the building, a few were cornered beside the stairs. Given that the Ukrainian PM and his entire cabinet have just resigned, it seems there was neither the political will nor the backing from more powerful friends, for the government to take a hard line approach against the demonstrators. That could be either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on who is really pulling the strings. My guess is that it's not a good thing, since it appears that the USA have their fingers in the pie. In the end, as usual, it'll be meet the new American boss, same as, or worse than, the old Russian boss.
Re: Article about Ukraine

and about trolls - we have just tens of thousands on every website, forum, everywhere. provocations, insults, many of them - really bought trolls who write nasty things about Ukraine and Ukrainians, Russians that they sing odes to "great Imperator" Putin and the Russians for their superiority over all others. People who defeated the Nazis, they themselves became. and because of such ignorant and rude and spoiled relations between peoples and to each other. Its not emotions, its fact.
Of course, we know that in the beginning of the "Cold War" CIA invented that "Russian can not be defeated by force, so we beat them the substitution of moral values​​, spirituality and their mentality," and it is more than surpassed the goal. but that's another theme, so I apologize.
Re: Article about Ukraine

FireballK1282 said:
Well the latest media reporting seems to indicate that the protestors have won the day wrt the legislation and the President has not only reversed the recently enacted law he has also sacked the Prime Minister, if I got that the right way around.

Ukraine has a long way to go but the widespread nature of the protests has won this round.

but Yanukovych will replace Azarov with the current Deputy Prime Minister, who of his own gang. it's just a show. and they reissued 4 laws 2 left laws unchanged, so it is also juggling. Here is a link to the source is in Russian, I can translate.

Next, Azarov immediately called and reported to Medvedev in Kremlin about his resignation - funny, is not it? here it is:

And last, "Regional" Oleg Tsarev believes that the best way out for Ukraine is federalization. hi said it in media:
Re: Article about Ukraine

It seems to me that it is not Russia punishing Ukraine, but rather the CIA in there trying to drive Ukrainians into a revolution and right into the arms of the EU, the CIA's handmaiden. I think that Ukraine would be a lot safer and have less internal interference from Russia.

This whole situation follows the Libyan, Egyptian, Syrian template which was forged in Central America. They just keep doing the same thing all over the world.

Notice that, along with all that is happening there, you see a "hotting up" of anti-Russian propaganda in the US. A sure sign.

And the poor Ukrainians are falling right into the trap.
Re: Article about Ukraine

Lumiere_du_Code said:
The West and Russia shared Ukraine among themselves, that's all...

we refused to join the Customs Union, and the Kremlin decided to punish us so, by revolution.

Hmm...I am not that well versed in Ukrainian political matters, but as far as this conflict goes, it seems that the West has much more to gain by destabilizing your country, including igniting chaotic and rather pointless revolution. Yes, it's true that Putin has invested interest in all of this and that's why he basically snatched your country from EU hands, but then, it seems, that what ever happened to Greece and Spain should teach us a lesson and show that being part of the EU carries much more heavier price. It's easy to hang up on one's nationality, one's "nezalezhnist'" and fear that your country is going to be occupied again by some Empire, doesn't matter if it's the West or Russia. The same goes on in Belarus, actually, though they are busy trashing Lukashenko (albeit quietly) than Putin at the moment.

The point is, that there are psychopaths in power everywhere. And it's important to see the big picture or understand who may benefit from this or that conflict, or what is really going on. And what is going on, that beside the threat from space, we have a very good possibility of an Ice Age coming very soon. Not to mention a plague from space. Meaning, very soon the world will start feeling serious food shortages, experiencing various cataclysms. Much more serious than what is happening now. So, beside destabilization and general madness, another reason for conflict is resources.

It's quite possible that very soon many countries, especially small ones may find themselves in dire situation, unless they would align or at least be "friends" with a greater political body with much more available resources. (That's why Israel may find out soon enough the real price of its bully behavior) The bottom line is, that with all the ambition Putin may have, it seems that he is "more decent" (notice, I am not saying that he is all innocent) and more importantly "smarter" that the forces behind the Western coalition. And Putin is also known to care for his own. So, since it's all going to hell pretty much soon anyway, I think that in this case even Belarus could benefit from the union with the "Russian Empire".
Re: Article about Ukraine

That's more than likely Lumiere, but try and keep in mind that what's going on here is a battle between Russia and the 'West' for control of Ukraine, or at least Ukraine being in their 'sphere'. It's simply the insatiable greed of psychopaths in power trying to grab as much as they can for themselves and their 'interests'. To be honest, if I had to choose, I'd choose to be under Russia's sway, but to be even more honest, I really don't think it matters that much at this stage of the game.
Re: Article about Ukraine

Keit said:
Hmm...I am not that well versed in Ukrainian political matters, but as far as this conflict goes, it seems that the West has much more to gain by destabilizing your country, including igniting chaotic and rather pointless revolution. Yes, it's true that Putin has invested interest in all of this and that's why he basically snatched your country from EU hands, but then, it seems, that what ever happened to Greece and Spain should teach us a lesson and show that being part of the EU carries much more heavier price. It's easy to hang up on one's nationality, one's "nezalezhnist'" and fear that your country is going to be occupied again by some Empire, doesn't matter if it's the West or Russia. The same goes on in Belarus, actually, though they are busy trashing Lukashenko (albeit quietly) than Putin at the moment.

The point is, that there are psychopaths in power everywhere. And it's important to see the big picture or understand who may benefit from this or that conflict, or what is really going on. And what is going on, that beside the threat from space, we have a very good possibility of an Ice Age coming very soon. Not to mention a plague from space. Meaning, very soon the world will start feeling serious food shortages, experiencing various cataclysms. Much more serious than what is happening now. So, beside destabilization and general madness, another reason for conflict is resources.

It's quite possible that very soon many countries, especially small ones may find themselves in dire situation, unless they would align or at least be "friends" with a greater political body with much more available resources. (That's why Israel may find out soon enough the real price of its bully behavior) The bottom line is, that with all the ambition Putin may have, it seems that he is "more decent" (notice, I am not saying that he is all innocent) and more importantly "smarter" that the forces behind the Western coalition. And Putin is also known to care for his own. So, since it's all going to hell pretty much soon anyway, I think that in this case even Belarus could benefit from the union with the "Russian Empire".

Well, I also have long watched the growing crisis of the European countries, one after another, it seems that only Germany is holding them. EU - the same bed as NATO. I personally do not want to "join there or join here", always in each of the elections will disagree and disgruntled. More recently, I still maintained more contact with Russia, because if the Slavic peoples, as before when Kievan Rus were really honest union, it would be a powerful force and equal benefit for them.
but the fact is - this is indisputable - that Putin really wants to revive the Empire bend under him neighbors. they milked Belarus, Kazakhstan and others, for a pittance by importing their goods , yes, for the participants of the customs union is not necessary in the permits and documents while visiting Russia , etc. , but it still lives under the hood . Only leaders clearly understand that the Slavic peoples can not be separated , and the rally will be able to recover the situation and get out of his knees. and no Europe then not be able to put pressure on us . but it is a utopia , because we know who is at the helm of the planet.
Re: Article about Ukraine

Perceval said:
That's more than likely Lumiere, but try and keep in mind that what's going on here is a battle between Russia and the 'West' for control of Ukraine, or at least Ukraine being in their 'sphere'. It's simply the insatiable greed of psychopaths in power trying to grab as much as they can for themselves and their 'interests'. To be honest, if I had to choose, I'd choose to be under Russia's sway, but to be even more honest, I really don't think it matters that much at this stage of the game.

that's it - just "planned" implementation of the Agenda, no matter what power win - win is always the same "gray cardinals"
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