What will you do when you can no longer buy or sell without submitting to biomet


The Living Force

I saw this, and immediately thought of the biggest homeless shelter in downtown Calgary. A few years ago it was modelled it after a prison, and everyone is required to submit to fingerprint scanning to get in the building.


While searching for the above link i also ran across several articles about the iphone 5's fingerprint scanner.


According to the latest (21 June) comments from the C's, if you do not submit to biometric ID, you may well be rapidly promoted to 5D.
This is approaching very fast. In more and more EU countries, your digital fingerprints are stored on a RFID microchip in your passport. Public administration offices start having USB-based fingerprint scanners on many desks. Recently, at an airport, I came across a machine where you can buy drinks, and it wouldn't accept cash any more, not even a regular debit card. It only would accept newer debit/credit cards with a wireless RFID chip in it. So it goes into the direction of: "Belong or starve", as the C's put it. It's only a very small step away from having a tiny (sub-millimeter) RFID chip implanted below your skin. I guess it's not Barcodes any more.
It looks like RFID is becoming ubiquitous with chips in your bank and store cards, and even in the smart tags on clothing and grocery items. Most people carry lots of cards, it wouldn't be too hard to track them wherever they go. The supermarkets and stores are fitting scanners at the entrances, and cameras to track you while you shop. Big Brother is out there, monitoring your every move. Perhaps the C's could give us some positive guidance on how to effectively defeat these RFID gadgets.
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