Wierdly excited about the Apocalypse much?

If psychopats will finally pay back for all the harm they did, or better yet dissapear, I'm sorry but I won't be sorry at all. Schadenfreude I guess... :lol:
Data said:
Lobaczewski writes about a certain "end of an era feeling of well-being" on the part of normal people in connection with overcoming macrosocial evil.

That's pretty much the way I feel about it. There's the effect of seeing the horrible decline of society under the rule of psychopaths and realising that it really would be good for all concerns if there was a 'cleansing' and then there's the fact that we've been expecting it for so long and preparing ourselves for it that I have a tendency to think: "GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!" But there is also some trepidation and fear about what will happen etc. but then I remind myself that "what will be will be" and all we can do is keeping on Doing every day and face what comes with hope of conscience and an open mind.
electrosonic said:
I suddenly realized this - there are certain aspects of my life that I'm not entirely happy with, and I know no-one's going to be able to change these aspects except for myself, but I'm suffering from a block, or maybe fear, or maybe just a sense of needing to make my life easier by keeping the peace ....

... when suddenly here comes the apocalypse, and as if by magic all my problems have been erased. I no longer have to face the lessons I SHOULD of been facing because circumstances on the planet have negated them null & void.

So I've realized that what I was really experiencing when I was first hit by that sense of excitement when reading this thread, was just a 'wishful thinking' that the cosmos will come down and erase all my problems for me, and present me with a fresh start.

I think I've learned enough to know that there is no free ride.

Lots of people have said that what they're looking forward to is the new adventure ahead & new lessons to be learned etc ... LIFE NOW is already an adventure, and have we sufficiently learned all the lessons we need to, to be able to take the next step?

I sometimes find it hard to take the problems I have to deal with seriously. They seem like test situations in an artificial environment, not really real, I have a feeling of safety in the background because all this seems like a simulation, (shades of neo). The few times in my life when I was staring death in the face were not 'fun', or thrilling, and I'd rather not go through them again. Better to take everything seriously now and do my best in every situation, I am where I am for a reason, the lessons are such as they are for a reason. As for the coming changes, I look forward to them with equal parts of fear and excitement.
Perceval said:
Data said:
Lobaczewski writes about a certain "end of an era feeling of well-being" on the part of normal people in connection with overcoming macrosocial evil.

That's pretty much the way I feel about it. There's the effect of seeing the horrible decline of society under the rule of psychopaths and realising that it really would be good for all concerns if there was a 'cleansing' and then there's the fact that we've been expecting it for so long and preparing ourselves for it that I have a tendency to think: "GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!" But there is also some trepidation and fear about what will happen etc. but then I remind myself that "what will be will be" and all we can do is keeping on Doing every day and face what comes with hope of conscience and an open mind.

I remember reading a quote from the C's transcripts that I think relates to this phenomenon. They mentioned that when creative souls are suppressed by society that energy is manifested in the world as catastrophic events to create balance. Maybe that is the sense of glee/ satisfaction that some of us are experiencing when we see these events as potential for change. We have been unable to make positive changes in our own environment because of government policies, social conditioning etc. and we feel so relieved and vindicated when we see something actually happening to cause the change even if it is potentially life threatening- that's kind of it for me anyway.

sorry! I looked for the proper quote but can't find it- not sure exactly how the quote went or which session it was from...hopefully I'm not confusing concepts.
Rx said:
sorry! I looked for the proper quote but can't find it- not sure exactly how the quote went or which session it was from...hopefully I'm not confusing concepts.

Hi Rx,

You got me intrigued as I distinctly remember something similar. A search yielded this:

Session August 23 2014

https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic said:
A: Psychopaths see these events as reasons to impose more controls, but that only results in more pressure and more anger which will reach a global tipping point.

Q: (Pierre) Doesn't it mean national or international revolt?

A: "Tipping points" can be other than human initiated actions.

Q: (Pierre) Cosmic reactions.

(L) Yeah.

(Perceval) Earth changes.

(Pierre) It would have been better that humans react. {Note: if humans don’t take care of their problems, the cosmos will.}

(Chu) But that makes sense like with dictatorships where people were oppressed and killed in front of other people, and still the people submitted. If it's not a cosmic type of reaction, people won't react now. They just don't have it in them.

(L) Yeah, I think the big key to what's going on here is the global nature of the repression, the killing, the suppression, you know?

(Perceval) It's linked because they say, okay, the effect of psychopaths can cause people to rise up and have a revolution. But other than that, it would be nature. It reminds me of that 2004 tsunami when they said...

(L) “If you can't create within, you create without”. When people's creativity is suppressed...

(Perceval) …it manifests externally. It was a wave of creativity that was being suppressed, and it was a wave that came in and destroyed everything, you know what I mean?

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) There's a circle, or negative feedback loop described with the dynastic cycle {in “Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection}...

(L) That's a positive feedback loop of negative events.

(Pierre) Yeah, you're right. More earth events, more desperation, more control, more anger, and it keeps feeding itself.

The 2004 tsunami was on December 26. First session thereafter was on January 9, 2005:

http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=20997.msg216916#msg216916 said:
Q: (L) Regarding the recent earthquake and tsunami, there is a huge buzz on the net that this was not a natural phenomenon. Some say it could have been a meteor; others say it was a US nuke; others say it was India and Israel playing around in deep sea trenches. Then there is the speculation on an EM weapon of some description. The New agers are saying it was the start of the final 'Earth Changes". So what really caused this earthquake that happened one year minus one hour after the earthquake in Iran?

A: Pressure in earth. Not any of the proferred suggestions. But remember that the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part.

Q: In what way does mass consciousness play a part?

A: When those with higher centers are blocked from full manifestation of creative energy, that energy must go somewhere. If you cannot create "without" you create "within".

Q: (L) In other words the acts of the STS consortium in trying to suppress steal and control the creative energy from those with higher centers may be the cause of their own destruction because that energy is uncontrollable. (A) Yes but they bring it on everyone's head also. (Perceval) Maybe that is their plan, after all they want to destroy the planet. (L) Yes but I don't think that people like Bush and his cronies want to destroy the planet, but then they don't know much about what goes on anyway. So, anything else on that? (A) Well we have this idea that the US, UK, Russia and France all knew about the coming tsunami and failed to tell anyone. Well, we know from some concrete evidence that the US and UK knew, but what about France and Russia who also have these capabilities with satellites etc to detect such things?

A: Indeed it was known and suppressed and do not underestimate France and Russia.
Coincidentally, the following research was published today:
Yes Palinurus -That's what I was remembering! Thank you so much for digging that up. Now that I read the context the meaning is much clearer. I think this concept is part of the phenomenon some of us are experiencing when we feel like we are looking forward to catastrophic events -at least this is what makes sense to me. A relief that SOMETHING is happening out in the world that might offer up change since it's so hard to create it yourself in the current environment.
Rx said:
Yes Palinurus -That's what I was remembering! Thank you so much for digging that up. Now that I read the context the meaning is much clearer. I think this concept is part of the phenomenon some of us are experiencing when we feel like we are looking forward to catastrophic events -at least this is what makes sense to me. A relief that SOMETHING is happening out in the world that might offer up change since it's so hard to create it yourself in the current environment.

So, may be awareness about these things are happening increases your energy "within" and this increased energy may will be used to create "without"...
When i feel this exciting about catastrophic events i've noticed that it's like "fills" me for capability to DOING something, it's like breath of fresh air...It may be a unconsciousness fear also :huh:
Maybe "danger" is something that wakes-up our sense of survival, the best sense to survive. We feel less zombie, we feel alive when danger is lurking at the corner of the street, we feel stronger and valiant. For now in our imagination, but this is a good start. Also, in a apocalyptic situation we know that to survive we will need to help, to create links, to be also very imaginative.

In fact, for many of us, this economic situation is the beginning of a apocalyptic situation, what you do with less and less money to survive? You have to use imagination and look what others did in very bad situations, read about war and how people survived. War is a very apocalyptic situation and people who lived it have a lot to say. Why, some of us for example, are fascinated with these stories? I am myself fascinated by journals and diaries of people who were in war and the reason, I know, is not a sadistic one but a need of being consoled and a lesson, a sort of script. Same with stories of apocalyptic situations.

And enough is enough. This planet needs a change, a revival. It is tiring to see how things are going on.
Odyssey said:
Is anyone experiencing the following? I confess that I am. I've always had a thing for disaster and post-apocalyptic movies and books. When thinking of disasters, including Ebola, I don't really dwell on the suffering and devastation that would occur as it rolls out but I do picture the aspect of the "global reset" afterwards (people banding together and having to rely on their wits to survive) and what that may be like. I found this related article.

I don't dwell on the suffering either, but my attitude towards it has changed as we've learned more and more about the real suffering being endured by the living system and the many peoples and critters that suffer under the weight of our psychopathic civilization. I'm reminded of Crazy Horse's attitude:

Hokahey! Today is a good day to die.

[Or for ordinary people like us, today is a good day to face reality until our brains scream!]

So what I won't miss:

I won't miss the commercials that seem to be everywhere. I won't miss the rush hour traffic, or the creepiness of the office place and the over-stressed co-workers, or seeing people murdered for the sole entertainment of psychopaths on the news every day like it's completely normal. I also won't miss NPR's cooking lessons that they air in between their mockery of Putin and their sniveling support for Nazis in Ukraine. I also won't miss false flag attacks that murder people in order to build support to murder more people in order to steal their resources. And I won't miss seeing Dick Cheney on the news warning about more of those very same false flag attacks right before they happen. Oh, and I won't miss a collapse that seemed to last my entire adulthood into my 30's. Anyways, those are just a handful of things I won't miss about 'Murica. The list is definitely not complete :)

But what I do look forward to is figuring out little things on my own, getting a head start on that before the "reset," and earning a more respectable kind of living that isn't directly connected to some mega corporation that treats us like dispensable "units" but is instead based on my ability to survive and create REAL value for myself and others. And if that test is passed then I'll be happy :P

Loreta said:
And enough is enough. This planet needs a change, a revival. It is tiring to see how things are going on.

I agree.
Having thought about the inevitability of a cataclysmic reset of the planet and Living System some more, here are some more thoughts.

Seeing how the Living System is an experiment in developing more complex and intelligent life forms that can receive/process/transmit more and higher forms of information, the experiment has gone awry in a major way on the planet. As Gurdjieff had pointed out, humanity (as the highest form of organic life evolved on the planet) has been going in circles/arrived at a standstill. If we work with the hypothesis that a certain number of people must accomplish a certain amount of conscious evolution as defined by G, by a certain "time", or the whole of humanity and our branch of the 'ray of creation' may be destroyed for not fulfilling the function it was designed for; we can see that there's only a catastrophic way out even for the possible survival of some part of humanity that fits the bill for continuing the experiment. It can be seen everywhere that the Living System is impersonal - the protection and propagation of the system is paramount as opposed to the individuals and species constituting the experiment - these are simply the components needed to run the experiment.

A somewhat imperfect analogy, as has been done before, would be if the Living System is compared to a super advanced computer/information processing experiment. When it becomes apparent during the experiment what is not working as designed, the System would have to be replaced with a new one. If hardware and software upgrade and reboot were to take place, from the limited point-of-view of the components of the old System, it would be apocalyptic - an end to the old world and all it's functioning being replaced by the NEW.

Since it's a very limited analogy, we can see that the old hardware and software will be replaced, but the process is a whole lot more complex than a computer/information processing analogy can do it justice. But the destruction and suffering involved is like lamenting the components of the old, obsolete system, instead of celebrating the new, upgraded experiment. From the point-of-view of the Universe that runs the Living System experiment, the re-balancing needed to take the experiment to the next level/reset it for another trial run, it's totally impersonal, not attached to individuals and species. Whatever individuals in the experiment that can make the necessary adjustments/adaptation, will do - there's no "favorites" or "special" ones, so to say. The experiment goes on. And we ARE the experiment.

The amount of destructiveness that operates on our planet is simply the reflection of what will be done at the higher level in resetting the whole "model." Humans, having increased in quantity and decreased in quality, so to speak, have consistently accepted, as a collective, the channeling of the destructive force. So the possibilities of continuing the experiment are limited, the chance of a less destructive process having been eliminated over the course of the experiment. In a sense, the destructive process is allowed to run it's course, where the re-balancing happens as the natural outcome of the destruction running its course to its logical conclusion - sort of like the destructive force destroying itself to make room again for the creative force to fill in and balance out.

There doesn't seem to be any other way out of the situation we've reached, except what we would experience as very destructive and traumatic - the logical end to which human behavior has led, making any other kind of transition impossible because the process has eliminated those possibilities along the way. That seems to be the major difference of perspective compared to religious prophesies of an apocalypse. It's not a punishment from "god(s)" per se, but the logical conclusion of an experiment where just about everything that could go wrong for a less destructive end has gone wrong.

But since the Universe is about balance and continuation - with no real beginning or end - it is really no big deal to replace the "infrastructure", so to speak, of the old experiment and rerunning the program. We, collectively, made consistent choices where the options open for continuation are what they are now. Since individually or in very small isolated groups, we CANNOT change anything to make things different for humanity as a whole, there lies the point of why something so destructive can be exciting. Because we KNOW how impossible it is to make our world any better - for the experiment and ourselves as participants - because the vast majority of people have accepted the psychopaths' in power ways for too long, and we don't have the "quantitative weight" to over-rule it all, but we have the "qualitative weight" to recognize it and accept that for the large majority of humanity, THIS is what's been chosen, and the outcome is the only natural one possible.

That is a realistic way of looking at being excited, I think, that can't accurately be characterized as some sort of morbidity. It's actually more accurate to characterize the tendency to want to hang on to this decaying world as being the morbid choice. What other way can it all be characterized?
Thanks for the breakdown, SeekinTruth, and putting into words a different way of looking at the matter. Indeed, what is the purpose of lamenting an old, broken, virus-ridden system? Does a person long for the days when they were suffering from a horrible flu or do they rejoice when the symptoms clear and they're feeling rejuvenated?
Odyssey said:
Thanks for the breakdown, SeekinTruth, and putting into words a different way of looking at the matter. Indeed, what is the purpose of lamenting an old, broken, virus-ridden system? Does a person long for the days when they were suffering from a horrible flu or do they rejoice when the symptoms clear and they're feeling rejuvenated?

SeekinTruth said:
Because we KNOW how impossible it is to make our world any better - for the experiment and ourselves as participants - because the vast majority of people have accepted the psychopaths' in power ways for too long, and we don't have the "quantitative weight" to over-rule it all, but we have the "qualitative weight" to recognize it and accept that for the large majority of humanity, THIS is what's been chosen, and the outcome is the only natural one possible.

Absolutely. it seems the best that can be done at this point in the experiment is to observe as accurately as possible the process of breakdown to try to discern the elements that will comprise the reset. Our job would be to align with the elements of the reset and strengthen them. Supporting and sharing SOTT is the prime example The efforts to support Vladimir Putin among others, would be another. Not necessarily support for the man personally, but for the energy of the ideas he is articulating.

It is weirdly exciting to see the faint outlines of a possibly better future in spite of the current and coming chaos.
Yeah, putting efforts into amplifying the creative signal to oppose the overwhelming entropic one can create new openings for the Experiment to develop the next stage. That's pretty much what's done here in a nutshell.
I can't really say that I feel "excited" about the "Apocalypse", but more like, "Well, things are deteriorating so much that a cleansing is needed, so bring it on! I can't see how things can change unless there is a major shock. On the other hand, sometimes I'm not impatient at all, because I don't feel that I (and this network as a whole, I guess) have learned enough. It's like "Hold on, we need to learn more before! Can you give us a bit more time, Universe?" :-[ But then, the impatience starts again, when I see the deterioration in the world and people suffering, and not much we can do (at least not at a linear level, but there are probably changes occurring that we don't always see.)

Sometimes I switch between the hope of a new "Golden Age", or a time of peace, a psychopath-free world, a world of normal people living in real communities, etc. after that "change" (whichever shape it takes) takes place. And other times, I feel like there is no hope no matter what because of the nature of this world, that psychopaths and ponerization will keep brewing in bunkers (literally and figuratively), and that it won't be long before it's all the same. But then I remind myself that we can't know those things, so I try to do what is necessary each day, and "que será, será". If we keep doing our best every day, we will be as prepared as we can be and we will have no regrets, I hope, whatever the outcome. But one thing is sure, IMO: these are very interesting times, and we can't delay contributing in our own way, and together! SOTT, the forum, etc. are very important for that reason.
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