Rife, radionics, PEMF, nano, fir, EAV, physioscanning, scenars, etc...

Well I guess I will be a regular contributor.
These technologies are all part of the bio-energy aspect of health.

As all the info about these technologies is rather easy to have access to on the internet, I will bring more of a therapeutic experience point of view. I hope this will help the interested ones to seek a level of true knowledge.

goyacobol said:
tatanka said:
I have beeen using the Rife tech for the past 15 years with good results.
However one has to know what to do as it can be a negative or positive experience.

Wether you believe it ot not, if you get hit by the right frequencies for you, you will react, no exceptions.
As the Cs say: knowledge comes from experimentation.
I beleive if we could get the window of frequencies for the Ebola and its mutations, along with immune sys freq. stimulation we could have a good way to protect all. And it could qualify as STO...


There are so many Rife machines out there. How did you choose the one you tried? I did notice a frequency list that is found on several sites.

Here is one frequency list I found: _http://www.2qpt.com/articles/rife.pdf

Do you use a list like this one?



ziggystarlust said:
gottathink said:
About the Rife generator, that shouldn’t be a problem to find. There are quite a few types in the use (if any is really doing something . . . )

Easy to find (like the BCX Ultra), but costing quite a bit - approx. USD 2'500. But I would be keen to try one, that's for sure!

Frequency specific microcurrent to my knowledge (as a practitioners assistant in a natural health clinic) uses some rife frequencies. The home units can be purchased relatively cheaply. I did see some excellent results with FSM, in reducing inflammation and pain.

Cancertutor.com has recommended the BCX for many cancer types. The Rife technology kills cancer cells in a manner that does not blow them to smithereens and over load the liver and other various organs. There may be an less expensive option, although I can not verify the machines efficacy. There are Youtube videos out there on both machines-but Spooky is unique in it's free software and cheaper components to make a Rife like machine for little cost...


tatanka said:
Hello goyacobol,,

Sorry for the delay

I still struggle a bit to figure out how to answer messages.
Anyway, there are 2 rife machines that I have been using along with others and they have proove themselves performing. It is the MOPA rife machine (http://www.thegb4000.com/). Very strong and can radiate 8 frequencies`at a time with a carrying wave (like radios). There is also the Rife-Bare machine ( https://www.resonantlight.ca/) that is not as strong but a lot easier to understand and use. This is the first machine I have used and called it my miracle machine.

As for the frequencies the best referal would be The handbook of Rife Frequency Healing, by Nina Silver, Phd. Her book has been updated and is over 700 pages. However each compagny has its own database of frequencies that usually come with their Equipment.

goyacobol said:

Thanks so much for the information. I have been thinking of different friends and family that might benefit from the Rife technology. They are expensive in a sense but not if they really work for many different conditions. Have you found specific conditions that the frequency list seems to have been working? Ebola would be a very good candidate for finding the right frequency.

tatanka said:
There are many ways of working with the rife and one of its best use is for any kind of infection, being parasites, bacterial, fungus or viral. However you have to target the right frequencies or you will be missing the point. So you have to know who you are dealing with and you have to know the right frequencies for it.
As for the Ebola, there is a group of scientists in the US and elsewhere that works underground (if you work with rife you have to be underground) and one of them has come up with this observation: ! I have found that when it infects a human body (EBV) it has been engineered to use the Brain’s Scalar Wave broadcasting ability to broadcast the Ebola out into the auric field and farther to spread the disease to others!
Well that could explain why so people involved in the crisis have contracted the virus even dough they did everything to secure themselves from it and still getting it.
It could also explain why it takes 7 to 21 days to show up. See when you work with rife, you can either stimulate or send a MORA (mortal osciatory rate). You would stimulate for instance if you wanted to send alpha waves or to reinforce the immune system. You would use the MORA for any type of infections.
So therefore when you stimulate you endorse a gentle approach and this can take some time and more treatments. If this proves to be true about this earlier observation, then that would explain why it takes 7 to 21 days before anything shows up. However one has to be regurlarly exposed to the frequencies. And that would make all the sens in the world why so many nurses and doctor in africa got it.

Following this road of thought it would also be clear why the C's mentionned rife technologies to treat it. With that in mind I would only see Rife technologies, radionic technologies and maybe, and only maybe, nanotechnology effecient for this type of challenge.

There is a way to work on this viral situation. With the MOPA (not MORA) technology mentionned earlier on this tread, you have the capability to sweep about 20 000 different frequencies in a 4 hour treatment. This type of treatment is used on cancer with great success and cover just about all the pathological frequencies concerning infections.

Hope this help.
goyacobol said:

I am kind of surprised that there aren't more forum members interested in the Rife story. I haven't been able to get it out of my mind ever since I stumbled across his interesting work. You are way ahead of me in actually finding and using the technology. And I am sure that discretion is the word here. I like to at least hope the Rife discoveries may be used the way he intended. I only wish I could have had this technology for various family members instead of the current destructive chemo/radiation choice. Personally I had radiation treatments as an infant for shrinking my tonsils. In the 1940s and 1950s they went wild experimenting with radiation as a treatment for anything and everything. Fortunately so far I haven't had a problem. However; a friend of mine has had the infant radiation done supposedly to help her esophagus stretch as she was developing. She is now having neurological problems with her legs and arms. I don't know if the Rife frequencies are good for neurological issues, especially ones possibly caused by radiation in the first place.

At least the C's mentioned Rife and I think that should get more attention than the average suggestion for possible solutions to health issues.

I want to thank you again for taking time to explain more about how it might help. :)


goyacobol said:
gottathink said:
What do you mean by allowed to use these possibilities? They are accessible quite easily.

tatanka said:
As for the Ebola, there is a group of scientists in the US and elsewhere that works underground (if you work with rife you have to be underground) and one of them has come up with this observation: ! I have found that when it infects a human body (EBV) it has been engineered to use the Brain’s Scalar Wave broadcasting ability to broadcast the Ebola out into the auric field and farther to spread the disease to others!


I just think that even though machines of various kinds, quality and cost may be quite easily accessible (so far), there are not that many competent people who know how to safely use them (myself for example). I am willing to consider the possibility that we may just have to experiment as best we can at some point.

As tatanka points out many scientists who may be using the technology to find frequencies to fight Ebola have to work "underground" which doesn't sound easy at all to me. And "the Brain’s Scalar Wave broadcasting ability to broadcast the Ebola out into the auric field" makes me think there is a "psychic" element to the virus as well which won't be easy to eliminate (frequency fence?).

I guess I may be too pessimistic at times but so far only you, tatanka, the C's, Laura, Nicholas and maybe Perceval (since he knew Royal was Rife's first name) are the only ones who have shown much interest to this session's mention of Rife technology.

I will try to keep my hopeful butterfly wings going but I am just being a little cautious at this time. If you have good news relating to your experience please share.

goyacobol :/

tatanka said:
Hello goyacobol,
What has been destroyed by radiation cannot be repared with Rife. Maybe Hyperbaric chamber therapy could help your friend but it would take about 40 treatments at least.

Always remember Rife technology...as I call it, my miracle machine.

The best to you in your search and to the rest of the group :)

tatanka said:
Well if you read Royal Rife's story you will understand why they went underground.
To my opinion there are 2 main reasons why this happened so;

- the results were and are still hardv to believable
- if you miss the frequency signature or resonance of what you are targeting, the only thing that happens is...nothing.

Pathological resonances are very far away from healthy resonances so there is no chance of hurting unless someone aims at it. However the good machines won't allow it.


gottathink said:
My experience is witnessing the use and excellent success with frequency specific microcurrent, using reasonant frequencies.
This is the background, (http://www.fsm4u.com/page2.html)

Dr. Albert Abrams in the early 1900s found very specific frequencies that had predictable therapeutic effects and is given the credit for the start of frequency specific microcurrent. Today, the Abrams Frequencies are still in use and selected frequencies have been validated in modern research studies.

Homeopaths were very much drawn to the electrical nature of healing. Harold Van Gelder and others were aware that their homeopathic remedies were actually energetic frequencies that had a corrective effect in the body. They noted that microcurrents, tiny amounts of electrical current, when passed through the body produced a very rapid normalization of function. From the 1930s until about 15 years ago, microcurrent treatment in the USA was carried out somewhat under cover and without fanfare.

With the recent discovery of old journals detailing the frequencies used by the electromagnetic and microcurrent pioneers, interest in therapeutic microcurrent treatment was rekindled. Dr. Carolyn McMakin, a chiropractor from Portland, Oregon, brought microcurrent technology up to modern day standards and in the mid-1990s began teaching doctors and other licensed health care providers how to use frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) for the treatment of many different conditions. Her machine, made by Precision Micro, has FDA approval. Her courses are very intense and emphasize both theory and practice. She serves as the Grande Dame of FSM in the United States today.

I met Dr. Carol Mc Makin in England, she was interested in meeting a tetraplegic man I was working with as a live in carer. He was involved in a trial of Microcurrent therapy for spinal injuries. (this was running a broad spectrum of frequencies not specific), His progression was excellent but no way way of knowing if this was attributable to the microcurrent.

I have seen it dramatically reduce inflammation and pain of chronic injuries within an hour; on 3 occasions women who had not menstruated for years did so the following day after treatment with FSM "concussion protocol".

However I have seen phenomenal changes in my own clinic work with Reiki and healing energy (arguably this is microcurrent therapy). Mostly these results are with chronic pain and people walking finally out with no pain, I do find there are detectable currents, or that is my perception. Also another young woman client who was amenorrhoeic and again menstruated the following day after energy type work and cranial sacral therapy.

It is a matter of getting our heads around it.
goyacobol said:
tatanka said:
I have beeen using the Rife tech for the past 15 years with good results.
However one has to know what to do as it can be a negative or positive experience.

Wether you believe it ot not, if you get hit by the right frequencies for you, you will react, no exceptions.
As the Cs say: knowledge comes from experimentation.
I beleive if we could get the window of frequencies for the Ebola and its mutations, along with immune sys freq. stimulation we could have a good way to protect all. And it could qualify as STO...


I may have misunderstood what you meant by "negative or positive experience". I thought "negative" meant your could do more harm than good.
If nothing happens or the machines have built-in safety features that sounds better.

dredger said:
Hi all, and Hi goyacobol, gottathing and tatanka,

I think the rife technology you mention is from the same family of PEMF in which I investigated and bought a PEMF generating machine (I bought the iMRS 2000 one year before)
I'm interrested in all of these new technologies which are coming up back in public knowledge (like also hyperbaric oxygenotherapy or infrared sauna, colloidal silver, organic silicon and probably more to come and discover) - I think these kind of "new" technology are quite more popular in US than in europe and I have a plan which is forming in my mind from time to time to propose such tools by selling them (at this time I'm running an IT company but want to do something more "humanist").

@Tatanka : you seem to know well this technology and I would be really interrested to maintain contact with you, I'll try to send you a message through the forum.

One question : can we state that "FSM" is a synonym of the results brought by a rife machine, or it's a variant ?
A second question : the document linked here (_http://www.2qpt.com/articles/rife.pdf), when I read frequency of "0.78" or even "0.08" then numbers can be very precise like 987.23 for "Adenoma", is it well in Hertz and that the frequence to set is a precise one up to a hundredth of hertz ?

If it doesn't already exist, we could open a specific thread on the forum to discuss about this technology and gather the most interesting links to various documents/videos on the net which help to learn about, understand the techology and so on.

At this time i'm gathering information to read them later, has my daily work to run the company eats all my time - that's why I do not much come here, or at least I have limited time, but the idea behind to change the type of business I run is strong, as it implies new interesting knowledge to learn which is far more interesting than the IT domain (at least it's a big turn in my life as IT domain was my passion since a lot of years :) )

Anyway, thanks for bringing this subject here, it's a really interesting one and.

gottathink said:
That really is encouraging. I checked out the link too. Having met Dr. Carolyn McMakin must have been inspiration to learn even more.
It sounds like you and tatanka are doctors or clinicians with practices. I am just a retired applications developer with a curious interest in many technologies. Is buying and using one of the mentioned machines practical for someone like me or should I try to find an experienced healer such as you and tatanka?

I don't know if my friends and family would be open to trying the Rife frequency treatment or not. My one cousin in his early 40's has had a stroke and has been trying sacral therapy. He might be more open to the idea.


goyacobol :)

Dr. Mc Makin is a passionate about her work as one can imagine. She has had her own struggles and health challenges, I do not know her well but my employer some years ago does. He spoke highly of her.

The frequency specific microcurrent machine was redeveloped for clinical use by the company metagenics. Then there was some kind of a falling out between Dr. Mc Makim and the company. She I believe still runs practitioner training courses seperate to Metagenics, that was a few years ago, I do not know the current situation.

From my perspective I treat neuro myo fascial problems. I do not feel the FSM would be an advantage to my clinic work as machines are clumsy and actually are a barrier between my hands and the body. There is a large element of a person asking for and looking for help and being willing to heal. I wonder if using a machine is more acceptable to people in regards to energy medicine than someones hands.

I think a new thread is good idea, and we can start to explore this further but may I suggest for energy medicine in general not just Rife.

trendsetter37 said:
goyacobol said:
I guess I may be too pessimistic at times but so far only you, tatanka, the C's, Laura, Nicholas and maybe Perceval (since he knew Royal was Rife's first name) are the only ones who have shown much interest to this session's mention of Rife technology.

I don't know if I would go that far. Rife's work is very interesting imo...recently I've been trying to catch up on everything he has done along with other scientist that have done similar work or either noticed interesting things about electricity that others discounted. Hopefully this line of investigation will aid in constructing a plausible theory as to why it works. Either way a dedicated thread would be useful as a consolidation of his ideas and obscure works and papers.

Btw. Did anyone else notice that there actually is a frequency for Ebola (according to the table) in that link goyacobol posted?!

_http://www.2qpt.com/articles/rife.pdf said:
Ebola Virus Infections: (see Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral)

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral: 0.03, 0.12, 0.95, 2.50, 22.50, 51.33, 193.50, 356.72, 426.16, 567.70

As far as being underground goes. I think that is just being smart. Don't go around publishing and making youtube vids about what you are doing. Instead work with a small team or group you can trust. Show results or just experiment and keep others in the loop that understand what you are doing. I can't think of a better place to do this other than here on the forum. Maybe it should be in a private thread of some sort just to be sure because I guess anyone can arbitrarily sign up for an account and monitor any breakthroughs that are discussed. But maybe that's just my paranoia...which as we all know will destroy ya :P

There some other thoughts regarding Rife's work that I've been contemplating and kicking around but maybe it would be better suited for a Rife thread?
Yes, I am very excited about this as well. Let the ideas, collaboration, and research flow! I have some notes and documents that I've worked on that might connect what these guys were doing. I say guys because while I had never heard of Rife before this session, however light bulbs and bells were going off because of other scientist that were doing similar research that corroborated Rife's work. As of yet I have no idea if this line of thought is going in the right direction. But maybe we can suss out some of the details here and have some kind of democratic technology that will be beneficial in the times ahead.

I know there are others here that like to tinker and test things, ideally maybe a forum hackerspace (this is used in the sense that hackers like to build things and figure out how EVERYTHING works. It is not what the mainstream media portrays) could arise. One guy knows the equations, the other guy is familiar with the concept, and yet another person has the instrument or equipment with knowledge of how to work it. They all work together and then beautiful things happen!

But I digress, getting into the details... Rife seems to have figured out that one can detect and or destroy microorganisms through electronic resonance. Is that a safe conclusion?
One question that immediately comes up is... Using these same frequencies couldn't you create the same conditions that a particular frequency alleviates? Which would mean that knowing exactly how to use or modulate said frequency is of utmost importance. Osit.

Ergo you couldn't just use an of the shelf spectrum analyzer. Or... Could you? I admit I probably have more reading to do but those have been some of my thoughts thus far. I guess one way to look at it is that things transfer energy while in resonance with one another. So if one were to resonate electronically with a certain micro-organism within the body you could overload that organism with energy, resulting in some form of structural damage to that micro-organism and that micro-organism only. This would actually make for a very directed and specific therapy as opposed to chemo or other treatments in the medical industry that just "kill all the things" in the hopes that the "bad" thing dies before everything else does.

One last thing. EM waves carry information it seems. Not unlike radio waves in the air or frequencies in an Ethernet cord. The information is transferred onto a carrier wave and modulated or unmodulated (changed/altered) by entities/devices on either end of the communication.

Ok so remember the (DNA Transference) experiments? Where scientist could transform frog eggs to healthy salamander eggs? That is freaking magic! Unless of course the laser that is used acting as a carrier wave, was modulated by the electronic frequencies of the DNA in the first sample (the frog eggs in this case) and then this modulated EM wave ( the laser) is made to irradiate the second isolated sample of eggs which were of a totally different species. Still pretty magical imo :P

Italian scientist Pier Luigi Ighina energetically transformed a living apricot tree into an apple tree, actually causing the fruits on the branches to metamorphosize in 16 days. He also zapped a rat with DNA-wave information from a cat, causing the rat to grow a cat-like tail in four days.
Korean scientist Dr. Dzang Kangeng got patent #N1828665 for a device that used microwaves to transfer the DNA-wave information of a duck into a pregnant mother hen. Roughly 80 percent of her eggs hatched as half-duck, half-chicken hybrids.
Dr. Peter Gariaev zapped salamander eggs with a low-level laser and redirected the beam into frog eggs. The frog eggs experienced a complete metamorphosis, and grew into healthy adult salamanders.

But! How do the eggs know what they are before development. It has to come from some kind of resonance with information. And maybe in the case of the DNA Transference experiments new information is provided in a form that can be translated by the current DNA, namely electromagnetic oscillations that have been altered by DNA unlike their own. The salamander eggs were bathed in field of different information. Consequently they responded in kind to manifest what the information field was broadcasting. Which may lead back to Rife.

We are not chemical soups, but rather a conglomerate of different EM waves, among other things of course. I don’t know if it could just be all EM...However, that does seem to be an immensely important constituent if electrons and their opposites traverse all densities.

I found it really disconcerting to read that big drug companies began to discredit electromagnetic therapy in order to make space for their drugs. But judging from some of the things I’ve dug up it seems like their actions were warranted coming from their skewed perspective because using electricity is much more accessible to everyone for healing and hence much more democratic rather than a big pharma company with the only resources to produce a ‘drug’ that everyone would have to go through them to purchase.

One thing I will attempt to look into is if, in the case of combating viruses or other pathogens, there is some correlation between physical structure and frequency used. Ever sense that session I've used Infrared (much more energetic EM) spectroscopy at work in an attempt at pinning down some similarities with what Rife is doing. I think there are possibly but I would need to confirm some things with a biologist or pathologist.

Long story short, as the wavelength (lengthens) or frequency decreases the bigger the part of the molecule will be that will resonate (generally speaking here, there are many variables). This happens until you get to a point that some call the Fingerprint region of an IR region which can be used to identify specific entire groups of molecules. Also no two fingerprint regions are the same. The kicker, these waves are longer than the ones used to identify the individual atoms that constitute the molecule as a whole using the same IR spectrum. These are EM wavelengths that are generally larger but also identify whole molecules rather than individual elemental bonds and such. And maybe this is why you see decimal places in that Rife frequency list. The target organism is in resonance with a particular frequency but because many thing can be very similar in structure on the micro-organism scale the use of decimals provides 'space' for slight differentiation and different resonant frequencies rather taking up an entire different integer frequency like one would see higher up the energetic scale (closer to IR, visible light, UV, etc.). So 3.0 Hz, 3.1 Hz, and 3.13 could all be separate pathogens but similar in their make-up. Higher up the energy scale you will more often see numbers like 3 THz, 4 THz, 33 THz (Trillion cycles per second, typical Infrared frequencies).

One, he was dealing with composite organisms (composite in the molecular sense). Much larger and more complex than single molecules or atoms. Hence lower frequencies are needed than what would typically be used by a chemist or physicist.
I heard about the microwave experiments before but I'm not enthusiastic about that. If you blast an embryonic organism with microwaves, well yeah, something's gonna get screwed up. When you do that to humans it's called RF burns in extreme cases, cancer or chronic fatigue or diabetes in other cases. If the researchers thought blasting embryos with microwave radiation was a good idea, then it wouldn't be surprising if they drew on similar abilities to stretch logic to determine that the results of their experiments were some other healthy animal. So, where is the data? Do we have evidence that these experiments really had the results that were claimed? This is something that should be verified due ethics and safety concerns.

And while we're on the topic of electro-genetic experimentation involving applying microwaves to baby animals, can we take some time to discuss the ethics and safety of the way we pursue our experiments?

Why don't we list our capabilities and knowledge, and then choose an experiment that we can each contribute to and is within our means? If it involves building a non-advanced electronic device to make an EM field or measure something specific, that's something I can help with.
monotonic said:
I heard about the microwave experiments before but I'm not enthusiastic about that. If you blast an embryonic organism with microwaves, well yeah, something's gonna get screwed up. When you do that to humans it's called RF burns in extreme cases, cancer or chronic fatigue or diabetes in other cases. If the researchers thought blasting embryos with microwave radiation was a good idea, then it wouldn't be surprising if they drew on similar abilities to stretch logic to determine that the results of their experiments were some other healthy animal. So, where is the data? Do we have evidence that these experiments really had the results that were claimed? This is something that should be verified due ethics and safety concerns.

And while we're on the topic of electro-genetic experimentation involving applying microwaves to baby animals, can we take some time to discuss the ethics and safety of the way we pursue our experiments?

Why don't we list our capabilities and knowledge, and then choose an experiment that we can each contribute to and is within our means? If it involves building a non-advanced electronic device to make an EM field or measure something specific, that's something I can help with.

Hello to all seekers,
To answer some of the questionning on this tread concerning Rife I may have some lead that could bring knowledge to you.

To start with maybe the type of frequecies Rife tech uses.


Rife uses what we call radio frequencies because they are simply low hertz frequencies. Ususally averaging in the 100 to 2000hz. This seems to be a window that covers many types of infections. As one can see we are far from the microwave freq.

There are also some freq that are used to stimulate and many of these freq sit in the 0.3 to 20hz ( in the earth's natural frequency entourage)

Some were asking what kind of negative effects we can get from using rife.
To my opinion and I emphasize the word opinion, there are 2 negative aspects;
- the Herxheimer reaction (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jarisch-Herxheimer_reaction) which can be brutal for some and needs to be adressed properly. That is why Rife always said never to go over 2-3 treatments a week, especially on devitalized individuals.
- not knowing what you treat. When you do not know what you are facing you can spend a lot of time looking for the right frequencies.

As for to built a Rife, I believe there are some good devices on the market and there is no need to indulge yourself onto this road.
Hello, tatanka!

Can you tell how long a healing session should last? I watched a documentary about Royal Rife and it was mentioned there that he turned his plasma tube for one second only when he treated his lab animals. It looks quite probable but with Reiki it takes a lot more time to achieve the effect.
Hello Aimarok,
Well what I do is usually I will send the frequencies for 3min each. Then again it depends if you are using a Mora freq (Mortal Oscillatory Rate) or a stimulating one.

A stimulating one will be used longer depending on what you are trying to stimulate.

The power of the machine has also something to do with the timing I think. But 3min does the job.
Thank you :) I've looked into Spooky2 project and these guys seem to be doing a great job. Going to test it as soon as I get the equipment.
aimarok said:
Hello, tatanka!

Can you tell how long a healing session should last? I watched a documentary about Royal Rife and it was mentioned there that he turned his plasma tube for one second only when he treated his lab animals. It looks quite probable but with Reiki it takes a lot more time to achieve the effect.

How is that documentary called and where can we have a look at it?
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