Session 10 January 2015


FOTCM Member
Session Date: January 10th 2015

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Pierre, Perceval, PoB, Chu, Galatea, Oxajil, Data, Scottie, Kniall, Arky

Q: (L) This is the 10th of January 2015. Is anybody there?

A: Good evening! Koroloniaea of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Well, I guess if ever we needed some insight, we kinda do at this moment. But before we get into our main topic, maybe we should clear away some of the quick ones like this plane crash. Do we want to ask about the plane crash?

(Perceval) Sure.

(L) Why don't you synopsize it for the record since over 20 years, sometimes we ask questions about things that nobody knows what we're talking about. So, give a recap.

(Perceval) So, Air Asia flight QZ8501 disappeared from radar on the 28th of December 2014. No word from the pilots. It disappeared and apparently crashed, and everybody died. Then they started finding parts of the plane at the bottom of the sea. What happened to it?

A: Similar to the African flight. We said there would be more of same.

Q: (Pierre) A superstorm.

(L) So, what did they say about that other African flight?

(Perceval) A vortex that sucks it up and then throws it down, and there was a superpowerful lightning strike...

A: Vortexes can occur without lightning.

Q: (L) So, just out of curiosity: a long time ago, you said that 4D war is experienced by us as weather. I'm assuming it's not just weather, but also maybe cometary bombardment could also be a 3rd density manifestation of 4th density war. So my question is, is there any consciousness to these kinds of things... is any of it "directed"?

A: In some cases, yes. In others, just "collateral damage."

Q: (Perceval) For the Air Asia flight, did it involve a massive updraft and then a downdraft as some are claiming?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) And what causes that kind of a vortex?

A: Variations of temperature in layers of atmosphere enhanced by variations in charge potential difference.

Q: (Pierre) So it's powerful. You have the electrical factor and the mechanical or thermal factor sometimes working in conjunction.

(Chu) Like a tornado then.

(L) Alright, what else has been on our mind? Anything in particular?

(Perceval) I was reading a story today...

A: Question all!

Q: (L) Question all? You mean like everything?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) So, there was a story in the news today that on January 1st: apparently, British state botanists or whatever go around and check the number of flowering plants and usually, there are 20 to 30 plants flowering in the beginning of January. There shouldn't be a lot of them. But this year they found something like 300, so like a ten times increase in bloom in the UK. Andromeda was saying that Laura said that there were some kind of historical records where that happens preceding...

(L) Oh yeah! Repeatedly they mention it in the ancient texts before the destruction of the Roman Empire that various scientists have determined was cometary/asteroidal. There are numerous mentions of plants blooming out of season; it seems to be part of the whole cataclysmic scenario where everything crazy is going on, and...

A: A lot of that is due to changes in cosmic environment. Not all that governs plant and animal cycles is related to earth and diurnal cycles.

Q: (Pierre) So it's not always temperature, humidity...?

(L) Yeah, it's not always just the length of light and darkness?

(Perceval) Exactly, but that's what they base it on... They haven't a clue. They're not even wrong in that sense, because the guy was quoted for an explanation was saying that yeah, it's really amazing, and he made reference to warm winters. He said, "We're now in another warm winter". And I'm like, hang on a minute, it was three or four winters ago that the entire UK was covered in ice, basically!

A: Much is determined by the planet's relationship to the sun and related electrical current flow between same plus other planets in the solar system. At the present time, all of that is in flux.

Q: (Andromeda) There's that giant coronal hole on the sun now, too.

(Perceval) Yeah.

(Pierre) And unusual x-rays...

(Galatea) On the David Attenborough documentary, he shows some fish swimming along a stream and just going around in circles. They don't do it to mate or to do anything else like feed. There's a mouse crawling up the wall behind that painting!

(Perceval) Spidermouse!

(Pierre) It's a channeling mouse.

(Galatea) So, they just swim in a circle and they have absolutely no idea why they do it. So, I was wondering why do the fish go there to swim in a circle?

A: Generating energy.

Q: (Galatea) Oh, so they generate energy. Interesting. So the fish are like witches.

(Chu) Do you want to ask about that weird thing you saw in the pool?

(L) Oh, yeah. What day was it? Was it Wednesday? It was the same day that this Charlie Hebdo thing happened, so that was Wednesday. So I was looking out the window at the guys who...

(Galatea) The mouse is crawling down.

(L) the guys who were removing a stump out in the back yard. I noticed that the pool had swells, and they were big, slow, almost-entire-pool-sized swells. The water was going up and down, up and down, almost straight up and down, in a big way. It was BIG swells like you'd see on big open water long before a storm. I stood there and watched and watched and waited, because usually if the pool is doing something like that, it will calm down after 5 or 10 minutes. I watched it for at least 10 minutes or so, and I went back and looked at it again and it was still doing it 30 minutes later. Honey, you remember?

(Ark) Yes, yes.

(L) It was doing it for a long time, and it didn't stop.

(Ark) It was like, you know, being in resonance with something with frequency of 60 Hz or something like that.

(Perceval) But it didn't splash over the sides?

(L) No splashing, no wavelets. It was almost as if it had oil on top of it to keep it perfectly smooth, what mariners would call “oily swells” I think.

(Pierre) It was a very long wavelength, like 3 or 4 meters.

(L) Yeah, at least. We waited, and I was thinking maybe it was an earthquake or something like that.

(Pierre) Something in the ground?

(L) Yeah, so can you tell me what that was?

A: Activation of inner earth energies in response to events elsewhere. We have noted that your planet responds to activities on the surface. Often this is expressed as heat which results in earthquakes and/or volcanic eruptions. But it can also call forth other types of frequencies. There is another aspect that you should consider: the use of infrasound machines by secret projects to control human emotional states. Such instruments can evoke even more devastating responses from the planet and thereby the solar system.

Q: (L) So are you suggesting that this could have been...

[Q & A segment REDACTED by legal advice]

Q: (L) Are you also suggesting or saying that the use of the infrasound machines in and of itself can evoke negative reactions from the planet?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And then if it evokes negative reactions from human beings, that amplifies the negative reaction from the planet?

A: Yes

[Q & A segment REDACTED by legal advice]

Q: (Galatea) That's weird. I woke up very cheery that day!

(L) Well, long ago, you once predicted that France would experience a nuclear attack...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Uh, is that kind of like back on the table now?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Could that be natural in the form of an earthquake that causes some kind of a problem at a nuclear power station?

A: [ REDACTED by legal advice]

Q: (Pierre) So meteorites impacting...

(L) I don't think they necessarily mean meteorites. That can be a metaphoric expression. Do you mean specifically meteorites?

A: !? Maybe

Q: (Perceval) I mean, in the past session we talked about these drones over nuclear power plants in France, and that the French military would like to know who it is. The suggestion was that it was the Bad Guys.

[Q & A segment REDACTED by legal advice]

Q: ... (Scottie) I think I know what the Disturbance in the Force is.

(L) What?

(Scottie) Remember I was telling you the other day that something was up? This seems like a pretty big disturbance in the Force, dontcha think?

(L) Yeah!

(Scottie) It was like a day or two before the Charlie Hebdo thing that I mentioned it.

(L) Oh yeah.

(Scottie) People here were feeling squirrelly, couldn't sleep, having headaches, bad dreams and all that stuff. Something was clearly "off"... And then: KABOOM!

(Andromeda) It's sickening.

[Lengthy Q & A segment REDACTED by legal advice]

A: Help is on the way!

Q: (Galatea) Did you ever ask them when it's going to come? When?!

A: Wait and see!

Q: [laughter] (Galatea) Can we get a small time frame? Like, within less than 10 years?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Oh, great! Yeah, before 2025. Woohoo! [laughter]

(Chu) Help as in comets? People?

(L) I have the feeling that it's comets...

A: Close!

Q: (L) Well, there were two things that actually have been said in previous sessions. One thing was when we were talking about volcanic eruptions, and the remark was made that what happens if all the volcanoes go off at once. Is this something like what's coming up?

A: Very warm! [Ha-ha!]

Q: (L) And it was also said that programmed people, who were programmed to go off and become shooters upon certain signals, were all going to go off at once at some point. I guess what we're seeing now is something like that part, and...

(Perceval) Is it possible that these mind-controlled, programmed people like you're talking about, that they could be activated by some natural frequencies when it's not expected?

A: Indeed! Won't that be interesting?

Q: (Pierre) Shootings everywhere?

(Perceval) Not just shootings, but these people are kept in close proximity to their handlers, or their handlers keep an eye on them. They don't know that they're mind-programmed assassins. You could end up having one of them suddenly offing presidents and other officials.

(Pierre) Like Frankenstein's monster killing off its creator!

(Perceval) Yeah.

(L) It's kind of like the movie The Manchurian Candidate. Except they go rogue. And the possibilities of them going rogue apparently are there. Well, alrighty then. I guess...

(Perceval) Can I ask one question about the Rig Vedas?

(L) Yeah.

(Perceval) The mention of flying ships, and flying to other planets, did you ask about that?

(L) Yeah, we asked about that. They talked about nuclear war and all that. Flying machines and all that stuff.

(Perceval) Atlantis.

(L) Some of it could also have been descriptions of comets.

A: Both.

Q: (L) Alright then. Unless there's something we need to know, or something that we should have asked that we didn't ask, consider it asked. Eeeh, I try it every time and they never give it to me!

(Andromeda) Maybe one day!

A: You are doing well. Goodbye.


[Closing discussion segment REDACTED by legal advice]

- END -
thanks for the session
events in Paris looked a bit strange
I have read many discussions on the Internet, it's staging

It seems that not only in Ukraine will be chaos in the near future
Thank you! Wow absolutely explosive information once again!!
It is a great honor to be privy to such astounding truth, thank you group!
Holy moly, what a ride this session is!

Plants blooming out of season as in ancient times when drastic changes were coming/occurring.

A: A lot of that is due to changes in cosmic environment. Not all that governs plant and animal cycles is related to earth and diurnal cycles.

A: Much is determined by the planet's relationship to the sun and related electrical current flow between same plus other planets in the solar system. At the present time, all of that is in flux.

Very interesting about the waves in the pool and what the Cs say was causing it:

A: Activation of inner earth energies in response to events elsewhere. We have noted that your planet responds to activities on the surface. Often this is expressed as heat which results in earthquakes and/or volcanic eruptions. But it can also call forth other types of frequencies. There is another aspect that you should consider: the use of infrasound machines by secret projects to control human emotional states. Such instruments can evoke even more devastating responses from the planet and thereby the solar system.

And, gads, an infrasound machine! So much here describing what is going on in France.

Anyways, a very informative session. So much to digest. Thank you all. :flowers:
Thanks for the session.

The latest event in France has really set of the islamaphobia.. Just read what people are writing in blogs and comment section. The media is really pushing hard on this one... The us vs them savages thing. The formula is the same it's becoming desperately boring and predictable. Always the same story... some people somewhere want to hurt us... why? don't know, they are just crazy fanatical savages, stop asking questions and be very scared. Yeah, really? Ok, cool.

I will vouch that the run up to wednesday last week was 'emotional' to say the least. On Tuesday night I couldn't get to sleep until like 2 am. My heart was pounding like crazy. Then in the morning I wake up in euphoria. It was all very strange. I didn't even know about the whole Charlie thing until Thursday.

I don't think they will get to the whole Nazi Germany thing in terms of fomenting hate to the extent of deportations and camps. I don't think people will go back there. No way. I know I won't be supporting it, I know people who have suffered the same fate in the past won't be silly enough to support it. The thing with the elite is they forget they have pretty much oppressed nearly every subsection of society and these keeps changing over time to new groups... the game is known and if they dare come out and actually start spewing crazy stuff that Hitler was spewing in public, about 90% of society will be up at arms. Today it's the muslims, who is it tomorrow? Didn't the Japanese go through something similar in America during the 2nd world war... you expect them to forget that? What about conscious Jews? What about ethnic minority people? What about the BRICS? Absolutely no way.

It'll always remain a fringe group within Islam. Yes there may be some blow back to other muslims but that will be about it. Some crazy neo-nazis or other far right groups might start committing some hate crimes but no way will it go mainstream. Not in this multi-cultural globalised world they've created. Zero chance.

Anyways, just my opinion.
Thanks for the amazing session! So much information, especially regarding this whole psychopathic Charlie Hebdo situation. This Evil Empire stuff is mind-blowingly perverse. I just worry about you all there in France.
Alfisti said:
Very interesting. Thanks for publishing the session.

I notice Netanyahu is attending the rally; I wonder if anyone will attempt an arrest?

Wishful thinking.

One can hope, though.
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