"Prime Evil" to be released on parole


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The immediate thought i had when i read this news item :


was that the psychopaths are releasing more of their kind back into society......the "monsters" are being set free.
The same is happening with child sex offenders in the UK, I can't find the article on SOTT but it was about serious offenders being let off with a caution and released back into the public. I think its a way of normalizing the pathology and a stage in the ponerization of society. Eventually these values may become the "norm" of the next generation :/
Keyhole, I think you meant this one:

Yes that's the one! thankyou Palinurus. The situation is really getting quite dire, it seems as though since Jimmy Saville, it has become completely normalized in the media, people Sony even seem to care much about it any more.
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