Session 21 March 2015

Ynna said:
So. I do understand what it means when you compare Laura to the great goddess/leader of olden times, Ninhursag. However, one also has to remember that Ninhursag could become dangerous when enraged. She once cursed Enki with death for a wrongdoing and he would have died had she not lifted the curse, so comparing Laura to Ninhursag not only lauds Laura as great, but also casts a deep shadow on her:

Hi Ynna,

I would simply say that was never my intent. That thought never crossed my mind.

And given your knowledge of Sumerian history, the history of the Anunnaki, and specifically the history of Ninmah, I think your insinuation is borderline distortion--when viewed in the totality of events. (Even if that one detail is accurate.)

In the broad sweep of Sumer's history, Ninmah had shown great sympathy for humans. That was part of her being. They were a part of her. Whilst Enki fought for mankind out of political interest, Ninmah fought out of love. It's in that spirit that I made the comparison.

The Anunnaki withheld knowledge solely to retard man's development. She fought for its release, to raise the condition of her creations. This same desire is apparent in Laura. The giving of knowledge a central theme in both lives.

Black magic was the last thing on my mind. And I am a bit disappointed that you thought it was significant.
sitting said:
Ynna said:
So. I do understand what it means when you compare Laura to the great goddess/leader of olden times, Ninhursag. However, one also has to remember that Ninhursag could become dangerous when enraged. She once cursed Enki with death for a wrongdoing and he would have died had she not lifted the curse, so comparing Laura to Ninhursag not only lauds Laura as great, but also casts a deep shadow on her:

Hi Ynna,

I would simply say that was never my intent. That thought never crossed my mind.

And given your knowledge of Sumerian history, the history of the Anunnaki, and specifically the history of Ninmah, I think your insinuation is borderline distortion--when viewed in the totality of events. (Even if that one detail is accurate.)

In the broad sweep of Sumer's history, Ninmah had shown great sympathy for humans. That was part of her being. They were a part of her. Whilst Enki fought for mankind out of political interest, Ninmah fought out of love. It's in that spirit that I made the comparison.

The Anunnaki withheld knowledge solely to retard man's development. She fought for its release, to raise the condition of her creations. This same desire is apparent in Laura. The giving of knowledge a central theme in both lives.

Black magic was the last thing on my mind. And I am a bit disappointed that you thought it was significant.

Yeah. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and OCD nitpicking is unnecessary. I understood what sitting was trying to say and he had no other intentions than perhaps trying to assuage my feelings.

Ya'll just try to keep in mind that I raised five kids and have spent forty years of my life working with people AND the past 20 years "in the fire" so to say. As the Cs said, it's a grad course in attack, so teensy-weensy petty tyrants don't even merit a raised eyebrow.
Yeah! well said, You ol'cow! LOL.... Great session again, That girl of yours has some energy on the board hugh! {"I could go all-night"}

EG- "ol'cow" Aussy humour for most experienced, empathetic, kind hearted, protector of the group/family. Certainly not derogatory in my personal experience! Wear it like a crown darling! your the best!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone explain what is to have 'faith in the process'? Is it to keep moving forward on whatever problems you may have without worrying about the future as opposed to just sit and wait for the changes?

Can someone elaborate it more?
Paul said:
Can someone explain what is to have 'faith in the process'? Is it to keep moving forward on whatever problems you may have without worrying about the future as opposed to just sit and wait for the changes?

Can someone elaborate it more?

Hi Paul, I think that in some way, yes, it is to keep moving forward witout worrying so much about the future. Yet, I also think that this "not worry" shouldn't be in the way of not paying attention to the signs you see in the present that give a certain idea of what the future may be like. I could say that it is not to worry so much but be responsible - everything we do now will have an effect in our future, therefore, if we are responsible for what we do now, our future may have a better outcome.

As for the faith itself... I suppose it means that you can see that each little step in the way is valuable, remembering that we are learning our lessons here and that each lesson brings more understanding and conscience, as well as the response-ability to handle our present better so that the future may also be a better one.

For What It's Worth... :)
Quote from: Ynna on Yesterday at 06:20:48 PM
So. I do understand what it means when you compare Laura to the great goddess/leader of olden times, Ninhursag. However, one also has to remember that Ninhursag could become dangerous when enraged. She once cursed Enki with death for a wrongdoing and he would have died had she not lifted the curse, so comparing Laura to Ninhursag not only lauds Laura as great, but also casts a deep shadow on her:

Quote sitting:
Hi Ynna,

I would simply say that was never my intent. That thought never crossed my mind.

And given your knowledge of Sumerian history, the history of the Anunnaki, and specifically the history of Ninmah, I think your insinuation is borderline distortion--when viewed in the totality of events. (Even if that one detail is accurate.)

In the broad sweep of Sumer's history, Ninmah had shown great sympathy for humans. That was part of her being. They were a part of her. Whilst Enki fought for mankind out of political interest, Ninmah fought out of love. It's in that spirit that I made the comparison.

The Anunnaki withheld knowledge solely to retard man's development. She fought for its release, to raise the condition of her creations. This same desire is apparent in Laura. The giving of knowledge a central theme in both lives.

Black magic was the last thing on my mind. And I am a bit disappointed that you thought it was significant.

Hi sitting,

Having worked with people for decades, Laura is taking all this in her stride, so I do not think we should make too much of a fuss. It boils down to: I thought you were idealising a person (Laura) by comparing her to the perfect goddess Ninhursag, and I wanted to show that nobody, not even the human-loving goddess Ninhursag, is perfect, that idealising and comparison hardly ever yields truth, and truth is not selective information.

Without wanting to stimulate further noise discussing Ninhursag, I'll just wrap up by giving my story source: This goddess cursed Enki in the myth of the watergod and the eight plants. Quickly googled it to see if I can find an internet source so you can verify it there: "Angry and disgusted with Enki, the mother goddess Ninhursag curses him: 'Until thou art dead, I shall not look upon thee with the 'eye of life'". The other gods are desparate ("sit in the dust") as "Enki grows weaker and weaker. The fox speaks up and volunteers to find Ninhursag if the gods give him a reward ... the fox finds the mother goddess and brings her back to heal the water god."

Enjoy your day!

Ynna said:
Laura is taking all this in her stride, so I do not think we should make too much of a fuss.

Quickly googled it to see if I can find an internet source so you can verify it there: "Angry and disgusted with Enki, the mother goddess Ninhursag curses him:

Hi Ynna,

Yes, Laura took it in stride. And I'm grateful.

Googling the event you mentioned was not necessary. I recall that part of the Ninmah story well. The version of the Sumarian tale I'm familiar with had Enki cavorting with young girls--his own granddaughters, and the daughters of his granddaughters. Enraged, Ninmah pronounced her curse.

Enki desperately wanted another male heir--one with the proper blood line. Marduk was his first born son, but the problem was Marduk's mother was not Enki's sister. Hence Marduk was unfit for kingship.

Enki wanted his own equivalent of Ninurta, the son of Enlil and Ninmah. And Ninurta was the offspring of the union between a brother and sister. His place in line of succession therefore was ahead of Marduk. Enki wanted his son on the throne and plotted no end. So much of Anunnaki history stemmed from this brother fighting brother. Kingship being the ultimate prize.

Such were the strange customs in Sumer, which the Egyptians later adopted.
Alvalsen said:
13 Twirling Triskeles said:
Of course, all the time I’m enjoying using this technology, I’m sort of disappointed that we haven’t advanced to using telepathy instead of using all this physical nuts & bolts stuff.

before the arrival of the wave is likely telepathy is impossible

new challenges that will bring all the wave, as I understand it, will be offset by new opportunities (in varying degrees), but not everyone will be able to use them

Alvalsen and Twirling Triskeles,

I could not find many references to telepathy but here is what I did find:

Session 21 March 2015
(Galatea) Can I ask the C's a question about the C's?

(L) Sure.

(Galatea) When you speak, it's translated on the board. But do you speak a specific language or something, or do your words come out as energy? How do you really "speak"?

A: Telepathically is closest to your understanding.

Q: (L) When you're a light being, you don't have a voice box.

(Galatea) Yeah, I was just wondering because you said what they say gets translated onto the board. So I was wondering if they use their own words in their own language, or some wordless thing.

(L) Yeah, telepathy, or conceptual or something like that...

The latest session remarks above seem more about how the Cs translated their thoughts through the channelers to the board.

It may be possible to enhance one's telepathy or psychic connection through
Eiriu Eolas practice according to the following:

Session 20 August 2011
Q: (L) I don't think we're going to follow that. (Bubbles) Can I ask my quirky question real quick? (L) Well, wait a minute. Is there any
more on {name redacted}? (Psyche) Well, she basically has more questions about advice on the relationship but it looks like the one
answer covered it. So we're basically done with that. (Bubbles) Is it possible to enhance one's telepathy or psychic connection through
Eiriu Eolas practice?
A: Absolutely as we have already said. Read the transcripts!
Q: (Bubbles) So would that mean that one could become more receptive to the frequency of feelings and thoughts of others?
A: SPA {See Previous Answer}

The quote above seemed to indicate telepathy may also have an element of detecting "feelings" which could mean an emotional component in addition to just thoughts.

Reading the transcripts I went further back to find:

Session 20 June 2009

Q: (L) Alright then. Is there anything that we could do?

A: Perhaps if you could share the technique that you used to achieve emotional cleansing, a lot of people would benefit including the two individuals in question.

Q: (L) What technique is that?

A: Remember an entire night of cleansing tears?!

Q: (L) Yeah. Well, that was just a meditation technique I developed. I would breathe a certain way and repeat certain things in my mind as I breathed, and I did it every night. Strange things started happening.

A: Strange indeed! You stumbled instinctively on an ancient method that is unsurpassed in its efficacy. So why not share?

Q: (Joe) Spill the beans, Laura! (L) Well I just never thought it was anything particularly special - it just worked for me! I mean how does something like that compare to this Art of Living Kriya thing?

A: AoL is for beginners and robots!

Q: (laughter) (L) Well then why were you so enthusiastic when Craig proposed teaching us? I mean, he asked if he should teach us, and you said yes with seven exclamation points!

A: Got you to do it and jump started your thinking didn't we?!

Q: (L) So the point wasn't that this method was "the best" or the only one or so great. It was to draw our attention to the idea of breathing, or control of breath, as a means of effecting emotional healing. Is that it?

A: Absolutely!X7

Q: (laughter) (L) Shorthand. Um...

A: Remember that your method employed a powerful "seed".

Q: (DD) Seed? (L) Yeah, that's a reference to meditating with or without seed. (Joe) What was the seed? (L) Phrases that I used in my mind. (Allen) Were those phrases particular to you though, like something that someone has to come up with for themselves? (L) Well, I dunno, were those phrases particular for me?

A: They were super powerful!

Q: (C) Where they like prayers? (L) Yeah, and it's really funny because I started out using the Lord's Prayer. Then I decided that I wasn't happy with it because it wasn't open enough. It had associations with specific religious things, and so I rewrote it. I'll have to... It was something like... (DD) Did you use those words as a template? (L) Yeah. (Joe) I used to say a Lord's Prayer that was modified. At night, like a mantra, I used to just go over and over... (L) Did you do it in concert with breathing? (Joe) Not consciously. (L) Yeah, well you see, I did. It was very deliberate controlled breathing. I did this every night for months. (DD) How were you breathing? (L) Very similar to what Craig teaches, what they call this Victory Breath. (Joe) Was it both in and out through the nose? (L) In through the nose, out through the mouth. (Joe) Because I thought Victory Breath was weird when we did the course since it was all through the nose. (A**) Yeah, that's what was missing. (L) Yeah, I did it in through the nose, out through the mouth. It was in and count, hold and count, out and count. And it was very controlled... it was very similar to what they call this Ujjai breath, or Victory Breath. That was kind of familiar to me, because I'd done that for years. (C) And while you were doing it, you were saying... (L) I was repeating these phrases, and each phrase was created so that the in or out breath fit the phrase exactly. So for the first phrase, I would breathe in, and then out for the second phrase, etc. And my objective was to do it twenty times. I don't think I ever did it twenty times, because I would get to about ten or twelve, and then I would just leave the body or something, just zone. And after a certain number of times of doing that, then I had this... I dunno, I came back to myself with this... I dunno whether I want to call it a kundalini experience or not, but I felt there was this tremendous cleansing event that went on for hours and hours and hours. I've described it before. Something happened. But anyway, that was the story. So I found that to be very effective. I dunno what to ask now. (Joe) Is what you just described the idea?

A: Yes and another excellent technique though for other purposes is what you call "power breathing".

Q: (L) Oh, my Power Breathing. (C) What is that? (L) For me, that's just energizing. The fast pace on the treadmill accompanied by a very particular kind and pace of breathing. This is the one that it's not the head, it's matched to the body. The one is like intellect and heart, and Power Breathing is like moving center and heart... You let the movement of your body take you where you need to go.

A: Remember what that technique did?

Q: (L) Oh yeah! (Joe) What did it do? Did you fly? Superpowers? (A**) That was the past life thing, wasn't it? (L) Yeah, I went into a past life memory in the gym. (Joe) Where, here? (L) No, in Florida. Geez... But I guess if people do that, they need to have somebody there. So, there are a couple of ways to tap into these emotional issues that you're talking about that are actually somewhat different from this Art of Living thing?

A: Yes and probably more effective if utilized faithfully. AoL is like the "Diet Coke" of breathing techniques... Just one calorie.

I hope this relates to the subject and it is not too much over the top as a comment. I am still pondering the implications of the "emotional cleansing" part. :/
Yas said:
Hi Paul, I think that in some way, yes, it is to keep moving forward witout worrying so much about the future. Yet, I also think that this "not worry" shouldn't be in the way of not paying attention to the signs you see in the present that give a certain idea of what the future may be like. I could say that it is not to worry so much but be responsible - everything we do now will have an effect in our future, therefore, if we are responsible for what we do now, our future may have a better outcome.

As for the faith itself... I suppose it means that you can see that each little step in the way is valuable, remembering that we are learning our lessons here and that each lesson brings more understanding and conscience, as well as the response-ability to handle our present better so that the future may also be a better one.

For What It's Worth... :)

Thank you it's clearer now. The thing now is to be responsible..
Archaea, I think there is a difference between reacting emotionally and giving a situation what it asks for. I didn't say Laura is acting mechanically because irritation is prompting a particular response, and I think you're wrong when you say that "irritating" the admins or mods is a reason for being banned all by itself - there is always a much more concrete reason behind it. I think focusing on irritation is missing the point because it ignores the context and cause. Psychopaths can be irritating. So if you ban someone who displays major pathology - someone incinere and manipulative for example, it wasn't because they annoyed you, but because of the pathology. But they may also be annoying, yet that in and of itself is never the reason.

On the flip side, there have been new members who did some annoying but otherwise harmless things (like make a million posts a minute with no real content and maybe just one word replies), and that can be annoying, but the worst that happened is they were politely asked to cut it out to minimize noise. No banning (unless of course pathology shows its face like them continuously ignoring the requests and having 0 consideration for others, but that's now a different matter).


You're probably right about the circumstances of previous bans. I tried to find a few examples, which made me feel like maybe my perception of it is all out of proportion. However, I still have some problems, and there are one or two examples which I found that I want to bring up.

Also, just FYI, I didn't mention Putin.

Censoring ourselves at times is part of external consideration. So why didn't you simply not say it, or what made you think it was okay to say it?

First of all, it's going to be way too easy for me to come up with excuses and I don't want to do that. Let me just say that in my day to day life, I sometimes call some people a cow. For me it means cranky old woman, not moo moo cow.

You're right though, I should have practiced some external considering and not said it.

Hi goyacobol,

Thanks for your comments, I've recently been trying to break down emotional walls. So when the C's brought up the subject of covert antagonisms I decided that these feelings were better out than in so to speak. I do feel better as well, although I'm a little worried that now people aren't going to be interested in anything I say :P Maybe that's just my ego playing tricks on me again.

I don't know if you would agree but it seemed to me that you were "irritated" that Laura displayed irritation. And then you said

I think when someone is annoyed or irritated it's because of their self-importance.

I seemed maybe like a kind of projection of yourself to Laura? :/

That's true, and in fact in my first post I wrote:

I'll try to explain my feelings with an example. Yesterday, I read the first chapter of High Strangeness, the beginning really annoyed me because Laura talks about herself all the time. But by the end of the chapter I was enjoying the book and was looking forward to the next chapter.

Then in my second post I said that I think feeling annoyed is a result of self-importance. The C's said that these feelings are a result of "mostly ego" and if you look at what I've been saying: "Laura always talks about herself" and "Laura talks down to people." You'll see that these statements are a result of ego. If I didn't have such a "big head" I wouldn't mind if someone talked about themselves or if they were talking down to me.

But the C's also said these feelings need to be aired out, so I posted them here on the forum. I wouldn't have done so if I didn't feel it would do any good.

I understand your situation but I also see you may lack enough context. If you have read the wave you know Laura has actually been through a lot of crap and have been betrayed by the people that react like this, "pity me pity me, you are a bad person for pointing out my rude behaviors". The very same attitudes of abusers who react like the central victim when the victim reacts.

Of course, this happens from any intelligent psycho or from any person of basically, today's ponerized society. I have studied and in my opinion, is not a problem of empathy considering you called her cow, but one of pity and how easy we are able to mold our behavior around it. This pity ploy "please don't be so hard on me" has happened a lot of times in the forum, most of the times people not in tune with the group's aim. And is not like Laura will butcher you :rolleyes:

I can see how ego could result in the "pity ploy" but I don't see how that relates to my situation. That doesn't mean I think you're wrong, but you're going to have to explain it to me.

I guess my questions to Archaea would be: 1) did you read the forum guidelines? 2) are you familiar with the work of Gurdjieff and Mouravieff and Castaneda?

I've read all the Castaneda books, but I haven't read any of Gurdjieff's or Mouravieff's books. I ordered ISOTM and meetings with remarkable men on amazon a few weeks ago and they should be here in two days. I've read the forum guidelines a couple of times.

If the answer is "Yes" to those questions, then it seems to me that there is a personal antagonism toward me that includes projecting and/or possibly serious Dunning-Kruger syndrome.

There is a personal antagonism towards you on my part, I'm willing to accept the idea that is a projection onto you by me, perhaps due to some emotional misalignment; and/or serious Dunning-Kruger syndrome which I googled, and google me told that it's:

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude.

Which to me sounds like a run away sense of self-importance, or a "tumorous ego" which I think I could have as far as I know, because it's very hard to see one's self objectively, as you are well aware... AFAIK. It would mean that I'm a crank or crackpot.

Let me try and articulate my feelings, and please don't ban me :P When reading some of your posts, especially the ones where people get banned, I feel like you're being a bit hypocritical. I feel like this because it seems to me that you and the gang spend a great deal of time working against tyrants in places of power, such as the government, who don't have any feelings towards their "subjects" or if they do, then they're bad feelings.

But sometimes I feel like you personally treat some people who join the forum in a heartless manner. Take the guy from this thread, which conveniently popped up today, for example:

Re: The Predator - a dark truth right under your own nose, literally

This guy said he was working on an E-book about the predators mind. You said that in your experience what he was saying was wrong, which I think is OK to say or even a good thing to say. But then you tell him that you doubt anyone here is interested and to create his own website and preach from there. Then you banned him.

I think maybe you were making assumptions about where this guy was coming from. Maybe he was here to be subversive and distract from the mission of the forum, or maybe he was here to try and help discover the truth, and being insta-banned felt to him like an act of unwarranted emotional abuse.

I've read the wave and adventures with Cassiopaea (a while ago now) on the old site, and I'm currently reading High Strangeness, which I'm enjoying despite my personal antagonisms towards you and possible serious mental disease. I also understand that you've had five children, so you know a lot more than me about responsibility (I just have a dog.) From what I know of you I think you have a kind soul, so, as a deranged lunatic, I'm asking you to please spare a thought for the other nut jobs before you phaser blast (:phaser:) them off the forum.

I have a few suggestions as well on standards and protocols for banning people. I not going put them in this post though because I'm not sure anyone's still reading this :P, I will say though that I think this...

We the moderators reserve the right to do anything and everything we see fit to ensure a friendly comfortable environment for our guests; that includes deleting you and all of your posts if you break any of these rules or act like a psychological deviant at any time past present or future. Oh yeah people, I said future, Tom Cruise has nothin' on us.

...Is OK as a humorous statement, but I think you have to be careful when giving yourself too much power, for the sake of others.
Thanks a million Chateau Crew for another amazing session :)

Really glad and relieved to hear that the C's are tuning to the group, and members are rising in frequency.

Interestingly, about 6 weeks ago, i learned how to cross-country ski for the first time in my life - it took me like 1 hour just to learn how to stand with ski's on my feet ! If we are going to need to know skiing better, i definitely have to learn this skill faster, as i have a long way to go to ski better...

On the coming economic crash planned by the Empire, I initially thought, that the BRICs, especially Russia and China will be the ones to "push the button" to call the Empire's cards and start the collapse - but Laura's conclusion & confirmation from the C's makes more sense, as i realise now that the BRICS are putting in place measures to de-dollarise, in order to prevent themselves from being deeply affected by the crash, and to start alternative systems to the dollar. This certainly puts the recent news about UK, and other EU contries joining the Chinese led AIIB in new light. Feels like the rats are abondoning the sinking ship.

Thanks again for posting the session
Archaea said:
Let me just say that in my day to day life, I sometimes call some people a cow. For me it means cranky old woman, not moo moo cow.

You say this to their face? You tell people that they are a cow? What do you call cranky young men? What about happy old guys? Do you have names for every kind of personality that you encounter?

Even if it means cranky old woman, it's STILL a put down. Why do you feel it necessary to say things to people that hurt their feelings? You know, their are ways of saying things that aren't hurtful. But perhaps you just don't have that skill, or the consideration to acquire it.
Archaea said:

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude.

Which to me sounds like a run away sense of self-importance, or a "tumorous ego" which I think I could have as far as I know, because it's very hard to see one's self objectively, as you are well aware... AFAIK. It would mean that I'm a crank or crackpot.

Let me try and articulate my feelings, and please don't ban me :P When reading some of your posts, especially the ones where people get banned, I feel like you're being a bit hypocritical. I feel like this because it seems to me that you and the gang spend a great deal of time working against tyrants in places of power, such as the government, who don't have any feelings towards their "subjects" or if they do, then they're bad feelings.

But sometimes I feel like you personally treat some people who join the forum in a heartless manner. Take the guy from this thread, which conveniently popped up today, for example:

Re: The Predator - a dark truth right under your own nose, literally

This guy said he was working on an E-book about the predators mind. You said that in your experience what he was saying was wrong, which I think is OK to say or even a good thing to say. But then you tell him that you doubt anyone here is interested and to create his own website and preach from there. Then you banned him.

I think maybe you were making assumptions about where this guy was coming from. Maybe he was here to be subversive and distract from the mission of the forum, or maybe he was here to try and help discover the truth, and being insta-banned felt to him like an act of unwarranted emotional abuse.
I just read that thread and where did you see that he was insta-banned (besides his last post)? There was a discussion to help find objectivity, which was lacking in his attitude. The same thing happened with Grail Keeper who was listened to and we were trying to see whether he was sincere in finding answers and helping others or just here to fulfill an agenda (however small or big).

So maybe you are seeing things that are not really there and ignoring the background story and how much patience was given to offer help and make it a two way street of learning. With your arguments, I feel like you are picking and choosing what you want to see to make your case. That's not what we are here to do.

Even what Laura told him contradicts what you are saying!
If you are here to ask questions with the intention of learning, you are welcome to stay. But right away you must give up the idea that you have a clue about anything: you don't. You have EXPERIENCES that need to be discussed and analyzed by others because you cannot do this yourself.

I've read the wave and adventures with Cassiopaea (a while ago now) on the old site, and I'm currently reading High Strangeness, which I'm enjoying despite my personal antagonisms towards you and possible serious mental disease. I also understand that you've had five children, so you know a lot more than me about responsibility (I just have a dog.) From what I know of you I think you have a kind soul, so, as a deranged lunatic, I'm asking you to please spare a thought for the other nut jobs before you phaser blast (:phaser:) them off the forum.

As has been said in the past and in key literature, like Political Ponerology, even well meaning schizoidal types can be a vector of attack to change the direction of the group. You may not be a vector of attack, like the other thread, Laura was open to him learning to interact, instead of come in and "tell us what is the predator's mind".

I have a few suggestions as well on standards and protocols for banning people. I not going put them in this post though because I'm not sure anyone's still reading this :P, I will say though that I think this...

We the moderators reserve the right to do anything and everything we see fit to ensure a friendly comfortable environment for our guests; that includes deleting you and all of your posts if you break any of these rules or act like a psychological deviant at any time past present or future. Oh yeah people, I said future, Tom Cruise has nothin' on us.

...Is OK as a humorous statement, but I think you have to be careful when giving yourself too much power, for the sake of others.

Who are you to know what is needed? I am reminded of someone who comments on who is always saying that free speech is essential. Yes, it is essential to have free speech, but it requires mutual respect. Just because someone is wrong is not grounds for banning them. However, to come in and vector a situation and ignore any feedback because someone feels they are "above it" is disruptive to a group that seeks to find the truth. If you think about it, is it legal to go into a church and preach that there is no god? Is it legal to go into a meeting for atheists and preach that there is a god? No, because there is also the right of the group to have their own rules for their own protection. The quote above is open for a reason, because when you put stipulations on things- like you might have to add, it gives the people who are disruptive a legalistic argument to be allowed to do what they are doing.
I'm an apple user..oh oh! :shock:
on the other hand..what an inspiring session..microwaves, wifi and light beings.Still pondering.
Archaea said:
I have a few suggestions as well on standards and protocols for banning people. I not going put them in this post though because I'm not sure anyone's still reading this :P, I will say though that I think this...

Any suggestions you might make regarding "standards and protocols for banning people" would simply waste your time and that of the moderators. The decisions to ban people from posting here are not taken lightly or frivolously and are essential for keeping this forum free from those who would disrupt it. These guidelines are derived from and under the auspices of the list owner, who is Laura, and it is absolutely necessary to do things the way they are currently handled. See below for why this is so.

We the moderators reserve the right to do anything and everything we see fit to ensure a friendly comfortable environment for our guests; that includes deleting you and all of your posts if you break any of these rules or act like a psychological deviant at any time past present or future. Oh yeah people, I said future, Tom Cruise has nothin' on us.

...Is OK as a humorous statement, but I think you have to be careful when giving yourself too much power, for the sake of others.

This forum is totally unlike any other forum which exists, in that, this is essentially an Esoteric School, and that was inherent in it's conception and operation.

Just as in any schoolroom, proper behavior is required of the students. Without firm rules it would be difficult or impossible for those who wish to actually learn while 'attending' this schoolroom. While a trip to the principle's office, suspension or expulsion is used in physical schools, here the only option available is a ban on posting privileges, either for a set time or permanently.

Those of us here who are serious students welcome the rules as they allow for the exchange of information through the discussions made possible by the near complete absence of disruptive people at the forum.

Unfortunately, newer members here often do not realize this and think that everybody should be totally free to do whatever they want and use lewd language and spew vitriol if they are in the mood to do so.What kind of 'schoolroom' do you think would be the result of such a policy?

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