Background of the Attacks in Macedonia and the destiny of the Balkan in general


FOTCM Member
What was the background for the Attacks in Kumanovo-Macedonia on 9-10 May? Who was behind all this? What was their goal?
Are the PTB /CIA/Mossad/ masterminds of this like Charlie-Hebdo in France or in the case with the German plane that crashed in mountains? What was their goal. Was this a message to Macedonia and all other Balkan countries to not align with the east and especially Russia to much because this can happen to all of you.
How will thing develop in general here on Balkan?
Have a listen to Joe & Niall on Behind the Headlines last weekend -they discuss this towards the end of the show. Basically it appears to be a repeat of the same story-initial reports of 3 gunmen, which then become a lone gunman shouting Allahu Akbar (sound familiar)? Most likely the US behind this false flag as a message to any EU country at might be thinking of siding with Russia.

There is also an article up on Sott about it too:
SeekingTruth, in another thread, posted link from Saker's blog to very good overview and analysis of situation in Macedonia and Balkan in general:

SeekinTruth said:
Some interesting blog posts on Saker's blog:

Really good report on Macedonia:

The whole report is worthy of reading, but this last part about Albanian exodus from the region really hits the target:


Another fact that favours the claim that all this was premediated and that armed conflict was planned for this spring is this:

The sudden ‘exodus’ of Albainan population (mainly from Kosovo) into EU. (Feb. 4th 2015)) (Feb. 20th 2015)

When interviewed, people gave various reasons for seeking asylum abroad. Economin situation is very bad, unemployment rate is sky-high, constant mafia wars, unsafe place to raise children, more frequent ISIS recruiters and so on… But interestingly, some gave this for an answer: fear from a new conflict in the region.

Many reports from November to late Febriary in many media outlets spoke of “massive Albanian exodus”. Now, it should be kept in mind that all nationalities live equally bad in the region. Serbs and Macedonians are in the same, hard situation, whether they live on territory of Serbia and Kosovo or Macedonia. And yet, Albanians make up overwhelming majority 95+% in this ‘big exodus’. First reactions from Macedonians and Serbs were – “they know something that we don’t know.” “War is about to start this spring.”

Why would they know? Well once the members of armed extremist groups got their marching orders, it spread throughout the (very close) community. And why would you, otherwise, choose the middle of the winter to go on such a risky adventure? -a tip: it was urgent to leave!

If Novorussians got the memo from State Department that a war is coming to their neighbourhood, they’d probably have some of their family sent away (to Russia or elswhere), even before the actual shooting started. (March 4th 2015)

(first picture is taken on a bus station in Pristina)

“The West and authorities from Pristina are behind the exodus”

“This phenomenon scared many, in a way, but certainly most are in confusion and dilemma. For these reasons, after following the developments in Kosovo and Metohija for many years, I wanted to give my observations and view.”

“Analyzing this phenomenon, we must first know that the Albanians are a nation very prone to migration, if one can say so. The most common reasons for migration are economic in nature but also an element of constant striving for claiming new territories. That’s why this latest exodus from Kosovo is not some special phenomenon. However, what is specific to the current mass exodus is that it occurs in specific conditions and with strong intensity in a very short period of time.

This phenomenon undoubtedly leads to the conclusion that in this case we have a very organized process of emigration.

The very organization of such a departure, when viewed from the side, begs the question: how is it possible to animate such a number of departures on a national basis? However, here too, there’s nothing especially new as far as the Albanians are concerned, especially when fullfilling a given national goal.

Concluding thoughts or Riding out the storm

When talking about these migrations with people around here, you could here things like this: “So, it is beginning! – What do you think, Spring? – Spring or Summer!”

“Did you hear about the new ‘Turk stream’ they want to build?” -“Yeah, it’s gonna get bad, Americans will never allow it to pass through here.”

And even earlier, when the Ukrainian crisis started. When the Empire finally took of the mask, and went openly against the Russia, people here knew. “If Russians continue to win this, it’s the Balkans then.” -“Yes, it’s our turn, again.”

And, of course, everyone kept cheering for Russia. Because if the Russians don’t win this, we won’t even have a fighting chance. If they do however, there’s hope. Even if that means another war that NATO will start in the Balkans. The sole fact that they are destabilizing Macedonia or Serbia or Greece means that we still have a ‘pulse’. It means that they still have something to ‘shatter’. I’d be more worried if everything was quiet here – that would mean that we are way beyond the point of no return, that there are no free people left here. And for my brothers and sisters in Macedonia and the region – we just have to ride out this storm.

The bolded paragraph above, while producing anxiety, at the same time managed to project this "hope" about which it talks.
Interesting TV show about situation in Macedonia and Middle East:

It is in Macedonian and Serbian languages.

For those who don't know the languages: they say that America will have to eventually retreat from Germany, so now they want to move their soldiers to new places in Greater Albania (they already have a huge base in Kosovo). And that's why they want to create a conflict in Macedonia because Macedonians are not so happy about having American troops in their country.

There are 4 steps in current American policy in Balkans:

- Montenegro in NATO

- Independent Kosovo

- Dissolution of Republika Srpska (Serbian part of Bosnia)

- Federalization of Macedonia and creation of Greater Albania (because America wants to control Europe from Albania).

And the only suggested solution for Serbia is to create a strong ties with Russia. Which seems to be happening in recent years.

There is also this article in English on Sputnik:
Yes, and big part of all this is Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Turkey have a lot of so called Non Government organisations in Macedonia. They have a lot of money coming from Turkey . They are spreading and teaching Vahabisam among mostly young population. So its basically a brain washing. Same thing with Saudi Arabia. They finance building mosques in every possible place.Its all going thru this NGO. Also Organ trafficking scandal that was unveiled few years ago in Kosovo and Albania during NATO bombing of Serbia were mostly done by Turkish "doctors".

What i want to say is that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are key elements for successful operation of the US psychopaths here in Macedonia. Conditions for such a scenario ( federalization of Macedonia ) are more likely every day. Key players are members of the government and oposition in high positions who are probably on their pay list so their role in all this is very big. :(

Until we, normal human beings dont remove all those psychopaths from the government and all possitions of power , their plans are advancing every single day. T
Sounds like another provocation from Albanian side:

They are celebrating the 15th anniversary of the beginning of the conflict?!
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