How to increase intellectual capacity?


Padawan Learner
Hi :)

I have following questions to C's:

1. Are there any ways to increase person's nonverbal and verbal intellectual capacity? If yes - which ones are the most effective ones.

2. What creates high intellectual capacity? Genetics? Developed/Strong intellectual center? Level of being? Something else?


Why it is important to me:

A: The greater the intellectual capacity, the greater the chance that each and every facet of intellect will be available for use, growth and stimulation. The lesser the intellectual capacity, the greater the chance that some will not be available.,17617.msg159066.html#msg159066
Starting off with the second question, I think it is a combination of the factors you listed. As the Cassiopaeans put it:
Session951007 said:
Q: (L) But isn't the nature of a person determined by their soul and not the physical body?
A: Partially, remember, aural profile and karmic reference merges with physical structure.
Q: (L) So you are saying that particular genetic conditions are a physical reflection of a spiritual orientation? That the soul must match itself to the genetics, even if only in potential?
A: Yes, precisely.
Q: (L) So a person's potential for spiritual advancement or unfoldment is, to a great extent, dependent upon their genes?
A: Natural process marries with systematic construct when present.
So you are incarnated with a certain amount of being from previous lifetimes, which matches to a certain genetic profile, which would set your intellectual hardware with certain limits. There appears to be a great deal of flexibility here though, Gurdjieff talks about using knowledge to increase being and the importance of keeping the two roughly in equilibrium. I think one could safely say that increasing Being is one of the most integral concepts of the Work. As for the genetic limitations, the last two sessions have been related to the long-standing studies into diet and detox protocols which seem to have the ability to turn on certain beneficial codons.

If you want to work on the intellectual center, I'd say reading and discussing some of the core books mentioned here will give you all of the exercise you could ever want in analyzing and interpreting things. Some of the threads are very intellectual and quite mind-bending, it's kind of up to you how far you want to go into it and how much you want to flex that muscle.

While some people have more intellectual capacity than others, I think the bottom line is that it can be grown to the extent necessary when the proper knowledge and approach is applied.
Hitsu said:
Hi :)

I have following questions to C's:

1. Are there any ways to increase person's nonverbal and verbal intellectual capacity? If yes - which ones are the most effective ones.

2. What creates high intellectual capacity? Genetics? Developed/Strong intellectual center? Level of being? Something else?

What about emotional capacity, or physical capacity? You know we have some very 'smart' psychos out there, right?

I found this page quite helpful.
Writing articles is good for the mind in many ways. The more inventing the original sentence, it will make your brain work better.
If you know that some foods uzrokje difficult digestion, try to avoid. It is known that some foods cause slowed brain function because the body uses energy to digest. If you feel so, avoid that food.
Speed Reading is a good exercise for the brain.
Any physical activity that contributes to your health, and helps the brain. If the body is healthy and the spirit is healthy and on time and ready to mental challenges and efforts.
Creatine is a substance that is found in meat, according to research, creatine can help in the work of our memory and general intelligence.
The conversation was very good and creative techniques for developing brain.

Also, it helps and Spirulina.
Phycocyanin is a rare blue pigment found in Spirulina, and which improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Phycocyanin helps, together with the amino acids for the formation of new neurotransmitters that increase the mental capacity.
This forum is a treasure troves to do just that.

Improving your diet will take you up in health and therefore intelligence. There have been no coordinated studies on Ketosis and IQ but I'm willing to bet there's a strong 4-10 point increase. I'm assuming your metric is one of the IQ tests.

You could also do nootropics, but there are inferior compared to the Ketogenic diet.

Otherwise, practice makes perfect.

Sharpening your will and gaining more being will make you better at everything allowing you to take in more knowledge in a positive loop that never needs to end.

The best way to sharpen your will is the Work, by making efforts.

Hope that helped.

PS. There was a British experiment on induced Synaesthesia that produced IQ increases of 6-12 points. University of Sussex I believe. I talked to them about it, at the time about 5 months ago they were working on an App and replicating the study, since almost nothing increases IQ like that, IQ being static for most people.

PPS. Almost forgot, smoking. There seems to be a definite connection between IQ increases and smoking tobacco. Since most studies are done on commercial cigarettes and they report sizable gains of 2-6 points, there's no telling how big the increase is with pure, high quality tobacco. I'd check that out if you're not averse to smoking.
Ruth said:
I found this page quite helpful.

Just a thought. If the above source of info is so integral to much of the Work done on this forum, would it be a good idea to have a link to it - on the forum?
Intellect itself is like a calculator or a computer, thing which most AI builders cannot deny. What about EE meditation daily and reading 1 hour a day about any subject of your interest, then naturally if you love what you do you will practice.

High intellectual capacity depends on how much info you are managing, the brain clearly is not unlimited, and that is a linear way of seeing things for some, Einstein had a little brain if I recall correctly. To reduce the stress while you manage information you add knowledge, this way your mind reduces the amount of infor to filter to focus on more important matters.

Meditation is my best bet along improving your health. Read "Social Brain" to learn about the mind modules, if the mind modules reduce the amount of work based on the level of knowledge purity, the best they can work, you don't doubt too much so to speak. Anyway, what is intellect without consciousness without knowledge?
In my opinion, it is possible to engage both halves of the brain, so that they communicate with each other.

Try listening to music.
Try singing along.
Teach yourself to read music, learn an instrument, and play along.
Sing along whilst playing.
Sing along whilst playing, to an audience!

Just to diversify a little, learn the song in another language.
Sing along, etc..

I wouldn't tell you this if I hadn't tried it myself.

I think musical, linguistic and mathematical skills are all worthy goals to achieve.
If you can use the skills to help others, ar to awaken others, even better.
Hitsu said:
Hi :)

I have following questions to C's:

1. Are there any ways to increase person's nonverbal and verbal intellectual capacity? If yes - which ones are the most effective ones.

2. What creates high intellectual capacity? Genetics? Developed/Strong intellectual center? Level of being? Something else?

One thing to do: get curious and interested in something, then study it, learn it, and practice it. In other words, gain knowledge, and don't worry about things like "what if I'm not smart enough".

To help along the process, it will help to get on a good diet, to rebalance brain chemistry, get rid of brain fog, and help your brain/mind interface function optimally.

As for question 2, I wouldn't say intellectual capacity is directly related to 'level of being'. However, a higher level of emotional development may bring with it a higher level of intellect. So if you want to work on something, work on your emotions, and feed your intellect with the things that really interest you along the way.
Approaching Infinity said:
One thing to do: get curious and interested in something, then study it, learn it, and practice it. In other words, gain knowledge, and don't worry about things like "what if I'm not smart enough".

...and in the process of studying you'll find that your research into your favored field will lead you into other areas of study. Your mental library will get bigger and bigger as time goes on.
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