Kites, crown chakra and "illu men head"


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
session 970621 said:
Q: One thing I do want to understand, since it is involved in all of this, is the idea of the 'Shepherd.' All of the ancient
legends and stories and myths lead, ultimately, to something about the 'shepherd,' or the 'Shepherd King.'
A: Shepherd is most likely to be struck by lightning, due to staff, and thus "enlightened," or "illumened!!"
One could wonder which staff the Cs are talking about ?

The "staff" usually used by a sheperd is a crook. Laura mentioned the sheperd crook in the following discussion

session 020713 said:
A: No. The "sexual center" corresponds to the solar plexus.

Lower moving center - basal chakra
Lower emotional - sexual chakra
Lower intellectual - throat chakra
Higher emotional - heart chakra
Higher intellectual - crown chakra

Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?
A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centers.

[Laura's note: This would "close the circuit" in the "shepherd's crook" configuration.]
So the closing of the chakras circuit would allow the sheperd to be enlightened/illuMENhead. The Cs gave some links between illumination and kites:

session010823 said:
Q: (L) The Maori origin of kites. Why did the Maori fly kites?
A: To attempt communication with Gods.
session 981121 said:
: (M) With respect to RV and chemical/magnetic alignments improving psychic abilities, can this be artificially induced
by locally applied magnetic fields?
A: Dangerous to experiment with. Like Franklin and his kites.
Obvioulsy the kites can allow some "higher" transmissions ...

session 980620 said:
Q: Kites?! What do kites have to do with it? What the heck... you guys are driving me NUTS! Do you mean kites as in
paper and string or kites as in the bird?
A: Yes, paper wood and string.
Q: (C) Like smoke signals? (L) Well, how is flying a kite... (C) Well, if it has a certain symbol on it...
A: And shape.
Q: What shape is that?
A: No, not now.
What is the shape of a kite ?

Basically these are two sticks crossing. So we have 5 specific points : the 4 extremities of sticks and the crossing point.

Let’s keep in mind the shepherd crook configuration Laura mentioned and let’s have a look at the acupuncture points surrounding the crown chakra :

http:(double slash) said:
Sishencong: Located on the top of the head, there are four points that make up this group of points. They are also sometimes called "the inner square" in kyusho. ‘Si’ meaning a group of four points, front back left and right, ‘Shen’ meaning spirit or mind and cong meaning to cause one to be smart or intelligent. If you find "Bahui" or GV 20, and take points on the four points of the compass 1 cun distance from GV 20 then you have this square of points surrounding Bahui.
So we have on the top of our heads a little energetic kite of which the center is our crown chakra.
Just before in the same transcript, questions about bloodline was developed. (it's also funny to notice that this group of four points is called "si", knowing that "si" is the note played by the crown chakra according to M and G).

session 980620 said:
Q: How many persons on the planet contain these 'convergent' bloodlines?
A: 7367. Kites were used for cross communication between bloodline members.

Q: Kites?! What do kites have to do with it? What the heck... you guys are driving me NUTS!
Now that we start to understand a little better what the kite thing could mean, we can understand those two excerpts in a complementary way:

session 950311 said:
A: What does it mean, indeed!
Q: (S) I guess as opposed to projections? (L) Okay, guys, let's connect our brain cells here!
A: No need to connect "brain cells," using your chakras will do!
session 00219 said:
A: Stonehenge used to resonate with tonal rill, teaching the other wise unteachable with wisdoms entered psychically
through crown chakra transceiving system.
Excellent! Thank you for that analysis/interpretation. I do think that you have that one nailed down.

Meanwhile, there is one that I got the other day while reading a technical paper on psychopathy which discussed the movie, "The Third Man".

Q: Yes. I also found the Solloi priesthood and the
priestesses called Peleiades. They seem to be involved
with urns, birds, tinkling bells, urns that can be struck
and which then set up a particular resonance in other
urns, oak trees, and some other peculiar references that
relate to laurel trees...

A: Siren song.

Q: What about the siren song?

A: Greek mythology.

Q: I know that. What about it? What do the sirens

A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal "many
beautiful and amazing things," all you need to do is
remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look
always for the triplicative connecting clue profile.
Connect the threes... do not rest until you have found
three beautifully balancing meanings!!

Q: So, in everything there are three aspects?

A: And why? Because it is the realm of the three that you
occupy. In order to possess the keys to the next level,
just master the Third Man Theme, then move on with grace
and anticipation.
The issue seems to be "resonance" and "siren song" which leads to that resonance. And, as we now know, that is what psychopaths do: they force resonance and they act on the psyche like a "siren song," an irresistible lure to follow them into their illusion. Once you do, you begin to resonate at THEIR frequency.

So if we remember our Greek mythology, there are only two stories of men resisting the songs of the Sirens. In the Odyssey, Odysseus ordered his men to put beeswax in their ears so they couldn't hear the music as they sailed by. His men tied Odysseus to the ship's mast so he could hear the enchanting tunes but wouldn't be able to swim ashore.
Jason and the Argonauts were also saved because they had Orpheus, (a talented musician) on board with them. He played music that was even more beautiful so the men hardly heard the sound of the Sirens.

In Greek mythology, Sirens were part human, part bird. The Sirens lived on a rocky island in the middle of the sea, possibly near Italy. They sang melodies so beautiful that sailors passing by couldn't resist getting closer to them. Following the sound of music, the sailors would steer their boats towards them or jump in the water to get closer. Either way, it always ended in disaster on the rocks.
The three Sirens that were written about the most in Greek Mythology were Pisinoe, Aglaope and Thelxiepi, all daughters of the river god, Achelous. One of them played the lyre, one played the flute and another one sang. Legend has it that Demeter, the goddess of harvest and fertility, turned the Sirens into the half-woman, half-bird creatures when the three failed to save Demeter's daughter, Persephone. Persephone was kidnapped by the god of the Underworld, Hades.
Im a bit confused here. So we have on our heads points corresponding to the traditional design of a kite. Using a kite can allow for some sort of communication between individuals and also to higher planes of existence. Got that. It doesn't seem like something we'd want to experiment with thou...

Siren song is a metaphor for psychopathic personality exposure. I know this all to well myself, one of the kids in my group definately had narcisstic/psychopathic traits and when he spoke you couldn't help but 'agree' less he'd unleash a torrent of his pseudologic. Conversations always became arguments, and this trait has definately persisted within the group eventhou we no longer hang around him.

How do these two things connect? I know the C's mention the trilogy bit, but im not seeing the parallel here. Further, if they do indeed connect whats the third aspect?
Cyre2067 said:
Im a bit confused here. So we have on our heads points corresponding to the traditional design of a kite. Using a kite can allow for some sort of communication between individuals and also to higher planes of existence. Got that. It doesn't seem like something we'd want to experiment with thou...

Siren song is a metaphor for psychopathic personality exposure. I know this all to well myself, one of the kids in my group definately had narcisstic/psychopathic traits and when he spoke you couldn't help but 'agree' less he'd unleash a torrent of his pseudologic. Conversations always became arguments, and this trait has definately persisted within the group eventhou we no longer hang around him.

How do these two things connect? I know the C's mention the trilogy bit, but im not seeing the parallel here. Further, if they do indeed connect whats the third aspect?
Maybe the third component is frequency/consciousness level.

On one side you have individuals who might experience resonance of the higher intellectual center (crown chakra / kite) and access some wise unteachable knowledge, unite with people on the same frequency,...

On the other side you might have people experiencing the resonance of a lower chakra. Psychopath might be expert at triggering the resonance of such a center, lower emotional center for instance.

Edit : animal symbology seems to hint at the triggered centers.

The sirens live in the water, i.e. low under our feet and their song resonate with our lower centers

The birds, (Castaneda's Eagle, Christian holy spirit/dove) live in the air, i.e. high above our heads and their song resonates with our higher centers
Axel_Dunor said:
Maybe the third component is frequency/consciousness level...
On one side you have individuals who might experience resonance of the higher intellectual center (crown chakra / kite) and access some wise unteachable knowledge, unite with people on the same frequency,... The birds, (Castaneda's Eagle, Christian holy spirit/dove) live in the air, i.e. high above our heads
mamadrama said:
In Greek mythology, Sirens were part human, part bird.
Cyre2067 said:
Siren song is a metaphor for psychopathic personality exposure.
Unfortuneately I think both the psychopath personalities and those with wise unteachable knowledge can fly our crown chakra kites. In Law of Three generic terms the Trinity is active-passive-neutralizer. It's kind of like our Holy Spirit kites are the interface (frequency effected conscious choice) that neutralizes between our active (God the Father present/past) state and our passive (God the Son future possibilities) states. It would be nice to know Kite biology and Kite Quantum physics and how they relate. In physics it seems maybe like the Kite is an octahedron wormhole interface between the matter balloon and the antimatter nonballoon (exotic sphere?).

A: Pyramids inverted upon one another.
Q: (A) Where to put these pyramids?
A: Hexagonal representaion of flat plane...
Q: (A) What is hexagonal representation?
A: What does a hexagon look like when converted to three
dimensional represention?
Q: (L) Well, a 'flat pyramid' is a triangle, and a triangle has
three points, and two triangles inverted becomes a sort of Star
of David, and that has six points and is a sort of hexagon... (L)
Well, this hexagon business... two dimensional inverted
pyramids make a Star of David. But, what if these pyramids
were really tetrahedrons? They LOOK like a hexagon in a
plane, but in 3 dimensions... (A) They are octohedrons...
Octonions... hmmmm....
A: Vortices... this is what your "wormhole" would look like.
Q: (L) So, if all that exists were like a blown up balloon, and
the surface of the balloon represents the static state of gravity,
7th density maybe... and it begins to bump out in different
places... and all these little bumps are loci of manifestation of
various densities - and this is very simplified, I am just trying to
get an image - is this getting, even very simplistically, an idea
that I can work with?
A: As long as you have an "antiballoon" too.
Q: (L) So, can we make the outer surface of the balloon a
balloon, and the inner surface or the air the "antiballoon?"
A: No.
Q: (L) Two balloons next to one another?
A: No. A nonballoon.
A couple of months ago I've made a little study on kites following the quote of Axel Dunor. I'm translating this one today with some new elements found since.

When I have read Secret history of the world, I've been curious of this story of kites, and as I was reading some books about alchemy and Fulcanelli, I've made a research about the symbolism of Kites.
In french, we said « cerf-volant » for « kites ». Translated word for word, « cerf-volant » gives « flying stag »-it is important for the following, for all the times you will read kite, think « flag » also.

In the Dictionnaire des symboles , I've found that :

« Kites »

The use of kites is a common amusement in eastern Asia. In Vietnam, kites with whistles play a role of protection in moving away the evil spirits during epidemics. In order to make this therapy more efficient, the whistle is in charge to disperse ...arsenic sulfur in powder; the meaning of kite here is to put together with the meaning of rhomb.
The game of kite recalls the physico-chemical law which permits to the flag-mercury to raise, and to the philosophical sublimation to achieve. It is to illustrate this teaching that Jacques Coeur made sculpted, in good alchemist, flying stags on the tympanum of a door of the great room of his palace of Bourges.


« Stag : it is said flying or fleeting. It represents Mercury or the female principle of the Work »

Mercury representing the Spirit ( Sulfur = Soul), and the crown chakra ( surrounded by the little kites as Axel make us know) corresponding at the higher intellectual center, we can see yet an interesting correlation.

Stay a moment with the symbolism of flag. In the same Dictionnaire des symboles:

« Cernunnos- the gallic divinity- which got the top of the head like a flag.[...] Maybe we have to see in these antlers surmounting the head of the god a radiance of celestial light.[...]
« The winged flag can mean[...] the fervor to unite to God, the attention to the words and the breath of Spirit, the sensivity to God's presence.
Often associated to the unicorn, the flag is the symbol of philosophical mercury. »

Before coming back to unicorn, here is an extract of the site :

« in [8], we find a chimera which express intermediary between the volatile and the fixed : horse with flag's corns, here are the mercurial elements which are opposed to the fixation crown,[...] Should we see in [8]a kind of flying stag, a flag which borrows the features of Pegasus? In his case , we should associate it to the rhomb, musical instrument which make a kind of moaning, in the heart of the night, where one could have heard the voice of spirits, linked to the AIR attributes – elements of ZEUS- with thunder, lightning, and rain.

( a disgression here: kite is said Aethos in Greek . It means Eagle. Aethos Prometheus is the eagle sent by Zeus to eat the liver of Prometheus.)

So this kite/flying stag got the value of a male fertilizing force, immediate prelude to the reincrudation of Sulfurs. So is giving to the rhomb a protection role, by taking away the evil spirits. To make this [pharmakon?] more efficient, one recommend to charge the whistle with powder of sulfur of arsenic [...] Now, as the alchemists know, sulfur of arsenic represents the association the Rebis [arsenic: Salt and sulfur : Red sulfur]

I recall that the rhomb is a primitive music intrument in wood or metal linked wih a string, and one is made spinned above the head. The friction with the air emit a strong vibration. It was use for exemple to warn the non-initiates of a magic ceremony where they was forbidden to approach.

Further, an extract which could make the link with a quote of Mammadrama about the Harpies and Argonauts:

« The Harpies capture Sulfur by a process of dissolution ; so they have very much to do with mercury in its first state ; their birds bodies, their claws – illustrating the (pontical?) appearance of the philosophers vinegar – and the fact they torment the metallics souls in a constant manner, show that. Only the wind – incarnated by Calaïs and Zethes- or the increasing of temperature, can get through them[...] We can approach them to Erinies. Only a wind of Justice, where we guess the Spirit breath, can drive them away. »

I was wondering if we could link that with a quote of Laura about the psychopaths and the resonance they product on the psyche.

Ethymology of « CERF-VOLANT » - many hypothesis.

The word « cerf-volant » could come from « serp-volante » which has a meridional origin meaning « serpent volant »- (« flying snake »).
In Occitan language, « cerf-volant » is said « serp-volanta » and refers well to a snake and not a flag.
In Breton, "sarpant-nij"
In many language, cerf-volant (kite) refers to a snake or a dragon :
ex : drachen in German
drake in Norwegian and Swedish
zmaj in Croatian
zmiéï in Russian

I suppose that it come from the first kites appeared in Europe from Asia where they represent often paper dragons/ winged snakes. Some said it refers to the legends of flying dragons and flying snake in the Bible.

In some others language it refers to a bird :
kite in English
yon in Corean ( which means kite)
latawiec szaszor in Polish ( = bird)
aethos in Greek (=eagle)

(Well, I'v not find so much thing for the kite of Leonardo da Vinci, but the bird flies above our head, his cry is heard from far (like the rhomb, even one is shrill and the other low) and if you join the extremities of the head, the wings and the tail, you've got a rhombus.)

Sometimes kite refers to an insect, the stag beetle (lucane in french), which has the mandibles like stag's antlers..
It is an other hypothesis to the french origin of the word.

But would you believe that the flying dragon refers to Mercury in alchemia , too!
And would you believe that in astrology, the sign of Scorpio got 3 states of evolution : scorpio first, snake in second, and eagle for the end. ( the 4 keroubim : Taurus (the Bull), Lion (the Lion), Scorpio (the Eagle),Aquarius(the Man))

Quote that « cerf » and « cerveau »( = brain) have the same origin and indo-european root : Ker- which mean corne, tête ( corn, head)
In persan, ker- is « sar- » recall the breton « sarpant-nij »

This extract can make smile those who are familiar with the « green language » :

« The stag, animal with a very strong symbolism in the middle-age, which has been sometimes represented winged ( like Pegasus) have no link with the « cerf-volant », only with this confusion introduced when the word has been taken to the « langue d'Oc »-Oc's language- to be transcribed in good french, probably in the 17th century.
The words « serp » and « cerf » have the same pronunciation and we understand why « serp-volante » or « ser-volante » (meaning "serpent volant" (flying snake) in Occitan language) have been phonetically transcribed « cerf-volant » in french.

Go back to unicorn now:

« Unicorn is represented in many alchemical books. This fabulous animal, from eastern origin, linked to the 3rd eye and the access to Nirvana, the come back to the center and the Unity, was intended for the western hermetists to show the way to the philosophical gold – to the inner transmutation. »

« Unicorn symbolises, with its single corn in the middle of forehead, spiritual arrow, solar ray, sword of God, the divine revelation, the penetration of the divine in the creature »

session 970621 said:
A: Shepherd is most likely to be struck by lightning, due to staff, and thus "enlightened," or "illumened!!"
session010823 said:
Q: (L) The Maori origin of kites. Why did the Maori fly kites?
A: To attempt communication with Gods.
On http:/

« it exists some links highly symbolical between Maori kite and « Matariki » [...] kites was considered like a link between sky and earth.
Matariki is a little group of stars, known as Pleiades. »

There is a lot of clues linking the kites with head, communication, a resonance ( don't forget that :
Axel Dunor said:
So we have on the top of our heads a little energetic kite of which the center is our crown chakra.
Just before in the same transcript, questions about bloodline was developed. (it's also funny to notice that this group of four points is called "si", knowing that "si" is the note played by the crown chakra according to M and G)

I don't know really what to think of all that but I wonder
if a particular bloodline is going to awake, could this bloodline emit a particular resonance and the psychopaths and HAARP and all the electromagnetic pollution could be also a try to interfere, or to jam this resonance?.
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

I came upon this writing on alchemy on the internet, and i thought i'd post here an excerpt from it, where it talks about the Herme's staff, or Caduceus, and it makes an interesting remark concerning the vagus nerve: (from -

The Caduceus

Mystic gurus, when instructing disciples, sometimes adopt teaching devices to train their chelas. The Caduceus is one such device. It represents the major nadis, or subtle nervous system to be found in man's occult anatomy.

The Caduceus, or staff of Mercury, is composed of a rod with two snakes intertwined around the rod. The rod represents sushumna, an etheric counterpart of the spinal cord. Within the sushumna there are other subtle nerves, channels of refine energy; they are called by yogis "Vajrini," "Chitrini," and "Brahman." The sushumna extends upwards and outwards into the Overself as the "Sutratma." Pingala and Ida are the two nadis depicted by the snakes. The junctions where the snakes and rod meet are symbolic of the major chakras. Vagabond yogis sometimes carry bamboo staffs with seven knots on it to represent sushumna and the chakras.

Atop of the caduceus rod is a knob; a vine creeper is sometimes attached to this knot ending somewhere midway at the staff. The protuberance represents the medulla oblongata with the vagus nerve, the creeper, connected to it. The vagus nerve ends in the thoracic region. Each of these components plays an important role in man's mystic development. They serve various spiritual functions.

Occasionally, a pair of wings are to be found appended to each side of the knob or rod. This indicates that the kundalini energy at the base of the sushumna had been raised and resurrected. Angelic wings symbolize a superior degree of consciousness and mind.

As a whole, the caduceus symbolizes regeneration and enlightenment. It further depicts the attunement of the mind of man with the Cosmic Mind.

In bygone days, in the Mystery Schools, only the adepts and those of a higher standing were worthy enough to hold such a symbolic staff in their hands. Sometimes the caduceus, or versions of it, were magnetized with odic energy and Atmic force. The Thyrsus held in the hands of hierophants of the Eleusian Mystery School was one rod with such a divine quality impregnated into it. It was primarily designed to stimulate the kundalini fire of the disciples and initiates when their gurus deemed it necessary and appropriate at certain stages of their spiritual growth. The act of impregnating a mystical or religious object with divine influences is called "consecration," or "magnetization."

Some occultists interpret the caduceus as representing the Universal Magickal Agent. This magickal force is used abundantly in theurgic and thaumaturgic operations. Egyptian hierophants were adepts in the application of this force. The laws and principles involved in controlling the agent were transmitted under oath of secrecy to seekers of Light. Appolonius, Pythagoras, and Moses are names that come to mind when considering the display of so-called miracles. These eminent individuals were all initiates of the Mystery schools in the Land of Khem.

Nowadays, the Caduceus is an emblem employed by the medical profession. Only in recent years is this branch of science discovering the subtle energies with which this emblem is silently pointing.

It is written by Leonard Lee (aka Luxamore) "a metaphysical teacher, counselor, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia" who maintains a site named Indotalisman
- which is concerned with occult studies, metaphysics, etc, and where they sell mystical pendants, stones, etc.

In the above site's About us section -, it says:

After operating and maintaining this site since 2001, many of our visitors and customers have inquired about the people behind Indotalisman and have requested that we say something of ourselves. We have often considered the appropriateness of this as we do not want Indotalisman to degrade into a simple personal homepage with the whole barnyard family appearing on the pages. On the other hand, we do realize that some pertinent info does give assurance to our customers and help to build trust. But then again, presenting petty details of one's personality could diminish the importance of the message and purpose of the site by diverting attention to the personality. We prefer to bury our individuality in the shadows rather than have it in the limelight.

Considering the request as a whole, however, we have decided to compromise and say just a weeny bit of ourselves (described in the third person) and Indotalisman :

The person mainly responsible for Indotalisman goes by the name of "Luxamore," whose real name may be found in certain pages of this site. He wears an Eurasian body (of short and slight built) that saw the light of this world on a Friday 13 in '63. His interest in the occult began as a child and teenager when he had numerous psychic experiences which made him inquire as to the nature of reality. Serious study of the occult, mysticism and metaphysics began at age 18. Throughout the years he studied the teachings of various esoteric, magickal, and mystical schools and colleges; as well as devouring hundreds of books on the subject. From one college he acquired a Master's degree on the "Sacred Science" in the field of esotericism; from another a doctorate on Metaphysics.

At age 5 he was a given a rosary with a crucifix. He was told that it was God. He mentally rejected this intuitively knowing that God could not be described in human terms. But how does a child convey this to sneering adults?

Luxamore has appeared to the Indonesian public in the past speaking and teaching metaphysics, but has since changed his mode of operation for various reasons.

A bachelor most of his life until he was requested by his Guru Murshid to marry--to be an example to others who maintain strange notions that one could not progress spiritually if one were married. Sometime later, an angelic presence made itself known in the middle of the night and smilingly presented the Higher Self of the person that he was to unite in holy matrimony. Several weeks later they met in physical reality. This occurred in 1999 and they are now a married couple with one girl. They presently reside in the "Rainy City" of Bogor, Indonesia, which hosts a well-known botanical garden. As his wife is camera shy, only the recent photograph of Luxamore will be shown. This was taken in a native village after a harsh day in the jungles of Banten, Indonesia.

In the home-based business of Indotalisman, Luxamore is assisted by his wife, Mulan, and 3 freelance-workers. This was started as a part-time venture but is now focused upon full-time. With the revenue he acquires from the business he hopes to one day open a lodge for seekers of the spirit where they may study, pray, and meditate.

I am not sure what this guy is up to, and why, but i found the above reference to the Vagus nerve quite interesting. It is said that he studied many schools of "esoteric, magickal, and mystical" subjects, so i wonder if he came upon something of Truth in there.
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

Axel Dunor said:
So we have on the top of our heads a little energetic kite of which the center is our crown chakra.
Just before in the same transcript, questions about bloodline was developed. (it's also funny to notice that this group of four points is called "si", knowing that "si" is the note played by the crown chakra according to M and G)

Here is collection of quotes from ISOTM on the topic of "astral body". The first quote in particular talks about an ability of people who have astral bodies (who have connection with their higher emotional centers) to communicate with each other at the distance. The quote also mentions bloodlines (or blood brotherhood), though not sure if only drinking the blood would do the trick ;), it has probably more to do with assimilation of the same impressions/emanations or resonating on the same frequency.

ISOTM said:
"You remember what I said about the 'astral body'? Let us go over it briefly. People who have an 'astral body' can communicate with one another at a distance without having recourse to ordinary physical means. But for such communication to be possible they must establish some 'connection' between them. For this purpose when going to different places or different countries people sometimes take with them something belonging to another, especially things that have been in contact with his body and are permeated with his emanations, and so on. In the same way, in order to maintain a connection with a dead person, his friends used to keep objects which had belonged to him. These things leave, as it were, a trace behind them, something like invisible wires or threads which remain stretched out through space. These threads connect a given object with the person, living or in certain cases dead, to whom the object belonged. Men have known this from the remotest antiquity and have made various uses of this knowledge.

"Traces of it may be found among the customs of many peoples. You know, for instance, that several nations have the custom of blood-brotherhood. Two men, or several men, mix their blood together in the same cup and then drink from this cup. After that they are regarded as brothers by blood. But the origin of this custom lies deeper. In its origin it was a magical ceremony for establishing a connection between 'astral bodies.' Blood has special qualities. And certain peoples, for instance the Jews, ascribed a special significance of magical properties to blood. Now, you see, if a connection between 'astral bodies' had been established, then again according to the beliefs of certain nations it is not broken by death.

"Christ knew that he must die. It had been decided thus beforehand. He knew it and his disciples knew it. And each one knew what part he had to play. But at the same time they wanted to establish a permanent link with Christ. And for this purpose he gave them his blood to drink and his flesh to eat. It was not bread and wine at all, but real flesh and real blood.

"The Last Supper was a magical ceremony similar to 'blood-brotherhood' for establishing a connection between 'astral bodies.' But who is there who knows about this in existing religions and who understands what it means? All this has been long forgotten and everything has been given quite a different meaning. The words have remained but their meaning has long been lost."

This lecture and particularly its ending provoked a great deal of talk in our groups. Many were repelled by what G. said about Christ and the Last Supper; others, on the contrary, felt in this a truth which they never could have reached by themselves.

The above makes me wonder if G's examples of various customs and ceremonies where real objects were kept, or real blood and flesh were assimilated, were presented in the way they were to convey a process that was essentially non physical (perhaps no real blood was drank, for example) but it was the only way to portray the establishment of a strong bond that had manifestations in the physical reality. G does the same with describing universal symbolic language.

It also reminded me of C's saying how people who died and knew Laura, are now able to help from 5d due to the established connection. Perhaps the custom of keeping people's belongings in order to maintain the connection has more to do with memory and directed thoughts (holding them in our hearts) than with objects having any power of their own. They are like doors, while memories and thoughts act as a key.

So here are the rest of the collected quotes where he speaks about working on growing the astral body. And perhaps also on how to work on establishing connection to the higher emotional center, or even connecting chakras that perhaps are the cord of a kite.

ISOTM said:
You know what the expression 'astral body' means. But the systems with which you are acquainted and which use this expression state that all men have an 'astral body.' This is quite wrong. What may be called the 'astral body' is obtained by means of fusion, that is, by means of terribly hard inner work and struggle. Man is not born with it. And only very few men acquire an 'astral body.' If it is formed it may continue to live after the death of the physical body, and it may be born again in another physical body. This is 'reincarnation.' If it is not re-born, then, in the course of time, it also dies; it is not immortal but it can live long after the death of the physical body.[...]

So the growth of astral body appears to be the work on creating optimal conditions for the soul to be seated:

Laura said:
Gimpy said:
So my question is: how prevalent is the incarnating soul of an infant?

Depends. It may have an individuated, reincarnating soul or soul pattern (nascent), or simply a fragment of a soul pool like most creatures and grow up to be an OP. In general, people have both: the creature fragment, and the genetic possibility of seating an individuated soul and its incarnational task is to master the horse, the cart and the driver.

If there is an individuated soul, it may be more or less firmly "attached" and in communication with the new body, but until the soul genetics are activated, cannot "seat". It may begin the seating process earlier or later, depending on the genetics and the environment. There are ways to enhance the soul connection by actively parenting the soul. Remember that the soul is "adult" not infantile. Things that tend to amplify the infantile, animistic part of the being will inhibit the individuated soul part from seating. This can then lead to great difficulty later in life in terms of every being able to fully seat the soul in the body. Some of these things are connected to stages of imprinting.

Perhaps the sirens mentioned in this thread and falling in confluence with psychopathic reality continue to have their influence on individuals until the point (and if they reach it) where they stop being an empty house without a master where everyone or any influence can come in and live there.

ISOTM said:
"The 'astral body' is not an indispensable implement for man. It is a great luxury which only a few can afford. A man can live quite well without an 'astral body.' His physical body possesses all the functions necessary for life. A man without 'astral body' may even produce the impression of being a very intellectual or even spiritual man, and may deceive not only others but also himself.[...]

"How is one to know if a man has an 'astral body'?" I asked.
"There are definite ways of knowing that," answered G. "Under certain conditions the 'astral body' can be seen; it can be separated from the physical body and even photographed at the side of the physical body. The existence of the 'astral body' can be still more easily and simply established by its functions. The 'astral body' has definite functions which the physical body cannot have. The presence of these functions indicates the presence of the 'astral body.' The absence of these functions shows the absence of the 'astral body.' But it is too early to speak of this now.[...]

"If a man has the third body" (he placed the third body on the diagram parallel to the sun), "it is composed of material of the sun and it can exist after the death of the 'astral' body.[...]

In order to grow, a child must have good food, his organism must be in a healthy condition to prepare from this food the material necessary for the growth of the tissues. The same thing is necessary for the growth of the 'astral body'; out of the various kinds of food entering it, the organism must produce the substances necessary for the growth of the 'astral body.' Moreover, the 'astral body' requires for its growth the same substances as those necessary to maintain the physical body, only in much greater quantities. If the physical organism begins to produce a sufficient quantity of these fine substances and the 'astral body' within it becomes formed, this astral organism will require for its maintenance less of these substances than it required during its growth.

The surplus from these substances can then be used for the formation and growth of the 'mental body' which will grow with the help of the same substances that feed the 'astral body,' but of course the growth of the 'mental body' will require more of these substances than the growth and feeding of the 'astral body.' The surplus of the substances left over from the feeding of the 'mental body' will go to the growth of the fourth body. But in all cases the surplus will have to be very large. All the fine substances necessary for the growth and feeding of the higher bodies must be produced within the physical organism, and the physical organism is able to produce them provided the human factory is working properly and economically.[...]

Here, above, looks like the importance of keeping the proper diet and providing the proper inner environment is emphasized again.

ISOTM said:
What is called according to one terminology the 'astral body,' is called in another terminology the 'higher emotional center,' although the difference here does not lie in the terminology alone. These are, to speak more correctly, different aspects of the next stage of man's evolution. It can be said that the 'astral body' is necessary for the complete and proper functioning of the 'higher emotional center' in unison with the lower. Or it can be said that the 'higher emotional center' is necessary for the work of the 'astral body.'

"The 'mental body' corresponds to the 'higher thinking center.' It would be wrong to say that they are one and the same thing. But one requires the other, one cannot exist without the other, one is the expression of certain sides and functions of the other. "The fourth body requires the complete and harmonious working of all centers; and it implies, or is the expression of, complete control over this working.[...]

You should understand that in this case as well as in all others the general law cannot be changed. But one can change one's own position in relation to this law; one can escape from the general law. The more so since in this law about which I speak, that is, in the power of sex over people, are included many different possibilities. It includes the chief form of slavery and it is also the chief possibility of liberation. This is what you must understand.

" 'New birth,' of which we have spoken before, depends as much upon sex energy as do physical birth and the propagation of species.
"'Hydrogen' si 12 is the 'hydrogen' which represents the final product of the transformation of food in the human organism. This is the matter with which sex works and which sex manufactures. It is 'seed' or 'fruit.'

" 'Hydrogen' si 12 can pass into do of the next octave with the help of an 'additional shock.' But this 'shock' can be of a dual nature and different octaves can begin, one outside the organism which has produced si, and the other in the organism itself. The union of male and female si 12 and all that accompanies it constitutes the 'shock' of the first kind and the new octave begun with its help develops independently as a new organism or a new life.

"This is the normal and natural way to use the energy of si 12. But in the same organism there is a further possibility. And this is the possibility of creating a new life within the actual organism, in which the si 12 has been manufactured, without the union of the two principles, the male and the female. A new octave then develops within the organism, not outside it This is the birth of the 'astral body.' You must understand that the 'astral body' is born of the same material, of the same matter, as the physical body, only the process is different. The whole of the physical body, all its cells, are, so to speak, permeated by emanations of the matter si 12. And when they have become sufficiently saturated the matter si 12 begins to crystallize. The crystallization of this matter constitutes the formation of the 'astral body.'

"The transition of matter si 12 into emanations and the gradual saturation of the whole organism by it is what alchemy calls 'transmutation' or transformation. It is first this transformation of the physical body into the astral that alchemy called the transformation of the 'coarse' into the 'fine' or the transformation of base metals into gold.
"Completed transmutation, that is to say, the formation of the 'astral body,' is possible only in a healthy, normally functioning organism. In a sick, or a perverted, or a crippled organism, no transmutation is possible."[...]

So being part of particular bloodline or not, looks like flying kites requires a heck of work and preparation. ;)
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

Also remember Gurdjieff "talking" using his "Voice" [power of thought] and Ouspensky heard G.'s Voice in his chest, without any of them speaking out loudly. Possibly after establishing chakra connection peoples bodies become walking mobile phones and messages are heard inside individual bodies. Let's hope physical distance doesn't inhibit much.

No wonder PtB might have employed tech making people hear voices, when the [development of] natural version of this communication is a very possibility.
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

So we have on the top of our heads a little energetic kite of which the center is our crown chakra.

Oh, very interesting, and nice explanation for this "kite" mystery.

I've thought before that the "kite" form was the one created by energy centers of the body as described by Castaneda (in "Histoires de pouvoir"), or otherwise the astral body, but it seems more logical if it is placed on the head.

Also in Florinda Donner-Grau's book, the energy center of the head is described as a cone or funnel (like a "\/" in women, and upside down in men "/\"; so that women have greater access to knowledge.)

The "column/pillar of light" is recurrent in the literature : Li Hongzhi, Barbara Marciniak, Tosha about the "flow" (Ilia Beliaev), Mme de Salzmann (her book), so obviously there is something behind this.
I heard that it can be sometimes clairvoyantly seen that at the end of the pillar there is a pattern or flower.

In the last french issue of the Nexus magazine (about the third eye), you'll find something similar to what Ramtha says in the White Book, that the pineal gland is the "antenna" and the pituitary gland the "amplifier".
So there is a "bridge" between the back and the front of the brain (the back is linked to the yin world, and the front to the yang world).
(see also : The Pineal Gland: The Eye of God -- Manly P Hall)

This I think comes from Mantak Chia but it shows the "bridge" :

The shepherd's crook is also reminiscent of the control meridian (Tu Mo) (see : Zhao Bichen, Traité d'alchimie et de physiologie taoïste) and Stuart Alve Olson (Gigong teachings).

I think some of Tensegrity's passes activates this circuit :
It is very close to a Falun Gong gesture. It is the higher Heavenly Circuit, and it reproduce the shepherd's crook configuration.


The game of kite recalls the physico-chemical law which permits to the flag-mercury to raise, and to the philosophical sublimation to achieve. It is to illustrate this teaching that Jacques Coeur made sculpted, in good alchemist, flying stags on the tympanum of a door of the great room of his palace of Bourges.

You'll find an article of Eugène Canseliet in "L'oeuvre royale de Charles VI" (Dominique Ravel) about kites, because Charles VI of France had the flying deer for emblem. There was also winged deer in Jacques Coeur's palace.
Eugène Canseliet writes that the kite refers to mercury, and to the double symbol of fire and water.


shield of Fulcanelli :



edit : image added
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

Some quotes :
Session 33

RA: The violet ray of the positive fourth-density will be tinged with the green, blue, indigo triad of energies. This tinge may be seen as a portion of a rainbow or prism, as you know it, the rays being quite distinct.

The violet ray of fourth-density negative has in its aura, shall we say, the tinge of red, orange, yellow, these rays being muddied rather than distinct.

Session 34

RA: The indigo ray, though precious, is that ray worked upon only by the adept, as you would call it. It is the gateway to intelligent infinity bringing intelligent energy through. This is the energy center worked upon in those teachings considered inner, hidden and occult, for this ray is that which is infinite in its possibilities. As you are aware, those who heal, teach, and work for the Creator in any way which may be seen to be both radiant and balanced are those activities which are indigo ray.

Session 47

RA: The indigo-ray body which we choose to call the etheric body is, as we have said, the gateway body. In this body form is substance and you may only see this body as that of light as it may mold itself as it desires.

RA: The indigo-ray body may be used by the healer once the healer becomes able to place its consciousness in this etheric state.

RA: The first body which activates itself upon death is the “form-maker” or the indigo-ray body. This body remains—you have called it the “ka”—until etherea has been penetrated and understanding has been gained by the mind/body/spirit totality. Once this is achieved, if the proper body to be activated is green-ray, then this will occur.

RA: The normal procedure, given an harmonious passage from yellow-ray bodily manifestation, is for the mind and spirit complex to rest in the etheric or indigo body until such time as the entity begins its preparation for experience in an incarnated place which has a manifestation formed by the etheric energy molding it into activation and manifestation. This indigo body, being intelligent energy, is able to offer the newly dead, as you would term it, soul a perspective and a place from which to view the experience most recently manifested. Is there a short query we may answer at this time?

Session 54

RA: The positively oriented entity will be transmuting strong red-ray sexual energy into green-ray energy transfers and radiation in blue and indigo and will be similarly transmuting selfhood and place in society into energy transfer situations in which the entity may merge with and serve others and then, finally, radiate unto others without expecting any transfer in return.



Comparison below:


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Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

Three other pictures,

One showing the original form of kites in an alchemical book,

And the two others from Michael Topper's Mother book, and Christopher Hills's Nuclear Evolution.


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Re: Kites, crown chakra and

Hello Dear forum Members,

First of all thank you very much for letting me join your awesome forum.

Could you please join the chakras as gravity centers with the type of man? I mean
1. chakra is the gravity center of first kind of man.
2. chakra is the gravity center of 2nd kind of man.
5. chakra is the gravity center of third kind of man.

Balance between the 1-2-5 makes the man become 4th type man.
Does the heart chakra the gravity center of the fifth kind of man? And what about the others?
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