The Spinning Survey


The Cosmic Force
I have also heard that spinning to the Right will throw you more into a Left Brain type consciousness, and conversely spinning to the Left will then throw you more into a Right Brain type conciousness.
I found this intriguing so have started this survey to ascertain the accuracy of this information.

1. Do you spin to the right or left?

2. Do you identify as 'the artist' or 'the scientist'?

3. How often do you spin, and how many revolutions each time?

4. What effects have you noticed from spinning?
I spin to the left [counter-clockwise looking from above] - arms outsretched; left palm up, right palm down

I guess I'm in the scientist category

3 x 33 per day - as regularly as I remember

On several occasions I have felt a tingling sensation in my left palm. Perhaps increased info processing in terms of being able to take in more reading material.
As an experiment I have tried to spin with alternating directions. For example 11 times to the right, then immidiately same amount of revolutions to the left. Then again changing direction and doing 11 revolutions to the clockwise direction.

I got this idea from a book written by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, called "Secrets of the Soil". There is a chapter "Vortex of Life". It deals with energetically charged water. In biodynamic agriculture there is a preparation called BD 500 which is stirred water. The intent is to charge water by mechanical or hand-stirring. A nice vortex should be established (with cheerful mood), then you change a direction and stir to the opposite way. This change of a direction - a decisive jump from chaos to order - is a crucial point. According to the book mentioned "...the hydrogen bonds of water molecules subjected to such stress are stretched like rubber bands; at which point they absorb planetary forces, which, as the molecule snaps back into shape are retained and energize the molecule." This method lies in the conlusion that vortexial formative processes are primary in the nature. It could be related also to the work of Ilya Prigogine and the creative ralation between order and chaos.

What it has to do whit spinnining? As above so below.

Effects? Can't say nothing objective. Not a everyday spinner.
I do it mentally. I imagine “ropes untwisting" . It gives me flying and expanding sensation.
I do not do it regulary yet.
Like Starsailor, I spin to the left [counter-clockwise looking from above] - arms outsretched; left palm up, right palm down and lokking at my left thumb.

I am pretty sure that my intellectual center is more active than my emotional center so I can be put in the scientist category

I try to spin 3 x 33 each day.

I usually perceive a heat sensation quite similar to the one you can feel when doing Chi Cong.
-artist with scientific vocation
-33 times twice a day, if I remember
both arms at the shoulder level, fixing eyes on my palms

-since I started this practice I noticed more vivid dreams and spiraling light movement within the core of the body when meditating or focusing inwards
starsailor said:
I spin to the left [counter-clockwise looking from above] - arms outsretched; left palm up, right palm down

I guess I'm in the scientist category

3 x 33 per day - as regularly as I remember

On several occasions I have felt a tingling sensation in my left palm. Perhaps increased info processing in terms of being able to take in more reading material.
I´m really all for it if it works, but I just wanted to ask if you dont think the tingling can come from blood rushing to your hands by the rotating motion (gyro) ?
But as I said, I might try it myself.
How fast should one spin? Should one restart if one loses balance? (trips)
Grim said:
I´m really all for it if it works, but I just wanted to ask if you dont think the tingling can come from blood rushing to your hands by the rotating motion (gyro) ?
It could just as well be that. I don't anticipate physical sensations from the exercise though. I just enjoy it for the fun it is - no nauseous sensations for me! I'm able to spin faster now than when I started doing it. But don't worry about the 'settings' of speed, posture, direction beforehand - just play around with it for yourself. I span in the opposite direction yesterday (to the right in my case) - this direction is definitely 'less grooved' for me! Great fun though.

Remember, the gist of this exercise as the C's describe it, is to 'spin the chakras' and so assist in the changing of our DNA. Now, if I had heard it put like this from some other source, I would possibly have laughed it off as New Age fluffiness! We are generally so far removed from conscious awareness of our etheric bodies and its functions. How can anyone know that spinning works as prescribed? Answer: I don't think you can know in advance. When I spin, I acknowledge that in doing so, I am trusting something 'higher'. But I think it's important to do so without anticipation of immediate rewards.
I have tried to spin both ways. It does not make any noticeable difference which way. Usually I spin clockwise and about twice a day. I used to do 33 because that is what I read, but after some time I tried to determine the number using a pendulum and got around 25, which really was more comfortable. Then there was the issue of the speed of revolution, for this I got about 10 per minute using a pendulum. I asked a friend to try his and he got 33 per minute, so it is individual. I think the mind aspect is important apart from the physical, mechanical spinning. Results are more noticeable, when I am focused; there occasionally may be energy running through the system, like in a dynamo, or like in Reiki, although it could be because of the Reiki knowledge that the quality of spinning is influenced. Hard to say.

mada85 said:
I found this intriguing so have started this survey to ascertain the accuracy of this information.

1. Do you spin to the right or left?

2. Do you identify as 'the artist' or 'the scientist'?

3. How often do you spin, and how many revolutions each time?

4. What effects have you noticed from spinning?
1. Left

2. the scientist

3. 3 times a day and 33 revolutions

4 So far, more dreams.
I am not trying to promote “my" idea about spinning through “mind" . If I would visualize myself spinning (along with chakras), do you think there is a difference vs doing it physically ?
Heh well I guess one don´t have to use a stationary bicycle to do "spinning". I´m gonna try it for a week or two.
Thanks for the inspiration* :)

Now, if I had heard it put like this from some other source, I would possibly have laughed it off as New Age fluffiness! We are generally so far removed from conscious awareness of our etheric bodies and its functions. How can anyone know that spinning works as prescribed? Answer: I don't think you can know in advance.
I spin to the right and I'm an artist, always have been. I get a rush, an almost uphoric feeling when done. energized and ready for the day. Also allows me to focus better I believe.
I spin to the right. Arms outstretched to each side, parallel to the floor, palms down, eyes open, looking ahead.


3 x 33 daily. Sometimes more revolutions per session.

I have noticed: greater mental clarity and understanding; an awareness of internal waking part vs internal sleeping part. 'Scientific analyst' beginning to balance the 'artistic dreamer'.
Hello all you Spinners. :) I was asked to join in the spinning survey, so here goes.

I use to spin about 5 years ago but stopped when I got injured. I was spinning on my patio and didn't know anything about counting revelations so just went on and on until I lost all control, and unfortunately I originally thought the patio was a safe open place to do this, but I ended up crashing into the hard "tectured" plaster walls and finally falling on the even harder cement floor. Needless to say I was pretty beat up and bloody, in fact I called a friend to come over and help me out because I also was quite confused and delerious.

But recently I resumed the Spinning again, but this time more cautiously. I now spin a lil' slower and have been building up to the suggested 33 reps given by the C's. I now feel much more "in control" when I spin and usually retain my balance pretty good.

I spin to the Right because I am of the ARTISTIC type and so I figure this (may) help to Activate more Left brain activity associated with the SCIENTIST.

Like so many others I also have been having very Vivid and Lucid dreams. In fact one dream had to do with Laura, my dad, and myself. In the dream Laura was married to my dad. Strange huh?

I am spinning once or twice a day so far, up to 33 revolutions, with arms stretched out, while focusing on a 19 century painting of Stone Henge everytime it come in view.

I feel my mental accuity is also sharpening. I am hoping it will eventually be a helping factor, even if it's not all that I will have to do, to remove the mind programs and Blocks put in me by the Drachamonoid STS's.

I would like to say that Children seem to Spin naturally a lot. They are always twirling and whirling by themselves, or holding the hands or feet of friends and doing cartwheels. Even their amusment rides have mostly to do with spinning like ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, etc. As we grow older we seem to do this less and less. Children also seem to be, as it has been often discussed, Closer to interaction with the "Other side" or 4th density life. I wonder if the veil between these two densities can be thinned and made more accessible by something so simple as consistent purposeful Spinning??
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