Transmarginal Inhibition - We are being treated like dogs


FOTCM Member
Lately I've been noticing an increasing malaise - a tiredness, grouchiness - in so many people, especially those who have been working almost daily for the past 5 years on exposing the lies we swim in daily.

When I was doing the research for the pedia entry on Transmarginal Inhibition, I realized what is happening: the very techniques for inducing stress breakdowns in dogs that were discovered/developed by Ivan Pavlov are being used on the human population all over the globe. Here are the four methods:

1) The first type of stress was simply an increase in the intensity of the signal to which the dog was initially conditioned. If this was gradually increased, at a certain point, when the signal was too strong for its system, the dog would begin to break down.
This one is pretty easy to see: they are trying to stress everyone with fear, so they keep pouring on the "fear signal." Not only are we supposed to be afraid of terrorists, we are supposed to be afraid that if we do anything that is taken the wrong way by the PTB, we will end up in Gitmo, a torture victim.

Of course, there is the long term stress that has been applied for a very long time to the U.S. population: financial insecurity. That one is sure increasing nowadays!

There are so many ways this one is being used on people that I'm sure that we could list a dozen examples or more.

2) The second way of achieving the ultraboundary event was to increase the time between the giving of the signal and the arrival of food. If a dog was conditioned to receive food five seconds after the warning signal, and this period was then prolonged, signs of restlessness and abnormal behavior would become evident in the less stable dogs. Pavlov discovered that the dog's brains revolted against any abnormally long waiting period while under stress. Breakdown would occur when the dog had to either exert very strong, or very prolonged, inhibition. (Human beings also find protracted waiting while under stress to be debilitatin: worse than the event that produces the anxiety.)
This one is interesting. We saw it playing out with the attack on Iraq. "We are gonna bomb Iraq..." soon. Over and over and over again the back and forth about WMDs and all that nonsense. By the time the war was launched, a lot of people may have simply been too stressed to care.

Right now, it is being done again with Iran, Syria, and who knows what else. Everyone KNOWS what Bush is gonna do, but the stress of waiting is getting to everyone. Thing is, the puppet masters behind Bush KNOW this. That is their plan! To wear people out with the stress of waiting, hot and cold, yes, no, "it's gonna happen... maybe tomorrow... next week... next month... or maybe not."

This sort of thing is maddening to the system. How many people can stand up under this kind of stress? Not many, I think.

3) The third way of inducing a breakdown was to confuse the dogs by anomalies in the conditioning signal. If positive and negative signals were given one after the other, (yes, no, yes, no, etc), the hungry dog would become uncertain as to what would happen next and this disrupted the normal nerve stability. This is also true with human beings.
We sure know this one: the propaganda, the confusing messages, today this guy is bad, tomorrow he is good, today we hate Russia, tomorrow Bush and Putin play golf together. And on and on. I'm sure that thousands of examples could be listed.

4) The fourth way of inducing a breakdown in a dog was to destabilize the dog's physical condition in some way, either by subjecting it to long periods of work, inducing gastro-intestinal disorders, fever, disturbing the glandular balance, surgery, etc.
This one is devious. That's what taking the health safety net is about. That's what the pharmaceutical companies are about. That's where the Standard American Diet that is so non-nutritious that it isn't funny comes into play. And certainly, that is where the anti-smoking campaign fits in. Just destabilize the health of the masses and they are infinitely more susceptible to stress. Also, who knows if they haven't figured out some kind of EM tech that sends out waves that disrupt human organ systems. And what about cell phone towers? And maybe various pathogens dropped over various cities at different times?

People, we are really screwed. Yeah, I wish I had more of an answer other than just trying to wake people up and make them aware, but as things stand, when it isn't so bad that literally everyone is up in arms, there are still way too many people unwilling to rock the boat. And way too many people who were so stressed on 911 that they easily converted to the neocon explanation that day.

The only thing to do is to try to figure out strategies that help us cope with the stress because eventually, the PTB WILL make their big move and when they do, a lot of people will wake up suddenly. I don't think that the PTB realize this. They constantly think that normal humans can be re-programmed to be psychopaths. They don't realize that there is more to man than just the body that succumbs to TMI, that there is a spirit that - in many people - cannot be killed. They don't have one, so they don't understand this.

So, ya'll hang in there and take some time off now and then to have some fun. And if you understand the tricks they are playing, it will make it a bit easier to cope.
Laura said:
The only thing to do is to try to figure out strategies that help us cope with the stress because eventually, the PTB WILL make their big move and when they do, a lot of people will wake up suddenly. I don't think that the PTB realize this. They constantly think that normal humans can be re-programmed to be psychopaths. They don't realize that there is more to man than just the body that succumbs to TMI, that there is a spirit that - in many people - cannot be killed. They don't have one, so they don't understand this.
Earlier this morning, I started getting very depressed (for the umpteenth time!) about the majority of people on this planet being blind as to what is happening around them. I was feeling frustrated about the future...knowing that some big changes are in the offing, and unsure if a collapse would actually wake up even a few more persons from their petty entertainments and illusions that everything will be fine...that someone (a politician...a Jesus) will rescue them...and life will just go on as it has before. I got very grouchy...and wasted a great deal of energy thinking about it.

Then I thought about the little knowledge I've gained thus far by reading and contemplating the C's, Marcinek, ponerology, and the nature of darkness and the role of psychopaths in furthering that darkness. A voice deep down inside me said...keep up with your studies, work on strengthening your mind and soul and understand that most persons with a conscience can only take so much abuse, will believe only so many lies, and will be forced to awaken once they realize that a ponerized 'authority' cares not a whit for them or their fellow human beings.

As for the PTB whose plans entail controlling us in 4D as they have done for so long in 3D, the C's comments about 'wishful thinking' being their downfall...on many hopeful. Still, this slow, sadistic tease (and, yes, I have suspicions there may be some EM manipulation going on in addition to the usual media bombardment) is not easily shaken off. It's of interest to know that others have felt it, too.

Laura said:
So, ya'll hang in there and take some time off now and then to have some fun.
I'll do my best with the paltry two weeks allotted to us working Americans. :) It's hard to accept that I once used to think that the American 'work ethic' and measily vacation time was superior to those lazy Europeans who took a whole month off to holiday.

Oh, man, talk about realizing I was brain-washed into believing that nonsense. At least I now know that the work ethic here in the US is simply wage slavery...that can be taken away from me at any time, leaving me to starve. Still gotta long way to go.
Laura said:
And if you understand the tricks they are playing, it will make it a bit easier to cope.
Knowledge does indeed protect. And ignorance is only bliss until the danger (that has always been there) is staring one right in the face.
NormaRegula said:
A voice deep down inside me said...keep up with your studies, work on strengthening your mind and soul and understand that most persons with a conscience can only take so much abuse, will believe only so many lies, and will be forced to awaken once they realize that a ponerized 'authority' cares not a whit for them or their fellow human beings.
This is the crucial point, I think. What will work on all types of dogs may, in the end, only do the opposite to the human being with a soul. There may be four types of humans, as Pavlov thought, and even a fifth type as some theorists propose, but what about the soul? They just don't seem to be aware of how that works because they don't have one.

Yeah, I do think that those with souls will only take so much before waking up and then it'll be show time!
Thanks Laura for putting it all into perspective. I've been feeling down on myself for needing so much rest time lately. The thing is, I know my limit and pushing myself beyond that is just going to get me sick. I just couldn't come up with an explanation as to the drastic change. Some of your points did run through my mind, but there was another voice that said I was just being weak and pitiful.

It's nice to consider that having the courage to look at the stick that's being ominously waved may be doing more than just weakening us in the short run. It may actually be building the strength we'll need to deal with the coming changes. Just like a lot of plants seem to fade with the cold of winter, they are actually withdrawing into themselves and deepening their roots which allows them to thrive even more the following spring.
Laura said:
So, ya'll hang in there and take some time off now and then to have some fun. And if you understand the tricks they are playing, it will make it a bit easier to cope.
Here is a sick bit of programming. While I am working at taking some time off and having fun, I actually feel guilty about it when I do. I guess I've heard the old saying, "Idle hands are the devil's workshop" enough times that it has sunk in. A part of my brain rebels when I just want to take some time to write some music or do something purely for recreation.

I know from experience that not taking time for recreation is a recipe for burnout. Been there done that. I know from experience what it feels like to be one of Pavlov's dogs. I've experienced pretty much every stage of transmarginal inhibition, largely because I am so programmed to be a "hard worker" (for others) that it is easy to push me to the breaking point by dangling a difficult project in front of me.
allen said:
While I am working at taking some time off and having fun, I actually feel guilty about it when I do. I guess I've heard the old saying, "Idle hands are the devil's workshop" enough times that it has sunk in. A part of my brain rebels when I just want to take some time to write some music or do something purely for recreation.
Yeah, you shouldn't feel bad at all if you want to take time to do a hobby. It's actually not an idle activity at all. We have to throw the wolf a piece of meat every once in a while. You know the saying, "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy." We don't want to end up like Mr. Torrance ;)
Thanks Laura, we couldn’t do anything without ya. Beau’s comments reminded me of something about a movie where Jack played a fake psycho and was asked the question by a psychoanalyst about stones and moss.

I can’t remember the exact wording, but it was to the effect, “Do you have any feelings about the term, a rolling stone gathers no moss.�

This question brings an analogy to mind of fast growing moss, or in a deeper sense, a soul. Once everything stops rolling, they must grow really fast, or I would imagine, and when you don’t have any input especially. To be honest, most people don’t read books or have anything to do, if they are not constantly stimulated by the installed propaganda removing their creative instincts.

The other side of this playing card shows a drama played out in a major war which should begin this process as the stimuli is overwhelming, but if the false stimulus remains, no moss may grow. So, not having any positive stimuli, such as books, quality Internet, and so on, would give you a lot of hungry people, or turn them more into animals because they have not attained enough knowledge. A major war might also lead to no Internet, so this growth has many uncertainties.

Jack’s answer to the question was, “It’s kind of like cleaning your dirty underwear in public.�

This is an amazing and brilliant answer that describes how wolves poop on every corner and wash their underwear on the TV stand.

The Indian character in the film “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest� had a special message to send. If we work hard enough and have the time allotted, we can pull the fountain out of the floor too!

Also, just a note about green things, I had bought two organic tomato plants a couple of months ago and the bugs had a field day on them, so I chopped them off and kept watering them. Now I have seven shoots coming out, two on one, and four on the other, and the bugs haven’t touched them, yet. ;)

So, if we chop off the infected growth, maybe everything grows back more fruitful and the bees will magically appear to pollinate and thwart predators, fwiw.
Thanks for this Laura.

It's timely. :-)

It's an important thing to add to our "stalking" knowledge.

Knowing how a thing or things occur removes much of the anxiety. A LOT of stress is directly related to not knowing WHY they occur, although it is evident something is wrong.

[Edit: Further and in regards to that: it helps to find the dividing line between autonomic "wetware" and conscious existence.]

It helps immensely. Knowledge.

One subject in the stress factory we call life that strikes my curiosity is raising children.I do not have any myself but I am quite observant of my peers raising children in these times .Laura ,as a mother, would you say the stress has been added via PTB ...especially through advertising and what they watch and what is being pumped into their heads i.e. "dumbing down" (and bodies)?Hence making even MORE stress on the family as a whole.And then everyone just "turns the other cheek" and chalks it up to "kids will be kids".I wonder what the breakdown limit on a female dog would be if you were to induce stress to a litter of her puppies.I'm thinking even back in Pavlov's times that would have been just a tad on the cruel side.The T.I. article was great but I had to twinge when I read what he does to these dogs.
"We are being treated like dogs"

arf arf . . . whimper :-(

Laura said:
There may be four types of humans, as Pavlov thought, and even a fifth type as some theorists propose, ...
The four types of humans (or temperaments) are the same as those named in Laura's TMI article, and they are those described in David Keirseys book 'Please Understand Me II' (www dot keirsey dot com). In that book Keirsey describes the four human temperaments known since antiquity, which he calls artisans, guardians, idealists and rationals. In that book he also introduces the "Keirsey Temperament Sorter", a 72-question test (and a short variant thereof) which is based on the MBTI, which are based on Jungian psychology. His test was quite popular on the internet until he wrote to all peoplewho had it up to take it down. This was in 1998 or 1999, about the time I bought the book.

The fifth variable or temperament which is not taken in account in these tests is IIRC neuroticism, so one could say that MBTI and Keirseys test are for 'sane' people only (I am a INTP BTW, what is probably the 'sane' counterpart to schizotypes). There are other tests which can be used to filter out 'weird' people, they go by names which contain the string "personality inventory". The most famous of them is the MMPI, which is considered the 'mother' of all of them and appeared in the USA in the 1942 (more info here: A personality test is also described in the book "In Search of the Manchurian Candidate", which, according to the book, is based on and used to filter out people interesting to the agency - either as prospective work candidates or as targets.

Today many employment agencies and personnel depts use some form of personality test to filter out the people they want, what I find rather insulting - why would these people have me answer dozens or hundreds of multiple-choice questions to find out things about me I would have told them if they had asked me politely ? To use such tests probably says a great deal about those who use them as well . . .

To me, an effective way to get out of stress is to go to nature, have a walk in the forest or by the river. And, here is a small exercise:

- Breath in, thru the nose, until your lungs are full. While breathing in, count to 7. Important is to breath in as fast as you can, to do it in 3-5 seconds, not more.
- Keep the air in and count to 28 at the same speed as you counted when you breathed in.
- Then breath out thru the mouth SLOWLY and steadily while you count to 14, again at the same speed. Breath out until you have pressed out ALL the air.
- Repeat this 10 times, leave a minute or so pause between each repetition.

Do this several times a day.
Miss Isness said:
Just like a lot of plants seem to fade with the cold of winter, they are actually withdrawing into themselves and deepening their roots which allows them to thrive even more the following spring.
When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been to long,
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong,
just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed that with the sun's love
in the spring becomes the rose.
(Complete lyrics at
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