They Live


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Just posted this in the new world thread but saw the k-pax thread and figured that giving each movie its own thread might be a better idea for clarity and consistency purposes! So deleted from there and reposting here:

"They Live" is a 1988 movie (that I have never even heard of until a few weeks ago) about an average American patriotic guy named Nada that is "down on his luck" financially. He stumbles onto some mysterious activity that leads to a sort of enlightenment on his part. He finds special sun glasses, and when he puts them on, he can see the "real world" so to speak, and that this world is controlled from behind the scenes by aliens who plant subliminal mind control messages in everything from magazines to television and bill boards. Putting on the glasses lets you see the "true" messages in all things, and you can see the aliens themselves disguised as humans walking around as well, who upon dedecting him, start to hunt down Nada and others like him who can also "see". Nobody believes Nada, and he goes through a huge struggle trying to get people to "see" throughout the movie, and joins an underground resistance movement that basically has a whole collection of these glasses.

It reminded me of an analogy for psychopaths more than actual "aliens". Some stuff about the movie was cheesy and a pretty unrealistic and shallow, but nevertheless it presented many truths about our reality that seem to be dead on. I was surprised that such a movie was even made at all, and most of all in 1980's!

Overall I liked the movie, but there were a few things about it that sort of worked against the supposed "message" of the movie.

First, it does not actually go in depth or explain philsophically how the control system actually works and why it works, so those people who don't understand how it could all work are not given any explanation or evidence or reasoning. It just basically says "this is how it is" because the glasses say so, period. Speaking of which, another problem with it is that the truth is not seen by any effort on anyone's part, it's just miraculously revealed by wearing those "magic glasses" - if you didn't have them, you have no hope of ever seeing it. Another issue is that you could just blow up some central control headquarters of the aliens and save the whole world instantly.

It also presents the aliens as entirely a physical phenomenon, and doesn't explain why they walk around with the rest of us David Icke style, as that seems pretty unnecessary and silly for beings of such high technology and intelligence. If you wanna run a zoo, why live in the cage with the monkeys?

Still, I think it's worth watching just for the stuff it does present, and it's probably not meant to be taken literally, but more allegorically anyway. It's more of an exaggeration of reality to make a point, I think, than anything else.

Here is the trailer. (doesn't work on Firefox, worked on Internet Explorer)
And here is a video of a part of the movie where Nada first tries to put on the glasses, and what things he begins to see as a result. This video is how I discovered the movie in the first place, and I highly recommend it!

Oh the above video requires flash, but here is a link directly to the .wmv (windows media player) for those who don't have flash.
I was ready to open a new topic on the film "They Live" and I happily see ScioAgapeOmnis has done it, and it is great because I think this film do deserves a bit of attention, although it has several weack points as ScioAgapeOmnis coments.
Yes, it is one of those "B" Films with short budget yet it has its cute appeal: On times the acting is a bit "studied" and maybe stiff if you want: The way he walks. The way he talks ("Bit your fingers, Man!" -cool!). And what about the special effects? You know, powder explosions, wood boxes flying around, fake blood, ha ha rather cute when one sits to think "How do they do this films?"
More cute when one tryes to figure one's self making a film: On my case, in the best of the worlds, would be not as "pro" :) as John Carpenter's ["The Fog", "Halloween", "Escape from New York", "The Thing", "Big Trouble in Little China", "Vampires" plus other 40 title at least!].
Back on those times I had been deeply into Science Fiction, from Assimov to whatever I could find and, in my own particular experience, I hold dear this movie ("They Live!" which was translated into spanish as "They Survive!" -plenty of off-the-mark translations from titles of movies here in Mexico!) because it was one of the elements which started to open my eyes...
ScioAgapeAmnis rightfully points the lacks. I want to colaborate with his review commenting the film was rolled in 1988, times when the control system or better, the subjects of the controll system, were on the hands of New Age idolatry and, as far as i could tell, it was TRULLY DIFFICULT to find hints others than XIX century and/or obscure recurrences of the subject.
Or that was my optic.
I saw the film around 1988-1990 when i would go to bed JUST to get to the next day to have the chance to see just HOW did México City and the World in general did manage to get to the next day as well: The chaos was, to my eyes, something utterly uncomprehensible regarding it's magnitude and it's violence and it's reaches. I do not wonder where my depression comes from!
I did felt like Nada: Nada! [Rody Pipper]
I did felt like Nada, observing or wittnesing rather strange days!
I did felt like Nada: Performing the most fantastic fights to get SOMEONE to wear the glasses, to my failure over and over and over... By the way, don't you think the fight between Nada and, oddly enough, Frank [Keith David] does deserves a place at the hall of the fist-fights in the history of cinema?
And that fight does reflects the efforts i was attempting to achieve, with regards to the attempt to get to share the terrible world i was wittnesing, and with regards to the elements I had to gather about such a state of things: Digging across so many layers to reach.... a empty alley, or another layer, or a "paranois effect", or a very, very lonely place -and I would end up quite beaten, feeling defeated and frustrated.
"This is your God", one could read on the Dollar BIlls while wearing the glasses. "SLEEP" at the advertisements hanging on the streets. "Do Not Question Authority", "Reproduce", "No Imagination"... chilling "metaphores" of the actuall messages broadcasted on tv and on all sort of Publicity: "Buy", "Be Nice", "Feel Fear", "Forget", "You Like Beautiful Women", "SLEEP" -it striked me, the film, not as a metaphore of the society, not as a "reflection" of our world... but as a self-portrait with this tiny little piece of sci-fi: Aliens at the top of the Control System.
"Bah! All film is cool and, according to my observations, accurate, but this Alien element well, just quite propper of John Carpenter. Same did in 'The Fog' and, well, in all his films he shows the same 'entertainment'" -i said to my self.
YEARS LATTER I would use the film as a reference on the conversations I would held with my friends, to discover NO ONE HAD SEEN IT.
And the fight again: "Well, try to find it, I am telling you, it is very important film!" -i said tot hem.
- Yeah right.... ok I will try.
I think only one friend finally did manage to see it after many times I asked him to try to get it. He came back saying things very similar to what ScioAgapeOmnis wrote.
"I cannot belive I am wearing those glasses!!!" -was my scream of terror.
And I lived like that, untill 1998, time when Castaneda published that "little fact" about the flyers: It landed me as curious: It was published on the chapter before the last one, titled "Clay Shadows" or "Mod Shadows" (I am translating from spanish to english). I thought it was curious since it was published on his last book.... on the last chapter, as if he had been keeping it on hold as to perhaps finally give it in a token of goodbye.
Also I thought it was because he thought "people were not ready", but rejected that one since he needed people "like a hole on the head", sa he staed once.
So, Carpenter's "They Live" and Castaneda's "Clay Shadows". What else? Well, JJ Benitez "Troy Horse -Jerusalén" (the first one -any one had read it?). Care to go and find out when was it published? No? Oh well ok, it was 1984.
Then "Masada" -1986.
Then "Saidan" -1987.
Then "Nazaret" -1989.
Then "Cesarea" -1996.
Then "Hermón" -1999.
Then "Nahum" -2005.
Benitez introductions to the several books are the history of his confrontation with COINTELPRO.
Thing is.... I see a pattern there. End of the millenium sindrome? Yeah why not.
Then, when the C's started to land? -Oh com'on you gotta have that one!
So around 1990-1995 films and publications started to come to light, treating rather particular subjects which had not been treated before (as far as I could see).
Marciniak, 1995.
Thats why I resonated so strong when hearing Laura saying "They Live!".
Hi All,
I agree with the post above!
"They Live" is a very interesting movie, and I happened to watch it accidentally (flipping through channels) to find this very interesting movie. I also wanted to point out that I think this movie has one of the best ultimate 'street fight' scenes ever. It is just so funny!

knowledge_of_self said:
Hi All,
I agree with the post above!
"They Live" is a very interesting movie, and I happened to watch it accidentally (flipping through channels) to find this very interesting movie. I also wanted to point out that I think this movie has one of the best ultimate 'street fight' scenes ever. It is just so funny!
It was funny but it was so painful! John Nada was desperately trying to get this other guy to wear "the glasses" so he can see "the truth" for himself, but the guy kept refusing, and then Nada decided to hell with this guy's free will and so they both kicked the living braincells out of each other. If ever a movie exagerrated human stamina in a fight, that was it! Personally, I would've been out cold after the first punch or so - not after the first thousand...
This link contains information that fits in perfectly with the subject matter of "They Live." It is a compendium of channelled material (from transcripts, etc.) from the C's, Ra and others, that contain information on the subject of human appearing entities living amongst society that are in fact not human. It is a PDF and this link is the download link:


As a by note has a disclaimer re: the montalk site and it is further mentioned in Laura's blog towards the end of the article:
So funny - I watched this just this past week, as I'm renting all the movies in this thread that I haven't seen. The street fight mentioned above is so epic because the lead character is played by "Rowdy Roddie Piper"! He's a classic professional wrestling guy - so they really played up the fight scenes with that in mind. Dear god, I never thought I'd admit to watching and liking a movie starring Rowdy Roddie Piper. (lol) I have to say, though, that with a really good re-write and with casting someone like Juaqin Pheonix in the lead, this movie could be a blockbuster today. The control, obey, and reproduce messages embedded in the billboards, books, magazines, well, in everything are so spot on. Maybe I'll get ahold of the screenplay, rework it and see if anyone bites?? =)

There is SO much truth in this film that it really would be interesting to see it done right. Let's face it, the acting in this version bordered on laughable, even if the content was chillingly true.
anart said:
So funny - I watched this just this past week, as I'm renting all the movies in this thread that I haven't seen. The street fight mentioned above is so epic because the lead character is played by "Rowdy Roddie Piper"! He's a classic professional wrestling guy - so they really played up the fight scenes with that in mind. Dear god, I never thought I'd admit to watching and liking a movie starring Rowdy Roddie Piper. (lol) I have to say, thought, that with a really good re-write and with casting someone like Juaqin Pheonix in the lead, this movie could be a blockbuster today. The control, obey, and reproduce messages embedded in the billboards, books, magazines, well, in everything are so spot on. Maybe I'll get ahold of the screenplay, rework it and see if anyone bites?? =)

There is SO much truth in this film that it really would be interesting to see it done right. Let's face it, the acting in this version bordered on laughable, even if the content was chillingly true.
Have you ever played a computer game called Duke Nukem? In the first level or second Duke goes in and says "It's time to kick @$$ and chew bubble gum! ....... I'm all outta gum." This is a pretty famous line, and it looks like it was taken right out of this movie. This has nothing to do with anything, it's just a funny thing I noticed and if you played Duke Nukem you may appreciate :D
"It's time to kick @$$ and chew bubble gum! ....... I'm all outta gum." (...) This has nothing to do with anything, it's just a funny thing I noticed (...)"

When I was beguining to study philosophy at the faculty, there was a great enthusiasm about our new "practice" (to read and, actaully, to think on what we would read). It was beautiful because this enthusiasm lasted a very long time in our group, and so we did manage to realize and uncover, de-veil such an array of lyes and hidden or real backgrownds behind the ideas of the so called "great thinkers".
So tips would run: How long to read. What time would be the most appropiate time to read. What would be the best time to write. What "tactics" to use to discover what was not said. What was saying what was being said, and so on.
One great tip was to chew buble gum.
- Ah??? -we, brand new intelectuals would say- How do you mean to chew bubble gum?!?
- It assists to organize yout thoughts -said our very respected and loved teacher.
Cricket said:
One great tip was to chew buble gum.
- Ah??? -we, brand new intelectuals would say- How do you mean to chew bubble gum?!?
- It assists to organize yout thoughts -said our very respected and loved teacher.
I find that it helps me (and many others) to walk around instead of just standing still when trying to think critically. Perhaps it is a similar type thing, maybe a constant mechanical "motion" in general, whatever it may be, is helpful for critical thinking? If so, I wonder how and why? One possibility is that it may occupy our mechanical selves enough to keep them from interfering with conscious thought? So basically while our mechanical self is busy "walking around" or "chewing gum", our mind is more free and more focused perhaps? Dunno, just some thoughts.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Perhaps it is a similar type thing, maybe a constant mechanical "motion" in general, whatever it may be, is helpful for critical thinking? If so, I wonder how and why? One possibility is that it may occupy our mechanical selves enough to keep them from interfering with conscious thought? So basically while our mechanical self is busy "walking around" or "chewing gum", our mind is more free and more focused perhaps? Dunno, just some thoughts.
It offers a rhythm to the mind; even an abstract rhythm. And i was also thinking the "pumping" of blood to the brain thanks to the chewing motion of the jaw all the way toward the cranium, or stimulating the veins above the ears for them to pump blood.
Anyway, I think the image "It's time to kick @$$ and chew bubble gum! ....... I'm all outta gum" gives a symbolic message being the absence of reflection allows brutality or violence to manifest, and not necessarily the mind being more free. Instead, effectively on action: The mind in motion.
This brings to my mind a statement Nietzsche wrote:
Nietzsche said:
My reader most be like a cow to get to understand me. That is, most have the ability of to chew the cud.
-to think over and over, chewing it, digesting it, de-assembling it: Reflecting.
Quite a simile to thinking with a hammer!
Curious image, ain't it?
There is SO much truth in this film indeed.

Cricket said:
[Aside: Could you or anyone please send me a email teaching me to quote, italize and bold text using the forum's interface, please? I have been trying and i dont seem to understand how it is accompliched! I will be very thankful!]
Ok I have learned. Thanks!
PD: Text on bold and italics is no emphasis. Just testing.
"They Live"
Quote:< "He finds special sun glasses, and when he puts them on, he can see the "real world" so to speak, and that this world is controlled from behind the scenes by aliens who plant subliminal mind control messages in everything from magazines to television and bill boards. Putting on the glasses lets you see the "true" messages in all things, and you can see the aliens themselves disguised as humans walking around as well, who upon dedecting him, start to hunt down Nada and others like him who can also "see". Nobody believes Nada, and he goes through a huge struggle trying to get people to "see" throughout the movie, and joins an underground resistance movement that basically has a whole collection of these glasses".>

There is an earlier (I speculate that early 1960-ies, don't remebber exactly) low-budget film "Frightenfest", alluding to exactly the same topic:
but here the guy BUYS sun-glasses in an ordinary store but soon discovers that sunglasses are somewhat special and hide a message. When he put them on, he started seeing his colleages, friends, strangers on the street from a new eye-opening perspective: he saw them as zombied populace busy buying more zombi-ing gadgets.
He start reading ads not as zombies were meant to comprehend them, but reading what REAL business advertisements were up to: how to think and how to act in case they decide zombies to do so. He found underground group who makes these sunglases to be distributed and awaken more people.
Film culminates when the women whom hero of the film trusts, ends up to be AKA COINTELPRO agent. Controlling populace device was build in satellite antenna,
guy dies exposing disinformation, but manipulators also had to live. For how long??

Thanks everybody contributing to the topic. Made a movie-list to watch.

The path of ten thousand lee starts from the first step. Attributed to Confucius
anart said:
There is SO much truth in this film that it really would be interesting to see it done right. Let's face it, the acting in this version bordered on laughable, even if the content was chillingly true.
I just watched it last night. Wow, what a movie for being low budget! It's matrix-like in that the lead actor gets the veil lifted from his world which allows him to see the truth of the reality. The people who had the skeleton faces were totally psychopaths. They even had their own little elite club and everything. For B-movie 80's flick it really surprised me how many topics it touched on. I didn't expect the social commentary, that was a pleasant surprise.

The fight scene was pretty crazy. It was funny how hard the other guy (Keith David) fought to not put on the sunglasses and stay ignorant. I thought that was a good comparison to the real world today.
hi , just adding my two european cent's worth comment's , regarding SocioAgapeOmnis and cricket´ s per the -> chewing motion / hammer thinking , ( and yeah the i saw the movie back in the early 90's , and did find myself reflecting upon it more than once since started reading the c's material ) , i belive the c's have commented upon thinking / walking as having a benneficial aspect , ie the peripathetics (sp?) in ancient greece , also worth noting i belive is the hippocampus and the effect that two diffent "sensorial inputs " might have upon the abbility to memmorize/remmember ( not sure bout the name since im no "neuro-scientist" ) ,
R.m. said:
hi , just adding my two european cent's worth comment's , regarding SocioAgapeOmnis and cricket´ s per the -> chewing motion / hammer thinking , ( and yeah the i saw the movie back in the early 90's , and did find myself reflecting upon it more than once since started reading the c's material ) , i belive the c's have commented upon thinking / walking as having a benneficial aspect , ie the peripathetics (sp?) in ancient greece , also worth noting i belive is the hippocampus and the effect that two diffent "sensorial inputs " might have upon the abbility to memmorize/remmember ( not sure bout the name since im no "neuro-scientist" ) ,
Q: (A) I want to ask about my theory about why walking is so important - that when one thinks while walking, one is able to evade mind control signals which are directed or reinforced when
one remains static. Is there anything to this?
A: Close

Q: (A) Is it an objective fact that I think much more clearly outside than inside, as I was noticing over the past weeks?
A: Yes. It is due to long wave cluster pattern in the house.
Q: (A) Is this due to some external source?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) What is the location of the source?
A: Hidden source. Think in terms of military generators placed at specific locations for general "control."
Q: (L) So everybody is being bombarded by it so nobody can think. Everybody's asleep. (A) Why does it affect me more than Laura?
A: It doesn't. Just different symptoms.
Q: (A) Still, I would like to understand why being outside, why walking...
A: Geometrical structures cause "clustering."

Not really sure what clustering mean, but I guess its some EM-waves colliding and not being good for your thinking patterns.
I would think (as a cognitive neuro-student) that walking causes you to get more oxygen and glucose to help you think too.
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