Organised or "Gang" Stalking - Paranoia?

posted 2-15-08 said:
This is smaller in scale, but it reminds me of what I've read about Nazi Germany.
“What Are You Neighbors Saying About You?” _

The main site is now under construction. Forum is 'not found'. Wayback machine says the last post was 2/14/08. Strangely coincidental.
The List

How do you get placed on a list?

There are a few ways.

*Someone reports you as a drug dealer, terrorist, pedophile, crazy. They report an incident. A community investigation is opened.

In a normal society this should go on for a few months and be over with, but in the case of Jiverly Wong, this went on for close to 20 years, and in the lives of many others it goes on for years as well, never ending, and it’s used to harass an innocent person.


*The workplace. Someone reports a violent incident. You create a harassment complaint, they decide that you are just delusional and decide that you might go violent. A report is filed.

I should add that based on what I have come across in the research, it seems as if workplaces and educational facilities are routinely using this as a retaliatory method. They use it to target people who file complaints. Most workers have no idea that such lists exist.


My great-est gift was the discovery of my inner strength to be able to survive the retaliation, mobbing and harassment by the Livermore Lab, the University of California and the Oakland police department.

I learned that more than 500 women and minorities had filed lawsuits against the University of California and had then experienced retaliation by the University of California apparatus of mobbing by employees, alumni and law enforcement.1The lawsuits were for denial of tenure, whistleblower retaliation and theft of intel-lectual property. These women had similar complaints about the destruction of their own lives and careers. The information gathered by the University of California is used to takeyour life apart; to destroy all that makes you feel safe; to bankrupt, isolate and alienate you from society and from yourself; and to attempt to make you look crazy.


Crosty and Murtagh don’t know each other. It is unlikely their worlds would ever intersect, but they have at least one thing in common. They both are victims of an increasingly popular employer weapon against whistleblowers: the psychiatric reprisal.

Across the United States, companies have seized upon concerns about workplace violence to quash dissent. Hundreds of large corporations have hired psychiatrists and psychologists as consultants to advise them on how to weed out “threatening” employees. They say they are only responding to a 1970 directive from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration that they maintain a “safe and secure work environment.” But by drawing the definition of “threatening” as broadly as possible, they are giving themselves a new club to bang over the heads of workers.

This is not just happening in American workplaces either.

*Universities are also reporting people, and filing reports.

In the workplace and universities, from what I have seen quite a few outspoken females are getting targeted. Minorities, and other single individuals. Men that are smart outspoken, and ofcourse the whistle-blowers. Many I assume who are not aware of the system that is currently in place. If this is the case could informants be specifically targeting non informants for harassment, or using this program specifically to weed out from the universities, and workplaces, the outspoken, radicals, whistle-blowers, non compliant?

From previous research I know that colleges and universities have been infiltrated with these types of agents, along with the normal citizen informants. Could some be working an alternative agenda?


Spying 101: The RCMP’s Secret Activities at Canadian Universities, 1917-1997

If you attended a Canadian university in the past eighty years, it’s possible that, unbeknownst to you, Canadian security agents were surveying you, your fellow students, and your professors for ’subversive’ tendencies and behaviour. Since the end of the First World War, members of the RCMP have infiltrated the campuses of Canada’s universities and colleges to spy, meet informants, gather information, and on occasion, to attend classes. Why they were there is the subject of a new book by Steve Hewitt.

A lot of the targeting starts with mobbing, harassment, the target tries to file a complaint, get’s targeted more. Maybe they say something, lash out, or just seem angry due to the mobbing. This system is being used unfairly, just like we saw with some zero tolerance programs, that were used to specifically target minority children.



While critics are holding their applause until they see the changes, the move is being hailed by some who say the Safe Schools Act unfairly targets black youth and drives them into gangs.

Most of the targets seem to come from these three areas. Workplace, Educational outlets, and the community.

In Canada and the U.S. they have workplace safety and standards guidelines that are similar to what is in place in the U.K. Similar reporting systems to what the U.K. has in place.

As we saw in the Jane Clift case, once on a list, your name pops up if you call the police, ambulance, doctors, ect. Employers, Landlords and a variety of others are given similar information about you.

In the U.K. this marker can be something that the victim is made aware of, but in other instances they are not.

In the U.K. this is being abused. Jane Clift being one example.


Mrs Clift added: ‘What is terrifying is that there is almost no proof required and no hearing to determine the truth of the allegation. It could happen to anybody who gets into even the most minor disagreement with their council.’


She said that after the council acted, she sensed that everywhere she went, there was ‘whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about’.

‘One time I went to the contraceptive clinic and I felt that there were way too many people hovering about for me than should have been there, making me feel very insecure.

‘It did serve as a reminder that everywhere I went – hospitals, GPs, libraries – anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up ‘violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk’.’

Canada and the U.S. have similar lists, that employers, schools must report.

Most communities as shown before have networks of informants. These informant networks are working with other community programs.


“Ruling the community with an iron fist. “Savvy law enforcement types realized that under the community policing rubric, cops, community groups, local companies, private foundations, citizen informants and federal agencies could form alliances without causing public outcry.” Covert Action Quarterly, summer 1997.”

“You mean to tell me that it is legal for corporations from the private sector to team up with local law enforcement officials in efforts to spy on innocent members of our society? You also mean to tell me that the synthesis of law enforcement authority and the drive of for-profit companies operate under little to no guidelines or restrictions and it is unclear to whom they are responsible to?”

In addition to these newly formed alliances, as the ACLU has pointed out, they are openly spying on innocent members of our society.

Informants due to various police initiatives are in every community.

These networks operate and are in place, using the one handed sign language. The informants then feel empowered, they patrol the neighbourhoods, and other areas. Since these networks are already in place, it is therefore not necessary to hire hundreds of people to follow one person, they just go about their regular patrols, and once a target enters their place of employment, business, community, or other location, the citizens are placed on alert.


To the target it seems as if hundreds of people have been hired to follow just them, but the reality is, this informant network is and has been in place, and once you are on the radar, they just shift attention to you.

Eg. In Stasi Germany a large part of the state was devoted to spying, if the state added one more target, they did not need to hire hundreds of people, the network is already in place.

This can be done with phone calls, I have seen this happen, the community you are in is alerted that a pedophile, mentally disturbed person, drug dealer is in their area. They get phone calls as you pass through the area, thus some will go stand out on the porch to be visual look out, report back what you are doing.

The foot patrols alert the business, thus why we are followed into stores, they use the one handed sign language, maybe stay to see if there is an incident they can make themselves useful for and report. In other cases, they are around to create an incident, and report that.

Keep in mind that the very concept of being monitored and under this kind of surveillance 24/7 is enough to make any sane person act out. Add to this that the informants are told to circle you, sit near to you, follow you, and they don’t try to do it very subtly, a target is bound to notice.

Somewhere along the lines our societies were taken over. We helped. Without firing a bullet, or invasion, these countries have become what East Germany and other countries were.

The gaslighting of targets is illegal. Yet in WWII we saw a government create over 500 ways to mess with Nazi sympathisers. Similar tactics were used under VIK.


BSC invented a game called “Vik”, described as “a fascinating new pastime for lovers of democracy”. Printed booklets described up to 500 ways of harassing and annoying Nazi sympathisers. Players of Vik were encouraged to ring up their targets at all hours of the night and hang up. Dead rats could be put in water tanks, air could be let out of the subject’s car tyres, anonymous deliveries could be made to his house and so on.

If they had a game that consisted of 500 ways to harass and annoy, people then, what do you think they have now. Remember this game was invented by a UK government branch, to be used against innocent Americans.

The police, firefighters, community members are all in on it. Just like Nazi Germany, they have this false sense of community, that they are doing something good. Yeah we got that crazy drug dealer out of town. We protected our community. In reality you drove someone like Jiverly Wong to the point that the was capable of mass murdering lot’s of people. Yeah you, don’t you feel good about yourselves?

These programs are not all bad, back in the day, that is what you did. If a pedophile was in town, you took some community action to get rid of the pervert, and never gave it a second thought you were protect yours, and that was that.

It’s a not in my back yard mentality. Even if you move you are still flagged, so the same thing starts again. If each area is set up like this, which many are due to community Policing, and agenda 21, then we will see more of this in the future.



What is alternative community activism?

When I first started going to my American neighborhood “meetings” I was a complete novice in Soviet style bureaucracy. I was confused and unsure about what was going on. I began by asking simple questions about the terms the leaders were using to descibe their “vision.” This opened Pandora’s Box, literally, because much to my suprise and dismay, my Seattle government representatives did not know what their terms meant either!

I was absolutely floored to find out somebody, somewhere had come up with this bizarre idea that a few of my neighbors should partner with the Pentagon, the KGB and the Mossad, and together they would form neighborhood policing “task teams.” These new neighborhood committees, led by “new” Community Policing Officers trained in communitarianism, were empowered to rewrite Seattle Municipal Code. They claimed revisions to the law were necessary to “balance” our constitutional rights against the “health and safety” of the community. Yet, these “experts” couldn’t tell me the definition for any of their terms, and couldn’t tell me where these new ideas had originated. It took me a year of intensive research to find their source: Dr. Amitai Etzioni.

Though this might be still happening in some cases, the targets I come across are innocent. The lack of oversight of these programs, means that it’s being used to destroy innocent lives. The citizen informants never give it a second thought. Many never see the dirty under handed, smoke and mirrors used to set up targets to make them look crazy, like drug dealers, or pedophiles. They just unquestioningly believe what they are told.

I come across a lot of Woman that are single where this is being used to shut them up, rape them in other cases, and drive them to suicide or mental institutions in other.

I hear cases of abusive ex’s that got someone targeted. If you know how the system works you can manipulate it.

I come across minorities, who feel this is being used to target them. Lot’s of minority men and women.

I also come across whistle blowers. This is being used to target them.

The staged incidents and gaslighting are illegal, but since it’s crazies, pedophiles, drug dealers, who is going to believe them? The moment you call the cops too often, they also flag people. So it feels like you against the world literally. You know you are being harassed and followed, but most lawyers will not help, just like when McCarthyism was happening. The ACLU will not help. These programs do have a specific degree of secrecy, but not so that they outweigh the rule of law and justice.

Again this system is being used across the board, so I have come across people with extreme views, conspiracy views, where this was used. Anyone outspoken, who is not following the status quo, this can be used against. Just like it was in Russia.

I think legal is the best way to go.

Use the U.K. example, find a lawyer who will confirm that there is such a list in your area, and then try to find the procedure if you are on such a list for getting off. The woman in the U.K. spent four years, clearing her name, and that was with proof that she was on a list. Most don’t have such proof.

Remember each area does it’s own thing, each person feels individually empowered to monitor the target the way they see fit. In many cases this includes electronic monitoring/harassment.

In addition to that, these people try to play James Bond, and in addition to innocent citizens who are just trying to do a good job, and protect their communities from being taken over by bad elements, you also have complete morons, and psychopaths in others cases, who are given access to innocent individuals who in most cases have no idea what is going on.

Pushing for legislation that makes it mandatory to alert people that they are on such lists might help in some cases. This is close enough, that legally we should be looking into this channel.

Remember the ACLU has confirmed investigations of innocent individuals are happening. In the U.K. they have exposed how the anti-terror laws are being abused, to include full investigation of individuals.


A freedom of information request by the Lancashire Evening Post has found that applications made by Lancashire county council under Ripa laws targeted cleaners who failed to show up for work and a care assistant who claimed too much on travel expenses. “A person in Chorley thought to be selling counterfeit goods via eBay, people pursuing false personal injury claims, and a retailer selling furniture not up to fire safety standards were among those investigated using powers granted under the act,” the paper reported.

In last year’s annual report, the surveillance commissioner, Sir Christopher Rose, raised concerns about direct surveillance such as the bugging of public places, taking photographs of suspects and the use of covert human intelligence such as informants and undercover agents. Of course this has always been part of police investigation into serious crime, but it is frightening to see these tactics routinely deployed in trivial circumstances.

His fears came to mind when I read a quote in the LEP from Jim Potts, a trading standards officer, who said: “We have simply recorded that a member of staff has seen another member of staff do something at work, in the way that managers can and do every day.” How easily that trips from Potts’s lips, but what of course he is unwittingly justifying is the informant society. In Staffordshire a FoI request made of the police by the Express and Star newspaper found that terror laws were being used to monitor drug dealers, people suspected of sex crimes, burglars and thieves. In 10 cases police tracked people suspected of minor public order offences.

Many of our citizen informants that we encounter on the road, just think they are part of some great powerful network keeping dangerous people at bay. Then there are those who know the real game, those who set up targets. Also just like Germany, you have informants who bait targets, so they can act out. If they do it’s another marker, or jail, or a mental hospital, maybe even death. Remember the more crazy people, drug dealers, pedophiles, terrorists, the more funding, the bigger the network.

Employees and others have been using this practice for years, to destroy lives. Woman, minorities, whistle-blowers seem to be prime targets, but it’s not limited to them. If you read Leuren Mowet’s story, she knew 500 people, who had similar investigations opened on them, which was used to systemically destroy their lives.

If you look at the article make a stink see a shrink you will see that psychiatric reprisals is being heavily used in democratic countries.

If you visit the site Psychologist Ethics, you will see that psychiatrists were even willing to try to have one of their own declared as crazy, just because she blew the whistle.


When one imagines using mental health professionals to target undesirable individuals, one almost always thinks of totalitarian governments such as the former USSR, China, and Cuba. There is a long and ugly precedent of using mental health professionals in those societies to target politically undesirable people and have them placed in mental institutions involuntarily. Human rights groups refer to this practice as “political psychiatry.”

Victims of political psychiatry are usually people who have filed grievances or complaints against employers or officials, or are union organizers, people who have publicly criticized officials, members of minority religions, and whistle-blowers.

But this is now happening in democratic countries.

Southern Illinois University and the American Psychological Association (APA)

A Canadian Police Department and the Canadian College of Psychologists

Lisa Blakemore-Brown and the British Psychological Society (BPS)

In this case, the psychologist made an unsubstantiated assessment of the faculty member based solely on what the faculty member’s “enemies” had said about her. The psychologist made no effort to verify any of the rumors she had heard and instead wrote them as fact in her reports and made recommendations based on them. As part of the counseling and conflict resolution process, the psychologist also carried on e-mail communication with the faculty member but forwarded this communication to the university’s administration without the faculty member’s knowledge or permission. The psychologist never told the faculty member that there would be any limits to confidentiality nor did she tell her what process she would be following or that she would be writing reports to the administration. Obviously, if there had been any legitimacy to the psychologist’s conclusions and report, the matter would have been handled privately and compassionately by the university’s human resources staff.


In the case of Lisa Blakemore-Brown the damage could have been far worst had not some bloggers picked up on what was happening.

Dr Rita Pal has weighed-in on the scandal of Lisa Blakemore Brown and the British Psychological Society (backstory here and here). Dr Pal has become an expert on the bullying of individuals by professional regulatory bodies through the abuse of mental health diagnosis after she was subjected to a campaign of intimidation by the General Medical Council [Link to court judgment]. The concerns that Dr Pal raised that led to her abuse (about patient maltreatment in a Midlands hospital – Link) have not to this date been properly addressed. She subsequently brought proceedings against the GMC, leading to a landmark judgment in which the GMC was described as a totalitarian regime by Judge Charles Harris – “Anybody who criticises it is said to be prima facie mentally ill – what used to happen in Russia”.

The system is now routinely being used to destroy enemies of the state, people with views and opinions that the state does not like and the destruction of these innocent lives are being done with the help in many cases of other unwitting citizens.

Years of research have been spent trying to expose these systemic misconducts. Others have noticed them in their areas of research, some noting that the best and brightest are beint targeted, and still nothing gets done.


I still believe that awareness and exposure are still key, in getting what is happening exposed. I do think when targets can afford to do so they should seek legal help, but in order to do so, they have to have an idea of what is being used against them.

Edit: Moderator disabled links

The use of violent warning markers

This guidance explains to those working with the public how best to manage the use of violent warning markers.
Employers have a duty of care to their staff to protect them in the workplace.

Violent warning markers are a means of identifying and recording individuals who pose, or could possibly pose, a risk to the members of staff who come into contact with them. We understand that, in practice, a flagged piece of
text is attached to an individual’s file. These markers should be used very carefully and should contain the reasons for identifying individuals as being
potentially violent. They are likely to record information relating to:

• the apparent mental stability of an individual; or
• any threatening actions, incidents or behaviour they have or are alleged to have committed.

This means personal data, and often sensitive personal data, will be included in a violent or potentially violent warning marker and so must comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act).

Compliance with the Act – fairness

The first data protection principle requires that the processing must be fair and lawful. This means that a decision to put a marker on an individual’s file must
be based on a specific incident or expression of clearly identifiable concern by a professional, rather than general opinions about that individual. The individual should pose a genuine risk and the decision should be based on
objective and clearly defined criteria and in line with a clear and established policy and review procedure. The criteria should take into account the need to
accurately record any incident.

For consistency, you should make sure a senior nominated person in the organisation is responsible for making these decisions. Decisions should be reviewed regularly. When making a decision this person should take into

• the nature of the threat;
• the degree of violence used or threatened; and
• whether or not the incident indicates a credible risk of
violence to staff.

For the processing to be fair, you should normally inform individuals who have been identified as being potentially violent soon after you make the decision to add a marker to their record. It should be part of your procedure to write to the individual setting out why their behaviour was unacceptable and how this has led to the marker.

Read the story of Jane Clift who was placed on such a list.


Edit: Moderator disabled links
I'm glad you posted this as it allows for the opportunity to have an objective discussion concerning this matter.

The List

How do you get placed on a list?

There are a few ways.

*Someone reports you as a drug dealer, terrorist, pedophile, crazy. They report an incident. A community investigation is opened.

In a normal society this should go on for a few months and be over with, but in the case of Jiverly Wong, this went on for close to 20 years, and in the lives of many others it goes on for years as well, never ending, and it’s used to harass an innocent person.


*The workplace. Someone reports a violent incident. You create a harassment complaint, they decide that you are just delusional and decide that you might go violent. A report is filed.

For most people experiencing "gangstalking", there simply is no list. This may be the case for a few individuals who have governmental ties. In my current understanding, what the majority are experiencing is a 4D STS program designed to confirm whatever conclusions each particular person comes to regarding their situation. If they believe from what they read on the internet that Mason's are following them, they will receive confirmation of this by starting to see people wearing red and seeing hand gestures.

Yes, it "can and does go on for years" and can be never ending but what you and many others have posted unfortunately perpetuates the victim mentality running rampant in gangstalking forums.

Years of research have been spent trying to expose these systemic misconducts. Others have noticed them in their areas of research, some noting that the best and brightest are beint targeted, and still nothing gets done.]Years of research have been spent trying to expose these systemic misconducts. Others have noticed them in their areas of research, some noting that the best and brightest are beint targeted, and still nothing gets done.

I find this interesting. Just where is this research? What I've come across is the constant posting and reposting of information that supports an agenda that seems to be based on someone's view that everyone in the world is out to get them. I'd really love to know who started this. Any information I've seen has not taken into account individual situations but is rather based on the incorrect assumption that the government has suddenly decided to harass them. What's also interesting is that by filling out these testimonies and making complaints that are many times impossible to prove, one can indeed end up on a list or at the very least in a psych ward. Perhaps this is by design...

While there is a list of testimonies, there really has been no follow up (that I know of) on these individuals to find out the details of their specific situation. Only from this can we start to see the bigger picture. Very few people are able to see the connection to this phenomenon and alien abduction. Once I took a look the similarities became pretty clear.

One of the first questions I asked myself was if so many people are going through this, how is it that no one has been able to get this issue out in the open? Wouldn't someone in somebody's neighborhood have said something by now? Another question I asked myself was, how is it that so many people can perfectly pull off such maneuvers? The majority of people really aren't that coordinated and certainly not in the consistent fashion which this phenomena is known for.

I would strongly suggest to anyone who is experiencing this to read the better books concerning alien abduction and to do your own research. Simply taking someone elses word for it will not help you. It's an unfortunate thing for someone to go through, but really the answer lies within each individual. This forum is an excellent place to start as well. It's one of the few places online where such matters can be addressed in a calm and objective way.

I would also suggest the EE program (as it will help you to deal with the stress) and some dietary changes which may help with some of the food issues some experience.

There is a lot of disinformation on the internet concerning gangstalking, organized stalking and electronic harassment. In my opinion, it is designed to keep people distracted and afraid. It is only by being vigilant enough to find out the truth that you will start to see what's really behind all of this.

edit: fixed quotes and disabled them
I'll be merging this thread with a new one started by "gangstalking." Any additional threads started on this topic will be considered spam.
Well in this area I only know about me personally and to the extent it is a distraction I'm certainly willing to keep quiet (it's my natural way to treat it). I first mentioned it here in 2006 and then one more time in 2007 then recently it was kind of pried out of me again.

In 2006:

Is it possible to get on an airline watch list just by posting to this forum? I'd rather not have my family go through what I recently went through though my wife would probably complain to someone more directly than what I'm doing here. My parents have also complained recently about "twilight zone" experiences (traffic situations and things getting spilled in the house and garage?).

Well a few quotes from my escorts:

"You look familiar, where do you work?.... well you know what they say, you meet 3000 people a day, 2990 of whom you'll never see again" [several days before the trip]

"Really, you look just like someone I knew at work?" [a few days before the trip and he looked like the guy who later just got up and went on first for the first plane of my trip]

"If you are good, you get to live" [talking among themselves on an airport shuttle bus to a gate]

"Like they say in Vegas, what happens here stays here" [talking among themselves after the Vegas to Philly leg landed]

"F***" [said by a James Carville looking guy who stepped in front of me in a restaurant line after previously following me, getting to my gate to a small town before me, and flexing his muscles standing up a few rows in front of me, pretty sure I saw him later in different clothes]

"I've started reading the Flat Earth book" [to the lady between him and me, the book is one my Mom gave me that I haven't read yet]

"Now the games begin" [said by the Flat Earth guy after landing]

"Yea go ahead" [said by the burly guy next to me after we were the only ones still sitting and I asked him if they called group 5 yet, 4 of my 6 legs for the trip did not have groups listed and this was the only one of the 4 where they said what one should do in this case... wait for group 5.... they later called group 6 with no one left sitting and I'm pretty sure no group 5 was called]

Hope I don't get in trouble for not letting things in Vegas stay in Vegas.

From 2007:
My wife is actually fairly awake too, she has been into Israel conspiracy stuff for a long time and added 9-11 to it quite quickly. Until finding SOTT last year I was not into Israel/9-11 conspiracies at all. Don't know for sure if SOTT was my wife's main source but with the Israel part it almost has to be. We've certainly been working in Silence, we've had exactly two less than 10 second conversations about SOTT. In one she said "I know" after I mentioned Ark is not only a physicist friend of Tony Smith but he's into 9-11 stuff. In the other she told me I was into weird stuff shortly after she (in silence) deleted my emails related to the QFS application process.

In hindsight, some official distance between me and SOTT is probably a good idea. I think even my wife has noticed the way too many helicopters that line up nicely in our line of sight. I got buzzed by one once but the really funny buzzing was by a blimp that scared the heck out of my kids. Once my wife yelled "what's that" in relation to some gold thing my wife and kids saw but I missed until seeing it by myself later in the day in a different place. Could have been a helicoptor where only the gold part was reflecting the sun. There are planes too, I think I once actually got buzzed by an airshow I wasn't even at. Then there's some people who come up to you and say things or stay away but say things loud enough for you to hear.

Given all the wierd stuff my wife and I have been into before I found SOTT, my wife calling SOTT weird means really weird. I think she must treat SOTT as a buffet to pick and choose from, which in general is OK since you don't want to just order everything without thinking about it. She may be thinking about it in silence for all I know.

From recently:
It's more like my wife is worried, she really wouldn't want it to seem like I'm getting more involved. Cause of me, she keeps oxygen bottles at the front door overnight in case someone breaks in. Her sister has an ex-CIA (though he occasionally still works) agent for a neighbor and they wanted him to come check our house for bugs.

The CIA agent neighbor said well if it's CIA/FBI, the bug check by me might make them back off but if it's a foreign national (I think that's the way he phrased it) then my bug check might cause them to take you out. I said something about France to my sister-in-law but not in any foreign national sense but there wasn't any bug check.

Both my wife and sister-in-law have seen them with and without me in the car, just this week a slow huge low flying military plane kept turning with us (me and my wife no sister in law) and followed us right into the school parking lot which it circled as my wife waved to it. When she went into school, with me and the kids staying in the car, she told me to make sure to wave to it if it comes around again. Most of the serious things we say to each other in this area tend to be in joking form especially if the kids are around (my sister in law jokes in this area too).

I think I probably did joke about the house being bugged and I would have actually mostly been really joking and certainly wouldn't be thinking looking for bugs, the context I would say that in would be in the context of if the helicopter, plane, (or blimp) seemed to know when we were leaving the house. I don't want to give the impression we talk/joke about this stuff every day, once a week would be a lot, once a month more the average I would think. The oxygen bottles would be nightly though.

I certainly see stuff in the air lots of times per week, maybe our house and school and frequented stores are just a popular flight plan or our family has mass hypnosis or something, this isn't my area of expertise obviously. I kind of identified with that stalking thread somebody started, I actually posted the stalking by air part from one of the links somebody mentioned.

I did after the recent discussion mention that this forum doesn't think anything CIAish is happening. My wife disagreed but less for the planes thing (my wife only thinks a few of them are really for us) and more for that 2006 watch list thing and for something I forgot about. The house next door to us had been for sale and the sign then went away and nobody moved in other than a white van that first dropped off a mattress then later some furniture and then it just occasionally returned for two day periods where it would come and go. Occassionally they would put trash bags into the van.

At some point the for sale sign returned and the van stopped showing up. That never bothered me at all but it did bother my wife, apparently more than I thought. One semi-weird thing about my previous neighbors before they left is that two people came to the door asking about the wife next door cause she was getting an FBI security clearence. We said we didn't know her, we hardly ever saw her, just her husband who was outside a lot. The white van by the way was not their's.

So basically it was more the van and my 2006 plane flight that bothers my wife more than the overhead planes (I'm the big focuser there apparently). My wife also said if she erased my QFS notes in 2007, she didn't know she was erasing anything important.

We recently got my sister-in-law's two dogs and so we go out with them every night and every night we have a couple circling planes for company. One day one went exactly over us seven times and I mean exactly cause they were low enough that we (my daughter and I) could tell they followed us from the back of our 30 ft deep lawn to the front when we moved under the porch. My daughter said she was going to be hypnotized (from an Alvin and the Chipmunks episode where Alvin is hypnotized by the crowd).

Yesterday at a restaurant my wife said to wave to my helicopter and the day before while taking my daughter to a class she goes to twice a week, the kids were all looking up admiringly at a helicopter, it was quite loud but I would not have looked up if the kids weren't, it's way too common for me. I do look at the blimps and air balloons though (not nearly so common). We do have a large tent in the backyard that shows up really well on google maps (the dogs have to run around it like a track if the want to hit a good speed), maybe I've just become good target practice via my tent (doesn't explain my 2006 plane flight to the extent that is anything). I have a hard time thinking about this as a 4D program cause my wife and kids would have to have the same one?

OK back to silent mode.
Community Notifications

Targeted Individuals have spent several years trying to understand the mechanisms that would allow the type of targeting that is happening to them to exist. Many have tried to understand how a system could exist that could monitor and track them 24/7. That could follow them from community to community. A structure that could label them, even from country to country.

Most targets see themselves as innocent individuals. People that have done no wrong, yet many started to experience, psychological torture, electronic harassment, and systemic wide targeting almost as if overnight in some cases, and in other cases it slowly built up over years.

Targets looked at structures such as Cointelpro, The Stasi, Stalking Groups, Vigilantes, the types of structures that had occurred in the past that had lead to a similar types of harassment. Many were close and very similar to what targets experienced, in their scope, and potential for systemic life disruptions and destruction, but none were ever quite perfect.

Jane Clift

Then last year the case of a woman in England named Jane Clift was brought to light as she made headlines in the U.K., and beyond. Ms. Clift tried to perform what was her citizens duty in reporting a man that had become angry and violent with her. In reporting this man, she herself was embroiled in a verbal altercation with the community worker that she tried to report his anti-social behaviours to. Ms. Clift followed up their heated discussion with a letter, and for this simple act, Ms. Clift was placed on a list with sex perverts, and other criminals. She was placed on what the U.K. calls the violent persons registry. It's a listing for individuals who have displayed violent or other inappropriate behaviour. Ms. Clift found that being under the spotlight of this flagging system was too much and she was forced to move from the area that she had lived in for over 10 years.

Ms. Clift unlike many targets had been given notification that she was to be placed on such a list. The nature of her perceived offence, and the length of time she would be on such a list. She described her experience, which in some pivotal ways matched some of what Targeted Individuals had mentioned in their harassment.

She sensed that, everywhere she went, there was “whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about”. “Everywhere I went – hospitals, GPs, libraries – anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up ‘violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk’.” 2

Ms Clift's targeting if not identical was at least fraternal to what targets had described. People collaborating. Whispers, scurrying, life disruption that had caused her to move. In Ms. Clifts case the warning markers, and flags had been sent out to quite a few agencies, and thus everywhere she want this warning marker followed her.

The question then became was such a system, or similar system available in other countries? Which laws were being used and who was responsible for keeping or organizing such information?

Further research showed that under occupations health and safety laws, there was such a structure in place, that would allow an individual to receive a warning marker, or flag on their files for various perceived offences. The structure matched and covered all the various markers that targets had complained about. The structure also allowed for those around the accused to be fully aware of what was ongoing, while it allowed the accused to be unaware, unable to defend themselves. This structure upon further and deeper examination fit extremely well with what was ongoing.

Under the Occupational health and safety, or community health and safety laws, which have been established in many countries, individuals can be flagged and a notification about them can be sent out to the community at large, all without the targets awareness. These laws give workers the right to be made aware if they are about to encounter potentially violent situations or individuals. These laws however do not give the target any foreknowledge of the violence, and harassment they will soon receive from the community, once placed on such a notification system.

Workers have the ’ right to know ‘ all risks and safe work procedures associated with the job. This may involve identifying individuals with a history of unpredictable or violent behaviour.

Training workers to recognize escalating behaviour that has the potential to result in violence is a common way to minimize risk. Five warning signs of escalating behaviour and possible responses are listed in Appendix C.

In the service sector this may require identifying to employees persons who have a history of aggressive or inappropriate behaviour in the store, bar, mall or taxi.

The identity of the person and the nature of the risk must be given to staff likely to come into contact with that person. While workers have the right to know the risks, it is important to remember that this information cannot be indiscriminately distributed. 3

Workers do have a right to know if they are going to encounter violent situations or individuals. On the surface this sounds like a good thing, and if used properly should be a good thing, yet the innocent were and are being targeted by this system. How were innocent individuals, whistle-blowers, and others ending up on such lists without any kind of warning or notification? Even convicted prisoners get warnings if they are going to be placed on a notification system, thus legally it would be presumed that other individuals would have the same rights and protections if there lives were going to be disrupted in a similar manner. This does not seem to be the case.

Under these occupational health and safety laws, incidents must be reported. They can range anywhere from threatening looks, yelling, to actual physical aggression and everything in between. They can also include other inappropriate behaviours. Eg. Acts of sexual aggression, harassment, intimidation, inappropriate lewdness, etc.

Once a worker files a report, if the workplace has an Employee Assistance Program then this matter might be discussed with that department. If the behaviour is deemed to be a real concern, then it might be forwarded to a Threat Assessment Team. This team is where designation, warning markers, and notifications can be determined and applied to an individuals file, depending on the structure of the organization.

Employee Assistance Program and Threat Assessment Team

This is a pre-emptive team with a mission of early identification of intervention. The composition of the TAT shall be the following individuals or their designated representatives: 4

Early interventions can be misconstrued and lead to damaging consequences. There many assumptions that go into pre-crime policing, that can have damaging consequences for the target involved.

Oregon State Police Sgt. Jeff Proulx explained to South Oregon's Mail Tribune why the operation was such a success: "Instead of being reactive, we took a proactive approach."

There's just one problem: David Pyles hadn't committed any crime, nor was he suspected of having committed one. The police never obtained a warrant for either search or arrest. They never consulted with a judge or mental health professional before sending out the military-style tactical teams to take Pyle in.

"They woke me up with a phone call at about 5:50 in the morning," Pyles told me in a phone interview Friday. "I looked out the window and saw the SWAT team pointing their guns at my house. The officer on the phone told me to turn myself in. I told them I would, on three conditions: I would not be handcuffed. I would not be taken off my property. And I would not be forced to get a mental health evaluation. He agreed. The second I stepped outside, they jumped me. Then they handcuffed me, took me off my property, and took me to get a mental health evaluation." 5

This team consists of members from Human Resources and other organizations. In the case of one Florida University the organization consists of many different individuals from various areas that work together to make the determination of whether they thing an individual could be a cause for violence.

1. Chief, University Police Department 2. Director, EAP 3. Director, Personnel Services 4. General Counsel 5. Appropriate Vice-President 6. Others as needed and deemed appropriate by above representatives E. Workplace Violence Management Team: A Workplace Violence Management Team (WVMT) shall periodically review the workplace violence policy and recommend changes as needed. The WVMT shall consist of the following persons or their designated representative:

1. Chief, University Police Department 2. Director, EAP 3. Director, Personnel Services 4. General Counsel F. Crisis Management Unit - The University maintains a Crisis Management Unit (CMU) through a collaborative effort between the Psychology Department and the Campus Police Department. In the event of a situation which may require immediate police or psychological intervention, the Police department should be notified. The Chief of Police (or designated representative) will determine if the situation requires the attention of the police, the CMU or the TAT. 4

In addition to exhibiting violent or other inappropriate behaviours, there are other factors that could ensure that an individual has a warning marker, or flag placed on their file. Again this will differ with each organization, but the concept is the same. This structure or one similar is used in some cases to determine if individuals will end up on this system wide notification.

V. "Fitness for Duty" Issues

In addition to the definitions of violent, potentially violent, and abusive behaviors as discussed in Section IV, these Guidelines shall also be concerned with behaviors, physical and verbal, that may not appear to be violent, potentially violent, or abusive prima facie. Such behaviors that do not fall within the purview of the definitions in Appendix A, yet may be viewed as precursors to violent behavior and/or have the tendency to interfere with a harmonious work environment or with an individuals work performance, shall be deemed as "fitness for duty" issues. Examples of "fitness for duty" behaviors may include, but are not limited to:

A. Expression of bizarre and inappropriate thoughts. B. Excessive absenteeism without prior approval or rationale. C. Degenerating physical appearance. D. Acts of insubordination. E. Poor work performance. F. Poor workplace relationships with others. G. Indications of alcohol/substance abuse. H. Excessive complaining. 4

The additional criterias that can get a person flagged, are interestingly enough many of the same symptoms that harassment, bullying and mobbing victims targets experience, or have express experiencing at the height of their targeting. Remember that harassment can happen in the workplace, in the community, or on campus. Many victims of sexual harassment have expressed inappropriate thoughts of what they would like to see happen to those harassing them. Many targets of sexual harassment and other harassment's do not always keep up their physical appearance, while being harassed. They might disobey supervisors if asked to work with their assailant. Targets of mobbing, bullying, and harassment do often start to exhibit poor performance, workplace reviews and assessments. Some do turn to alcohol and substance abuse to deal with the harassment. Almost all targets of these harassment do make complaints to human resources on a regular basis in order to have the harassment stopped. Yet these are coincidentally the criteria listed for determining if someone is fit for duty.

VI. Reporting Procedures

All University employees and registered students, regardless of position, are responsible for the immediate reporting of any acts of violence, potential acts of violence, or threats they have received or witnessed, or have been told that another employee has witnessed or received. Employees and students should also report unusual, harassing, or threatening behaviors, as defined in Appendix A, even though such behaviors may not be in the form of an imminent threat, particularly if these behaviors make one fearful for his or her continued safety. Employees must make such reports regardless of the relationship of the employee to the person who initiated the threat or behavior or committed the act of violence. 4

Today's workplace does not leave very much room for discretion. It is now routine for individuals to report acts of aggression, or other inappropriate behaviours. These can often have devastating affects on innocent individuals.

A medical technician killed himself after being suspended from work after someone complained that he made a politically-incorrect joke about a black friend.

Roy Amor, 61, who was devastated at the prospect of losing his job making prosthetics, shot himself in the head outside his house.

He was facing a disciplinary investigation after suggesting to the black colleague that he ‘better hide’ when they noticed immigration officers outside their clinic.

It is understood that the man was a close friend of Mr Amor and was not offended. However, it was overheard by someone else who lodged a formal complaint. 6

The above case shows how a seemingly innocent joke between two friends, can be overheard, taken as offensive by a third party, and lead to dire consequences. He made the remark to an individual who was a long term friend, but this remark lead to a disciplinary investigation. An investigation which might even have seen him fired from his job. Unable to face the consequences he committed suicide.

Due to the secrecy used in this program a target of harassment might well display anger, or other legitimate outbursts. Once this happens all the aggressors who are familiar with this system have to do is report the incidents. Explain how the target makes them feel threatened, uncomfortable, or express concerns about workplace violence. When in fact the target is the one being constantly provoked. Get a few friends involved and before you know it, the target is the problem. The target is the person who is aggressive, and the target is the one being disciplined or having a warning marker placed on their file. Targets are often being baited by complete strangers once they find themselves on these notification lists.

In future many more innocent people might just find themselves with such warning markers added to their files, as the DSM make the definition for mental illness that much wider and broader in scope.

DSM Updates

Proposed updates to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) are prompting many to question whether or not the psychiatric profession itself has gone crazy. The latest additions to the alleged “mentally ill” could include hoarders, people who get angry every now and again, lazy people, and even those who get outraged over things like sex and violence on television. 7

“For this latest revision they’ve set up a special task force to decide if behaviors like bitterness, extreme shopping or overuse of the internet should be included,” explained Professor Christopher Lane 7

Many Internet users who spend time on games such as World of Warcraft might meet this definition. People who spend too much time on chat forums. Lazy individuals, people who get angry, or who get upset about too much violence on television, people who like to shop too much, or hoard things, might all make the list in future. The criteria for these definitions are not only unscientific, they could easily incorporate most any individual in today's modern society. If these definitions are successfully updated, there could be many more targets making the list in future.

Once a target is flagged, or a warning marker is placed on their files, depending on what the threat assessment team determines a community notification is sent out to the individuals around the target. Anyone that might come in contact with the target is contacted. Others who are part of these notification programs are also contacted when the target is nearby.

If a target makes a call, or their name is pulled up on a system, the targets warning marker will follow them. The community then naturally goes into hypervigilance mode, and they do anything they can to remove that individual from within the community. Most individuals treat these notifications the same way they would treat notifications about any other threat, be it paedophiles, rapists, the same hysteria is often present.

Community Notification

Some people might argue that they would feel more secure if they were aware of the identities of dangerous offenders in their neighbourhoods, but widespread community notification actually serves to heighten fear of victimization. In a large metropolitan area, hundreds of thousands of people are notified of a dangerous offender's release, while only hundreds will come into contact with him in the community. This blanket notification propagates the belief that there are more "predators" in the community than ever before, and fearful attitudes among members of the public are reinforced. A vicious cycle results: widespread notification leads to an increase in the community's fear of crime which, in turn, leads to more calls for notification. We would also argue that the use of inflammatory language such as "predator" by politicians and officials also works to heighten fear and increase calls for more punitive action. 8

Since the innocent target has no idea of what is happening behind their back, this system is being used in inappropriate ways. Based on the research that has been conducted,it seems this notification systems is being used to silence whistle-blowers, women seem to be targeted above average, and minorities. As Jane Clift points out, this system goes beyond race, gender. There are lot's of men and non minority individuals who have also found themselves targeted by this system. This program is not only systemic, but these notifications are being used indiscriminately, with very little oversight, and they are being used beyond borders.

Since most civil workers are aware of this notification system, it means that targets reporting incidents of being followed around by various strangers should not have been unfamiliar to the police, and other agencies that targets reported their harassment to. In most cities this notification is well known, and used by many workers and employers. Yet Targeted Individuals have had to have mental health evaluations for making complaints about this structure, and the harassment that comes with it.


Not only will this program used the civil servant already mentioned, but it will expand who is used in the program. They will have secret sources of communication available to them. The members of these programs will connect with the fusion centres. None disclosure agreement or a confidential disclosure agreements will be signed by many in these programs to ensure that the information is protected. 9

Once the notification goes out, the target literally feels as if they have become enemy of the state, because the community is getting a notification with information that may or may not be fully accurate. Remember a lot of the reporting that happens, happens by individuals who could have ulterior motives, such as revenge. For someone familiar with this structure, it's the perfect way to systemically destroy someone's life and keep them out of the loop for years, if not forever.

The portion of the harassment that targets refer to as Gang Stalking is a deliberate psychological operation that happens within this structure. Involving community harassment, community mobbing, gaslighting, street theatre, electronic harassment and dozens of other techniques that all work together to help systemically destroy the target over time. It also paints those complaining as mentally ill. This structure is capable of destroying the targets reputation, and credibility. As the target seeks to get help for the community harassment that will inevitably occur under such a notification, their cries and pleas for assistance are ignored. Their stories of harassment, stalking, mobbing, electronic harassment, are all conveniently written of as signs of mental illness,while the Targeted Individuals life continues to be systemically interfered with, and continues to fall apart.

Most participants of this notification structure seem to be under some kind of confidentiality or none disclosure agreement. There is also a structure in place that seems capable of punishing anyone who is part of this structure that steps out of line, thus most people do not discuss this program, even as those close to them are being destroyed.

These occupational safety and health laws are in most communities, workplaces, and educational facilities. They are in most democratic countries, such as Canada, U.S., U.K. and the rest of Europe. At this stage many other countries seem to be adapting this structure, and from the feedback targets have provided it seems that this structure is already in most countries.

What this means is that wittingly or unwittingly. There is a systemic, surveillance structure that is fully capable of monitoring and targeting an individual who has been flagged in this manner. This structure is not limited to states, or provinces, and can go beyond borders. The targets information might also be indiscriminately distributed to a wide range of individuals. Individuals that the target might never come in contact with face to face, yet who the target might have an acquaintance, or business relationship with. It's basically a net that is capable of touching everyone connected to the target, and poisoning them with the information contained in the targets file, wither accurate or not. Because most targets have no idea what is happening, or how such a structure could exist, they are floored as they try consistently to get help within the normal structures, while being written off as having a mental illness.

I believe that this notification system will continue, because it works for many. Many like feeling as if they are part of a secret club. Unless it happens to them, most will never truly understand how devastating such a structure can be to an innocent person. I can only suggest that those with the know how, financial ability, and dedication, work towards implementing laws to get this structure corrected.


This structure should be required to give written notification to targets. If an investigation is ongoing, then the time frame for the investigation should be limited. Targets complain of years, upon years of targeting. If the targets guilt has been established in some capacity, then invite them to a hearing. If not then it should be mandatory to remove these notification after a specific time frame. Most lawyers, mental health workers, police, are all fully in the know about this notification system, thus targets and their complaints of harassment should be taken seriously. Instead this notification system is being used to destroy innocent lives, or harass them for years on end with dire consequences to themselves, and the communities at large.

What many in society still do not understand or realize is that there is a dark side to many of those shootings and violent incidents, there is a dark side that society would rather not have you know about. A dark side that happens masked just below the public's eye and awareness, but that is often very real and traumatizing for the Targeted Individual. 11

This notification system in scope and breadth is no less damaging then the Stasi's system of harassment, or the American Cointelpro program. The difference now is that the state has masked these offences under the guise of doing what is right for the community. Leaving innocent targets at the mercy of the mob, and individuals who use this system to openly target, harass, oppress and control those who have been targeted.


1. Jane Clift Case.

2. Jane Clift Article

3. Occupational Health and Safety.

4. Employee Assistance and Violence

5. Pre-Crime Policing.

6. Suicide over workplace racial joke.

7. Psychiatry and Mental Illness

8. Community Notifications around the world

9. Structure Of our oppression

10. The New Snoops: Terrorism Liaison Officers

11. The Dark Side
What is Gang Stalking?

A Simple Definition

Under Occupational Health and Safety laws, individuals are being flagged and placed on community notification lists. This is happening without the targets knowledge. In many countries these community notifications are being used by companies and others to target innocent individuals such as whistle-blowers, the outspoken, etc. In conjunction with these notifications, companies and others are in some cases using a practice that was used in the former soviet union called the psychiatric reprisal. This is used as a means of retaliation, blacklisting, silencing, or controlling members of society. Once on the notification system, warnings about the targets are sent out to every individual the target comes in contact with, thus poisoning their associations, and socially annexing the targeted individual.

Full Definition

Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. Once a target is flagged a notification is sent out to the community at large, and the target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in.

The community notifications will go out to various places. Apartment rentals, future employers, stores and communities where the target visits, will be notified. Doctors offices, fire departments, police, etc. A covert investigation might also be opened, and electronic, means used by the civilian spies/snitches as part of the overt and covert monitoring and surveillance process.

Individuals can be flagged designating them as having a history of aggressive or inappropriate behavior. This notification system will follow the target if they move, change jobs, visit other areas. It let's the community believe that the target is a person who needs to be watched or monitored.

"In the service sector this may require identifying to employees persons who have a history of aggressive or inappropriate behavior in the store, bar, mall or taxi.

The identity of the person and the nature of the risk must be given to staff likely to come into contact with that person. While workers have the right to know the risks, it is important to remember that this information cannot be indiscriminately distributed.

Community health and safety

A woman named Jane Clift in the U.K. went through a very similar type of flagging system. A warning marker was placed against her name designating her as potentially violent.

She sensed that, everywhere she went, there was "whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about". "Everywhere I went - hospitals, GPs, libraries - anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up 'violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk'."

Violent Persons Registry

Jane Clift was targeted this way and spent four year clearing her name.

Individuals are being flagged without their knowledge. In many countries these community notifications might fall under community safety and health laws. It seems that employers, educational facilities, and community centers are in some cases flagging innocent individuals as a means of retaliation, silencing, or controlling members of society.

Maria Buffa, a former salaried employee in the personnel department at Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan, said she, too, was sent to a psychiatrist after she filed a sexual harassment complaint in February 1999 against a woman co-worker. "You think, maybe I am the problem, else why would they be sending me to a psychiatrist," she said. The psychiatrist Ford selected, Dr. Edward Dorsey of Midwest Health Center, made a report that said the only psychiatric symptom Buffa displayed was anxiety. Dorsey's report said that the referral came from Ford's medical department and was at least in part due to her complaints of sexual harassment. He also noted that the Ford doctor who referred Buffa cited a couple of "incidents": She was seen yelling at someone, and she had shown up at a fitness center "wearing less than the usual amount of clothing for that physical activity."

In April 1999, Buffa's boss fired her "for the good of the company," she recalled being told.

Psychiatric Reprisal

The individual is then placed under overt and covert forms of surveillance. Everywhere the Targeted Individual goes, their name is flagged. In a big city this could mean that thousands upon thousands of people are getting a notification about the target. The person is followed around 24/7. Foot patrols and vehicle patrols are used to follow the Individual around, as part of the monitoring process. During these patrols a one handed sign language is used to assist the citizen informants with communicating to each other. They will use this to silently communicate to any business the target enters, or other areas.

Gang Stalking is experienced by the Targeted Individual as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying them over time. The covert methods used to harass, persecute, and falsely defame the targets often leave no evidence to incriminate the civilian spies.

It's similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because groups of organized community members stalk and monitor the targets 24/7.

Many Targeted Individuals are flagged, harassed and placed under surveillance in this way for months or even years before they realize that they are being targeted by an organized protocol of harassment.

What happens during this monitoring and surveillance is very similar to what happened to many innocent individuals in the former East Germany or Activists and Dissidents in Russia. Many innocent people in the former East Germany would be targeted by the state, and then their friends, family, and the community at large would be used to monitor, prosecute, and harass them. The same persecutions and harassment's are now happening in democratic countries.

Once a person is flagged or has a warning marker placed on their file, the community becomes hypervigilant, and within this structure there is a targeted and illegal protocol of harassment that happens. Electronic means are used to monitor, harass and torture the target. When the target tries to describe what is happening to them, it sounds as if they have had a mental breakdown. The reality is electronic means are being used to make it appear as if the target has had a breakdown.

Electronic Harassment

This System is the “MOSQUITO” that is used in the UK to break up groups of unruly people. Creates A Protective Shield Of High Pressure Complex Ultrasonic Shock Waves.

The Mosquito device is being considered for banning by the European Union, cause it infringes on the human rights of children.

Produces a power field of ultrasonic shock wave energy. The frequency range is adjustable from 7kHz to 25kHz, with the PCC30 putting out 140db of sound (135db for the PPF40) measured at 30cm. Intended for mounting to vehicles for potential crowd control applications. Also excellent for keeping out pests from gardens, etc. Hearing protection recommended when in use.

Many of these devices are easy to access, and almost impossible for an unaware target to describe in a credible manner, without sounding as if they have had a mental breakdown.

Unauthorized intruders are exposed to a feeling of intense paranoia, discomfort, disorientation, nausea and other undesirable effects. Government research is currently investigating the weapons potential and may soon classify these devices!

In Russia similar means were used by the state to declare activist, dissidents or anyone they thought to be an enemy of the state as mentally unfit and many were institutionalized using this form of systemic control.

The closest thing to Gang Stalking that democratic countries have seen before this is McCarthyism, Cointelpro, and RED SQUAD programs. Red Squad programs were used for monitoring, and harassment of various groups. They have been in place for over a hundred years, and they also employed Informants.

Civilian Spies, who can also be termed "Covert Human Intelligence Sources" come from every level and sector of society. Remember anyone the Targeted Individual comes into contact with gets a warning about the target.

Just like with Cointelpro investigations, everyone in the targets life is contacted, advised as to why the individual has been flagged, advised not to discuss the notification and asked to be a part of the ongoing, never ending monitoring (systemic psychological harassment and manipulation of the target) process. This process is covertly designed to control the targets, keep them in line, or destroy the target over time, leaving them with no form of support.

These actions are specifically designed to mimic a psychological operation. This psychological harassment of the target is designed to destroy them over years, making them look crazy and leave them with no form of support. The individuals around the target carry out actions and tasks as they are instructed, without realizing that the structure is psychologically designed to break the target down.

Worldwide programs of control and conformity have been used with equal success and lethality. What we are seeing now is a co-ordinated and organized effort of control and conformity. Many countries around the world are currently using a model of policing called: Community Oriented Policing. It's described as a systemic approach to policing. It focuses on instilling a sense of community within a geographically located neighborhood. Communities come together and discuss what values they would like to have in their community, community development, and it's also a time to discuss any problems that might be happening in a specific area. If a problem is identified an investigation might be opened. These local programs in many countries have been forming partnerships with other government run programs at, provincial, state and federal levels. A process called Deconfliction allows them to share information. Reports of Gang Stalking are not only coming in from democratic countries, but they are coming in from many other countries as well.

The modern day systemic form of control could only be funded at governmental levels, just like it has in other societies where these similar types of harassment programs have been implemented. It's all part of a system of control and conformity that has been in place for many years. A system of control with many local groups and appendages taking part. Many targets report that their information is passed and shared between country boarders, and that the surveillance continues even when they travel.

What are the goals of Gang Stalking?

The official goal is listed as a notification for the community, to alert them of individuals who have been flagged, or have had a warning marker placed on their file. It's officially used as a means of investigating or monitoring individuals who have displayed inappropriate, or violent behaviours. The real goal in some cases however seems to be to isolate the target from all forms of support, so that the target can be set up in the future for arrest, institutionalization, or forced suicide. Other goals of this harassment is to destroy the targets reputation and credibility. Make the target look crazy or unstable.

Other goals involve sensitizing the target to everyday stimuli’s as a form of control, which is used to control targets when they get out of line. Once the target is sensitized, the Citizen Informants have an easier time identifying the Targeted Individual in public. The targets sensitivity is most likely added to their file as a warning marker and sign to watch for future reactions to.

The structure of this type of notification makes the targets vulnerable. Once a community goes into monitoring mode, they unofficially work towards driving the target from the community. This can be done by making the target destitute. Secondary goals include making the target homeless, jobless, giving them a breakdown, and the primary goals seems to be to drive the target to forced suicide. This is the same thing that was done to targets of the Stasi and Cointelpro investigations. It's a useful way of eliminating perceived enemies of the state.

What are other Names for Gang Stalking?

There are many names for this form of systemic control and harassment. Under the Gang Stalking label you will also find such terms as Community Mobbing, Community Stalking, Stalking by Proxy, Organized Stalking, Cause Stalking, Multi-Stalking, but it's all part of the same community notification harassment protocol. What many people do not realize is that Gang Stalking is just one appendage of this systemic form of control. There are other forms of control used to repress, and keep individuals in line. Other forms or appendages include, but are not limited to: Mobbing, Cointelpro, The Buzzsaw, Covert War, Electronic Harassment, etc. These are the just some of the names being given to a very old game, that is once again being played by governments on their unsuspecting citizens.

How are targets chosen?

Officially targets can be flagged and investigated for suspected, or reported behaviours. Unofficially the Targets can be chosen because of many other reasons. They can be chosen for political views. They can be chosen for whistle-blowing. They can be chosen because they belong to a dissident movement. They can be chosen because they asserted their rights at work, or filed a complaint. They can be chosen because they made the wrong enemy. Were considered to be too outspoken, unwittingly investigated something that the state did not want investigated, signed a petition, wrote a letter. They were deemed as suspicious by a civilian spy/snitch and their names were handed over.

It’s becoming apparent that targets might be chosen for this systemic form of control, if they are not already in some way a part of this controlled system. Eg. Many Targeted Individuals seem to be unaware of this community notification, flagging and monitoring system. Some targets also seem to be unaware that large chunks of our society are now being used as Citizen Informants.

Who gets targeted?

Targeting can happen to anyone in society. In the past primary targets of programs such as Cointelpro have been minorities. Targeting however can happen to anyone. Individuals are often targeted for being outspoken, whistle blowers, dissidents, people who go up against wealthy corporations, woman’s groups, (single) women, minorities, extremists, conspiracy theorists, anti-war proponents, individuals identified or targeted as problems at these community meetings, and other innocent individuals. The majority of the targets are often not aware that they are being targeted in this way. When a target moves, changes jobs, the harassment still continues, because they are still flagged, and a notification is still going out to everyone they come in contact with. Every time the target moves, the same information, lies, and slander will be spread out into the new community and the systemic monitoring and harassment will continue. Traits of those targeted

Who takes part?

People from all walks of life are a part of this system, because once a target is flagged, their information is distributed to a wide range of people, organizations, and communities. People from all races, ages, genders. Every sector of society that you can think of is a part of this. Civilian Spies/Snitches include, but are not limited to: General laborers, the wealthy, bikers, drug dealers, drug users, street people, punks, hip hop culture, KKK, black activists, church groups, youth groups, Fire Fighters, police officers, lawyers, health care workers, store keepers, maids, janitors, cable installers, phone repair persons, mail carriers, locksmiths, electricians, etc. There really is no minimum or maximum age range. An article came out recently in the UK, saying they were recruiting children as young as eight years old to be Covert Human Intelligence Sources.

Public individuals that the Targeted Individual comes in contact with are given this warning. These community notifications started with good intentions. Workers and the community at large do have a right to be notified if they are going to encounter persons who have violent, inappropriate histories. Citizens want to be able to protect themselves and their communities, however what is happening is that this program is also being used to falsely target innocent people.

Many do not understand or care that the end consequence of this flagging, this harassment protocol is to destroy a person. Many people in today's society are scared, they are willing to give up personal freedoms, for a false sense of security, and if that means taking away the rights of another individual to accomplish this, they have no problem doing this.

Why people participate in Gang Stalking?

There are many reasons that someone takes part in this.

1. Some do it for the sense of power that it gives them. They feel in control. Many wholeheartedly believe that this let's them know who is bad and who they need to protect themselves and their communities from.

2. Others do this as a way to make friends and keep friends. It’s something social and fun for them to do. They love that special feeling of monitoring and protecting their community. Many in society use the one handed sign language to communicate and it's very effective in breaking down race, gender, age, social barriers. Many believe that it also let's them know who is on their side, vs who could be the potential target.

3. Others are forced or blackmailed by the State or the police into taking part. I have seen a few people pressured into taking part.

4. They are told that they are part of homeland or national security. They are told that they are being used to help keep and eye on dangerous or emotionally disturbed individuals. They see themselves as heroic spies for the state.

5. Others are just local thugs or Informants who are already being used for other activities, and their energies are just diverted over into these community health and safety programs. Eg. Some may be given the choice of monitoring a Targeted Individual for the community or the police vs going to jail.

6. Others are told outright lies and slander about the target to get them to go along with ruining the targets life. Eg. Many caring families are told that the individuals has displayed mental health issues, or other socially unacceptable behaviours and might be a danger to themselves or the community at large, and that the notification is necessary for keeping the community safe. They are asked not to disclose this.

7. Many are however just average citizens who in the course of going about their day to day jobs, are being used to keep an eye out, and if a flagged target does come into their vicinity, they are asked to watch, monitor and observe the target. It's the way the society is.

What are some techniques used against targets?

A few of the most common techniques are listed below.

a) Classical conditioning.

Getting a Targeted Individual sensitized to an everyday stimuli. The targeted individual over a period of months, or even years is negatively sensitized to an everyday stimuli, which is then used to harass them. It’s used out in public to let them know they are constantly being harassed and monitored. Some examples of everyday stimulus that might be used include: sounds, colors, patterns, actions. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, loud coughing, loud whistling, loud smacking of clapping of hands together, cell phones, laptops, etc.

b) 24/7 Surveillance This will involve flagging and following the target everywhere they go. Learning about the target. Where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are. Getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street. Monitoring the targets phone, house, and computer activity. Surveillance Policy.

c) Isolation of said target.

This is done via reports. The flagging is meant to warn the community, but they act as little more than slander campaigns. They present a one sided assessment of the targets behavior and activity. The target is never allowed to tell their side of the story or to clear their name. This one sided assessment can include false reports, lies, and legitimate incidents where the target was set up. Eg. People in the targets community are told that the target is crazy, dangerous, a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, in trouble for something, needs to be watched. This very flagging in and of itself is capable of creating paranoia, and false interpretation of everyday incidents.

Files will even be produced on the target.

It's been shown that community notifications of any kind can and do create a sense of paranoia within a community.

Some people might argue that they would feel more secure if they were aware of the identities of dangerous offenders in their neighborhoods, but widespread community notification actually serves to heighten fear of victimization. In a large metropolitan area, hundreds of thousands of people are notified of a dangerous offender's release, while only hundreds will come into contact with him in the community. This blanket notification propagates the belief that there are more "predators" in the community than ever before, and fearful attitudes among members of the public are reinforced. A vicious cycle results: widespread notification leads to an increase in the community's fear of crime which, in turn, leads to more calls for notification. We would also argue that the use of inflammatory language such as "predator" by politicians and officials also works to heighten fear and increase calls for more punitive action.

Community Notification

d) Noise and mimicking campaigns.

Disrupting the targets life, sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets life. Mimicking actions of the target. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time.

e) Everyday life breaks and street theatre.

Flat tires, sleep deprivation, drugging food, putting dirt on targets property. Mass strangers doing things in public to annoy targets. These strangers might get text messaged to be at a specific time and place, and perform a specific action.

f) Electronic Harassment.

Electronic means can be used to create the illusion that the target is having a mental breakdown, when in fact they are being targeted and harassed by a community that is trying to get them to move, because they believe that the person is a danger, or an undesirable. This flagging system allows the community to treat the target as less than, someone they are allowed to harass, and victimize. It gives them a license to do unspeakable things to innocent targets, and their families.

This is not just another revenge book. This is the ultimate revenge book-high tech recipes for madness concocted by the author in collaboration with the experts. Scott French interviewed engineers, bank tellers, phone operators, computer technicians, radio and TV managers, and asked them point black, "How would you get even with somebody?" What he came up with is a collection of electronics, chemicals, and common sense designed to push anybody over the edge. Discover how to induce insanity with lasers, shockers, breakers, and blowers; clear beaches with "silent sound"; zap computer disks from a distance, bypas computer passwords, blast boomboxes and bother banks. In short learn to harass the forces of science and technology and excercise your God-given right to get even with anybody, anytime.

Hightech Harassment

These actions might seem harmless to these Citizen Informants, but in reality the actions could be causing great psychological trauma for the target. Eg. Blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit a response from targets. Etc. It's like the death of a thousand paper cuts. One or two minor incidents will not cause any harm to the target, but over time the target is slowly worn down.

Where does the support or funding for this come from?

Though the systemic harassment that Targeted Individuals refer to as Gang Stalking is immoral and unethical in nature, programs such as this in democratic countries, and none democratic countries have always been funded by the Government. They are the only ones with enough money, coordination, and power to keep such a system in place. These Co-ordinated efforts then join hands with others for this systemic form of control and harassment.

"Ruling the community with an iron fist. “Savvy law enforcement types realized that under the community policing rubric, cops, community groups, local companies, private foundations, citizen informants and federal agencies could form alliances without causing public outcry.” Covert Action Quarterly, summer 1997.”

Ruling the community

“You mean to tell me that it is legal for corporations from the private sector to team up with local law enforcement officials in efforts to spy on innocent members of our society? You also mean to tell me that the synthesis of law enforcement authority and the drive of for-profit companies operate under little to no guidelines or restrictions and it is unclear to whom they are responsible to?”


What can you do to help?

1. If you know someone who is being targeted in this way please don’t go along with it. Don’t assume that the person is guilty or a bad person. Many innocent people are currently being targeted, and people are being told lies. This form of harassment is systemic and it's about state control and conformity. The express goal of this harassment is to destroy the individual over time.

2. If you are aware of someone being harassed in this way, subtly direct them to websites that deal with Gang Stalking, or sites for Targeted Individuals. Knowledge is power.

3. You can subtly suggest that your local newspapers or community papers print articles about Targeted Individuals or even an write an objective piece about Gang Stalking.

4. If you are a law maker, you can petition for changing the laws. Ensure targets who are flagged in this way have proper notification letting them know that they are flagged. Convicted criminals have this right, why not targets? Many of whom are innocent members of the public.
Petition for better oversight of these programs. As it stands Communities are getting away with serious human rights abuses, and complaints are not being heard. Authority figures such as the police in many cases are not taking the reports seriously due to the type of warning markers attached to a targets file.

5. If you are a lawyer our community needs lawyers who are skilled in helping targets access Freedom Of Information files. Lawyers who can help targets get their files reviewed, or corrected. Lawyers who can work with the existing privacy laws to limit who and where the targets information is disseminated to. We need human rights lawyers who can address the complaints of abuses that are happening to people listed or flagged in this manner. Illegal surveillance, illegal access of mail and electronic communications, and torture via electronic monitoring.

6. Mental health professionals can recognize that there is illegal harassment happening to individuals who are flagged, listed or have warning markers placed against their names. Community notifications can and do create paranoia within communities. This notification makes targets prime for harassment, and community mobbing.
They can objectively investigate the complaints, and become familiar with the Electronic means of monitoring and harassment that are being used. Laws are just starting to catch up to the technology. Eg. Europe is considering a ban on the mosquito device, because it infringes on the human rights of children.

7. You can subtly offer your support to someone who is being unfairly treated, in very small little ways.

8. You can bring up the subject of Gang Stalking or Targeted Individuals.

How do participants communicate?

Communication happens in a number of ways. When on the street or in cars patrolling, they use a one handed sign language. Citizen Informants also seem to get ques via cellphone and some via earphones.

Their one handed sign language include things like tapping the side of the nose, corner of the eye, brushing back the hair 3 times, the infamous double blink, etc.

Here is a list of signals that the former East German Secret Police the Stasi used. These signals below are not gang stalking signals, they were used in the former East Germany. _


1. Watch out! Subject is coming - touch nose with hand or handkerchief

2. Subject is moving on, going further, or overtaking - stroke hair with hand, or raise hat briefly

3. Subject standing still - lay one hand against back, or on stomach

4. Observing Agent wishes to terminate observation because cover threatened - bend and retie shoelaces

5. Subject returning - both hands against back, or on stomach

6. Observing Agent wishes to speak with Team Leader or other Observing Agents - take out briefcase or equivalent and examine contents.


1. GmB Bailey, "Bridging The Gap."

2. Gloria Naylor. “1996"

3. Kristina Borjesson "Into the Buzzsaw"

4. Jim Redden “Snitch Culture”

5. Noa Davenport "Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American WorkPlace"

6. Ward Churchill, Jim Vander Wall “Cointelpro Papers”

7. Anna Funder “Stasiland”

8. Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads and Police Repression in Urban America

9. Victor Santoro “GASLIGHTING How To Drive Your Enemies Crazy “

10. Anthony Brina “Suburban Spies”

11. Stephen Knight “The Brotherhood”

12. Alex Constantine “The Covert War Against Rock”

13. Frank Donner “The Age of surveillance”

14. Niki F. Raapana "2020"

15. Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski. Political Ponerology: The science on the Nature of Evil.

16. Community Oriented Policing. A Systemic approach.


1. The lives of others. (A movie about covert investigations in the former East Germany)

2. The Matrix. (Sci-fi Movie.) Neo a target wakes up and realizes not only is he being watched without knowing why, but that the world is a lie, that has been created to pull the truth over people’s eyes.

Source: Gangstalkingworld
Bluelamp said:
I have a hard time thinking about this as a 4D program cause my wife and kids would have to have the same one?

The way I currently think it works is that the individual is slowly (through a series of "coincidences") led to believe that something is off. The coincidences gain your attention. Based on what the individual concludes, they are then given confirmations. It is natural for us to try and make sense of what we perceive because we want to understand what is going on.

Most people will become frightened of what's happening because it's scary and it appears to get worse as time goes on. From what I've seen, people will then make at least one of several decisions. They'll try and tell someone, see that they're not believed and keep silent. They'll convince themselves or be convinced by family friends that they need psychological help. They'll go on the internet to try and find others and hopefully understand/get help.

Of the three, I did the first and the third. That's what eventually led me here. :)

I had to take a leap of faith that anyone here could help me and that Laura knew what she was talking about but I felt that I had tried everything else and was mentally, spiritually, physically exhausted. Nothing else was working. Shortly before I found the C's transcripts online, I visited a family who was undergoing something similar. By their accounts, it was far worse than what I was perceiving. It was there that I started to begin to allow aliens into my worldview. I really didn't want to go there because deep down inside I knew that if such beings existed, this meant that we were not at the top of the food chain as we are led to believe.

Before I took notice of the high strangeness, it was convenient for me to dismiss this theory. At that point, I no longer had that luxury.

It took me a few weeks of reading and even then, I wasn't completely sure if what was written in the wave and adventure series could be applied to my situation. However, I felt that what Laura wrote was from the heart and so couldn't completely put aside this information. What I really had to do next was to test and retest and retest what was being said and compare it to what I thought I knew to be true. This took a few months before I had some clarity. This also something I still do because I'm not even close to having all the answers.

What had to die was my belief that human beings were in complete control of their actions. What also had to die was my belief that there was nothing that I was doing (unconsciously) that was causing this.

In addition to the reading, what specifically helped me was EE. This really helped with the stress I was feeling. Once the overwhelming fear and sense that I could do nothing about this situation lessened, I was able to think more clearly. It's difficult to be completely rational when you're in fight/flight mode. The other thing that has helped recently was in starting to see the effects my programs were having on others. The most specific was my self importance and with that my unconscious belief that I didn't feel others had the right to exist. When I received the shock of seeing this objectively, the amount of sound/traffic/people around me literally decreased. To me, this is proof that 4d beings know us better than we know ourselves and with our help, constructs a program that keeps us in a feeding relationship with them.

This was a long answer to your question, but I felt I needed to provide some context. Yes, I currently think that members of the same family can be undergoing the same thing. I've spoken to an entire family although everyone had mixed views on what was happening. Keep in mind that not everyone in the family experienced exactly the same thing all the time. You'll also hear about this in alien abduction accounts. Sometimes it's just one person, sometimes it's everyone, sometimes it's some of the family members. I honestly don't know if there's a reason for this or if it's just simply what works.

Also be aware that in many situations ("normal" as opposed to high strangeness) there is no need for 4D STS interference. People's programs do a fine job all by themselves!;)

The more bizarre stuff happens to attract your attention so that you are in a state of fear and paranoia. From there, the mind does the rest to complete what becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. It is one STS attempt to make us more mechanical in our actions so that we feel we have no choice but to react in the way "they" wishfully think we will.

I hope that answers your question somewhat.
While it certainly wouldn't be a bad idea to have a psychopath detector, wouldn't it be possibly more helpful to be able to learn how to discern one person from another? The detector would be helpful in figuring out those especially iffy cases, but I'd also like the ability to spot some of them on my own.

I'm not completely sure what you mean by the sentence below. Can you clarify? :)
Raccoon said:
"Targeted individuals", "gang stalked", "organized stalking"--these are terms (search terms) to describe how "those who can spot 'em" and "the untraumatized" are kept safely separated. Oh yeah "covert war" too.
Dear Truth Seeker,

Thank you for your kind and inquisitive response. I woke up with a yucky feeling--emotional hangover--that tells me my post might have been overly something or other. I am still kinda whacked out from a long time in pain and silence. So I am sorry for all the strange over-tones and under-tones. I am deeply grateful for you and friends.

What I am saying is that specific individuals have been and are being targeted for harassment/bullying/psychological terrorism. These individuals have not been targeted randomly, although it often seems so. They (TI's) are exactly the same folks that the communists and fascists and ponerists have always targeted--people who make pathologicals look bad, by being kind and courageous and making fun of psychoes. What I am saying is that our brothers and sisters in the trenches, with years of veteran expertise, are being taken away from us by very simple tricks and illusions. These tricks can easily be understood if one chooses to do a little (more) research.

I am thankful for all the work put into this and other related forums, and of course I am just soaking it up. What I am saying is that there is a whole other body of work available through search terms: "covert war," "gang stalking," "organized stalking," "targeted individuals," "electronic harassment." While I have experience in this field, I haven't begun to write any of it. So what I am saying is, please, if you look into the web sites that come up from these search terms, you will find clear and profound answers to many of the gaps that I so far experience in our body of knowledge. Thank you, R.
Thanks for the response, Raccoon. :)

In case you haven't seen it yet, there is a thread about gang stalking here.

When I first came to the forum, I thought I was gang stalked. Some of my past threads will show you how my thoughts have changed about what Ipreviously thought. I still don't have a full understanding and question some aspects of this.

The main problem with the "information" that is widely accessible on the internet is that in their struggle to make sense of what is happening, gang stalking is linked with cointelpro. While I do currently feel that the two are not mutually exclusive, it is not in the way that we would be led to believe. Where I think the cointelpro may come into play is in what information is allowed to be presented. In short, if the information posted were true, I find it hard to believe that it would be so readily available.

Another problem that I have always considered is the fear and hopelessness the information spreads. There is much talk about what an individual can't do, but very few, if any, real solutions. This never worked for me. I like to know exactly what's going on and what I can do in order to change it.

This is what has worked for me: reading the wave and adventures with the cassiopaeans, doing the ee meditation program, reading the narcissism books and dietary changes. The rest of the links to these things are under your intro thread.

This may sound a bit simplistic, but really it's not. The first suggestion allows for a world perspective based on truth (as close as we can get to it), the second provides something we can do when we feel stressed/fearful and also helps us to get enough sleep so we can think clearly. The third gives us an understanding of ourselves and of how we allow this phenomena to push our buttons. The fourth not only gives us a healthy body so that we have the physical strength to endure whatever we experience, but also can alleviate many of the symptoms associated with this occurrence.

The first thing I would recommend that you try for the reasons stated above is the ee program since you're probably sleep deprived. This will free up enough energy to do the rest.

Know that I am speaking from direct experience and not just making arbitrary suggestions. I won't lie to you and say that it will completely stop, but it will lessen and with a little time, you will be able to better navigate through the strangeness of it. Hope that helps some. :)
Dear Truth Seeker,

Thank you--I am reading the link you provided. Somehow my searches didn't reveal this thread. I am very excited to now have this and will devour it, but first most wanted to appreciate your understanding and gentleness. I am ee'ing everyday now, just pipe breathing so far, thanks to free video link. I'll get the DVD's very soon. Basically, I am sooooo grateful for all of this. I've searched a long time for a spirituality that even acknowledges the existence of psychopaths.

Also I was "given" 12 mercury fillings before I was 12--Naval officer father, so I was a big government check to that dentist. Anyways, am rechanging my diet all over again. Saving up to someday get these cursed things out. Taking Selenium and Potassium Iodide, eggshells and comfrey... anyways, just letting you know that any and all advice you have to share is treasured, and put into practice.

I am sorry that you experienced the hell of being stalked, or however it happened to you. And I understand what you are saying about the despair and misinformation--these are what keeps most everyone from seeing truth. Clearly you are an exceptionally courageous being and I am honored to make your acqaintance. Laura and the SOTT crew and the many gathered in this forum have many times allowed me to get through other illusions, and I am fully willing that on this subject of Cointelpro and gang-stalking, that too I don't know it all... Okay I'm off to investigate, will reply what I find...
Okey Dokey dear guiding muse, yes I utterly trust you. I am sorry that you had and have to suffer this terror. Same time I deeply appreciate that your experience is given to me, in a way making me culpable.

Here's how I see it, if this hadn't happened to me I'd still be asleep. Vast populations have lived and died in relentless opression without any hope of escape--I never cared until it happend to me, then allasudden I want the whole world to notice. BooHoo for poorlittleme. Now I just have to laugh, and now I can truly laugh. Big part of that is feeling that I have earned my place among the vast population of authentic humans--that I'm no longer on the side of the empire/machine. Now I feel the horror, the horror. Or as I put it more often, the horror, the humor.

I'm coming to all this through the 12 steps, which similarly stresses personal responsibility. I've had 7 sponsors and none of them would allow me to even talk about what happened. And this is the essence of the madness, which is fear not love. The fear is that someone is going to be punished or somehow corrupted by listening to another's "delusion." But I have continued to do the work, am now at step 4 round two, and yes, I know what you mean when you say it gets better. And I'll continue with whatever work will continue to make it better. If not for the circling sharks and buzzards I'd've stopped long ago. Gotta get Wave books and Adventures. S'pose I can start online huh.

Thank you for so much. I have much more I'd like to say, latter, sleep. much love, r.
Hello. I lurk far more than I post here, as I spend a lot of time reading material and connecting dots, in addition to working on myself as best I can.

However, I want to try to add to this topic here as it is something I have first hand knowledge of, and I feel if it could make a difference anywhere in the world, it would be here. In real life I can only discuss this with my best friend ( but only to a point because I can tell it bothers her horribly) and my immediate family who are also aware of the situation. This topic seems to put you in the wacko box quite quickly, lol.

My great aunt and her daughter ( which I will refer to as my aunt and my cousin to keep this easier) are targeted individuals. They have tried to get help from just about every agency, law enforcement and otherwise imaginable, to no avail. They are laughed at and ridiculed over and over again. This has been going on now for years for my cousin, and it started happening to my aunt and their next door neighbor as soon an my cousin moved back home with my aunt. Prior to that, my cousin was mainly targeted with gang stalking, but due to the isolation of my aunts house I think it opened the door wide for more nefarious harassment.

My cousin has a PHD in behavioural psychology. She was very interested in Jungian psychology. However, she stopped practicing altogether when , according to her, the whole game changed and psychotherapy was replaced by drugs for the most part. She then went back to school and got a degree in art. Due to gang stalking activities, and many other bizarre incidents, the only job my cousin has been able to get is a part time job at the zoo in food concessions. My aunt is on a fixed income. It took my cousin about 6 years to get the zoo job after she moved home. Crazy things happend in job hunting, one after the other- lost paperwork, people saying they never were hiring to begin with when she would follow up, over qualified, etc.

They are under some type of electronic harassment. It has progressed over the years and taken different forms. Their next door neighboor experienced it too. She is elderly like my aunt and her daughter finally moved her out of there which makes it worse for my aunt and cousin as they are all alone and secluded now. Their property is pretty far out of town ( major city in TN) and back off from the road. They have no neighbors in any direction for a few miles each way.

Here are some things that happen on a pretty frequent basis
1. strange lights outside
2. at one point there was some type of strange electrical burn in the grass in the back yard
3. strange glyph type characters projected in their bedrooms
4. a hologram type projection that my aunt, my cousin, and their neighbor all saw, of some type of person with aggressive posture
5. sounds of a lot of activity in the back yard but no one there when checked for
6. the television coming on all by itself sometimes with strange shows
7. some type of voice to skull technology, ( google for more info) from what I can gather from researching their symptoms. Basically it comes in like a voice in your head but you know it isn't your voice . It suggests things like suicide and deviant sexual suggestions as well as violent suggestions
8. What appears to be holograms of men doing strange sexual acts . They sometimes see the same thing at the same time
9. some type of gas smell- they have attempted to get testing done but were told they would need to know what chemical they were looking for or it would be cost prohibitive It makes them very nauseous and sometimes they have to sleep on the floor
10. my cousin spends a lot of time outside- she loves nature and trees. She has had men come on the property and ask her about the trees and druidism. That is how I first came to know about the druids by researching after that happened. She did not answer and told them to get off the property and they did so

We have no idea why my cousin is a target. Some things we have isolated that may or may not have anything to do with this:
1. she was sexually molested by her grandfather as a child
2. her father was a military psychopath. She remembers him taking her to the base many times as a child but doesn't remember why or what happened there
3. In about 1992 while searching trees, mkulta, and TN, we found a website by a mk ultra victim that was in recovery that my cousin treated for a short time. However, at the point my cousin saw her though nothing came up about MK ultra. That site is now offline, but she had a healing tree garden on it.
4. My cousin went to school at the University Of TN- from doing research it seems some strange things happened there at he time she was there. Here is a quote from a victim during a committee hearing: _

Dr. Greene performed radiation as well as mind control and drug experiments on me between 1966 and 1976 and it was done out in the desert [outside Tucson; also at Tennessee University] and he worked really on mind control with me. ...
" He used disguise with me as well. I never saw him without a surgical mask, usually something on his head, and all I ever saw was
Christine DeNicola Ebner, during committee hearing.
a little bit of the black rimmed glasses and whatever."

5. The gang stalking started during her time at UT

My cousin understands that all of this is some kind of behaviour modification harassment and hasn't totally lost it yet. My aunt is starting to understand but is in denial a lot as she is really just an old country gal and my family has always been really patriotic. She doesn't want to believe the govt may be involved. She tried to discuss with her doctor once and he just wanted to put her on psychotropic medication. Neither of them are crazy or delusional and their neighbor wasn't either. Actually, my cousin is one of the most logical down to earth educated people you could meet.

My cousin has tried to contact several of the groups mentioned in the other thread to no avail- she is also worried those are agencies set up by the PTB. She has even called amnesty international- no help. They do not have the income to hire private detectives or get surveillance equipment etc. The local law enforcement already acts like they are crazy so they don't even call them anymore.

As crazy as this sounds- and believe me I know it sounds crazy- it IS happenning. My cousins attitude is grin and bear it and not give in until they kill her. I have no idea anymore what to suggest to help. All I can do is be supportive. Even as I type this programs are kicking in telling me not to because no one will believe me and I will look crazy. So be it though- this is the truth.

I just want you all to know this technology exists and citizens ARE being targeted.

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