research into copper, spirals and electromagnetic energy


The Living Force
hello all!

not sure if this should be here or in "inner space/outer space sciences", mods, feel free to move at your discretion

i have recently been doing some research into the history of copper in alchemy and it's purported uses... also copper's correlation with electromagnetic energy and the reflection of the spiral shape at the molecular level on the surface of copper crystals (i.e. "growth spirals") with interesting correlations to "mobius spirals" (often constructed of copper) and their alleged effects... correlating also with the reflection of the logarithmic "golden" spiral throughout nature and the significance of the "divine proportion" as it relates directly to molecular growth spirals...

i know, it's kind of vague (and i'm not a scientist by any means), but bear with me...

so, i'm in the process of collecting data at the moment, and have searched the forums but not found anything specific to this area. i have found various interesting references to copper in the Cs sessions, and a discussion in one session in particular which referred to copper being used in 4th density for "weapons."

i will make a more detailed post on this matter once i've pulled some more materials together, but for now i wanted to ask any other sott forum members who may be interested in this area of research if they would have anything to contribute. this forum is a huge pool of knowledge, so it can't hurt to ask, right?

any responses, however minimal data-wise, would be greatly appreciated :D
Interesting that the old money elites are known as "blue bloods" isn't it? I'm unsure where this description has originated. There's this

This expression is said to have originated in Spain to differentiate people with very pale skin (i.e., European) from those with Moorish or Jewish ancestory. For people with pale complexions, blood vessals appear to have a blue tint.
Is it because they have sucked the "oxygen" out of the system, or are the masters of a patriarchal system (blue rather than the more female pink) or is it a reference to some other mineral that is not iron based being in the blood?
This is probably of no significance, but IUDs are called "spirals" in Denmark due to the copper coil the first ones had. They still contain copper to prevent growth...

JonnyRadar said:
i will make a more detailed post on this matter once i've pulled some more materials together...

Well, strangely enough, I find myself following up on this thread one year later to the day, which I didn't realize until looking at the clock just now... :O So here goes...

In researching copper, it’s been quite interesting to find the myriad uses of the metal, as well as the energetic influence it seems to have on living biological tissue.

Copper is an essential nutrient for humans, and needed for wide range of biological processes. The list of copper’s activities is long: we need it for cellular energy production, skin and connective tissue stability, bone growth and strength, the brain and nervous system, as well as the control of free radicals that cause cellular damage. Copper also plays a role in fetal and infant development, and a healthy immune system. Like many other essential elements of the body, too much copper can be harmful, although toxicity from too much copper is extremely rare.

International Copper Association

While there are quite a few nutrients and minerals essential for human life, one thing that seems interesting about copper is the correlation between its conductive / energetic properties and its role in the activities of ligands.

Copper is essential in all plants and animals. Copper is carried mostly in the bloodstream on a plasma protein called ceruloplasmin. When copper is first absorbed in the gut it is transported to the liver bound to albumin. Copper is found in a variety of enzymes, including the copper centers of cytochrome c oxidase and the enzyme superoxide dismutase (containing copper and zinc). In addition to its enzymatic roles, copper is used for biological electron transport. The blue copper proteins that participate in electron transport include azurin and plastocyanin. The name "blue copper" comes from their intense blue color arising from a ligand-to-metal charge transfer (LMCT) absorption band around 600 nm.

Wikipedia: Copper

LMCT is a charge transfer complex, a “chemical association of two or more molecules, or of different parts of one very large molecule, in which the attraction between the molecules (or parts) is created by an electronic transition into an excited electronic state, such that a fraction of electronic charge is transferred between the molecules.” (Wikipedia)

Comparing the kinetics of ligand binding to copper proteins and simple Cu(II) complexes is a potentially valuable way to assess structure-reactivity correlations for the proteins. Cu(II) complexes typically display facile ligand-substitution chemistry in solution.

Active Site of Copper Proteins
J. V. Bannister, A. M. Michelson

Interestingly, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis recently discovered that copper and the protein Atp7a (copper transporter) are vital to a healthy mind, due to their beneficial role in nerve function.

The researchers found that when a chemical signal, or neurotransmitter, hits one of the microscopic antennas present at nerve synapses, Atp7a reacts and quickly brings copper ions from their storage areas within nerve cells to the cell surface.

When released into neural synapses, the copper damps down the activity of these antennas, called NMDA receptors. The activity of NMDA receptors determines how strong the connections between nerves cells are and changes in the receptors' activity are critical to cell survival, learning and memory.

"In the brain, some neurons have strong connections, and some have weak connections, but this is changing all the time," says Gitlin, who is also director of genetics and genomic medicine at St. Louis Children's Hospital and scientific director of the Children's Discovery Institute. "The plasticity of the connections between neurons is important for nerve cell survival and for our ability to think the way we do. The NMDA receptors are a large component of this process, and we've found that Atp7a and copper are key factors controlling them."

Copper helps brain function — could tweaking circuits make us smarter?

This seems to correlate with what Laura writes in Ancient Science, concerning ligands:

When the ligand, the chemical key, binds to the receptor, entering it like a key in a keyhole, it creates a response that causes a rearrangement, a changing of shape, until INFORMATION enters the cell.

In a certain sense, a ligand is the cellular equivalent of a phallus! Ligand comes from the Latin “ligare”, or that which binds. The same word is also the root of “religion.” Curious, yes?

A more dynamic description of this very miniscule process would be that relating to “frequency.” The ligand and the receptor combine their identical frequencies – striking the same note, so to say – which produces a sufficiently strong vibration that more or less “rings the doorbell” to cause the doorway of the cell to open and there is some sort of exchange of atomic potentials that constitute the “information” that is “sent into the cell.” What happens next is quite amazing. The receptor, having received a message transmits it from the surface of the cell deep into the cell’s interior, where the message can change the state of the cell dramatically. A chain reaction of biochemical events is initiated as tiny cellular machines go into action and, depending on the message of the ligand, begin any number of activities – manufacturing new proteins, making decisions about cell division, opening or closing ion channels, adding or subtracting energetic chemical groups like phosphates – to name just a few. In short, whatever a given cell is up to at any moment, is determined by which receptors are on its surface, and whether those receptors are occupied by ligands or not. On a larger scale, these tiny physiological phenomena at the cell level can translate to major changes in behavior, physical activity, even mood – and ABILITY.

Ancient Science
Laura Knight-Jadczyk

So, the balance of copper in the body contributes to the plasticity of nerve receptors, which aids in ligand binding, which can result in changes in physiological and mental functions.

Yet if copper is so beneficial, why are so many people copper deficient?

The regulation for copper became effective in 1992. Between 1993 and 1995, EPA required your water supplier to collect water samples from household taps twice a year and analyze them to find out if copper is present above 1.3 ppm in more than 10 percent of all homes tested. If it is present above this level, the system must continue to monitor this contaminant twice a year.

If contaminant levels are found to be consistently above the Action level, your water supplier must take steps to reduce the amount of copper so that it is consistently below that level. The following treatment methods have been approved by EPA for controlling copper: Corrosion control.

How will Copper be detected in and removed from my drinking water?

The recommended daily dosage of copper as a nutrient is 2mg. 10mg can have a toxic effect. So it would make sense to regulate the levels of copper in the water. Yet colloidal copper, at 10ppm, offers approximately 2mg of copper in the recommended daily dose, 2 mL. This is along with the copper also ingested in food and water, so it seems that we could actually use more copper than the "action level" set by the EPA. However, I could be totally wrong about this distinction, so if there are any chemists/nutritionists here who can shed some light on the subject, please do...

The fact stands that copper deficiency plays a role in many diseases, including widespread heart disease. This is due also in part to the large quantities of sugar we ingest, which promotes copper deficiency.

Copper deficiency plays a vital role in atherogenesis. To the long list of risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease should be added the deleterious interaction between copper deficiency and carbohydrate consumption. Here we critically evaluate the role of copper in the diet and its role as a possible etiological factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. A possible mechanism for the development of heart disease due to copper deficiency is proposed.

There are many known risk factors for the development of heart disease, including hyperlipidemia and hypertension; however, little emphasis has been placed on the role of copper on heart disease. Over the last couple of decades, dietary copper deficiency has been shown to cause a variety of metabolic changes, including hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension, and glucose intolerance. Interestingly, these changes are common in the United States population and they are known risk factors for heart disease.

Further research in this field is warranted considering the profound implications to people in the United States and around the world who consume processed foods marginally deficient in copper and replete with sugar. The only nutritional condition with signs and symptoms of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease may be copper deficiency. Improving levels of copper in the diet, by appropriate food selection or by addition of a daily multi-vitamin, is recommended.

A deleterious interaction between copper deficiency and sugar ingestion may be the missing link in heart disease, Hamidreza Aliabadi

Joel Wallach describes the very evident negative effects of copper deficiency in his book Dead Doctors Don’t Lie:

Here's a good one. Dr S.C., 38 years old. Dead of a ruptured aneurysm. Even a turkey wouldn't die of a ruptured aneurysm! It's easy to prevent. We learned this in 1957. The government came out with its 'wonder food pellet' for turkeys. Guaranteed to grow them bigger, fatter, faster, and deader than a door nail. The farmers had to pick them up in bushel baskets, worst year ever for turkeys, they took them to the labs by the truck load, opened them up, and guess what they found? They all died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm, every last one, 50% of the entire nation's flock of turkeys... So they knew something was missing in the food. They analyzed the liver, blood, and muscles. Copper deficiency! Your arteries' elastic fibers need copper for tensile strength. The next year the copper content in the feed was doubled, and the mortality rate from ruptured aortic aneurysms dropped to 0%!

Dead Doctors Don’t Lie
Joel Wallach

Copper deficiency is also tied with Menkes disease, a genetic disease resulting from the mutation of the protein Atp7a (mentioned earlier in the Washington University study as assisting in heightened brain function).

This and other correlations were on my mind when I read a recent post from Laura, regarding the detox diet she and the SOTT team has developed:

I wonder if the introduction of agriculture, particularly wheat, had anything to do with the inhibition of DNA? Perhaps our calling the detox, no-wheat, no sugar diet "The Liberation Diet" is more than coincidence?

Indeed, wheat glutens cause inflammation of the small intestine, assisting the growth of candida and preventing the uptake of nutrients such as copper, which would promote healthy ligand-receptor binding. Sugar ingestion (which feeds candida) appears to also be tied to copper deficiency.

So, while it may be a bit of a stretch, I find myself wondering if copper has been intentionally regulated from the food and water the public consumes.

Curious as well, when considering the energetic properties of copper. As with any conductor, it emits an electromagnetic field when a current is run through it, yet copper specifically exhibits strange traits in regards to its effects on living biological tissue.

In the 1920s, French engineer Georges Lakhovsky developed a device called the Multiple-Wave Oscillator (MWO), which utilized a high-energy transformer hooked up to an antenna comprised of a series of concentric copper rings. The transformer emits high voltage spikes that are fed through the antenna. The output can be tuned to certain frequencies that then resonate with the “oscillations” of the target cells, strengthening them and repelling damaging microbes.

Regarding microbes, copper is used for doorknobs and on surfaces in hospitals for its antimicrobial properties:

Copper is germicidal, via the oligodynamic effect. For example, brass doorknobs disinfect themselves of many bacteria within a period of eight hours. Antimicrobial properties of copper are effective against MRSA, Escherichia coli and other pathogens.

Wikipedia: Copper

Hilarious side note: the name "oligodynamic" results from the Greek oligos, or force.

Moving on, Lakhovsky explains his theory about the “oscillations” of cells like this:

[…] The motion of a pendulum will be used for this explanation. When a pendulum is displaced from the position of equilibrium, it moves back and forth producing what are known as ochrone oscillations, until the energy stored is entirely exhausted. By means of a motor, a spring, or an electromagnet, it is possible to keep the motion of the pendulum of constant amplitude, producing undamped oscillations. If, on the contrary, the source of power is removed, the oscillations die down and it is necessary not only to reapply the power sustaining the oscillations, but also to furnish additional energy to start the pendulum in motion. This oscillation of a pendulum reproduces exactly what happens in the cells of a living being.

Curing Cancer With Ultra Radio Frequencies, Georges Lakhovsky

Lakhosvksy showed the potential of frequencies on living cells when emitted from a copper antenna backed by a high-voltage power source. However, he also showed that copper alone could have an effect on living cells, without an “apparent” power source:

In December, 1924, he [Lakhovsky] inoculated 10 germanium plants with a plant cancer that produced tumors. After 30 days, tumors had developed in all of the plants. He took one of the 10 infected plants and simply fashioned a heavy copper wire in a one loop, open-ended coil about 30 cm (12") in diameter around the center of the plant. and held it in place with an ebonite stake . The copper coil acted as an antennae or a tuning coil, collecting and concentrating oscillation energy from extremely high frequency cosmic rays.

The diameter of the copper loop determined which range of frequencies would be captured. He found that the 30 cm loop captured frequencies that fell within the resonant frequency range of the plant's cells. This captured energy reinforced the resonant oscillations naturally produced by the nucleus of the germanium's cells. This allowed the plant to overwhelm the oscillations of the cancer cells and destroy the cancer. The tumors fell off in less than 3 weeks and by 2 months, the plant was thriving. All of the other cancer-inoculated plants-without the antennae coil- died within 30 days. In his book, Lakhovsky shows pictures of the recovered plant after 2 months, 6 months, and 1 year. Three years later, with the original coil left in place, the plant grew into a very robust specimen.


What is a Multiple Wave Oscillator?

This again brings to mind Laura’s reference in Ancient Science to frequencies:

A more dynamic description of this very miniscule process would be that relating to “frequency.” The ligand and the receptor combine their identical frequencies – striking the same note, so to say – which produces a sufficiently strong vibration that more or less “rings the doorbell” to cause the doorway of the cell to open and there is some sort of exchange of atomic potentials that constitute the “information” that is “sent into the cell.”

Ancient Science
Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Which leads me to some questions that I've been pondering for a little bit, and am curious regarding feedback from other forum members...

Is there a correlation between the properties of copper as a conductor within living cells (ligands binding to receptors) and its apparent effects on the resonant frequencies of the same cells? That is to say, is the copper in our bodies having the same effect energetically as it does physiologically?

Is widespread copper deficiency another "piece of the puzzle" in the PTBs control matrix? It seems that deficiency contributes in large part to decreased brain function. Combine that with fluoride, and hey, you've got a party. :evil:

your post reminded me of something I read years ago about copper deficiency and Mad Cow Disease,(since I maybe the only organic cattle farmer on this forum )
so I searched it and came up with lots of links,,,some better than others
this is one of the IMO better ones
the normal copper-bound form of prion protein is found along the circadian pathways which conduct the electromagnetic energy generated by ultraviolet light around the brain; that is, in the retina, pineal gland, visual cortex, hypothalamus, pituitary and brain stem (See illustrations).

Prion protein is expressed in other tissues of the body which are also interconnected to the network that conducts electromagnetic energy, for instance in the spleen, lymphatic system, glial cells and nerve-growth-factor-mediated stem cells that proliferate during the growth and repair of neurons.

In this respect, the suggestion of an electro-conducting function of the copper prion protein may turn out to give further scientific substance to the existence of the electromagnetic meridians recognized by Chinese medicine, where the healthy copper prion performs a regulatory role in maintaining the electro-homeostasis along these meridians.

The hypothesis was falling into place: copper prions as the conductors and manganese prions as the blockers of electromagnetic energy flow.The fact that copper is used in wires that carry electric currents, whereas manganese is used in batteries and light bulb filaments that store electrical energy, helps explain the underlying cause of prion diseases: healthy copper prions conduct the vital electro-energy of sunlight along the circadian pathways that innervate deep into the brain--in order to maintain the balanced cycles of sleep, sex and behavior whilst aberrant manganese-contaminated prions blockade and store up that incoming UV energy to an explosive flash point--to a level that detonates off neuropathogenic cluster bombs of free radical chain reactions along the circadian pathways.

so it looks to me that copper deficiency can play into the hands of the PTB

make sure you eat all your (organic) green vegetables and plenty of 85%cacoa chocolate :P and cherries(also a natural source of melatonin!)
Facinating post, Johnny Radar.

My grandmother was given a copper bracelet to wear for her arthritic wrists, all medication having failed to alleviate either the pain or the symptoms. I kept asking; 'Why copper? Why copper?' but no-one seemed to know; it was just an old folk-remedy! Needless to say, I scoffed at the idea that a piece of metal would ever work over 'proper' medicine! (Oh, sweet innocence of a lost youth! Or something...)

You may be interested in this link, as it has a lot to say about spirals and earth currents and could possibly contain a piece of the puzzle:

'Dowsing and the Lattice' _

[quote author=johnnyradar 10 March 08] i'm not a scientist by any means [/quote]


[quote author=johnnyradar yesterday] The recommended daily dosage of copper as a nutrient is 2mg. 10mg can have a toxic effect. So it would make sense to regulate the levels of copper in the water. Yet colloidal copper, at 10ppm, offers approximately 2mg of copper in the recommended daily dose, 2 mL. [/quote]

The copper content in my vitimin capsules is 1 mg. Should I be increasing my copper intake, Dr. Johnny?

Is widespread copper deficiency another "piece of the puzzle" in the PTBs control matrix? It seems that deficiency contributes in large part to decreased brain function. Combine that with fluoride, and hey, you've got a party.

Out with the copper, in with the flouride...
Interesting thread, JohnnyRadar. Coincidentally, I just started using colloidal copper as a skin toner about a month ago. You're probably aware that there's volumes about Tesla's use of copper for electromagnetic energy but here's one article about his development of a wireless broadcast electrical system that may provide more connections:

Tesla discovered that excessive sparking, though impressive to observers, were actually "lossy instabilities". The distant radiant effects he desired were interrupted and distorted whenever sparking occurred. Both sparking and brush discharges actually ruined the distant broadcast effects of radiant elec­tricity, a situation that had to be remedied. Tesla sought elimination of the discharges now. Tesla had already found that metals could focus radiant elec­trical effects. Additional stability in his Transformers could be achieved with the addition of large copper spheres to the active terminals. Tesla considered copper spheres to be "Aether gas reservoirs", providing his transmitters with an additional Aether gas supply.

Copper spheres attached to Transformer terminals reduced the required electrical levels for an efficient electric radiance. Copper spheres significantly reduced the injurious instabilities of visually spectacular brush discharges, but did not eliminate them entirely. What Tesla required was a new means for transmitting the radiant electricity without loss.

Tests with elevated copper spheres facilitated efficient transfer of radiant power between the Transformer and surrounding space. Now, Tesla Trans­formers became true Tesla Transmitters. Tesla found it possible to broadcast harmless radiant electricity with great power to very great distances. Numer­ous subsequent patents recorded his progressive conquest of the broadcast power principle.

He succeeded in making radiant electricity safe for human use. It would simply travel around conductors if made to impulse quickly enough. Only specially entuned receivers could properly intercept the radiant power for utility. Not three years before he had accidentally discovered the radiant elec­trical effect. He dreamt of safely sending electrical power without wires in 1892. Now, in 1895, he had realized his dream. Would the system work across the vast distances, which he envisioned?

He took his more portable Transmitters outdoors, away from the confines of his South Fifth Street laboratory. Both in northern Manhattan and Long Island, Tesla tested his radiant broadcast systems without restriction. He mea­sured the distant radiant electric effects of these designs in electrostatic volts. Broadcast power could be converted back into current electricity if so de­sired, the harmless high voltage becoming current in appropriate low resis­tance transformer coils.

He found to his very great surprise that very distantly positioned vacuum tubes could be lit to great white brilliance when the primary system was operating. The requirement for this action was twofold. First both the system and the receivers had to be grounded. Second, specific volumes of copper had to be connected to the receivers. When these two requirements were satisfied, lamps maximized their brilliance, and motors operated with power. Copper in the receiver had to "match" the copper mass of the transmitter in a very special equivalence, otherwise radiant transfer would not be effi­cient. The requirements differed very much from those of ordinary radio antennas. He also found that elevated copper spheres more powerfully en­hanced the broadcast radiant power from his transmitters. This was Tesla's means by which his transmitters and receivers could be better "connected" despite their distance.

fascinating responses, thanks for contributing! there certainly are some really interesting connections here...

rrraven said:
make sure you eat all your (organic) green vegetables and plenty of 85% cacoa chocolate :P and cherries (also a natural source of melatonin!)

while copper has a lot of beneficial effects, toxicity can also be a problem. however, it seems if one were to eat their proper amount of cherries :) the body would work itself out...

Copper toxicity has been implicated in various neurodegenerative disorders such as Wilson's s disease and Alzheimer's disease. Free copper in the brain is toxic and leads to neuronal and cellular damage, through free radical generation. Melatonin has been investigated as a possible copper ion chelator. Melatonin could prevent copper-induced neuronal and cellular damage through binding with copper and preventing copper-induced free radical generation.

The effect of copper on (3H)-tryptophan metabolism in organ cultures of rat pineal glands

also see:

it seems that with healthy balances of copper and all the other essential nutrients/minerals/hormones, each piece of our cellular machine is "free" to do what it is supposed to do. they are all interrelated, and connected in function as well as meaning, osit...

bedower said:
The copper content in my vitimin capsules is 1 mg. Should I be increasing my copper intake, Dr. Johnny?

lol! honestly i don't know for sure. it probably depends on blood type, genetic makeup, and a whole host of other things as to what the proper levels are for each of our bodies. i imagine some kind of test to determine current levels would be in order, and then a careful look at your levels of other nutrients and hormones that regulate copper in the body... i'm still working this out myself...

bedower said:
My grandmother was given a copper bracelet to wear for her arthritic wrists, all medication having failed to alleviate either the pain or the symptoms. I kept asking; 'Why copper? Why copper?' but no-one seemed to know; it was just an old folk-remedy!

you may be interested to know that Lakhovsky promoted that very idea based on his research:

Having discovered how good a copper wire could be for the body he developed belts, bracelets and collars, with tremendous success from trying them first on animals and then on people. It was likely it was Lakhovsky’s work that was responsible for the trend in the 1950’s of wearing a copper bracelet to help prevent arthritis.

The story of the Lakhovsky Oscillating coil

also, check out these "before, during, after" images, purportedly of a woman who underwent treatment by Lakhovsky's multiple-wave oscillator:


Curing Cancer With Ultra Radio Frequencies, Georges Lakhovsky

i'm right along with you in wondering "why copper?"

your link to the post on "Dowsing and the Lattice" and mention of spirals caused me to think of TC Lethbridge. there's a very interesting article on the "Sons of TC-Lethbridge" website that delves a bit into the significance of dowsing and spirals:

TC Lethbridge also referred to force-fields in spiral and conical patterns, and the charging of sacred places with energy - "from a three-dimensional world I seem to have fallen through into one where there are more dimensions", he famously said.

Spirals: the Pattern of Existence

in the same article, Geoff Ward writes:

Spiral energy fields are all around us and within us, patterning our very existence, from the tiny vortices of sub-atomic particles and the DNA molecule to the awesome "island universes" of galaxies where stars are born and the conditions for life created. The spiral is nature's most favoured pattern of growth and most efficacious deployer of its energy - inducing, protecting and supporting life.

this brings to mind molecular growth spirals. these are photos shown at Michigan Technological University's Nanotechnology Lab ( of growth spirals on the surface of graphite crystals. granted, the material shown is not copper, but the same pattern occurs on the surface of copper crystals. (See Surface features and morphology of electrolytically gel-grown silver crystals, in which copper crystals were also grown resulting in the same spiral structure)

each photo is magnified by a power of 10, from 10-3m to 10-8m. note the symbolic connection to the dowser's view of the energy field of the planet, the emanation of a fractal-like series of spirals from a lattice structure.


this reminded me of a comment by the Cs regarding spirals and creation:

[...] Tesla considered copper spheres to be "Aether gas reservoirs", providing his transmitters with an additional Aether gas supply. [...]

the labels "ambient", "aether", "orgone" etc. seem to be constricting, but also seem to be different references to the same kind of thing. perhaps copper interacts with this "ambient energy field" in some mechanical way, and that interaction carries through to the presence of copper ions in our bodies (?) ...

alchemically, at least in all the places i was able to find, copper relates to Venus, and is associated with Conjunction, the fourth of the seven alchemical "operations", which is supposed to take place in the "heart chakra." in French, "copper" is written cuivre, visually though not phonetically close to cœur, or "heart"... this could relate to the blood, which would kind of make sense in relation to the role copper plays in conducting energy in the nervous system...

perhaps i am beginning to stretch at metaphorical connections. just trying to pursue how and why copper seems to interact with "the field", or what the Cs call the "EM substrate"... could copper be used in some pragmatic way to combat our bombardment by mind-control frequencies? a Faraday cage does the trick for RF shielding, perhaps (way out here in left field) a strategically-placed copper spiral would also work?
hi JohnnyR
you wrote
also in relation to copper, water and healing, there is a farm in Australia that uses an interesting method to treat ill plants:

Sick plants enjoy a spray of liquid Agnihotra ash, which cures disease and increases vitality. Subsequently the plants are abundant with flowers and fruit. To make this healing spray they fill a copper tub with water and add a handful of ash, then let it sit in the sun for three days. This is filtered and put into a spray pack for spraying foliage for up to three times a week until improvement occurs.

Geomantica Magazine

I once went to a workshop those agnihotra people held here...they believe the healing property to reside in the ash(obtained by burning cow dung with ghee at the precise moment of sunrise while intoning a specific mantra in a special kinda upside down stepped COPPER pyramid)a bit of a red flag as they are extremely heavy on the ritual bit, but the copper connection is interesting...all the implements,like ghee scoopers etc. are copper as well ,as far as i remember you are supposed to keep iron away from all ingredient ,even the cow dung needs to be "pure" as in not touched by iron shovel

and i have hand stirred bio-dynamic 500
in a wash copper,but that's just me , most BD farmers have mechanical stirrers and bigger vessels which aren't copper ,i think,i feel hand stirring is more in the spirit of R Steiner
He may have gotten the idea from the ancient practice of Bavarian clay singing
where clay is dissolved by stirring and being sung/chanted to in a (possibly) copper vessel and then sprayed/sprinkeled on the fields

and then there is the remark by the C's about 'Nickel?' and its companion
from 990619
Q: (L) You said that the primary composition of this comet is
A: No, we said "nickel?"
Q: (L) What does 'nickel' mean? (A) It's a shiny metal. (L) A
coin, a five cent piece...
A: What does molten nickel look like against the backdrop of
A: Is nickel magnetic?
Q: (L) No. What does it mean to this subject that a nickel is
not magnetic?
A: Does nickel have a companion?
Q: A) Well, when we say a 'companion,' it means another
metal in the same family in the Mendeleev Table. I believe that
cobalt and Nickel are in the same family, but I will have to
A: And cobalt is invisible in the good old vacuum of space,
but not nickel!
Q: L) Does that mean it will attract cobalt?
A: No, cobalt will attract.
Q: L) The cobalt will attract flares... electromagnetic
A: Et al.
...copper is next to Nickel on the periodic table and above silver and gold ...can nickel transmute electrically into copper??

the plot thickens :/
anyway thanks for bringing up this thread
rrraven said:
I once went to a workshop those agnihotra people held here...they believe the healing property to reside in the ash(obtained by burning cow dung with ghee at the precise moment of sunrise while intoning a specific mantra in a special kinda upside down stepped COPPER pyramid)a bit of a red flag as they are extremely heavy on the ritual bit, but the copper connection is interesting...all the implements,like ghee scoopers etc. are copper as well ,as far as i remember you are supposed to keep iron away from all ingredient ,even the cow dung needs to be "pure" as in not touched by iron shovel

yep, i came across that in my reading... however it made me curious that, perhaps, it could be the "mechanical" part of the process that actually works. that is to say, there could be a complex ritual performed and mantras chanted to turn your car on, but ultimately it's the turning of the key that works, and the rituals don't do jack... kind of a pedantic example i suppose.

i use ash from local firewood to fertilize my garden in the summer, and it seems to make sense that ash combined with a form of colloidal copper would be healthy for plants... (?) perhaps the agnihotra folks have the car keys in their hands and they're too busy chanting mantras to look at it critically...

rrraven said:
and i have hand stirred bio-dynamic 500
in a wash copper,but that's just me , most BD farmers have mechanical stirrers and bigger vessels which aren't copper ,i think,i feel hand stirring is more in the spirit of R Steiner
He may have gotten the idea from the ancient practice of Bavarian clay singing
where clay is dissolved by stirring and being sung/chanted to in a (possibly) copper vessel and then sprayed/sprinkeled on the fields

sounds still like there may be working mechanical processes (nutrients in clay, ash, colloidal copper) that work despite the chanting of rituals. this reminds me of something Laura said about ritual recently:

Laura said:
Seems that there is some misunderstanding about rituals. Rituals that restrict are defined as simply following a set of words and/or gestures that one does not understand the origin or meaning of with the idea that it will produce some particular result.

For example, a chemist mixes certain chemicals together because he knows that they will react in a certain way. He knows the amounts, he knows the right chemicals, he knows the result he wants: a chemical explosion, say. That is NOT ritual.

But, suppose someone else saw him doing this from a distance and did no inquire of him about any details. This person then went out and got some milk and water and mixed them together believing he would obtain an explosive chemical reaction. Well, he didn't. But he keeps mixing milk and water together and believing that if he just thinks the right thoughts, makes the right gestures, holds his mouth right, eventually he will get that chemical explosion. Or he convinces himself that a chemical explosion is happening on another plane of reality because he is mixing milk and water together and dancing around the container and chanting.

Now, that would be a ritual that drains energy to STS because it is totally subjective - not based on an objective view of reality.

Now, imagine instead of having watched a chemist cause an explosion by mixing chemicals, the person merely heard a story that had been passed down about a great sorcerer who performed magic by mixing together eye of newt and toe of frog... and danced around the cauldron. This story may actually be a transmission of someone who actually witnessed something interesting, but they didn't understand it nor did they transmit the formula accurately. But other people are so convinced by their persuasive description of the event that they, again, want to believe that there is something to it and begin to try it themselves, modeling their actions, words and mixtures on this nonsensical transmission.

You see, at the root, the performance of a "ritual" that drains your energy is nothing more than an "act of ignorance."

However, if you do something based on knowledge, and you know that it must be done a certain way, and why, and what the components of the activity are and the part that each component plays and how they fit together, that is not a ritual though it may appear to an observer to be exactly the same thing. If you use the same exact gestures, the same types of containers, stand at the same kind of table, wear similar clothing, you and the person who is mixing milk and water together will appear to be doing the same thing, but you have real reactive chemicals and know what you are doing.


[bolding mine]

so, (and someone please tell me if i'm taking this out of context), perhaps copper has long had this same energetic effect on living tissue, just that as that knowledge was passed down, it became mixed with chanting mantras and pleading to the gods and was subsequently distorted - making the truth of the matter hidden in what appears to be a ritualistic act...

rrraven said:
and then there is the remark by the C's about 'Nickel?' and its companion
from 990619
Q: (L) You said that the primary composition of this comet is
A: No, we said "nickel?"
Q: (L) What does 'nickel' mean? (A) It's a shiny metal. (L) A
coin, a five cent piece...
A: What does molten nickel look like against the backdrop of
A: Is nickel magnetic?
Q: (L) No. What does it mean to this subject that a nickel is
not magnetic?
A: Does nickel have a companion?
Q: A) Well, when we say a 'companion,' it means another
metal in the same family in the Mendeleev Table. I believe that
cobalt and Nickel are in the same family, but I will have to
A: And cobalt is invisible in the good old vacuum of space,
but not nickel!
Q: L) Does that mean it will attract cobalt?
A: No, cobalt will attract.
Q: L) The cobalt will attract flares... electromagnetic
A: Et al.
...copper is next to Nickel on the periodic table and above silver and gold ...can nickel transmute electrically into copper??

the plot thickens :/

lol! the plot thickens indeed... found this in the online etymology dictionary for nickel:

1755, coined in 1754 by Swed. mineralogist Axel von Cronstedt (1722-65) from shortening of Swed. kopparnickel "copper-colored ore" (from which it was first obtained), a half-translation of Ger. Kupfernickel, lit. "copper demon," from Kupfer (see copper) + Nickel "demon, goblin, rascal" (a pet form of masc. proper name Nikolaus, cf. Eng. Old Nick "the devil;" see Nicholas); the ore so called by miners because it looked like copper but yielded none. Meaning "coin made partly of nickel" is from 1857, when the U.S. introduced one-cent coins made of nickel to replace the old bulky copper pennies. Application to five-cent piece (originally one part nickel, three parts copper) is from 1883, Amer.Eng.; in earlier use were silver half-dimes. To nickel-and-dime (someone) is from 1970 (nickels and dimes "very small amounts of money" is attested from 1893).

i don't know whether or not nickel will transmute to copper, perhaps there is a metallurgist around who could shed some light on the subject ;) they do seem to be closely intertwined though. this seemed interesting:

[quote author=]Resistance Wire
Due to the very low temperature co-efficient of electrical resistivity, the copper with 45% nickel alloy is used for resistance wire in high precision resistors. This property allows the resistor to operate at almost exactly the same resistance regardless of temperature.

The copper-45% nickel alloy is also used for thermocouples as it develops a high and uniform EMF when coupled with other metals such as copper and iron.[/quote]

could there be something to this in relation to the makeup of comets and their resulting electromagnetic field? that would draw another symbolic connection between copper and venus as well (associated with passage of comets), unless i am now totally and completely off in speculation-ville :/
ok,so i looked more into 'transmutation'
i remembered reading something on the thunderbolt forum ,but they don't have a search option,and i couldn't find the 'll have to do
wading through the sites i found this (some what off topic)
it talks about biological transmutation...


Anemia is a deficiency of red blood cells, hemoglobin, or total blood volume. The symptoms of anemia include (1) gray or white lips (the lips should be pink); 2) pale or white cheeks; 3) white rather than pink fingernails; 4) lack of vitality; and 5) a decrease in sexual activity. Nutritional anemia results from a deficiency of various substances which are necessary in the production of red blood cells, such as iron, cobalt, copper, various proteins, and vitamins such as
B12 and folic acid. Persons with this condition are usually advised by doctors to take iron or vitamin supplements or to eat large quantities of meat.

This approach may temporarily relieve symptoms, but it IGNORES the underlying cause of anemia. If we have a good balance in our daily food and activity, we synthesize our own iron without having to rely on artificial measures. This synthesis occurs in the body through the natural process of transmutation.

Iron is the core of hemoglobin, which is the basis of animal life. The basis of plant life is chlorophyll. Since the peripheral elements are the same of both, magnesium changes into iron within the body of animals, including man. This transmutation occurs with the addition of two atoms of oxygen, and is symbolized in the following formula:

MG 12/24 + O 216/32 = Fe 26/56 (Co, Ni)

The same applies to the production of Calcium

MG 12/24 + O 8/16 = Ca 20/40 (Magnesium + Oxygen produces Calcium)
Have you ever wondered where the cow gets its strong bones, milk and calcium from?
It does it through transmutation, by eating green grass and taking in oxygen!

Do we need to depend on the dairy food industry for calcium?
We can also produce our own calcium by eating green vegetables and taking in oxygen
through the same process of transmutation.
This is something the dairy food $industry will never tell you!


As you already know it is important to maintain a balance between Na and K (sodium and potassium) in the body, and studying the table you can see that the element O (oxygen) with its atomic number 8 and weight 16 is the balancing element between Na and K. This means that the fusion between Na + O produces K, and the other way around by reducing O we get Na. The same fusion happens between Mg and Ca with O as the balancing element. Between Na and Mg with H as the balancing factor and between K and Ca the same. There is a continual interchange of elements in the body according to its needs.

ties in with the magnesium thread too
and totally off topic but interesting none the less
Kervran also proposed a revolutionary theory about the genesis of coal and oil:

Coal comes from schists, fabricated in situ, by high compression that produced the reactions: Si ® C + O. If O could not escape, and was compressed as well, one would have O + O ® S, from which one gets sulfurous coals. If there was no deformation, the coal remains mixed with argil to produce ampelite.

The presence of carbon in metamorphic and silicate rocks, formed long before there was any vegetation on Earth, is a clear demontration:

Graphite cannot be of vegetal origin, in which case another origin must be found for it, and I propose the silicium of these Archaean rocks. As for diamonds... here, too, one observes the presence of silicates, thus of silicon... In this way one can explain why all coal deposits contain silicon (up to 20%, or even 40%, and more) which form 'ashes'. The great amounts of silicon might be an indication that the transmutation from Si to C + O was imperfect, incomplete.

Kervran claimed that petroleum was not formed from flesh or plants, but from the reaction Mg ® C + C at great depth. If water is present, the hydrogen combines with carbon, and the oxygen forms sulfur (O + O ® S), giving sulfurous oil. The Mg can come from a pocket of saline water when Na + H ® Mg. Otherwise, Mg also can come from Ca or from adjacent layers of dolomitic rock. Oil deposits in the Sahara have been found in pre-Carboniferous rocks (Devonian and Cambrian-Ordovician) and in dolomite. Usually there is no communication between layers of petroleum deposits of different composition which are widely separated by hundreds of meters of impermeable rock. Kervran concluded:

so i kept searching...changed the key words to transmutation/copper.... most sites go on about copper into gold nickel is not mentioned any where but then i followed a link about ancient American copper mines and found a online copy of.....Laura's SHOTW :evil: :evil: :evil:
i send Laura a PM about it
sorry again for getting so far :offtopic: got carried away, gotta watch that moving center

and i'm back again
finally found one that mentions nickel
Solid Transmutations
Natural copper consists of the two isotopes 63Cu and 65Cu, with relative abundances of 69.1% and 30.9%
[21]. The predominant nuclear reaction is (n,2n) for both isotopes, which results primarily in the production of
62Ni, 64Ni, 64Zn and 66Zn. Other principal transmutation elements are Co and Fe. All of these transmutation
products are soluble in copper, with Ni being completely soluble and Zn up to 37 at.% at 350oC. Table 1 lists the
transmutation rates of the principal elements and their specific electrical resistivity and thermal conductivities,
per 1MW-y/m2 of neutron fluence ).

and i totally forgot Victor Schauberger...he 'invented' the golden plow copper plated plow shares that reduce/eliminate the nitrogen loss in freshly plowed fields...the fertilizer industry shut him down, it was working too well
Hello everyone,

Interesting thread JonnyRadar! Funny enough, just yesterday, i was reading a greek magazine, and an article titled (translated): " What were the mounts Olympus and Idis of the Homeric literature?".

While reading this article, and before reading this thread, i was surprised -much like the article's author- by the extended use of copper by the ancient Greek "gods". Anyone having an English electronic version of the Iliad (i don't :( ) should search for the word "copper" to see how often this particular metal is mentioned when referring to the technology of the Greek pantheon.

For example: The horses of Zeus chariot, which he used to "fly from earth to the star filled sky" on his way to Olympus had copper legs (though his armor and weapons were said to be golden). Also, in many instances Homer wrote that the gods live in rooms with copper floors in the Olympus. In any case, it is strange that nowhere in the Iliad Homer describes Olympus -the residence of Greek gods- as a common place or palace would be (with gardens, servants and other fancy stuff of the time, like he does in contrast when he describes the palace of the mortal Odysseus for example). The article's author -rightfully IMO- wonders why Homer did not let his imagination run wild (if Iliad was fictional) while describing the residences of the gods and was so "modest" instead, unless he wanted to be accurate to some true information he wanted to convey. Sounds like a good point to me... :/

What little Homer tells us about "Olympus" is only about it having the gods' rooms and some meeting halls all made with copper floors, and also some workshops, like the one of Hephaestus, who was said to have created metal automatons to help him craft the equipment of other gods like: Hermes' winged helmet and sandals, the Aegis breastplate, Aphrodite's famed girdle, Agamemnon's staff of office,Achilles' armor, Heracles' bronze clappers, Helios' chariot as well as his own, the shoulder of Pelops, and Eros' bow and arrows among others... What a busy workshop!
But why Homer insists on referring to the use of copper floors in the rooms on Olympus and in various other "godly" objects? For which of copper's properties was that use for, if we are to give some validity to his words?

Actually in Greek, the name "Olympus" comes from "Ο ΛΑΜΠΟΝ" which means "The Shinning or Glowing One". Quite a few nowadays theorize about Olympus being a kind of mothership, and it is strange how this coincides with the word's definition and many of today's videos of alleged glowing UFOs...

Also from Wikipedia:
In Greek the metal was known by the name chalkos (χαλκός). Copper was a very important resource for the Romans, Greeks and other ancient peoples. In Roman times, it became known as aes Cyprium (aes being the generic Latin term for copper alloys such as bronze and other metals, and Cyprium because so much of it was mined in Cyprus). From this, the phrase was simplified to cuprum, hence the English copper. Copper was associated with the goddess Aphrodite/Venus in mythology and alchemy, owing to its lustrous beauty, its ancient use in producing mirrors, and its association with Cyprus, which was sacred to the goddess. In astrology, alchemy the seven heavenly bodies known to the ancients were associated with seven metals also known in antiquity, and Venus was assigned to copper.[12]

Some strange links aren't they? I hope i did not move away from the topic of this thread too much...

And finally some ancient gossiping: Copper was very important in ancient times, Cyprus had copper, Aphrodite "owned" Cyprus, Hephaestus need copper, so he finally got Aphrodite for his wife! Was it another marriage of interest? Hmm... At least this wife was also a pretty one! :P

I’ve been doing a little reading on colloidal copper. Here’s some more on it.

excerpt from

Ulcer and Wound-Healing Activities of Copper Complexes

It has been demonstrated that copper complexes such as copper aspirinate and copper tryptophanate, markedly increase healing rate of ulcers and wounds. For example, copper complexes heal gastric ulcers five days sooner than other reagents. Further, it has been shown that, whereas non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and enefenamic acid suppress wound healing, copper complexes of these drugs promote normal wound healing while at the same time retaining anti-inflammatory activity.

Anticonvulsant Activities of Copper Complexes

The brain contains more copper than any other organ of the body except the liver, where copper is stored for use elsewhere. This fact suggests that copper plays a role in brain functions. With reports of seizures in animals and humans following the protracted consumption of copper-deficient diets, it was reasoned that copper has a role to play in the prevention of seizures. It was subsequently discovered that organic compounds that are not themselves anti-convulsants exhibit anticonvulsant activity when complexed with copper. Further, it was found that copper complexes of all anti-epileptic drugs are more effective and less toxic than their parent drugs.

Anticancer Activities of Copper Complexes

As early as 1912, patients in Germany were treated for facial epithelioma with a mixture of copper chloride and lecithin. Success of such treatment suggested that copper compounds have anticancer activity. Work at the University of Liverpool in 1913 demonstrated that subcutaneous and intravenous injections of a copper salt or colloidal copper softened and degenerated carcinomas transplanted into mice. In 1930, work in France indicated that injections of colloidal copper mobilized and expelled tumor tissue. Recent work with mice in the USA has shown that, indeed, treatment of solid tumors with non-toxic doses of various organic complexes of copper markedly decreased tumor growth and metastasis and thus increased survival rate. These copper complexes did not kill cancer cells but caused them to revert to normal cells.

Anticarcinogenic Activity of Copper Complexes

Based on work in the treatment of cancers using copper complexes, researchers have found that these same complexes may prevent or retard the development of cancers in mice under conditions where cancers are expected to be induced.
Radiation Protection and Radiation Recovery of Copper Complexes
Ionizing radiation, such as that used in the treatment of cancer, has been shown to induce massive systemic inflammation. Ideally, such radiation-induced injury might be prevented or ameliorated by chemical repair mechanisms in the body. Thus, pharmacological approaches to the repair of radiation-damaged tissue are needed. As early as 1984, copper metallo-organic complexes have been shown to have radiation protection and radiation recovery activities. They are capable of causing rapid recovery of immunocompetence and recovery from radiation induced tissue changes. The mechanism of this activity appears to be tied to the ability of certain copper complexes to deactivate the superoxide, or "free," radicals liberated by ionizing radiation. In addition, since radiation has the capability of breaking the bonds of natural copper enzymes in the body, supplementing these with non-toxic doses of pharmaceutical copper complexes restores the lost tissue-repair capability. Since these complexes may also have anticarcinogenic activity, it is suggested that there would be merit in using copper complexes in the treatment of cancer and in particular, treating patients undergoing ionizing radiation therapy for their cancer, accidental exposure to radiation, and astronauts undertaking space travel.

Heart Disease and Copper Complexes

Numerous studies have drawn attention to the relationship between copper deficiency and heart disease. First observed in rats in 1936, this effect has now been traced to both a deficiency in copper and an imbalance in the copper-to-zinc ratio in the body. Work by Dr. L.M. Klevay at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Human Nutrition Research Center in 1973 has led to the postulation that copper has a direct effect on the control of cholesterol. In continuing work published in 1975, he theorized that a metabolic imbalance between zinc and copper - with more emphasis on copper deficiency than zinc excess - is a major contributing factor to the etiology of coronary heart disease. Subsequent work by other investigators has shown that copper complexes also can have a valuable role in the minimization of damage to the aorta and heart muscle as oxygenated blood reperfuses into tissues following myocardial infarction. This action is based on the anti-inflammatory action of copper complexes. These and other studies suggest the use of copper dietary supplements as a means of preventing and controlling such diseases as atherosclerosis (a form of arteriosclerosis), coronary heart disease, aortic aneurysms and myocardial infarction. It has been speculated that the reason that the heart attack rate in France is lower than in the rest of Europe is because of the French practice of drinking red wine. Red wine has a higher copper content than white wine because it is prepared with the skin of the grape intact. The copper originates in the wine from the copper fungicides used on the grapes in the field. (See also Copper? You Bet Your Heart! )
Based on an abundance of historical data such as the foregoing, many researchers anticipate that copper will become an increasingly important component of tomorrow's medical treatments.

1. The historical part of this paper is based on H.H.A. Dollwet and J.R.J. Sorenson, Historic uses of copper compounds in medicine, Trace Elements in Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1985, pp 80 - 87.


Copper (Cu) is an essential trace element for humans and animals. In the body, copper shifts between the cuprous (Cu1+) and cupric (Cu2+) forms, though the majority of the body's copper is in the Cu2+ form. The ability of copper to easily accept and donate electrons explains its important role in oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions and in scavenging free radicals (1). Although Hippocrates is said to have prescribed copper compounds to treat diseases as early as 400 B.C. (2), scientists are still uncovering new information regarding the functions of copper in the human body.


Copper is a critical functional component of a number of essential enzymes known as cuproenzymes. Some of the physiologic functions known to be copper-dependent are discussed below.
Energy production
The copper-dependent enzyme, cytochrome c oxidase, plays a critical role in cellular energy production. By catalyzing the reduction of molecular oxygen (O2) to water (H2O), cytochrome c oxidase generates an electrical gradient used by the mitochondria to create the vital energy-storing molecule, ATP (3).

Connective tissue formation

Another cuproenzyme, lysyl oxidase, is required for the cross-linking of collagen and elastin, which are essential for the formation of strong and flexible connective tissue. The action of lysyl oxidase helps maintain the integrity of connective tissue in the heart and blood vessels and also plays a role in bone formation (2).

Iron metabolism

Two copper-containing enzymes, ceruloplasmin (ferroxidase I) and ferroxidase II have the capacity to oxidize ferrous iron (Fe2+) to ferric iron (Fe3+), the form of iron that can be loaded onto the protein transferrin for transport to the site of red blood cell formation. Although the ferroxidase activity of these two cuproenzymes has not yet been proven to be physiologically significant, the fact that iron mobilization from storage sites is impaired in copper deficiency supports their role in iron metabolism (2, 4).

Central nervous system

A number of reactions essential to normal function of the brain and nervous system are catalyzed by cuproenzymes.

Neurotransmitter synthesis

Dopamine-b-monooxygenase catalyzes the conversion of dopamine to the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (4).
Metabolism of neurotransmitters
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) plays a role in the metabolism of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine. MAO also functions in the degradation of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is the basis for the use of MAO inhibitors as antidepressants (5).
Formation and maintenance of myelin
The myelin sheath is made of phospholipids whose synthesis depends on cytochrome c oxidase activity (2).

Melanin formation

The cuproenzyme, tyrosinase, is required for the formation of the pigment melanin. Melanin is formed in cells called melanocytes and plays a role in the pigmentation of the hair, skin, and eyes (2).

Antioxidant functions

Superoxide dismutase

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) functions as an antioxidant by catalyzing the conversion of superoxide radicals (free radicals or ROS) to hydrogen peroxide, which can subsequently be reduced to water by other antioxidant enzymes (6). Two forms of SOD contain copper: 1) copper/zinc SOD is found within most cells of the body, including red blood cells, and 2) extracellular SOD is a copper-containing enzyme found at high levels in the lungs and low levels in blood plasma (2).


Ceruloplasmin may function as an antioxidant in two different ways. Free copper and iron ions are powerful catalysts of free radical damage. By binding copper, ceruloplasmin prevents free copper ions from catalyzing oxidative damage. The ferroxidase activity of ceruloplasmin (oxidation of ferrous iron) facilitates iron loading onto its transport protein, transferrin, and may prevent free ferrous ions (Fe2+) from participating in harmful free radical generating reactions (6).

Regulation of gene expression

Copper-dependent transcription factors regulate transcription of specific genes. Thus, cellular copper levels may affect the synthesis of proteins by enhancing or inhibiting the transcription of specific genes. Genes regulated by copper-dependent transcription factors include genes for copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD), catalase (another antioxidant enzyme), and proteins related to the cellular storage of copper (3).

cont next post....
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