Some transcripts about dark companion and comet cluster


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

The interest to know more about the possibility of a companion star was spurred by reading 'The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes by Richard Firestone, Allen West, and Simon Worwick-Smith.' This book gives a review of their discoveries, that the earth has been hit by comets in the past along with some theories, descriptions and illustrations of how different types of comets may impact the earth differently. The cause of the comets, they think they have found traces of, they attribute to a supernova, that should have exploded an estimated 41.000 years ago. However they write:
page 268 said:
It is possible the impacts and the supernova are unrelated. There are a number of other theories about cosmic events capable of creating waves of impacts. In Richard Muller's book Nemesis: The Death Star, he suggests that the Sun has a dark companion that travels in a 26 million-year orbit. He thinks Nemesis has kicked loose a barrage of comets in the past, as well as killed off the dinosaurs.
Note: Amazon has reviews of this book now out of print. See also the author _

On _ it is mentioned that there is a project underway and a launch planed for 2009 which should be able to tell among other things if the Sun does have a dark companion.

Another similar theory mentioned by Firestone, West and Worwick-Smith on the above quoted page is hypothesis promoted by Walter Cruttenden in his book "Lost Star of Myth and Time" where he proposes a 24.000 year cycle rather the more than thousand times longer cycle of 26 million Richard Muller arrived at.

Of course a dark companion of the Sun is also mentioned in the Secret History of the World (SHOTW) by Laura Knight-Jadczyk. It is in chapter six, "History and Catastrophe" along with a discussion of the cyclical comet showers and the possible role a dark companion star may play.

On page 218 in SHOTW there is a graph from a paper by Matese, J.J,, Whitman, P.G., Whitmore, D.P. with the title "Cometary evidence of a massive body in the outer Oort cloud" published in 1999.

In the transcripts there are a number of times where the twin sun was discussed, and there is also this:
000318 said:
A: Our "companion star" data was meant as a clue for guidance purposes, not as the be all and end all.
Therefore this collection of transcripts and comments is best, at the present time, understood as a source of inspiration for ones research and meditation.

“Twin sun” in the Cassiopaean transcripts
The "twin sun" in the transcripts became a subject following a discussion of comets.
960803 said:
Q: (L) Well, what is it then?
A: Hale-Bopp: Flopp!
A: Since you have broached the subject: are you familiar with the "twin sun" theory?
A: Theory that the sun is really a double star.
Q: (L) Can we see it? […]
A: Can you?
A: No. What is "dark" matter, and what are dark stars?
Q: (T) Dark matter that I have read about is what the astronomical community calls all the loose stuff floating around out in the cosmos that must exist because of the equations, but they can't see it.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Would dark stars be part of this?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So there is dark matter and dark stars?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) The dark matter they cannot see because it is dark.
A: Yes. How about "Brown stars?"
Q: (T) Okay, Brown stars I have heard of. There is yellow, red, blue, green... Okay, our star burns as a yellow star because of the matter it is composed of - hydrogen, etc.
A: Close.
Q: (T) Other stars burn different colors in the visible spectrum because of the make-up of the star...
A: Yes, but not "brown" ones.
Q: (L) Okay, it has burned so long it is about to run out of gas?
A: Yes.
A: Why did we put "brown" in quotes?
A: How easy is it to see brown against a black background?
Q: (T) Not easy at all! That is why they can't see the dark matter...
A: That is why scientists dubbed it "brown."
Q: (L) What is the significance of the brown star?
A: Dark star.
Q: […] (T) Wait, a dark star is dark because it doesn't give off light. It is still a star, and acts like a star...
A: Yes. And if it has an elliptical orbit... would it, maybe, like, "come and go?"
Q: (T) What science, astronomy, has described as double stars, are two stars that are close together with some sort of interactive orbit. But that is not necessarily the only way two stars can exist.
A: Close. As you perceive from your vantage point. But how would you like to embark on a bicycle trip between them?
Q: (L) So the ones that we are aware of and see can be so far apart that there can be a lot between... (T) So our astronomers have not recognized this possibility?
A: Yes they have.
960803 said:
Q: (L) Does this brown or dark star have planetary bodies of its own, other than sharing planets with Sol?
A: No.
The dark companion as a cause of comets.
960803 said:
A: […] Oort cloud and comet cluster and sun twin occasionally passing through the former like a bowling ball through pins.
Q: (L) How does the dark star passing through the Oort cloud relate to the comet cluster?
A: Cause and effect.
More details about the sun's companion.
980704 said:
Q: (A) […] First there was the story of the sun's companion brown star which is apparently approaching the solar system, and I would like to know, if possible, details of its orbit; that is, how far it is, what is its speed, and when it will be first seen. Can we know it? Orbit: how close will it come?
A: Flat elliptical.
Q: (A) But how close will it come?
A: Distance depends upon other factors, such as intersecting orbit of locator of witness.
A: Passes through Oort cloud on orbital journey. Already has done this on its way "in."
A: Has passed through.
A: Oort cloud is located on outer perimeter orbital plane at distance of approximately averaged distance of 510,000,000,000 miles.
A: Solar system, in concert with "mother star," is revolving around companion star, a "brown" star.
Q: (A) So, that means that the mass of the companion star is much...
A: Less.
Q: (A) Less?
A: They are moving in tandem with one another along a flat, elliptical orbital plane. Outer reaches of solar system are breached by passage of brown companion, thus explaining anomalies recently discovered regarding outer planets and their moons.
Q: (A) […] Elliptical orbit means there is perihelion and aphelion. I want to know what will be, or what was, or what is the closest distance between this brown star and the sun? What is perihelion? Can we know this, even approximately. Is it about one light year, or less or more?
A: Less, much less. Distance of closest passage roughly corresponds to the distance of the orbit of Pluto from Sun.
Q: (A) Okay. Now, this closest pass, is this something that is going to happen?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) And it is going to happen within the next 6 to 18 years?
A: 0 to 14.
Q: (A) Okay, that's it. I have some idea about this. Now, I understand that, either by chance or by accident, two things are going to happen at essentially the same time. That is the passing of this brown star, and this comet cluster. These are two different things?
A: Yes. Different, but related.
Q: (L) Is there a comet cluster that was knocked into some kind of orbit of its own, that continues to orbit...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And in addition to that comet cluster, there are also additional comets that are going to get whacked into the solar system by the passing of this brown star?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) I understand that the main disaster is going to come from this comet cluster...
A: Disasters involve cycles in the human experiential cycle which corresponds to the passage of comet cluster.
A: Did you catch the significance of the answer regarding time table of cluster and brown star? Human cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe. Earth benefits in form of periodic cleansing. Time to start paying attention to the signs. They are escalating. They can even be "felt" by you and others, if you pay attention.
Q: (L) We have certainly been paying attention to the signs!
A: How so?
Q: (L) Well, the weather is completely bizarre. The fires, the heat...
A: Yes.
A small example of a disaster that influenced the human experiential cycle:
010823 said:
Q: (L) Well, it seems that Nefertiti disappeared from history in the 12th year of the reign of Akhenaten. He then died in the 17th year of his reign. If Nefertiti was Sarah, where was she during this five year period, if Akhenaten died going after her when Abraham/Moses carried her off?
A: Locked up.
Q: (L) So, Nefertiti is Sarah and Abraham came and rescued her somehow, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And that happened at the time of the passage of the comet cluster, between 1627 BC and 1588 BC - dramatic events which is what enabled that particular drama to take place...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So Abraham retrieved Sarah and Akhenaten went after them and drowned in the river or something?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, from 1627 BC to 1588 BC - that's 39 years - almost exactly 40 years of "wandering in the desert," so to say. So they must have escaped when Thera blew and forty years later, the comets came. What was Abraham and his crew doing during that time?
A: Bedouins.
Q: (L) How many were in this tribe?
A: 623.
Q: (L) So it wasn't multiple thousands of people as the Bible would have us believe. Okay, is Abraham the same individual as is presented as his son, Isaac?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did Sarah, known to the Egyptians as Nefertiti, give birth to a child when she was 90 years old?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was Sarah the mother of Isaac?
A: Yes.
It was mentioned that the closest passage of the dark star corresponds roughly to the distance out to the orbit of Pluto. This orbit varies between 30 to 50 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun with an average of around 40. The apparent size of an object for a viewer decreases by a factor of 1 divided by the square of the distance between viewer and object. So the Sun would appear between 900 and 2500 times weaker from the perspective of Pluto than it does from our position. On the other hand if the companion star appears at the distance of the orbit of Pluto then for terrestial viewers, it would probably not appear very dominating.

To have a chance of seeing such a dark companion star, it helps to know where to look.
Cassiopaea on 980711 said:
Q: (A) […] First, about this companion star: where is it now; which part of the zodiac?
A: Libra Constellation.
Q: (A) So, we have the idea. Next question concerning this companion star; we were told that its mass is less than the sun, can we have a figure on how much less?
A: 56 percent of the mass of the sun.
Q: (A) Okay, if this is really so, then when it really starts to approach the solar system, and they rotate in tandem, it means that the sun will really start to feel its gravity, and because of this, the solar system will start to move with respect to other stars, so all the constellations will shift, is this correct?
A: More like a slight "wobble" effect.
Q: (L) Will that be perceptible to us here on the Earth?
A: Only through measurements.
Q: (T) There have been a lot of reports of late regarding major solar activity, solar flares, solar winds, etc. The surface of the sun has a whole lot going on. The last I heard, one of the two satellites observing the sun, one of them is gone. Is this an effect from the sun itself, or is this an effect of the approaching brown dwarf?
A: The sun.
Q: (T) As the brown dwarf approaches, will it intensify the solar flare activity?
A: The effect on the physical orientation of the sun from the periodic passage of its companion is to flatten the sphere slightly. This returns to its original spherical shape with the retreat.
Q: (L) Is this flattening of the sphere of the sun going to have any noticeable effects in terms of enhanced, accelerated, or magnified radiation from the sun?
A: No.
Q: (T) Solar flares or anything like that?
A: No.
Q: (T) So there is not going to be any appreciable effect on the planet from this as far as the sun goes?
A: The sun's gravity increases, thus inhibiting flares.
Q: (T) Inhibiting flares is good. (L) Not necessarily. Solar minimums have been periods of ice ages. (T) One of the recent crop circles this year shows what the crop circle interpreters say is an image of the sun with a large solar flare coming off of it. It is supposed to be a warning to us that the surface of the sun has become unstable...
A: All events intersect.
Q: (A) Okay, I would like to ask what kind of effects other than just gravity we should expect from the close passage of this star? Any particular electro-magnetic, gamma radiation, or what to look for? In which part of the spectrum?
A: Radiation emits from those cosmic bodies which radiate.
Q: (L) Are you saying that the brown star does not radiate?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If it doesn't radiate, what does it do?
A: Its radioactive field is severely limited as the "fire" went out long ago. It does not give off light.
980801 said:
Q: […] Now, in a previous session when we were talking about the initial discussion about the brown dwarf, you compared the companion star to an electron. In the discussion of the electron, you said that an electron emits gravity. Recently you said that this companion star does not radiate. But, does it emit gravity?
A: Radiation is at lower end of scale, and gravity is present.
About brown dwarfs: _ there is a graph showing of how much it might radiate.

If in November 98 the companion star was supposed to be in Libra and on condition it does not move in a reverse direction, it most likely is still in Libra or maybe in Scorpio.

The relationship between companion stars now and before.
980801 said:
Q: I was reading about the interactions between twin star systems, and it is conjectured that when a companion star approaches its primary, that the primary star 'robs' something from it. There are even photographs of gases flowing from the smaller star to the larger. Is this the case with this particular system?
A: Was.
Q: And it is now no longer the case?
A: Barely.
The period of the dark companion.
980815 said:
Q: (L) We have been discussing this period of the Brown Star. Is this period 26 or 27 million years?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, the last time it was here was at the time of the dying of the dinosaurs?
A: Possible.
Q: (L) What is the period of the orbit of the Brown Star? (A) Is it periodic?
A: Variably periodic.
Q: (A) This variability is due to perturbations from other stars, correct?
A: And gravitational anomalies from other sources.
What other sources could one think of. There are other neighbouring galaxies and the solar system will not be equally distant from them at all times, since it orbits around the centre of the Milky Way. Also the position of the 'fixed stars' changes gradually since they do not all move at the same speed and in the same direction.

It was mentioned that the companion brown star is variably periodic, this explains why, whenever a time for the period is suggested, the answer often is 'maybe' or 'close'.

Footnote: Calculation of the mass of the dark companion star.
There was:
Cassiopaea 980711 said:
A: 56 percent of the mass of the sun.
How much would 56 % be? In a reference book from 2005 the estimated mass of the Sun is given as 1,989 times 10 to the power of 33 grams. 56 % of this would be 1,113 times 10 to the power of 33 grams, in total around 3,002 times 10 to the power of 33 grams.

In order to compare the mass of the two stars to the mass of the other bodies in the solar system I looked up the nine known planets to see how much mass they would have.

The Earth for instance should have 5,9742 times 10 to the power of 27 grams. If one adds the mass of the other known planets, they together have 2668 times 10 to the power of 27 grams, the same as 0.002668 times 10 to the power of 33 grams.

To this figure one would have to add the mass of various moons, the objects of the Asteroid belt, Kuiper belt and Oort cloud, and proposed outer planets:
941025 said:
Q: (L) How many planets did the Sumerians know about?
A: They thought 12.
There are three extra mentioned in the following excerpt but whether the names are Atlantean, Sumerian, modern or something else is not said..
940930 said:
Q: (L) How many planets are in our solar system?
A: 12
Q: (L) Could you tell us the names of all the planets, their distances from the sun, the chemical composition, and the diameter.
A: Mercury=Opatanar, 36 million miles from Sun; 3000 mi diameter. Venus=Pemuntar, 67 million miles from Sun; 7,500 mi. diameter. Earth=Saras, 93 million miles from Sun; 7,900 mi. dia. Mars=Masar, 141,500,000 miles from Sun; 4,200 mi. dia. Jupiter=Yontar, 483,400,000 miles from Sun; 88,700 dia. Saturn=Zendar, 886,700,000 miles from Sun; 74,500 dia. Uranus=Lonoponor, 1,782,700,000 miles from Sun; 31,566 diameter. Neptune=Jinoar, 2,794,300,000 miles from Sun; 30,199 dia. Pluto=Opikimanaras, 3,666,100,000 miles from Sun; 1,864 dia. NI=Montonanas, 570,000,000,000 miles from Sun; solid matter; 7000 miles dia. NII=Suvurutarcar, 830,000,000,000 miles from Sun; 18000 miles diameter; hydrogen, ammonia. NIII=Bikalamanar, 1,600,000,000,000 miles from Sun; 46000 miles diameter; hydrogen, ammonia.
Note: The three outer planets would then possibly be outside the Oort cloud since
980704 said:
A: Oort cloud is located on outer perimeter orbital plane at distance of approximately averaged distance of 510,000,000,000 miles.
If the size and composition proposed for the suggested outer planets fit the above and on the condition that the 'Solid matter' of 'NI=Monotonanas is still of a kind and density familiar to us, then their mass would not add a lot to the overall mass of the known planets.

In other words the total mass of the planetary bodies and associates in the solar system would not exceed 0,003 times 10 to the power of 33 grams. This would be about one thousandth part of the combined mass of the two main star bodies!!!

In the next section the focus will shift more to the comet cluster.
Before getting to the transcripts about the cluster of comets there are a few excerpts on the history of the solar system to put events in perspective.

The history of the Moon
010705 said:
Q: (L) When and how did planet earth acquire its moon?
A: Was caused by the regular passage of a large comet cluster which caused a gravitational disruption allowing a large chunk of the original earth's surface, which was somewhat less solid at that point in space/time, to break away from the main body and assume a locked in orbit around the main body.
Q: (L) When did this happen?
A: This occurred approximately 3 billion years ago.
The history of the Asteroids
940930 said:
Q: (L) Is the cluster of fragments in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter the remains of a planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was that planet known as?
A: Kantek.
Q: (L) When did that planet break apart into the asteroid belt.
A: 79 thousand years ago approximately.
The history of Venus
940722 said:
Q: (L) Did Venus follow a cometary orbit for a time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did Venus appear in our solar system, from the area of Jupiter, coming from deep space?
A: That is correct.
940930 said:
Q: (L) Was Velikovsky correct when he said Venus was on a 52 year orbit during a certain period in our history?
A: Close.
Q: (L) How many passes did Venus make through the solar system before it was precipitated into a regular planetary orbit?
A: 7
Q: (L) Where did Venus originally come from?
A: 19 light years away.
Q: (L) So, it is actually an extra-solar system visitor?
A: Yes.
941007 said:
Q: (L) Now, the time of the passage of Venus was the time of the Exodus, is that correct? Was Venus a result of this cluster of comets?
A: Semi-stimulated by gravitational pull.
Q: (L) Venus was stimulated by the gravitational pull?
A: Attracted.
Q: (L) Venus was drawn into the solar system by the gravitational pull of the cluster of comets?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where did Venus get all its gases and clouds and so forth? What was its origin? Where did it get all this stuff?
A: Collected during fiery, friction filled journey and space matter in general.
Q: (L) Where was Venus originally from?
A: Ancient wanderer from near Arcturus.
941005 said:
Q: (L) You said the Exodus occurred in 2676 BC, is that correct?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Was that the last passage of the cometary Venus?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was this activity of Venus interactive with the close passing of the cluster of comets you have mentioned?
A: Close. One of three cataclysms close together.
Q: (L) If Venus was one of the cataclysms and the cluster of comets was another, what was the third?
A: Mars.
Q: (L) Was Mars knocked out of it's orbit by Venus?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And the two appeared to do battle in the sky to the inhabitants of the earth as Velikovsky described, is that correct?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What land did Noah/Utnapishtim live in, what continent?
A: Atlantis.
Q: (L) Where did the ark land after the receding of the waters?
A: Egypt.
Q: (L) What caused Martek to pass close to the earth at that time since that was many thousands of years before the Venus interaction?
A: Planetary alignment gravitational aberration related to Venus.
Q: (L) So, there was a planetary line-up that caused Mars to be pulled out of its orbit?
A: Yes.
010823 said:
Q: (L) Now, I have a little problem with my writing. First of all, did the eruption of Thera occur in 1627 BC or thereabouts?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What stimulated the eruption of Thera?
A: Venus.
Q: (L) Well, about 40 years after that there was the comet cluster, in 1588 BC, correct?
A: Yes.
The periodic cometary showers
940930 said:
Q: (L) The sun is not the source of the periodicity of "dyings", is that correct?
A: Sometimes. Many causes.
Q: (L) Well what is the cause that recurs like clockwork? Is there some cause that is a regular pulsation?
A: Cometary showers.
Q: (L) Where are these cometary showers from?
A: Clusters in own orbit.
Q: (L) Where is the orbit of these clusters? Is it the Oort cloud?
A: No.
Q: (L) Where is the orbit of clusters of comets located?
A: More specific.
Q: (L) A specific orbit containing clusters of comets?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does this cluster of comets orbit around the sun?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is the orbit perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) Does this cluster come into the plane of the ecliptic and cause havoc in the solar system?
A: Exactly.
941007 said:
Q: (L) How long has this comet cluster been with us in our solar system?
A: 890 million years.
Q: (L) What was the origin of this comet cluster? Was it originally a large planet?
A: No.
The dinosaur dying
940930 said:
Q: (L) Was it a cosmic event that brought about the death of some of the largest dinosaurs?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It did not happen at the time of Noah, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did it happen before the flood of Noah?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How many thousands of years ago counting backward?
A: 27 million years ago.
Q: (L) What event took place at that time that caused the death of the dinosaurs?
A: Comet impact.
Q: (L) Did a comet actually strike the earth?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was it a large comet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How large?
A: 18 miles diameter.
941007 said:
Q: (L) What killed off the major dinosaurs?
A: Comet impact.
Q: (L) What was the source of this comet?
A: Cluster.
Q: (L) This cluster of comets that you talk about that caused an impact, did one of the cluster impact the earth at the time of they dinosaur dyings?
A: No one was large enough for event.
Q: (L) Was it some of these comets in the cluster that hit the earth?
A: Yes. 14 hit at that occasion.
The cycle of the cluster of comets
940930 said:
Q: (L) Is there any regular periodicity or cycle to this comet business?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is the period?
A: 3600 years roughly.
941005 said:
Q: (L) Now, this cluster of comets, when was the last time it came into the solar system?
A: 3582 yrs ago?
Q: (L) What is the cycle?
A: 3600 yrs. .
More world history relating to the comet cluster
941007 said:
Q: (L) What is the source of the Native American Indians?
A: Asia.
Q: (L) Across the Bering Strait?
A: No. Rescued. Transferred.
Q: (L) By whom?
A: Grays.
Q: (L) What were they rescued out of?
A: Cataclysm.
Q: (L) When did that cataclysm occur?
A: 7200 years ago approx.
Q: (L) What was the nature of that cataclysm?
A: Comets.
The excerpt above regarding the origin of the Native American Indians needs to be qualified by a note, therefore italics.:
941007 said:
Q: (L) Where else did the Atlanteans go?
A: Americas. Inca. Aztec. Maya. Hopi Tribe. Pima tribe.
Q: (L) When the Jews were dispersed, did some of them come to America?
A: A few.

941007 said:
Q: (L) If the Exodus occurred in 2676 BC, that is 4,670 years ago more or less, this would mean that this was not related to the comet cluster which came in 1588 BC
A: Correct.
Q: (L) Then, the comet cluster came by 8,788 BC, is that correct?
A: Close enough.
Q: (L) Was there any historical cataclysm recorded in history that we could relate to that passing?
A: No.
Nibiru as comets
940930 said:
Q: (L) What body were the Sumerians talking about when they described the Planet of the crossing or Nibiru?
A: Comets.
Q: (L) This body of comets?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does this cluster of comets appear to be a single body?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this the same object that is rumored to be on its way here at the present time?
A: Yes.
951212 said:
Q: (L) There is a rumor going around that a large object coming our way, that is a gigantic, intelligently controlled space craft, loaded with Lizzies. Could you comment on this please?
A: Comet cluster. Sitchen believes it is a "planet."
941005 said:
Q: (L) Are the aliens traveling with this cluster of comets?
A: No.
The orbit of the comet cluster
941007 said:
Q: (L) Does this cluster of comets orbit around the Sun?
A: Yes. Your government already knows they're coming close again.
950617 said:
Q: (T) Can we ask one more quick question? NASA has announced that the space telescope, Hubble, has detected clusters of comets, is this, in effect, the beginning of the government's of the world preparing the people for what is to come?
A: It certainly is a possibility, but, again, you are accessing a very touchy area. Too much knowledge for you to gather in this particular area would not... [(T) I understand that the knowledge... End of Session
960224 said:
Q: (PZ) I understand that they are building the largest telescope ever on top of a mountain in Peru. Is this telescope going to have the ability to forewarn about the wave?
A: There is the ability to forewarn of the comet cluster, but not the wave as it is not visible. Question is whether or not warnings will be given due to clandestine and political factors.
941007 said:
Q: (L) You said that the orbit is around the Sun. Where does it enter the plane of the ecliptic?
A: Varies.
Q: (L) Does it enter between Mars and Jupiter, for example?
A: Sometimes.
Q: (L) Is the orbit perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic? Or is it at an angle?
A: In between.
Q: (L) What degrees of angle does it intersect the plane of the ecliptic?
A: Not correct idea structure. Picture a spirograph.
Q: (L) Do the comets orbit around themselves. Do they have a sort of axis?
A: No.
Q: (L) How many are in this cluster?
A: Varies.
Q: (L) Do they lose or pick any up from time to time?
A: Yes.
951212 said:
Q: (L) In terms of this comet cluster, how many bodies are in this cluster as a discrete unit?
A: Variable.
941007 said:
Q: (L) How big is the biggest one at this time?
A: 900 miles diameter. Spirograph.
960323 said:
Q: (L) Well, you've said that there's a comet cluster that's coming this way. Is that still correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Now, is this something that can be seen from a great way off?
A: No.
The cluster and the wave
960323 said:
A: The cluster is a symptom, not the focus.
Q: (V) What is the focus?
A: Wave, remember, is "realm border" crossing... what does this imply? Consult your knowledge base for Latin roots and proceed.
Q: (L) So, the Latin root of realm is regimen, which means a domain or rulership or a system for the improvement of health. Does this mean that, and as I assume we are now moving into the STO realm, now, out of the STS realm?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) And also, can I infer from this, that the comet cluster exists in the other realm?
A: Partly.
960323 said:
Q: (L)Well, previously, you had said that the comet cluster would come before the realm border. Which indicated that the comet...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) […] Which direction is it coming from?
A: Direction?
A: Cluster can approach from all directions.
Q: (L) So, can I infer from what has been said, that we are going to move into this comet cluster, as into a realm?
A: Border changes rules.
Q: (L) But if we run into the comet cluster before we cross the border, then, I mean, I would understand if we were going into the realm border first...
A: Part in part out.
Q: (L) OK, is this so-called HAARP project instrumental in any of these realm border changes, these realm changes?
A: All is interconnected, as usual.
960224 said:
A: Nephalim are not currently on your world, just trace residuals.
Q: (L) Trace residuals in people. And there are supposed to be 36 million of them coming...
A: With the wave.
Q: (L) That reminds me: is it possible that this comet cluster you have talked about exists in 4th density?
A: No.
Q: (L) The comet cluster is in 3rd density?
A: Transcends 3rd and 4th.
Q: (L) Okay, so it is both in 3rd and 4th...
A: It will be visible to you.
Q: (L) Well, everyone is having fits over Hale Bopp, is it related?
A: ? Many space objects currently or recently visible are mysterious.
More on the shape of the cluster of comets
980704 said:
Q: (A) […] I want to know something about the shape of this comet cluster. I can hardly imagine...
A: Shape is variable. Effect depends on closeness of passage.
Q: (L) So, it could be spread out... (A) We were asking at some point where it will be coming from. The answer was that we were supposed to look at a spirograph.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Now, spirograph suggests that these comets will not come from one direction, but from many directions at once. Is this correct?
A: Very good!!!
Q: (A) Okay, they will come from many directions...
A: But, initial visibility presents as single, solid body.
Q: (A) Do we know what is the distance to this body at present?
A: Suggest you keep your eyes open!
Where cluster might first appear
Cassiopaea on 980711 said:
Q: (A) Where is the periodic comet cluster?
A: Not visible. It approaches in "scatter pattern," indicating that one or two of the members may have already made the circuit.
Q: (A) We have been told that it will look like one solid object at first.
A: Yes, but not necessarily only one grouping. Will show up first in the region of the Magellanic Clouds.
The Magellanic Clouds are two neighbouring smaller galaxies. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is located in the star constellations of Dorado and Mensa near the celestial South pole or approximately 70 degrees South declination. It is 160.000- 180.000 light years away (depending on the source!) and the guide says it can be appreciated with binoculars. Also visible in binoculars but requiring a dark sky is The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). It is found in the sign of Tucana not so far from the Large Magellanic cloud and it is 200.000 light years away. The clouds are best visible from areas close to or south of the equator.

One way to imagine where they are is to find Orion and locate Rigel. Then the Large Magellanic Cloud is a bit more than 60 degrees 'below' Rigel on the celestial star globe. If one wishes to go step by step one finds Rigel then tries to locate Sirius in the sign of The Big Dog, (Canis Major). At a about a right angle to the line that one can imagine between the stars Rigel and Sirius, there is to the South of the celestial sphere the bright star Canopus in the constellation of the Keel (Carina). Next imagining a line between Sirius and Carina one extends this further in the direction of the South by about a half and one should be in the vicinity of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Some links that may be relvant:

_ about the history of the constellation

_ has monthly pdf files for download which one can print out and use to help oneself in navigating the night sky.

_ Mentions that amateur equipment is very suitable for spotting comets and novas.

If "all is interconnected, as usual" and while in the vicinity, the constellation Reticulum is next to Dorado in which the Large Magellanic Cloud is found and between but a little more north of the Magellanic clouds.

ETA of comet cluster
941005 said:
Q: (L) So, when is this cluster expected to hit the plane of the ecliptic again?
A: 12 to 18 years.
951212 said:
Q: (L) What is the ETA?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Why is it open? Why can't we look at it and determine the factors, the direction, trajectory, velocity...
A: If you could, you would be interrupted in your learning cycle.
The probability of a cluster of comets hitting the planet
981010 said:
Q: (A) […] Sometime ago we were asking about the comet cluster, when it will come, and you answered '0 to 14 years' from now.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) I would like to know first, when you say 0 to 14, is it absolutely sure that it will be 0 to 14 and not 0 to 15, and you can assign some very small probability that it will be MORE than 14 years? Is it really certain?
A: Nothing is certain. The course of the lessons is dictated by the progress of the studies.
Q: (A) Nothing is certain, but is the concept of probabilities, as it is used in the Seth material, legitimate? Can we speak about probabilities?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Can you assign a probability to this period 0 to 14 years? How big is the probability?
A: Big.
Q: (A) How big? How close to 1?
A: 82 per cent.
Q: (A) Okay, so it is 82 percent that it will happen between 0 to 14 years. Can you assign a probability to the idea that it will happen between 0 and 7 years?
A: No, because that would disrupt your learning channel.
Q: (A) How are you calculating this 82 percent probability? Do you just compute all different worlds and this is in how many years this can happen accordingly?
A: The computation is based upon the calculation of all the possible variables factored against the window of the "time" frame.
Q: (L) So there is a window of opportunity, so to speak? A period in which this CAN occur, and if it were to be forestalled in some way beyond this 14 year period, does that mean it would NOT occur?
A: End word.
Q: (L) Is that what you meant? 'End word?'
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What does 'end word' mean?
A: Who knows? […]
Q: (A) Why are you telling me that telling me anything about a 0 to 7 year probability would disrupt my learning channel? I would like to know what the curve of probabilities looks like. It would disrupt in what way?
A: 0 to 14 years is enough for now. Can you imagine what would happen if we told you that the cluster was going to blast into the picture next year?!? You would then demand to know the precise day and the hour. You would let this dictate all your activities hence and that would be it.
And if one researches and calculates ETA?
000909 said:
Q: (A) Regarding my calculation of the coming of the comet cluster, taking into account all the data that were given, I came to the conclusion that there is no way to fit the data unless I assume that the period of the comet cluster is changing during these past 300,000 years. I had to assume that it is decreasing. Is this conclusion correct?
A: The period between visitations of the implicator is decreasing.
Q: (L) What is the implicator?
A: Visitor.
Q: […] (A) Who is the implicator? Visitor?
A: Dark.
Q: […] (A) Okay, let me ask again. I am not ready to discuss the dark star. My computations had to do with the comet cluster which is an independent visitor, as I understand it. What about the period of visitation of the comet cluster? Is it also decreasing?
A: In accordance.
Q: (A) In accordance with the period of the dark star?
A: Shrinking orbital plane.
Q: (A) In accordance with the shrinking orbital plane. Is shrinking of the orbital plane the same as the shrinking of the orbit?
A: Close.
Q: (A) Taking into account the decreasing of the period, I came to the conclusion from all the data, that the coming visit of the comet cluster will be, most probably in the middle of 2009, with possible plus or minus 6 months. So, it will come 2009. Are these calculations correct?
A: You are doing well.
Q: (A) Is the comet cluster going to come in 2009?
A: We refrain here...
Cassiopaean’s will not give any exact date, only a probability. The overall conclusion so far is that a cluster is a symptom, or if one likes a sign of the times; Wave is focus.

There is more about the comets etc. This was a beginning
Thank you thorbiorn. That is a great bit of organizing the C's references to this topic. I really appreciate your efforts. I will refer to this often.
Thank you for this compilation!!!!!!!!

Ok we have now July of the year 2010.

The question is, do we see the comet cluster now ?????

And if so, where?

And did the C's give any comment to the comet cluster in last couple years ?
Pashalis said:
Ok we have now July of the year 2010.

The question is, do we see the comet cluster now ?????

And if so, where?

And did the C's give any comment to the comet cluster in last couple years ?

Before going into the transcripts if one makes a search on the SOTT page for comets there are quite a few articles, just short of 400. Apparently Jupiter has taken two recent hits but one did not leave much marks

Besides the ones that hit a planet or the sun among the other flybys they find some are more powerful than expected: notice that the satellite needed a full 18 days to traverse the space where the solar wind was shocked, compared to a few hours for the Halley comet. Just thinking about it we have to assume that they have measured this in equal ways, otherwise this information is useless because it would depend on what angle the satellite is meeting this field of shocked solar wind.

Looking through some of the later sessions this came up where there is nothing particular about the comet cluster, but still it is interesting to reflect on:

Session 1 April 2007 said:
Q: (J) What was the boom that shook the shutters on the afternoon

of the 25th of January this year? There was a boom when we were sitting in the office … (S) Oh

yeah, that crazy boom! (J) It was a clear … a pretty clear day and there was nothing outside and

there was a boom …

A: Overhead explosion, meteorite.

Q: (S) Sweeet! We almost got wiped out! (Atreides) Suweet! (Andromeda) Excellent! {laughter}

(J) Happens all the time … {more laughter}

A: It was quite small.

Q: (L) That just tells you how much power they can have (J) It was a little pebble … it went

pooft! (L) Kinda like e=mc squared, huh? (Galahad) There are more and more reports now in the

press of these things. What percentage of the actual meteorite impacts or arrivals are actually

getting reported?

A: 11 percent.

To the 11 percent one may count the hits on Earth reported in Laura's article which lists hits and events that have occured until 2008:

If one searches fireballs among the SOTT article it gives around 400 hits (no pun intended). Craters gives 89 hits and meteorites gives about 127 hits as of time of posting. In fact it seems one man has been very unlucky ;)

Session 09 June 2009 said:
Q: (L) Questions? (J) What caused the destruction of the Air France


A: Cometary explosion of the Tunguska variety though higher and a bit smaller.

Q: (L) Well, that's what we said in the beginning. Around here that's what I was saying, although

there were some people who were doubting me, and saying "impossible!" (Ark) No. (L) Yes! (Ark)

Improbable. (L) Well you said it was probability zero, and I said it was nonzero. (Ark)

Probability that we meet was zero! (An**) Do the authorities know about this and are they trying

to cover it up?

A: Some do.

Q: (J) What a way to go... all of a sudden. (L) But I guess if you're going to go out in a blaze

of glory, that's the way to do it. (Ar**) It's the quickest way.

A: A ticket to 5D naturally! They chose the exit at some level. The days will come when the dead

seem blessed.

Q: (Discussion of grim answer)

A: For some.

Q: (Ar***) Are they talking about in the next 20 years?

A: Less.

Q: (Ar**) Oh god... (Alenl) In the next year?

A: Five.

Q: (Ar**) So what's going to happen in the next five years that's going to be worse?

A: Wait and see!

Session 29 December 2009 said:
(Joe) What about the missile test earlier this month that was allegedly by the Russian navy that was seen over Norway. Was it a missile?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) A normal, run of the mill, standard missile?

A: Yes. What was not normal was the atmosphere.

Q: (Anart) That's from dust from incoming rocks or debris.

A: Yes

So C's said atmosphere was not normal, which makes one wonder how much less cometary and meteorite activity there should be for the situation to be normal? And how much of this abnormal activity can be ascribed to comets flying by, since some of these smaller particles may originally have belonged to a comet.

Another question is if dust is the only influence we can observe or if there are other effects of the increased activity.

Session 22 July 2010 said:
Q: (L) Well, thank you very much. I just never wanted to do astrology. Okay, so we've got that. Is there any follow-up question on the Gulf Stream thing? Oh, wait a minute... Read that back to me... {previous exchange is read back} What do you mean: "The cause is more than the oil"?

A: Internal planetary changes including magnetic field modifications.

Q: (L) And what is causing the internal planetary changes including the magnetic field alterations?

A: Both the change in the cosmic environment and the presence of foreign bodies in and near the inner solar system. {pause} Realm convergence.

Q: (Perceval) Is this in reference to the ice age in terms of the blame that people give to the government and that causes the revolution?

A: There are a few more steps before an ice age. Some of them not very pleasant.

Q: (Perceval) Earthquakes, volcanoes, economic collapse...(Burma Jones) Mass starvation. (Perceval) Plague. (L) Crop failure.

A: All of those and more.

Q: (Perceval) So they said "all of those and more". Could one of those "more" things be any revelations about 9/11?

A: That may come too, but don't hang your hopes on "revelations". Rather it will be a change in perception by the public.

Q: (L) Okay. Well, all of that is very, very cheerful. So what are we supposed to do?

A: Continue to spread the truth and program that will unite all people of good will.

Q: (L) So uniting people of good will...

A: Remember we once told you that people would unite against the "invasion" at the time just before the earth changes?

Thinking about "all of those and more", the ones not mentioned could be diseases other than plague, more warfare including ethnic specific weapons and weapons directed at destroying food sources like animal, fishes and plants. A supernova going off is also possible or one can consider nuclear disasters besides nuclear bombs, because in the event of big changes, the security and maintenance of the nuclear plants could be interrupted leading to Chernobyl like situations, and for conventional energy break down of the grids and the heat supply to housing in some areas. Other possibilities are cometary impact of the earth, which could relate to a cluster of comets. Or one can consider tsunamis, superstorms, floods, mega sized snowfall, droughts, short term high temperature variations freezing off local vegetation in otherwise warm areas etc., yes the more one gets into the details the longer the list becomes.

If the sequence of events is that people gather together before the Earth changes, then since they have not yet gathered and we still have a couple of years it is likely, that more influence from comets flying by will be observed - some of them might attempt crash landings on Earth or gracefully graze the atmosphere, possibilities which are always there. It is to be seen when or if someone will officially categorize any of the observations as expressions of a comet cluster.
Below are excerpts from two recent transcripts that mention the companion star of the Sun and its influence:

Session 20100130 said:
(Ark) 1998 [session about] sun's companion. So, I asked the question: how close would it come, and the answer was, "Distance depends upon other factors, such as intersecting orbit of locator of witness". I don't know what that means. Who is the witness?

A: You on Earth. Earth can be on opposite side of sun at time of closest approach.

Q: (Ark) Okay, I am the witness. Now but it says that it depends upon other factors such as intersection. Now, are these factors not determined? I mean, it's not determined where the earth will be at the time of the closest approach?

A: No, due to gravitational factors in outer solar system.

Q: (L) So that suggests that things can speed it up or slow it down?

(Ark) I don't understand because gravitational factors are also deterministic. I mean, are there some gravitational factors that are not known to us? Like what, black holes?

A: Other bodies not known to earth science.

Q: (Joe) Like giant UFOs!

(Ark) Must be so...

A: Dark...

Q: (Ark) Dark?

(Burma Jones) Dark matter?

(Ark) There is no dark matter. Is there dark matter?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Now you're in trouble!

(Ark) But, as far as I know, we are able to predict the orbit of the solar system in the galaxy. And the galaxy is pretty much known.

A: There are anomalies that are not explained!

Q: (Ark) Alright. That's progress. I did some calculations...

(L) Well why don't we ask what the anomalies are?

(Ark) Gravitational anomalies.

(L) Well, what do you mean?

(Ark) I mean Pioneer trajectory has anomaly, all kinds of rotating galaxies have anomalies...

(L) But you just said it was all predictable.

(Ark) Oh, it's predictable on a more or less... I mean, they are small anomalies, not big anomalies. I want to ask about my numbers. So, I put numbers. We were asking for these numbers years ago, you were evasive, and you even admitted that you are evasive for a good reason. Nevertheless, I did calculations with what I could - of course garbage in/garbage out as everyone knows. So, I put for the period 26 million years. Is it approximately true?

A: Very close 28.2 million years.

Q: (Ark) Then I had to put another number which was not told to us. I was asking about the mass of this companion star, and I was told that it was "much less than the sun". So, in my calculations, I put half a percent of the mass of the sun. Is it approximately true?

A: 3.4, closer

Q: (Ark) 3 percent?! And not half a percent?? That would mean that when it approaches, it will induce perturbation of the solar system.

A: Indeed!

Q: (Ark) Hmm.

A: It already has done so in the past. Just check the record.

Q: (Joe) It's already perturbed in the past?

(L) So in other words, you can examine the record and find out what kind of perturbations it does. Like the geological record, historical record, archaeology, etc.

(Ark) I will do this. Now, just one other question to check. I calculated from these data - the difference in the mass between what I thought. And what we just learned will not influence these calculations - it has to do with perturbations - so, I calculated what we call a semi-major axis. So there is the binary system, there is the sun and there is this companion. And they circulate around each other. But the sun moves only a little bit because it's heavy. So I calculated the semi-major axis. It's a flat elliptical orbit. So we know the semi-minor axis because we were told it's around Pluto distance. So I calculated the semi-major axis and I got the answer like 87,000 astronomical units, which is about 1.3 light years, a the semi-major axis of this elongated ellipse. Is this 1.3 light years more or less the right answer?

A: 1.7

The next excerpt describes the influence of approximation of the companion star on the whole solar system.

session 20100706 said:
Q: (L) Do we have any questions we want to ask while we're playing around here? Is there going to be a gigantic methane eruption in the Gulf of Mexico resulting in a tsunami that wipes out everybody in Florida?

A: No. The methane is a serious contributor to global "warming", however.

Q: (L) Is oil leaking out of the ocean bed floor in the Gulf of Mexico in any other places besides through the well?

A: Yes but that is happening elsewhere as well. All part of the "opening up" phenomenon.

Q: (L) So, you mean that what we've speculated about sinkholes and cracks in the earth... What is causing this opening up?

A: Misalignment, or rather sliding of layers of crust of earth due to slowing of rotation.

Q: (L) Okay, what is causing this slowing of rotation?

A: We have mentioned the approach of companion star and its tendency to "ground" the system.
Q: (L) What body were the Sumerians talking about when they described the Planet of the crossing or Nibiru?
A: Comets.
Q: (L) This body of comets?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does this cluster of comets appear to be a single body?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this the same object that is rumored to be on its way here at the present time?
A: Yes.

This may very well be what many are now seeing in the sky at night. There seems to be a very large star that has appeared almost overnight. Some say it is Jupiter and it may be but it also could in fact be this body of comets. It does appear to be one body from our current perspective but as it gets closer it will appear to be all separate entities that are clustered. This could explain why we are currently perceiving it to be all one body, since it is not close enough to us yet and it is very large from our current outlook. Has anyone else seen this "star" in the night sky?

In addition to this, is there anything we can do collectively to counteract the coming events? When we get to discussing the grim probabilities of the future one has to put themselves into a mental check so they don't do anything crazy because of the knowledge of what's coming. I remember reading that the C's stated challenges are fun but this challenge of trying to save the world is rather strenuous. Then again I'm assuming that saving the world is possible which is my bias. It may not be. Things happen so that new things may occur but if you ask me if we're all going to die at some point in time then why not get together for a common goal and give it our best before we kick the bucket. It is truly terrifying to know your little ones or younger relatives are so young and yet they may not have a chance to do much of anything before they "go". Then again, at some level maybe that is their choice? I'm not sure if the C's would agree or disagree on this. Very interesting topics and discussion on this transcript.

Thanks Laura for sharing! You and the others who are helping are truly wonderful blessings to everyone!
FrankM4326754, did you see that new star? Could you locate it? Maybe references?
This may very well be what many are now seeing in the sky at night. There seems to be a very large star that has appeared almost overnight. Some say it is Jupiter and it may be but it also could in fact be this body of comets. It does appear to be one body from our current perspective but as it gets closer it will appear to be all separate entities that are clustered. This could explain why we are currently perceiving it to be all one body, since it is not close enough to us yet and it is very large from our current outlook. Has anyone else seen this "star" in the night sky?

Many nights I see this star too. It is always the first star I see and it comes out right above the sunset here. It has to be pretty darn bright to shine over the sun light and it looks a lot closer than the stars.

I am in Pennsylvania for reference.
Drea said:
Many nights I see this star too. It is always the first star I see and it comes out right above the sunset here. It has to be pretty darn bright to shine over the sun light and it looks a lot closer than the stars.

I am in Pennsylvania for reference.

It's very likely to be Venus you're seeing. Here's it's current position, Aug 1st.

Peam said:
It's very likely to be Venus you're seeing. Here's it's current position, Aug 1st.


How long is Venus visible? The star or object I've been seeing has been there for months in the same spot every night. I first started seeing it in the beginning of the summer.
Drea said:
Peam said:
It's very likely to be Venus you're seeing. Here's it's current position, Aug 1st.


How long is Venus visible? The star or object I've been seeing has been there for months in the same spot every night. I first started seeing it in the beginning of the summer.

Depending on where the Earth and Venus are in their orbits, I think Venus could appear in roughly in the place every evening near sunset for quite some time. Here's a little simulator of the inner planets if you're interested.

Just press the play button. Earth is the blue and venus is the yellow.
I'm from Pennsylvania as well and I must agree, I do see the Cosmic body right after sunset. If it is indeed Venus then it is much bigger than I expected. I truly admire the night skies. Its humbling to me when I look up and see these magnificent stars and planets knowing that we as a human race are much like a mere cell in a human body; just a tiny part of the universe. This "star/planet" does appear in roundabout spot every evening. Very intriguing. Hope to hear more from all!
If you are really interested in what is going on in the sky, it is very useful to have an astronomy/sky program (I use "Starry Night") that you can check for anything you see before you pronounce it as anomalous.

It is also useful to gather some knowledge about astronomy. It's not only useful for avoiding sounding foolish, if you have kids, you can then answer lots of questions!

Venus is the third brightest astronomical object in the sky after the sun and moon and it can cast a shadow. It is known as the morning and evening star because some of the time it is in the Western sky just after the sun goes down and sometimes it is in the Eastern sky before the sun comes up.

Venus "overtakes" the Earth every 584 days as it orbits the Sun. As it does so, it changes from the "Evening star", visible after sunset, to the "Morning star", visible before sunrise.

Venus becomes the evening star after a superior conjunction which is when the sun passes in front of Venus. The period of this conjunction and its first appearance in the evening sky is between 36 and 40 days, when it will be about 10 degrees away from the sun and will disappear below the horizon about 40 minutes after sunset.

From this point on, Venus gets progressively further away from the sun, setting later and later. Months later Venus can still be seen hours after sunset.

The greatest elongation for Venus as the evening star in autumn is always to the south of west and maximum brilliance is achieved 36 days later at which time Venus is rapidly dropping back towards the sun again. During this half of the Venus cycle, it is visible for over four months or more.

Every other year, Venus appears as the evening star towards the end of December. The pattern is a little more complex than just "every other year" and repeats every eight years very accurately so is a useful way to measure cycles of time.

So, here we are in February 2017. We likely will never actually see the dark star. The comet cluster is still likely to be a visible event yet to take place. It does seem like 2014 was a focus point where something of significance did occur, but what?

Looking at world events since 2014 it does look like there have been many bad days for the psychopaths and they don't have the free run on things that they enjoyed in the past. It's almost like the earth is going through a period of slow metamorphosis, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. My thoughts are that the earth has left the total control of STS and is somewhere in between STS and STO. Apparently the changes may take some time to gain momentum in the STO direction. Attrition may be the method of change, for the most part.

There will still be a 3D earth but it will be in the STO realm.

At some point, there will be a group of people who will graduate to 4D. I am thinking about 50 50 STO and STS? Not sure how that will work. I will have to wait and see about that.

What was it, in 2009 they said less than 20 years, starting in 5 years? We are 3 years into the changes.

Thanks for putting this together thorbiorn.
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