Lowering of our FRV


FOTCM Member
I have finally got to start reading The Wave, Book 5. :clap:

I have found that as I read Laura’s books, that each one I read seems to “set” the things I read a little deeper upon each reading. Things start becoming clearer.

Well to say that this is happening with Book 5 would be an understatement. I am finding that things she is saying are “clicking” at a deeper level, or so it seems.

However, upon reading what she had written starting on page 84, where various things she is discussing seem to start to come together along with some things that I had previously been thinking about. These all spiraled together and I have come up with a hypothesis that I would like to share with you all.

Now I have read and pretty much understood these same things before, but having them all together in these two pages for some reason started this trickle affect.

You have Don Juan’s discussion on how the predators have given us their brain.

And then these items from the book [italics are those in the book]:

[quote author=The Wave]When you put the various pieces of the puzzle together, what you find is that the Predator’s Mind, the “hypnosis” that Gurdjieff talked about, the Matrix Control System interface with our bio-cosmic computers, our bodies, is our DNA which is controlled and restricted by the generation of specific brain chemicals via the control of our emotions. This si what determines the way our brains and nervous systems are set up, which includes certain early periods of imprinting (this subject will be discussed in a future volume of The Wave), which establishes our circuitry and thinking processes at an age and under conditions over which we have no control. And once those circuits are set up in a certain way, they ca almost never be changed without a major meltdown, and they determine forever after how all incoming information is categorized. Indeed, we all have “reptilian “ DNA. But we also have avian DNA. In fact, we are a veritable smorgasbord of DNA from all that exists around us. Nevertheless, something is going on that puts the reptilian DNA in control, and it is in that context that don Juan means that the “Predator gave us his mind.”

Also, that these Control Programs, these chemicals of “feeding,” can be and are stimulated and perpetuated through our interactions with other human beings, most especially those closest to us, is a cold, hard fact of science.

About 50 percent of the consciousness of the All consists of the thought of not creating, non-being. In the emergence of this thought, necessitated by the definition of “All,” which includes all, including the thought of non-being, Service to Self becomes the pathway to “sleeping matter” with which the creative Spiritual half plays. This means that in the cycling of consciousness some matter is “spiritualized” and some consciousness is “matterized.”

Consciousnesses that follow the path of STS and does not choose to “spiritualize,” have chosen to be “matterized” – it’s a choice, and its free will, and does not require our forgiveness or our judgment that it is “wrong” or that it needs to be fixed in that other person. However, as we already have seen, that “matterizing” consciousness tends to be moving in the direction of the “black hole” thought center. And it is this “predator’s mind” that teaches a form of “love” that is based on the STS principles of deception, manipulation, control, and subsumption to a single individual so as to fulfill the function of the black hole reflection of regeneration of primal matter. And that is our problem. When we “dance” with it, there is the danger of our being “matterized” also. We lose virtue in such interactions….and I use the term in its original sense.

Those folks who choose the path of "matterizing" of consciousness become less and less conscious of what is and more and more focused on their "wishful thinking" and "warping of reality" around their own ideas. And as we have learned from Jesus, Gurdjieff and the Gnostic Sufis, Castaneda, and the Cassiopaeans, the rules of this world in which we live were set up and are controlled by this STS hierarchy and have been for a very long time. Each and every time the revelation of this Control System is attempted, the Matrix goes into overdrive to destroy it. And it is clear that this is the present situation.

In other words, we are not just talking about a "petty Dispute," we are talking about a battle of forces at other levels, manifesting - as always - in human dynamics.[/quote]

While reading all of this I realized that, yes indeedy, we have actually, physically been given the predator’s mind – it is called the reptilian brain. I looked it up on Wikipedia and here’s what they have to say about it:

[quote author=Wikipedia]Reptilian complex or R-complex is a part of the triune brain model ('tri', as in 3 part) proposed by Paul D. MacLean. This theory seeks to explain brain function through the evolution of existing structures of the human brain. The triune brain consists of:

1. The R-complex (also known as the "brainstem"),
2. The Limbic system and
3. The neo-cortex.

The brainstem and older, atavistic areas of the Central Nervous System control normal involuntary behavior that the conscious mind does not, such as the cardiac and respiratory functions. These are found in all vertebrates. In between these two brains, lies the R-complex.

The R-complex is named for the most advanced part of the brain higher mammals share with reptiles. It is responsible for rage, xenophobia, and basic survival fight-or-flight responses.[1] Often, the R-Complex can override the more rational function of the brain and result in unpredictable, primitive behavior in even the most sentient of creatures, humans included. A well developed and healthy neo-cortex can monitor R-Complex activity in sentient beings. The Reptilian complex is the most ancient part of a very successful brain scheme, evolutionarily speaking.[/quote]

There is more, but this covers what I was thinking of. Note that it consists of the neo-cortex and part of the central nervous system. Note that it is responsible for rage, xenophobia basic fight-or-flight responses, unpredictable, primitive behaviour and that humans are included in this.

Now quite a long while ago I was having a conversation with a woman who had just read something in a paper where top government people were quoted as using vulgar words. She was telling me how her whole perception of these individuals had completely crumbled and she how saw them as debased human beings. Because, according to her, only very low-level individuals use such vulgar language.

Put this together with what is coming out in movies, TV, books etc. and you will see quite an increase in vulgar language. And I don’t mean simple swear words such as damn, shite, crap, etc. but really descriptive vulgar words which I will not repeat for anyone. I think you get my drift.

So putting these two things together, along with the DNA, chemicals and neurological circuitry that is mentioned by Laura and I can actually see just how all of these things (vulgarness, pornography, killing, hurting others – either emotionally or physically and enjoying it, along with other such things) could actually activate the reptilian brain and make it more active and powerful, which would activate certain chemical responses. This could then actually make certain changes to the DNA which would lower our frequency resonance vibrations to that of truly base STS individuals. Perfect walk-ins for STS 4d entities. And it would explain just why all of this stuff is being shown through various media outlets as TV, movies and such as it has been proven that these forms of interaction put you in a trance state where things are absorbed much more fully and readily for those who don’t have any knowledge of such things.

Then, associating with these low FRV persons would affect and maybe activate our own reptilian brain making it more active and release the same chemicals that would change our DNA and lower our FRV setting us into an irreversible STS orientation.

This all sort of came to me in a flash while reading the book and I have to admit that it was such an AHA! moment that I literally felt like I was doing backflips inside, which continued for about 3 hours. :whistle: Not that that means anything in and of itself. But this has sure made some very strange connections for me.

Anyway, just wanted to share this and it is, of course, all speculation. So take it for what it’s worth. :)
It's really an experience when something like this happens, isn't it? When you get a few puzzle pieces from somewhere, and then another here, another there, in a synchronous way, and you start puzzling over it, or just thinking about it, and it's like something happens in your brain, a connection is made, and it all lights up!

The thrill of realization/discovery. It can be very energizing, I can tell you.
So true. It's like all of that gaseous abstract information suddenly starts to condense into heavy liquid when facing the cold hard truth of reality, and it becomes a permanent part of your awareness.
Thank you, Nienna Eluch, for such a clear expression of your realizations!

Among the many things this post means to me is a reinforcing of the potential dangers involved in letting our attention get trapped or absorbed in the many "thoroughly STS' activities going on around us, including our personal associations. Also that being pushed in our faces through the various media outlets as well.
Seems like failing to consider the possible motivations behind all this 'pushing at us' really could endanger our FRV, by possibly fooling us into thinking that the danger is not all that great.

Another good example of "knowledge protects, ignorance endangers", I think.

Your post starting this thread was the first thing I read this morning. Awesome reminder!!! Thanks! It was also great to reread the following passages:

[quote author=The Wave]When you put the various pieces of the puzzle together, what you find is that the Predator’s Mind, the “hypnosis” that Gurdjieff talked about, the Matrix Control System interface with our bio-cosmic computers, our bodies, is our DNA which is controlled and restricted by the generation of specific brain chemicals via the control of our emotions.[/quote]

[quote author=The Wave]About 50 percent of the consciousness of the All consists of the thought of not creating, non-being. In the emergence of this thought, necessitated by the definition of “All,” which includes all, including the thought of non-being, Service to Self becomes the pathway to “sleeping matter” with which the creative Spiritual half plays. This means that in the cycling of consciousness some matter is “spiritualized” and some consciousness is “matterized.”

Consciousnesses that follow the path of STS and does not choose to “spiritualize,” have chosen to be “matterized” – it’s a choice, and its free will, and does not require our forgiveness or our judgment that it is “wrong” or that it needs to be fixed in that other person. However, as we already have seen, that “matterizing” consciousness tends to be moving in the direction of the “black hole” thought center. And it is this “predator’s mind” that teaches a form of “love” that is based on the STS principles of deception, manipulation, control, and subsumption to a single individual so as to fulfill the function of the black hole reflection of regeneration of primal matter. And that is our problem. When we “dance” with it, there is the danger of our being “matterized” also. We lose virtue in such interactions….and I use the term in its original sense.[/quote]
Nienna said:
Put this together with what is coming out in movies, TV, books etc. and you will see quite an increase in vulgar language. And I don’t mean simple swear words such as damn, shite, crap, etc. but really descriptive vulgar words which I will not repeat for anyone. I think you get my drift.

So putting these two things together, along with the DNA, chemicals and neurological circuitry that is mentioned by Laura and I can actually see just how all of these things (vulgarness, pornography, killing, hurting others – either emotionally or physically and enjoying it, along with other such things) could actually activate the reptilian brain and make it more active and powerful, which would activate certain chemical responses. This could then actually make certain changes to the DNA which would lower our frequency resonance vibrations to that of truly base STS individuals. Perfect walk-ins for STS 4d entities. And it would explain just why all of this stuff is being shown through various media outlets as TV, movies and such as it has been proven that these forms of interaction put you in a trance state where things are absorbed much more fully and readily for those who don’t have any knowledge of such things.

Hi Nienna,

I have really noticed the increasing level of vulgarity and normalisation of pornography and violence as well. Speech that used to be considered beyond the pale is now viewed by many people as normal. Whenever I am on the subway or bus lately overhearing the conversations of people, - I just can't believe the words they use, (which I won't repeat here) and also their view of women as objects, plus discussion of violence, violent videos, movies etc. It's plain that our culture is specifically being directed in such a way that will foster a lowering of frequency.

Thank you for sharing your insights - this is so crucial for understanding just what we are up against here!
Hi, sorry for not responding sooner. Thank you for your comments as this was quite an "event". :)

As Laura and Leonpher had said, this is quite invigorating.

[quote author=Buddy]Among the many things this post means to me is a reinforcing of the potential dangers involved in letting our attention get trapped or absorbed in the many "thoroughly STS' activities going on around us, including our personal associations. Also that being pushed in our faces through the various media outlets as well.
Seems like failing to consider the possible motivations behind all this 'pushing at us' really could endanger our FRV, by possibly fooling us into thinking that the danger is not all that great.[/quote]


[quote author=manitoban]I have really noticed the increasing level of vulgarity and normalisation of pornography and violence as well. Speech that used to be considered beyond the pale is now viewed by many people as normal. Whenever I am on the subway or bus lately overhearing the conversations of people, - I just can't believe the words they use, (which I won't repeat here) and also their view of women as objects, plus discussion of violence, violent videos, movies etc. It's plain that our culture is specifically being directed in such a way that will foster a lowering of frequency.[/quote]

I think that these are very serious things that need to be looked at and understood by any that are trying to break free of the matrix and raise their FRV.

This is also a very good reason for really looking at what Laura is sharing with us all and not get carried away with things that are not part of this learning. I see the divergences to be distractions to keep as many asleep as possible. But everyone has their choice in which path to follow and all there is is lessons so it is up to the individual which path to follow.
Nienna Eluch said:
This is also a very good reason for really looking at what Laura is sharing with us all and not get carried away with things that are not part of this learning. I see the divergences to be distractions to keep as many asleep as possible. But everyone has their choice in which path to follow and all there is is lessons so it is up to the individual which path to follow.

It is so important, especially with so much uncertainty ahead, to optimise our learning, growth and diet as much as possible, and Laura's work and the forum provides the most needed home base for this. Also now as I come closer to something real, an equally powerful opposing force is pushing against me, trying to lower FRV to depressing levels and putting off Work.
Its certainly an interesting point.

A sad fact is violence and the like is being displayed in children's TV programs and movies and although this is nothing new, it just shows another layer of programing and development of the predators mind from an early age.

I could not have read this at a better time as just recently my housemate told me of an very vulgar expression his workmates were using frequently to replace the phrase "killing time". For some strange reason it bothered me so much I almost went into a rant about the degradation of language and how much it dumbs down the population and limits expression of thoughts and feelings between people. This seems to be exacerbated in Australia because we use so much 'slang' to describe anything really.

It was strange to have such an emotional charged reaction and I had to catch myself and maintain an objective view.

At least I now know why my instinct recoiled at the terminology.
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