Candida- The Silent Epidemic


FOTCM Member

Ya'll might want to buy this woman's book. Apparently, she cured her multiple sclerosis by curing her candida.

The silent epidemic in the United States is Candida albicans overgrowth. One out of three people are suffering from Candida overgrowth. This condition is continually ignored by Western medicine because its symptoms mimic so many other conditions. It is to be taken seriously and is one of the greatest causes of physical imbalance today.

What Is Candida?

Candida albicans is a harmless yeast that naturally lives in everyone's gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes and on the skin. It lives there in a symbiotic world in a healthy person's body. When your body's ecosystem becomes imbalanced Candida overgrowth can occur thus allowing it to attack any organ or system in your body.

What Causes Candida Overgrowth?

Antibiotics, steroids: cortisone, prednisone, birth-control pills, estrogen replacement therapy, poor diet, chemotherapy, radiation, stress, and alcohol overuse are what cause Candida albicans overgrowth.

The Detriment Of Taking Antibiotics

The United States, because of its protocol of antibiotic overuse, has one of the highest numbers of people with Candida albicans overgrowth. A vicious cycle starts with the use of antibiotics. For example, you have an infection, usually a cold or flu, and you visit your doctor. The problem starts right there because antibiotics are for bacterial infections not viral ones. Antibiotics are useless when it comes to colds and flues. Overuse also creates super germs that are resistant to common antibiotics and these germs that you used to be able to kill off become life threatening.

Nonetheless, you take the antibiotic, which wipes out the good and bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract but does not affect Candida albicans. Without the friendly bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria present, Candida albicans will multiply. It only takes having had one dose of antibiotics in your lifetime to raise yeast levels in the body. Think about how many times you've had antibiotics in your lifetime along with the antibiotics you get from consuming dairy and animal products.

You're not only dealing with yeast overgrowth but also the fact that Candida albicans puts out 79 toxic by-products, all of which weaken your immune system. One of the major toxins produced from Candida albicans is acetaldehyde, which is transformed by the liver to ethanol (alcohol), creating the feeling of intoxication and brain fog. There have been cases where Candida patients have been pulled over and tested positive with elevated blood alcohol levels above normal.

As the immune system continues to weaken from yeast overgrowth and its toxic by-products, more infections arise and you end up at the doctor's office taking more antibiotics. Thus a vicious cycle has been created.

If yeast overgrowth is not arrested it will change form into a pathogenic (disease producing) fungus with roots causing a myriad of symptoms. This fungus burrows its roots into the intestinal lining, creates leaky gut, allowing the yeast/fungus to go into the bloodstream. This systemic yeast infection is called Candidiasis.

A poor diet (refined sugar, dairy products, fermented foods) and high stress levels keep feeding the yeast overgrowth. Digestion becomes impaired, essential vitamins and minerals are lacking, and healthy cells are not replicated to repair the body. The result is chronic progressive disease over time.

What Candida Albicans Likes To Attack

Candida albicans overgrowth primarily targets the nerves and muscles, yet it can attack any tissue or organ in the body depending on your body's predisposition. The most common symptoms are, indigestion, bloating, gas, fatigue, disorientation, poor memory, numbness, abdominal pain, constipation, attacks of anxiety, depression, irritability and shaking when hungry, incoordination, headaches, rashes, vaginal yeast infections, and urinary frequency. You may experience a few of these symptoms or many to have Candidiasis.

Dr. William Crook, M.D. author of the book "The Yeast Connection" is an expert in Candida and his books describe the condition in detail. I've included his questionnaire so that you can score yourself to become more aware of the symptoms that correlate to Candidiasis.

As time passes without treatment of the Candida albicans overgrowth, your immune system becomes more compromised, and the fungal overgrowth can interfere with nutrient absorption, altering amino acid and protein metabolism, which can alter multiple body functions. These imbalances create a situation in which the Candida overgrowth may be primary or secondary as the core problem, but either way it must be treated.

How To Know If You Have Candida?

The way in which you identify if you have Candida albicans overgrowth is to see a healthcare practitioner that treats this condition. By taking Dr. Crook's test you will have a good idea if Candida is a factor for you. I use his test, along with taking an extensive case history, performing a physical examination, and if needed a blood test and/or stool test to detect Candida albicans overgrowth.

If my patient's test results are negative that does not mean that I won't treat them for the condition because I rely heavily on my examination and their case history. A negative result may also mean the yeast is localized in the gut and is not in the blood.

Emotional/Mental Imbalances

Emotional and mental imbalances are a common occurrence with Candida albicans overgrowth. Depression is an almost constant component of systemic illness related to chronic yeast growth in the tissues. The reason is the link between the gut and the brain. Leaky gut allows the fungus and toxins to reach the brain, especially with a liver that is overstressed.

Unfortunately negative labels are given when you are imbalanced emotionally/mentally, implying that psychosis or neurosis is your initiating cause. Do not buy into the judgments you may receive from doctors. Search for the right healthcare practitioner that will treat your body/mind as whole.


Once Candida albicans overgrowth has been identified, treatment follows by killing the fungus/yeast and its toxins. It is killed by taking an antifungal supplement and modifying your diet so that there is nothing for the yeast to feed on. Treatment is simple but takes diligence. An antifungal source either herbal or pharmaceutical must be taken. When your condition is mild an herbal compound/supplement is sufficient. If your condition is chronic or severe, Nystatin and/or Diflucan, or strong herbal compounds used by alternative health care practitioners are what I find to be most effective.

Go HERE to see a chart of conditions directly or indirectly caused by Candida Overgrowth (PDF)


Nystatin comes from a soil-based organism that is concentrated and works by directly killing the yeast. It is safe and effective and can be used with pregnant mothers and infants. 1 pill (500,000 units) taken three times a day is usually the recommended dosage for an adult. If the powder, Nilstat, is used a 1/8th tsp. is taken 3 times a day orally either directly on the tongue or mixed with a little water. Work up to three times daily to manage die-off symptoms. The difference with the powder is that it does not contain any dye and kills yeast living in the mouth and esophagus as well in the gastrointestinal tract.

Nystatin is not well absorbed into the bloodstream but with prolonged use it can get into the blood, helping those with autoimmune diseases. The problem is that most doctors prescribe Nystatin for less than 6 weeks. Better results show with a usage of three months or longer. In my case of MS I took Nystatin for two years. If you have a mild case of Candidiasis 3 or 4 months of Nystatin is usually sufficient.


Diflucan (fluconazole), an antifungal synthetic drug, is found to be effective against systemic (in the blood) Candida overgrowth. It is ten times stronger than Nystatin, but it also more toxic to the liver. If Diflucan is used longer than a couple of weeks have your doctor test and monitor your liver enzymes. When you have symptoms of depression or any mental imbalance, Diflucan can give you a jump-start on eradicating the fungus. I recommend taking one Diflucan pill (4 pills total), every other day for the first week and then switching to Nystatin because it is safer and can be monitored better. Unlike Diflucan, Nystatin permeates the areas of the GI tract where yeast overgrowth usually originates and it is essential to tackle both the blood and the gut in a chronic or severe case.

Herbal Antifungals

If your case is mild or a pharmaceutical antifungal cannot be secured there are many good herbal compounds available. Ones that I recommend are Candida Cleanse by Rainbow Light or Fungal Defense by Garden of Life (available at health food stores). If you cannot get either one then look for yeast eliminating products at your health food store containing a mixture of some of the following ingredients: Pau D'arco, Oregon grape root, garlic, berberine, undecylinic acid, caprylic acid, black walnut, grapefruit seed extract, and oregano oil, ginger, gentian root, marshmallow, and fennel. * Work up slowly to the maximum dose.

Die-Off Reactions

Note that starting a program of food elimination and taking an antifungal can create a Herxheimer reaction, in which you experience die-off symptoms from killing the yeast. Basically you may feel worse before you feel better. To assist with this process make sure that your elimination pathways are open such as the liver, bowel, kidneys, lungs, and skin.

A daily bowel movement is essential. If needed take fiber powder, a source with citrus pectin's, flax seed, or rice bran, not one with psyllium in it as it can create more gas and bloating. Gentle Fibers by Jarrow is a good fiber product. Take 1 level tbsp. in 10 oz. of water. Increase dosage in a week if needed. Drink a quart of red clover tea (hot or cold) daily to assist with cleansing the blood, liver, and kidneys. To make the tea boil 1 quart of filtered water and turn it off. Add 3 tea bags of red clover and let it steep for 15 minutes. Also engage in doing deep breathing several times a day to helps to remove toxins from the lungs. Exercise if you feel you can. Brisk walking or yoga is sufficient.

Symptoms of Die-Off

Flu-like symptoms, headaches, aches, or abdominal distress may be present as part of your detox process. If your die-off symptoms are too intense cut down on your dosage of the antifungal and increase it slowly as you feel you can handle it. Stick with the program and work with your healthcare practitioner. Having these symptoms usually means that you are on the right track because toxins are pouring out into the bloodstream. After a couple of days to a week these initial symptoms will pass. Consume as much water as possible in addition to drinking the red clover tea.

Dietary Changes

The other essential ingredient to killing off the fungus/yeast is making dietary changes. All sugars, dairy products, refined carbohydrates, yeast products and wheat need to be eliminated for as long as you take the antifungal. Wheat does not directly feed yeast but I find it to be a common food sensitivity and it is good idea to eliminate in it the beginning. Mild cases of Candida albicans overgrowth usually take 6 weeks to three months to feel better. For severe conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, myasthenia gravis, six months to two years may be necessary to feel the full effects. The excess yeast must be starved off, which can only take place by taking an antifungal and following a Candida-free diet. Doing one without the other does not produce positive results. Both the antifungal and diet must be done simultaneously and for a long enough period of time.

What To Do Once You Are Well

For chronic Candida albicans overgrowth cases it is important to take an herbal antifungal compound (Candida Cleanse) each day for the rest of your life at a reduced dose, increasing it during times of travel and holiday festivities. Candida albicans overgrowth can come back even more virulent if not kept in check. You can rotate with other antifungal products to make sure you are getting the full benefits from being on them. For more mild cases once you finish your program stay on a probiotic (good bacteria) lifetime to maintain a healthy GI tract. Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics 12 Plus by Essential Formulas is an excellent brand.

Moderation with your diet needs to be practiced once you stop your treatment. Take care with indulging in foods that contain sugar, dairy, yeast, and refined carbohydrates from here on out. A good way to be moderate is to eat healthy Monday through Friday and on the weekends enjoy a little of the "no-no" foods. If you notice food intolerances and reactions, such as a rapid pulse rate 90 to 180 beats per minute after eating, fatigue, internal itching, gas, bloating, headache, hives, stay away otherwise you might ignite another fire.

No Side Effects

The good news is that following the Candida albicans elimination protocol cannot harm you. The regime consists of cleaning up your diet and taking an antifungal. This is a protocol in which most everyone can benefit from doing. There are many good references now available to help you become educated, see resources.

Candida Diet - Foods To Eat

MEATS (Antibiotic & Hormone free)

Beef (small amounts - 1x/wk)

OILS (Cold-pressed)

Flaxseed (not used for cooking)
Olive Oil (good to cook with)
Sesame Oil (not used for cooking)
Sunflower Oil (not used for cooking)

GRAINS (Whole - not refined)

Brown Rice
Pasta (whole grains that are not wheat)

*If gluten intolerant stay away from barley, oats, rye, spelt


Pumpkin Seeds
Sesame Seeds

DAIRY (Antibiotic & Hormone Free)



All (except mushrooms)
Moderate potato (1-2/x wk)


Apple cider vinegar (raw & unfiltered - refrig.)
Fresh herbs (i.e. basil, parsley, etc.)
Dry Mustard
Sea salt
Spices (without additives, sugar, MSG, etc.)


Water - filtered
Herbal Teas (red clover, peppermint, etc.)
Mineral water w/no sugar (Perrier, etc.)


All (except fermented soy products, i.e. miso, tempeh)

*Good to eliminate this group for the first month - then eat only 3x/week


Carob - unsweetened
Salsa (fresh w/ no vinegar or sugar)

FRUITS (1 per day)

Apples (granny smith - peeled)
All Berries (don't eat if visibly moldy)


* Stay away from common allergen foods if allergic (citrus fruits, corn, milk, tomatoes, wheat)

Candida Diet - Foods To Avoid


Processed & Packaged meats
Hot Dogs


Peanut Oil
Processed oils - label reads partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils






All cheeses including cottage cheese
Cow & Goats Milk
Ice Cream
Sour Cream


Breads (unless wheat, dairy, yeast and sugar free)
Cereals (unless wheat, dairy and sugar free)
White Rice
White Flours


All vinegars (except apple cider vinegar - raw & unfiltered)
Jams & Jellies
Salad Dressings (unless no added sugar and only raw apple cider vinegar is used)
Soy sauce
Spices with yeast, sugar of additives added


Gum (except xylitol sweetened)
Fried Foods
Processed Foods (TV. dinners, etc.)
Smoked, Dried, Pickled or Cured Foods


No fermented soy products (i.e. miso, tempeh)


Fruit juices
Sodas (Diet & Regular)
Teas - Caffeine (except green tea)


Dried fruits (prunes, raisins, etc.)


Aspartame (NutraSweet)
Barley malt
Brown rice syrup
Brown sugar
Corn syrup
Fruit juice sweetened
Maple Syrup
Raw cane juice crystals
White sugar
* Stay away from common allergen foods if allergic (citrus fruits, corn, milk, tomatoes, wheat).
I've been doing this diet for 4 weeks now and I even didn't had a cake on my birthday :cry: but I had declared a war on candida! :mad:

I've been following this guide roughly, but I was stuffing myself with cashews and pistachios. Other guides have differences in some foods to avoid or to include, perhaps we can collect more info to find out a rough guide. I'll follow in the meant time Boroch's guide, after all, she cured her multiple sclerosis...

As for die of symptoms, I had constipation and diarrhea, more anxiety and mental fog, but I'm getting better. Psyllium, magnesium and vitamin C has helped.
From the environmental illness resource:

A small intestinal candida/yeast overgrowth is a common finding amongst environmental illness patients according to lab tests such as the organic acid urinary analysis and gut fermentation profiles, as well as patient repsonses to Dr. William Crook's yeast questionnaire. As a result, anti-fungal therapy is usually a major part of an overall functional/integrative medicine based treatment plan for these illnesses. This is usually made up of three distinct parts, an anti-fungal diet, anti-fungal medications and/or natural products and finally, probiotic supplementation. Most people seem to get the best benefit when treatment involves all three parts, implemented properly at the same time, as they work together to restore the normal balance of organisms in the small intestine. If anti-fungal agents were taken without concurrent probiotic supplementation for example, with the amount of yeast reduced and no supply of beneficial bacteria to replace it, the opportunity is there for pathogenic bacteria to become dominant.

The Anti-Fungal Diet

First outlined by Dr. William Crook in his book 'The Yeast Connection', the anti-fungal diet has been an integral part of treating intestinal yeast overgrowth ever since. The aim of the diet is to reduce intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates as well as moldy foods and yeast products. The reason for reducing sugar and refined carbohydrate intake is that yeast feed on sugar and ferment it producing alcohol in the form of ethanol (drinking alcohol) and an even more toxic chemical called acetaldehyde. By reducing the amount of sugar in your diet you are also reducing the amount available to the yeast in your intestines. This may help to keep their growth in check and will also reduce the amount of toxic waste products they create as a result of fermentation. Elimination of moldy foods and yeast products is suggested because as a result of an intestinal yeast overgrowth the likelihood of developing an immune reactions to these things is greatly increased. This is as a result of yeast overgrowth leading to leaky gut syndrome and the possibility of "translocation" of the organisms from the intestine into the blood stream and other body tissues where they may cause immune reactions, mainly of the IgG mediated delayed reaction type. As a result, the immune system may cross react with molds and yeasts from your diet.

A typical anti-fungal diet has the following restrictions:

Foods that must be avoided

Sugar & sugar containing foods:
Table sugar (Sucrose) and all other simple, fast releasing sugars such as fructose, lactose, maltose, glucose, mannitol and sorbitol. All honey and sugar syrup type products such as maple syrup and molasses.

Packaged and processed foods:
This includes canned, bottled, boxed and otherwise processed and pre-packaged foods as they more often than not contain sugar of one type or another.


Canned - Baked beans, soups, ready-made sauces

Bottled - Soft drinks, fruit juices, condiments/sauces

Boxed/Packaged - Ready-made meals, breakfast cereals, chocolate/candy, ice cream, frozen foods.

Mold and yeast containing foods:

Cheeses: moldy cheeses like stilton are the worst, buttermilk, sour cream and sour milk products.

Alcoholic drinks: beer, wine, cider, whiskey, brandy, gin and rum.

Condiments: vinegar and vinegar containing foods like mayonnaise, pickles, soy sauce, mustard and relishes.

Malt products: cereals, candy and malted milk drinks.

Edible fungi: including all types of mushrooms and truffles.

Processed and smoked meats: sausages, hot dogs, corned beef, pastrami, smoked fish, ham, bacon.

Fruit juices: All packaged fruit juices may potentially contain molds. Fresh fruit juices are allowed in moderation due to their sugar content.

Dried fruits: raisins, apricots, prunes, figs, dates etc.

Foods to be eaten in moderation

Grains: Wheat, rice, corn, barley, millet, oats. [psyche: I think wheat, rice, and corn should be off this list]

High carbohydrate vegetables: sweet corn, potatoes, beans and peas, sweet potatoes, squashes, turnips, parsnips.

Anti-fungal drugs and natural products

For mild cases the diet along with healthier lifestyle choices in general may be enough to resolve the problem, however in moderate to severe problems an anti-fungal drug or a natural product with anti-fungal activity will need to be taken as well. The question of whether to use a drug or a natural product is one for you and your doctor to decide upon. From personal reports and the limited scientific evidence that is available, a lot of the natural products do seem to be as effective as many of the anti-fungal drugs. The exception maybe the systemic drugs which are usually reserved for cases that won't respond to either drugs that only act in the intestine, such as Nystatin, or the natural anti-fungal's. Most doctors treating yeast overgrowth suggest that patients will need to take the majority of anti-fungal's for at least 3 months and some will have to stay on them indefinitely. Of course most will be somewhere in between these extremes. Below we'll take a look at the most common anti-fungal's. and the advantages and disadvantages of each. It should be noted here that with any anti-fungal treatment there is a chance of experiencing what is known as the Herxheimer or "die-off" reaction. This is said to occur as a result of the yeast being killed too rapidly which overwhelms the body with yeast cells and their toxins. Any number of nasty symptoms can arise as a result, most frequently a flu-like feeling or worsening of symptoms already present. The solution to this may be to take a lower dose of anti-fungal for a while or take extra fibre or a product like bentonite clay to help carry the toxins out of the body before they are absorbed.


Nystatin was one of the first anti-fungal drugs developed and probably the most commonly used to treat intestinal yeast overgrowth. It is extremely safe due to the fact that hardly any of the drug is absorbed from the intestinal tract. As a result the only side-effects that may occur are mainly restricted to the digestive system and are usually mild. In addition, in rare cases patients may develop a rash as a result of an allergic reaction. Nystatin is available in a number of different forms including, tablets, powder and liquid oral suspension. You can therefore choose the form that suits you best. The liquid and powder forms are probably superior to tablets because they don't need to be digested before they start to work and hence will kill yeast further up the digestive tract. The only drawback to this is the extremely foul taste! The usual dosage of nystatin ranges from 1 tablet or 1/8 of a teaspoon of powder 4 times a day to 8 tablets or 1 teaspoon 4 times a day. Another advantage of this drug is that it is very cheap compared to all of the others. As a result of it being cheap, safe and relatively effective, nystatin is likely to be the first choice treatment for many people and their doctors. The only drawback is that due to its widespread use for decades certain yeast species are becoming resistant to it.

Amphotericin B
This drug is similar to nystatin as it is chemically related. As with nystatin it is not absorbed from the intestine in any significant amount so again is very safe. You may hear stories of amphotericin being very toxic or poisonous but don't worry, this is most likely referring to IV use of the drug in hospitalized patients suffering a fungal infection of the blood or severe infection of body tissues. This doesn't apply to its use in the digestive tract. Amphotericin B may be effective in cases where nystatin has failed so it is something to consider if that is the case with you. The drawback of this drug is the cost, it is significantly more expensive that nystatin and therefore is rarely used as a first line treatment unless a sensitivity test has indicated it to be the most effective in a particular patient.

Diflucan (fluconazole)
Diflucan belongs to a group of drugs called the 'azoles' and unlike the previous two drugs, Diflucan is absorbed by the intestines and is referred to as a systemic anti-fungal drug. Diflucan is a more modern drug than nystatin and amphotericin, it was first used in Europe during the 1980's and licensed in the US in 1990. A lot of doctors and patients have found Diflucan (and other azoles) to be effective where nystatin and amphotericin have failed. It has been found to be very safe considering its systemic action with few side-effects reported by patients. The dosage range is typically from 100 to 600mg a day with period of treatments ranging from a few weeks to many months or in rare cases, indefinitely. Treatment with Diflucan is certainly not cheap, current prices are typically $150-$200 for 30 100mg tablets. With some patients needing up to 600mg or more a day the price will put it out of reach for many if insurance won't pay for it. These prices were from a major online pharmacy, if you shop around you will likely find significantly cheaper sources.

Sporanox (itraconazole)
Sporanox is one of the newest azole drugs being licensed in the US in 1993. It would seem to be similar in safety and effectiveness as Diflucan but may be a more successful treatment for certain species of candida and other fungal infections as Diflucan may be more effective for other species. Unless you have a stool sample tested and a particular species of candida/yeast can be detected and tested for sensitivity to different drugs, it is a matter of trial and error with regards to which will work best for you. Dosages are typically 100 to 400mg a day and prices are comparable to Diflucan, possibly being slightly more.

Nizoral (ketoconazole)
This drug was the first of the azole drugs to be developed but its use is limited due to the possibility of serious liver damage. As a result, patients must undergo regular liver enzyme tests during treatment to monitor the effects. In cases that have failed to respond to any other anti-fungal agent its use may be justified but otherwise it is probably best avoided.

Lamisil (Terbinafine HCL)
This is the newest anti-fungal drug in routine use. It is a systemic drug but is unrelated to the other systemic 'azole' drugs. As a result it is an effective treatment as yeast have not yet had chance to develop resistance to it. Lamisil has become more and more widely used since its introduction a few years ago and is set to become the systemic drug of choice, replacing Diflucan. As with most of the systemic drugs there have been instances of adverse effects on the liver and as with Sporanox, Lamisil has recently been linked with congestive heart failure. Lamisil is marginally more expensive than Diflucan and Sporanox with 30 250mg tablets costing between $200 and $250.

Natural Anti-fungal's

Saturated Fatty Acids
Undecylenic and caprylic acids are common medium chain saturated fatty acids used to treat yeast infections. Both are found naturally in the human body in small amounts. Common commercial sources of caprylic acid are palm and coconut oils, whereas undecylenic acid is extracted from castor bean oil. Caprylic acid products are far more common than those of undecylenic acid but don't assume this means it is better, undecylenic acid has far more research data avilable on it and was the treatment of choice for fungal skin infections for a long time before newer drugs arrived1,2. Both have been shown to be comparable to a number of common anti-fungal drugs. In fact undecylenic acid was the main agent used to treat fungal infections prior to the development of newer drugs and is still prescribed today for some infections. A typical dosage for caprylic acid would be up to 3600mg per day in divided doses with meals. Undecylenic acid is commonly taken in dosages of up to 1000mg per day, again in divided doses. A major advantage of using natural products over drugs is the cost. A months supply of either of these fatty acids will cost only about $20-30 for a quality product.

Berberine is an alkaloid found in a herb called barberry (Berberis vulgaris) and related plants as well as in goldenseal, oregon grape root and Chinese goldthread. This herb has long been used in chinese and ayurvedic medicine. Berberine has significant anti-fungal activity and is also effective against some kinds of bacteria. As with all previously covered anti-fungal's, berberine is reported to spare beneficial organisms such as lactobacilli species. An added benefit for some people is its anti-diarrheal action. Research has shown that berberine can effectively prevent candida species from producing an enzyme called lipase which they use to help them colonize3. Berberine has also been widely shown to have a powerful directly anti-fungal action4,5 Cost of treatment with berberine is roughly equivalent to that of the fatty acids.

Most people will be familiar with oregano as the strong smelling herb commonly used as a seasoning in Italian food. This is usually Oregano marjoram rather than Oregano vulgare that we're interested in here. Oregano vulgare contains a variety of substances that make it an effective anti-fungal. In a study assessing its action against Candida albicans, carvacrol, a major phenolic constituent of the oil, was found to inhibit candida to a greater extent than caprylic acid. It is also highly effective against many bacteria with studies published in the most prestigious medical journals showing it is as effective as many antibiotic drugs. Usually supplied in oil form, oregano treatment will cost around $25 per month. It is very potent so only a few drops in a glass of water are needed at a time. Higher dosages would be likely to cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

Garlic (Allium sativum) contains a large number of sulphur containing compounds that exhibit potent anti-fungal properties. Among the most studied are allicin, alliin, alliinase and S-allylcysteine. Some studies have found garlic to be at least as effective as nystatin at killing Candida albicans. A point that should not be overlooked is that because of the many different compounds with anti-fungal properties in garlic, yeast and fungi are unlikely to become resistant to it. Garlic also has many other beneficial properties particularly for the cardiovascular system. It has been shown to lower levels of LDL cholesterol and act as an anti-coagulant, lowering blood pressure as a result. Like barberry, garlic has a long history of medicinal use, reportedly dating back as far as 3000 years. For treating intestinal yeast infections garlic is available in a number of different forms including, odorless capsules, liquid extract and tablets. However, a study at the National Institutes of Health found that fresh garlic was significantly more potent against Candida albicans. It also found that the fresh garlic could be a suitable alternative to drugs for serious systemic infections in patients with severe immune suppression. Therefore adding garlic to food (raw) or crushing and swallowing raw clothes if you can tolerate it, is a cheap and powerful anti-fungal treatment.

Colloidal Silver (psyche: most forms kill healthy bacteria though)
A colloid is defined as very small particles of one substance suspended (not dissolved) in another. Colloidal silver is a suspension of silver particles in water. Silver is a well known anti-microbial, it is commonly used in items such as water filters to kill any microbe that may be in the water, including bacteria, fungi, worms and protozoa. Colloidal silver is said to be effective against up to 650 pathogens including, of most interest to us here, yeast and fungi species including Candida. It works by denaturing the enzyme involved with supplying the organism with oxygen. Chances of resistance to this process are by all accounts, very low. It was used widely to treat infection before the development of antibiotic drugs. It is now classified as a pre-1938 drug by the FDA which means that it is available without prescription. The number of companies offering colloidal silver as an alternative to antibiotic medications is increasing daily. The renewed interest can be explained by the increase in chronic infections and the fact that many microbes are becoming resistant to the commonly used drug treatments. The dosage of colloidal silver needed to treat yeast overgrowth will vary between products because they may have slightly different concentrations. Prices are similar to the other natural products discussed at about $30 for an 8oz bottle.

This is a relatively new treatment approach for intestinal yeast infections. The cell wall of common intestinal yeast such as Candida species have been found to be made mainly from cellulose. Cellulase is the enzyme that breaks down cellulose and hence, when significant concentrations come into contact with yeast cells the cell wall is irreparably damaged and the organism dies. It's claimed that using this mode of action, the yeast do not release a flood of toxins when they die as occurs with most other anti-fungal agents so that the sufferer does not experience the usual die-off symptoms to any significant degree. The yeast should be unable to develop resistance to cellulase products as they lack the ability to modify their cell wall. As cellulase products have only been around for a few years reports of their effectiveness in practice is limited but they offer a promising alternative to more established treatments. Prices again, are in a similar range to all the natural anti-fungal's.

Plant Tannins
Tannins are natural substances found in a number of plants such as Black Walnut and a vast array of plants used in traditional eastern medicine. Tannins are what give red wines such as merlots and cabernets their sharp, biting taste. They are also found in the bark of trees that are particularly resistant to fungus such as the redwood tree. They have been demonstarted to have a powerful anti-fungal and astringent action in a multitude of clinical studies6,7,8. Tannins are one of a number of natural substances tested against pathogens found in stool samples by functional medicine labs. More information can be found on these tests here. Tannins are available in a number of froms to treat intestinal yeast overgrowth. As previously mentioned they are the active anti-fungal ingredient in many traditional eastern herbal preperations. Black walnut has a very high tannin content and is commonly used to treat infections with Candida sp, parasites and worms. It is widely available from health stores and nutritional supplement suppliers. Tannins are also available in an isolated and concentrated form. Treatment with plant tannins is comparable in cost to most natural anti-fungal agents, being in the region of $15-$30 per month.


It is essential that as the yeast overgrowth is being treated probiotic bacteria are consumed to take the place of the yeast colonies.
Eczema and Candida

Candida is a naturally occurring fungus that lives in our intestinal. Ideally, it’s presence is kept to a minimum by the presence of beneficial bacteria. Candida feeds on the sugars in our intestines. However, due to the many foods and products in the Western culture that contain large amounts of carbohydrates, sugars, and high PH, the natural levels of Candida often get out of hand.

Here is another look at what foods can help create an internal environment which is ideal for Candida proliferation:

* Sugar
* Carbohydrates
* anti-biotic use
* birth-control pills
* processed foods and foods containing preservatives
* additives
* coloring, etc.

Acidic foods also help set the scene, such as:

* coffee
* black tea
* alcohol
* tobacco
* sugar
* vinegars
* excess fruit
* Excess dairy consumption

Essentially, anything that comes in a box, bag, or bottle should be suspect as something that can create or exacerbate a Candida imbalance. Eat foods as they occur in Nature if you want to be on the safe side, and avoid the naturally occurring sugars that exist in many fruits and even some vegetables (yams, juiced beets and carrots, sweet squashes, for example).

Many women think that just because they don’t get yeast infections that they do not have a problem with Candida. What most don’t realize, however, is that vaginal yeast infections can be a fairly superficial level of imbalance. Many women will say that they used to get yeast infections years ago, but not anymore. Here is one possible reason why: Because, if the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections go without getting proper treatment (of changing PH and blood sugar levels), the pathogen goes deeper in…to the organs and eventually into the Blood. Vaginal yeast infections are certainly not the only way of detecting yeast overgrowth.

Often times Candida simply begins as a yeast infection, or gas and bloating with digestion. This is usually when it is in the fungal growth phase. However, what can occur is that, after a period of time, this fungus can grow into a root-like structure, which can eventually permeate through the intestinal wall. The fissure that it creates is what we often call Chrone’s disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The fissure in the intestinal wall creates the ability for undigested protiens from the intestines to pass through the wall directly into the bloodstream and then the Liver. The Liver, being unused to these “foreign” particles of undigested food, reacts. This reaction is usually in the form of histamine responses to protiens that never bothered the individual before. This can happen in the form of repiratory allergies, skin allergies, food allergies, or all of the above simultaneously. Again, a myriad of symptoms are possible, with each patient being slightly different, with each cause varying, and each cure unique.

Another way that Candida Albicens can present itself is by the appearance of eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other skin ailments. There are several different reasons for this.

Because the skin has a very strong connection to the Large Intestine as well as the Lungs (in Chinese medicine, we call the skin the third lung, and in our medicine the Large Intestines and Lungs are a considered paired organs), we can understand why intestinal imbalances might reflect outwardly on the skin. Similarly, the health of the lungs also plays a role in skin moisture, suppleness, and radiance.

Since Candida can often be a culprit in skin disorders, we must always look and see what is going on with the health of the Intestines. Is everything being assimilated, eliminated and absorbed? Are all the necessary beneficial bacteria’s residing there? Are there any bacteria and fungi present that shouldn’t be? Since the Liver is also in charge of purifying the blood, skin problems due to impurities in the system can also be reflected (and cleansed) through the skin. So, using the example above, we saw the potential of the Lungs, Large Intestine, and Liver as possible participants in skin disharmonies. Beyond that, these three organs can easily act like domino’s, affecting the other organ systems that surround them. There are other similar interactive scenarios possible involving the Spleen, Stomach, Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, and so on.

In general, Candida should always be considered as one possible cause when a person presents with skin disorders, such as eczema and psoriasis. Treatment of Candida can be a long process, as this fungus is very hearty and can mutate, relocate, and shift it’s behaviors to accommodate diet changes and treatments. Cleansing is usually indicated, along with dietary changes, and at best, herbal medicine applied. (Please do not attempt a cleansing program without the supervision of a qualified practitioner, as not everyone will need the same type of cleanse.)

This may be a good time to reiterate that, even with Candida, each person will present with varying types. Some will have cold constitutions, some will be hot, some will require cleansing herbs, some will require nourishing herbs. The best way to begin treating yourself before seeing a knowledgeable practitioner is to cut back on sugars, high doses of carbohydrates, processed foods, acidic foods, and to introduce pro-biotics into the intestines.
Does Candida Albicans Trigger the Onset of Celiac Disease? (yes!):

Lancet. 2003 Jun 21;361(9375):2152-4. 08/25/2003 – This interesting study compares a specific amino acid sequence found in Candida cell wall protein to a the gliadin amino acid sequence that triggers the immune response in celiac disease. The researchers found that the sequences are "identical or highly homologous to known coeliac disease-related alpha-gliadin and gamma-gliadin T-cell epitopes," and propose that Candida is the trigger for the onset of celiac disease. Below is the abstract for this study.

Is Candida albicans a trigger in the onset of coeliac disease?
Nieuwenhuizen WF, Pieters RH, Knippels LM, Jansen MC, Koppelman SJ.

Coeliac disease is a T-cell-mediated autoimmune disease of the small intestine that is induced by ingestion of gluten proteins from wheat, barley, or rye. We postulate that Candida albicans is a trigger in the onset of coeliac disease. The virulence factor of C albicans-hyphal wall protein 1 (HWP1)-contains amino acid sequences that are identical or highly homologous to known coeliac disease-related alpha-gliadin and gamma-gliadin T-cell epitopes. HWP1 is a transglutaminase substrate, and is used by C albicans to adhere to the intestinal epithelium. Furthermore, tissue transglutaminase and endomysium components could become covalently linked to the yeast. Subsequently, C albicans might function as an adjuvant that stimulates antibody formation against HWP1 and gluten, and formation of autoreactive antibodies against tissue transglutaminase and endomysium.

See main link for more info on technical terms and others.
I've suffered fatigue for years (plus occasional aches/muscle cramps). So have been searching for answers just as long. Doctors didn't really help much, but perhaps I didn't ask the right questions. Anyway...
I developed ibs about a year ago, but without the pain so I guess perhaps more of a food intolerance. This year I developed hay fever for the first time.
Pro biotics helped, a bit. I eventually found out that candida symptoms include cfs, ibs and hay fever.
So I researched the diets, and pretty much stuck to the one below for 2 months, whilst taking colloidal silver/garlic/cloves and high strength fish oil (I read the fish oil helps the mucus membrane of the gut work properly, as apposed to going for a colonic to remove dead stuff, the gut does it itself if working right).
First thing I noticed was that my ibs and hayfever disappeared. Then my energy levels picked up.
I did experience some die off, but not much (so perhaps I wasn't successful enough?).
I did also miss birthday food on a friends and my own birthday... :( lol
The reason I stopped however was because I was loosing weight (perhaps I hadn't got the diet quite right). I'm 6ft4 and weight 110lb, so any weight loss is not good! My mood plummeted and I recognised it in time from dealing with my depression as basically not having enough energy (but not until after being quite nasty to loved ones)

So from my own experience it works. You'd be supprised how much of our food had yeast in it! (or sugar/sweeteners to feed the yeast) its quite worrying. I wonder how much of our food has things added for the sole purpose of causing immune stress.....

I've gone back to my old diet, with the one exception. No more dairy (except the odd bit of chocolate/cheese). I use to have milk on my breakfast every day. I now have unsweetened organic rice milk, that and organic outs make a lovely porridge!

Still researching different things, need to post what I've found.

Funny you should mention Celiac Disease psyche, as my mum was diagnosed with it this year also. Me and my family seem to be having way more 'alergic reaction' type responces since moving house.
psyche said:
I've been doing this diet for 4 weeks now and I even didn't had a cake on my birthday :cry: but I had declared a war on candida! :mad:

I've been following this guide roughly, but I was stuffing myself with cashews and pistachios. Other guides have differences in some foods to avoid or to include, perhaps we can collect more info to find out a rough guide. I'll follow in the meant time Boroch's guide, after all, she cured her multiple sclerosis...

As for die of symptoms, I had constipation and diarrhea, more anxiety and mental fog, but I'm getting better. Psyllium, magnesium and vitamin C has helped.

Yeah, my step-mother-in-law gave me a book on candida when first diagnosed with MS. I've overdone this diet a time or two. (too severe a calorie restriction) I'm allergic to tree nuts, walnuts in particular, and while I can take the black walnut hull products for a little while, all the other restrictions are a bit tough. (I love fruit, bad monkey, no cookie! :lol: )

The only hard part in a diet like this is fruit and, without beanage in the morning I can barely function.

Thanks to Laura and psyche for this. I think its good to clean the machine this way.

tongue tied a bit, but hoping to post more later
More about die-off symptoms

Candida Die-off: Your Healing Friend and Foe
by Tarilee Cornish, Nutritional Consultant

Die-off is a casual term used to describe the mass death of pathogenic organisms residing in the body. Die-off is known to create a myriad of symptoms. Some medical doctors recognize die-off, but are more likely to refer to it as a Herxheimer reaction.

What causes die-off?
Individuals with Candida Related Complex (CRC) have an overgrowth of yeast in their bodies. Once Candida yeast populations in the intestines and/or systemic yeast levels have grown to the point that they cause symptoms, it is crucial to a full recovery that the yeast population is reduced to normal or even, for susceptible individuals, to below normal levels through the use of an anti-Candida diet and supplementary anti-fungal agents. However, there is a challenging �catch� involved with this essential strategy. Living yeast cause symptoms by releasing toxic metabolic by-products into your body. Unfortunately, as you kill them they will temporarily release even larger amounts of these toxins.

It takes the body some time to clear out the toxins released by dead and dying yeast cells, especially if a huge number have died at one time. (Remember too that the dead yeast cells themselves also have to be eliminated.) In the meantime, the released toxins are in your bloodstream and can strain the eliminative capacities of the liver, kidneys, colon and lymph as they make their way out of the body, producing uncomfortable symptoms.

Feeling worse before you feel better
Generally speaking, most folks experience die-off as an exaggeration of their existing Candida-related symptoms or as a worsening of chronic health conditions.

Feeling some of your symptoms worsen a bit after beginning the Candida program might be alarming, but is encouraging in the sense that it confirms both the presence of Candida and its susceptibility to the anti-fungal you are using.

Die-off is experienced differently by each person Most folks experience die-off at some point in their recovery. There really is, however, no sure way to predict what point or to what degree one is likely to feel it.

Some people start the program and feel better almost immediately, noticing positive effects such as increased energy, better mental focus, better elimination, etc. For these folks, the die-off experience is still likely to occur, but probably a few weeks down the road.

Others start treatment (in some cases even just diet change) and feel worse right off the bat in response to the temporary toxicity. They may experience flu-like symptoms (stuffiness, headache, general aches and pains), skin rashes, vaginal irritation/discharge, numbness, mental confusion, fatigue, brain fog, constipation, and/or diarrhea.

The die-off reaction normally lasts from one day to one week and can come and go throughout the program (it is especially likely to occur during the first weeks of a new Phase of the program). However, as your body becomes stronger, your susceptibility to Candida toxins is reduced and thus so are your die-off symptoms.

The severity of an individual's symptoms depends upon the weakness of the organs most affected by Candida, the strength of your immune system, the degree of Candida infestation, and the environmental and emotional stress you are experiencing. We all also have our own different approaches to self-treatment. Some of us are more self- aware and gentle with ourselves while others are still learning about what their bodies need and how to treat ourselves with patient, loving kindness. If we impatiently "push" our progress, we are likely to experience more severe die-off reactions.

Managing Die-Off
Candida most commonly colonizes the sides of the colon. It typically thrives behind and inside any build-up of fecal waste. Where there is a large amount of fecal build-up or intestinal mucous, die-off may be delayed or prolonged. It can take some time for the Program to scrub away at the wastes so that the anti-fungals are able to exert their full effect.

For this reason, response to the Program becomes more noticeable after a few weeks. In the interim, many folks become impatient to feel die-off symptoms for the confirmation of progress that they bring. It's important to keep in mind that once you feel die-off symptoms, you may need to reduce your anti-fungal dosage a bit and then gradually increase it again as your body catches up with the sudden surge of detoxification challenges.

Of course, you'll want to try to prevent die-off symptoms from manifesting throughout the rest of your program. The fact is that more die-off symptoms don't necessarily indicate that you are killing more yeast, just that your eliminative organs are becoming overwhelmed. This is how die-off can become your foe instead of your friend, since overwhelming your body is not conducive to healing. A slow, gradual yeast elimination process is much healthier.

The best strategy is to begin taking the anti-fungal of each consecutive Phase at a very low dose and increase it gradually, according to your responses. If you have moderate to severe die-off symptoms you would be wise to cut back on your anti-fungal dosage to reduce the number of dead yeast cells and toxic waste material your body has to cope with.

Indeed, the art of happily surviving a Candida purge involves learning to manipulate the die-off process by being very aware of and negotiating with your body's response to the detoxification process. Eventually you'll get used to how it feels to be detoxifying healthfully and you can strive to maintain this feeling without suffering through symptoms.

There is no rush and there are no heroes when it comes to Candida treatment. You will be rewarded with faster recovery times when you proceed with your Candida purge at a rate that your body can comfortably cope with.

Bentonite and Psyllium minimize die-off toxicity

One of the best aspects of the Program is the unmatched ability of the psyllium and the bentonite to absorb toxins produced by dying Candida organisms. Another reason for the success of the program is the use of the highly effective, yet gentle liquid Caprol product as the Phase One anti-fungal. Caprol is such an excellent choice for a first anti-fungal because it has a direct focus on the Candida throughout the digestive tract. The yeast along the digestive tract, especially in the colon must be resolved to clear this essential elimination pathway. This will help ready the body for effective management of a complete detoxification of yeast and mycotoxins from the rest of the body (in the case of continued treatment to resolve systemic Candida overgrowth).

What if I experience a die-off crisis?

First, don't be hard on yourself. It happens to almost everybody. If you find you have pushed your body too hard and you are feeling ill, the best thing to do is to temporarily stop using any anti-fungal and to drink lots of purified water. When symptoms subside, you can begin to gradually increase the anti-fungal dosage again over a few days or weeks to the level that you were at before the crisis. From there, you can continue to proceed to the recommended maximum dosage according to how you feel. When you do this very gently and patiently you will kill off as much yeast as is possible without suppressing your healing process. If your crisis is severe, please consider the possibility that it may not be die off related and consult with your physician. Although they may not understand or be aware of the healing strategies that you are working with, they can at least check to insure that you are not in any danger.

You may also want to consider using Daily Detox Tea for gentle detoxification support tea that can help clear yeast toxins from your blood, liver, lymph, and kidneys. You may find symptom relief is further expedited by taking Buffered Vitamin C, Activin Grape Seed Extract, spirulina, non-sweet vegetable juices (especially green juices) and eating extra vegetables at your meals, preferably raw, if you tolerate raw foods well.

The process of treating CRC doesn't necessarily yield linear results. The recovery process involves a complex spiral of steps - killing off yeast, clearing the by-products, strengthening the body, killing off more yeast, clearing the by-products, and so on. You can trust, however, that no matter what is happening, your body never stops working hard to cleanse, repair, and balance itself. But the improvement of our body functions doesn't follow an exact schedule and our organs are not always consistently successful in meeting the challenges that face them.

The organic nature of the healing process and the number of factors that can influence our healing ability can indeed make it difficult to determine the effectiveness of some of our efforts. The use of a detailed health diary and diet diary can help tremendously with the identification of patterns and responses.

In general, regardless of the tracking strategy you use, the more methodical your observations, the more likely you will be successful in extracting some certainties about the direction in which your health is moving. That said, be aware that you can make yourself feel nuts if you try too hard to make sense out of every phenomenon that occurs during treatment. Sometimes it's important to just accept what is happening without trying to understand it. The reduced pressure on you that comes from a relaxed, positive attitude may just facilitate some healing in itself.

Trying to elicit support from open-minded and supportive friends or family members can also be tremendously helpful for lifting emotional pressure and gaining objectivity about your healing process.

In the case of severe CRC, extreme sensitivity and immune weakness is common. In these cases it is crucial to remain aware of how your body is coping and be alert to conditions that may require immediate medical attention. Only you know deep down what's going on in your body. If you are really confused and you are doing this on your own (with just our help), you may need to find a practitioner you trust to help you with your assessment of your situation.

To Sum Up
Dealing with yeast die-off can be challenging and complex. To stay on track throughout your healing process, remember the following key points:

* Once you have experienced die-off symptoms, manage your diet and anti-fungal product dosages in such a way that the symptoms stay manageable. Remember, it's important not to overwhelm your eliminative organs with toxins from dying yeast.
* Die-off reactions can cause you to doubt your progress, and may also be confused with other health challenges. To improve your decision-making and ability to discern what is happening in your body, keep records of your dietary and supplement intake, other factors supporting or stressing you, and your responses to these variables.
* If you experience a severe die-off symptom crisis, stop using anti-fungal agents, increase your water and vegetable intake and use Neutral Vitamin C Plus and a gentle herbal detoxification tea.

I deleted some propaganda from the text.
RedFox said:
Pro biotics helped, a bit. I eventually found out that candida symptoms include cfs, ibs and hay fever.
So I researched the diets, and pretty much stuck to the one below for 2 months, whilst taking colloidal silver/garlic/cloves and high strength fish oil (I read the fish oil helps the mucus membrane of the gut work properly, as apposed to going for a colonic to remove dead stuff, the gut does it itself if working right).

Yeah, my worst symptoms are allergies, they really knocked me down. I understand that colloidal silver kills good bacteria too, I think there is a form of colloidal silver that doesn't target "probiotics", perhaps somebody here has some info about it?

I'm taking probiotics 1-2 per day, but plan to increase the dosage of probiotics as die-off symptoms get better.

The reason I stopped however was because I was loosing weight (perhaps I hadn't got the diet quite right). I'm 6ft4 and weight 110lb, so any weight loss is not good!

I lost 4 kg but as soon as I started eating nuts, all weight loss stopped.

Funny you should mention Celiac Disease psyche, as my mum was diagnosed with it this year also. Me and my family seem to be having way more 'alergic reaction' type responces since moving house.

Yeap, quite an epidemic, yes?

AndI think that my chronic depression was basically candida infection...
Useful nutritional supplements

The right combination of supplements can support and maintains a healthy balance of naturally occurring microorganisms throughout your system. It can also help strengthen your immune system and maintain general good health. To address yeast-related health conditions, make sure your supplements are yeast-free, sugar-free, and color-free.

• Probiotics contain friendly bacteria that help you keep a natural, healthy balance of microorganisms in your digestive tract. There are many different forms and brands of probiotics -- available in foods, pills and capsules. But to be effective, they must be able to bypass the harsh stomach acid and deliver at least 1 billion live organisms to the intestines.

• Digestive enzymes help maintain a natural, healthy digestion. Among their many benefits, these supplements helps you comfortably digest problem foods like broccoli, cauliflower, beans, fruit, and milk.

• Herbs and nutrients inhibit the growth of Candida albicans. In addition to prescription antifungal medications, these can help support a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria, reigning in yeast growth. Some ingredients to look for: caprylic acid, pau D'Arco, oregano, oil, black walnut, grapefruit seed extract, garlic, beta carotene, biotin.

• Vitamins and minerals. Taking a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement helps supply your body with the nutrients it needs to help you regain optimum health.

And from the same source, the questionnaire to assess the extent of the yeast infection:
psyche said:
Yeah, my worst symptoms are allergies, they really knocked me down. I understand that colloidal silver kills good bacteria too, I think there is a form of colloidal silver that doesn't target "probiotics", perhaps somebody here has some info about it?

I've been researching this too with the information provided in the most recent C's session. I think this product is one of the CS solutions that doesn't kill the good flora. _

Life Silver said:
Bactericidal activity of combinations of Silver–Water Dispersion™ with 19 antibiotics against seven microbial strains.
Viridis BioPharma Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India

Silver-Water Dispersion is the registered trademark, in India, for the American Biotech Labs silver solutions which we offer here at Health care providers and hospitals in India are currently overwhelmed with several antibiotic resistant microbial pathogens. 19 of their presently ineffective antibiotics were combined with the American Biotech Labs silver product, as an adjunct, and then exposed to cultures of the resistant microbes. The findings were startling. We have to wonder what the results would have been had the study used the silver solution alone? Study:

This one came up as well while searching. _

Still digging. :)
Gimpy said:
I've overdone this diet a time or two. (too severe a calorie restriction) I'm allergic to tree nuts, walnuts in particular, and while I can take the black walnut hull products for a little while, all the other restrictions are a bit tough. (I love fruit, bad monkey, no cookie! :lol: )

The only hard part in a diet like this is fruit and, without beanage in the morning I can barely function.

I don't know how you could have severe calorie restriction when there are so many foods available to eat. After I got serious and did the two week fast, I started back on veggies and didn't eat anything but for several weeks. But I sure did eat a LOT! I gorged on fresh tomatoes from our garden, collards, bok choy, salads, lentils, etc. I doused everything liberally with olive oil and a smidgen of butter for taste. I started making my own mayonnaise out of grape seed oil, dijon mustard, lime juice, garlic and salt. You can eat broccoli, brussel sprouts, green beans, and so on. If you keep big dishes of green beans, lentils, greens of some kind, in the fridge, and have tomatoes available, you can really satisfy your hunger while withdrawing from carbs. I also ate a lot of cucumbers during that period. And zucchini cooked with tomatoes. And cabbage cooked with onions and tomatoes. And cabbage made into slaw with homemade mayonnaise... and egg salad made with my mayonnaise... but that came later. Tuna salad, too, made with "good" mayonnaise.

So, there is no reason to be calorie restricted!

I will say, though, that having to give up coffee has been one of the tragedies of my life. It's been about 4 years now, and I STILL miss it.

What weighs on my mind is this little bit from the Cs:

9 Aug 97

Q: Next question: is there any relationship between the fact
that Roger de Mortimer, the carrier of the last of the
line of the Welsh kings, was the lover of Isabella of
France, who was the daugther of Philip the Fair, the
destroyer of the Templars, and the murder of Edward II,
the first of the English Prince of Wales?
A: Templars are a setup, insofar as persecution is concerned.
Remember your "historical records" can be distorted, in
order to throw off future inquiries, such as your own.
Q: I know that. I have already figured that one out! But,
it seems that no one else has made this connection. I
mean, the bloodlines that converge in the Percys and the
Mortimers are incredible!
A: You should know that these bloodlines become parasitically
infected, harrassed and tinkered with whenever a quantum
leap of awareness is imminent.

Q: Whenever a quantum leap...
A: Such as "now."

20 June 98

Q: Then, that makes me think that the significant thing that
we are looking for is a convergence of the blood lines...
These lines are symbolized by the god figures, the
children of Odin, and what we are looking for is a place
where these lines converge?
A: Yes.
Q: Well, what characteristics might an individual have who is
a product of this convergence?
A: Fair skinned and cleft chin.
Q: Well, Ark and "Frank" both have cleft chins, but C*** and
I don't! Does this mean...
A: We aren't saying that all with these features are of that
blood line!
Q: So, you can have the bloodline and look quite different?
A: Yes.
Q: How many persons on the planet contain these 'convergant'

A: 7367.

And my guess is that these people suffer a LOT and prolly Candida - and the horrible illnesses it can cause - is one of the agents of destruction.
I've suffered with candida off and on for over 20 years, and thus have researched this issue thoroughly. I've tried EVERY and I DO mean EVERY form of treatment for it. And they all do and have worked to one extent or another. But I would like to share with those interested my experience of what has worked the best.

By far the easiest/simplest way I have found to keep the Candida in check is with probiotics. About 2.5 years ago, I was once again doing the research (because of a flare-up) and decided that I would just try an extended course of probiotics. The probiotics I used were specific for targeting candida. I used ThreeLac and you can find out more about it here: _

I used this ThreeLac twice a day for about 2 months, then just went on general probiotics from the health food store and took these every day for about 6 months after.

I continued to eat as I usually do and although I don't have a sweet tooth and generally have a good diet, my "sinful" temptations are wine and coffee. As I said, I continued with this for an extended period of time.

Of course, I felt much, much better; and the candida didn't seem to come back as it ususally had with all the other regiments, but here's the kicker for me: I suffered with a darned toenail fungus for years. Tried EVERYTHING for that, and I would get it healed with topical treatments, get the nail to grow back nice, only to reappear again, and have to start the topical treatments over! I had pretty much given up on it and just thought I'm have to live with that ugly big tonail for the rest of my life. But this course of probiotics has completely healed my toe. There is no sign of a fungal infection there and hasn't been for about 2 years!

Hope this helps some of you.
Oh, and one more thing, I do continue with the probiotics when I feel the need (usually candida appears with me as general malaise, digestive gas, and thrush). I also drink water with organic apple cider vinegar every day. I think this helps.
I've suffered with candida off and on for over 20 years, and thus have researched this issue thoroughly. I've tried EVERY and I DO mean EVERY form of treatment for it. And they all do and have worked to one extent or another. But I would like to share with those interested my experience of what has worked the best.

Thank you, and everybody, for all the advice and tips on Candida management!

ThreeLac is great, I agree, but it's not a permanent cure. I suspect by now that if you have had those critters, you will prone to the flare-ups for life, and you'll have to keep them in check for life also by all means available. That means, sticking to the diet and rotating supportive therapy (probiotics \anti-parasitic herbs etc).

thank you also for mentioning toe fungus; I got one last year and can't seem to get rid of it completely, although it's a lot better (not noticeable, but I can still see it, knowing what to look for). I used vinegar and tea tree oil on it, as well as Lotrimin. Going ont the diet may be the key. I have been eating more sweets than usual lately :/
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