Advice needed - reoccurring OBE:s


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

I wasn't sure if I should write about this, but since I'm a little bit scared about these recent experiences, I thought I'd need some advice.

Now, this maybe probably "small potatoes" for all you "spiritually advanced" guys, but for me this is a new and a bit scary thing. It all started a few months ago, after ca a half year of doing breathing exercises as suggested by my reiki-teacher. I don't know if this is similar to what Laura talks about in The Wave vol.2. I would describe it having a "connected breathing" whitout pausing between inhale and exhale. This has made wonder in releasing my old traumas and tensions.

So anyway, a few months ago I started having these "miniature" out of body experiences at night. They don't come every night - maybe once or twice in a week. I sort of hover a couple of inches above my body and can see perfectly clearly the room and everything around me. The first time I thought I was awake, but then I realized that I couldn't touch anything, even though I moved my "arm". And then when I finally "awoke" - and actually opened my eyes - I was shocked. This all could be dreaming, but I ensure you, it feels completely different.

Well, all this would be quite okay, but because the "theme" of these OBEs are always the same i feel concerned. Every time I feel like someone/some force is trying to "reel me in" or "drag me away/up". And I mostly try to fight this "pulling" by screaming "Help, help!" or "No, no!" and grabbing my wife who is sleeping (trying to wake her up). And I'm always surprised that my wife doesn't feel or hear anything (no sound actually escapes my mouth-I believe). So, this goes on for a while, until "I win" and it stops and I awake. Sometimes I "surrender" and then I sort of fall asleep or something. Often, after waking (physically) up, I can feel something tiring me down big time, trying to close my eyelids (yes I know this sounds ridiculous), trying to "sedate" in order to continue "the battle".

After reading the first to volumes of The Wave (thank you BTW for the best reading ever!) I realized that there may be something more going on with this, than just "crazy lucid dreaming". So my question really is: should I stop "fighting" this force and "give in" or what? Any experiences or thoughts you can share would be highly appreciated.
difficult to be know exactly what is going on, it could be heightened awareness, or it could be imagination or dreams, or messages from your higher self, or some inner symbolic replay of a personal drama, or it could be mental effects from breathing exercises and change in oxygen supply to the brain; but if you think it is any way similar to some of the strange experiences described in the Wave then you will recall that Laura's approach was actually the opposite of 'giving in' to what she perceived as a threat. So if you feel it is important, my guess is you should pay close attention to it, especially to anything that feels like it is trying to 'sedate' you.
Nomad said:
difficult to be know exactly what is going on, it could be heightened awareness, or it could be imagination or dreams, or messages from your higher self, or some inner symbolic replay of a personal drama, or it could be mental effects from breathing exercises and change in oxygen supply to the brain; but if you think it is any way similar to some of the strange experiences described in the Wave then you will recall that Laura's approach was actually the opposite of 'giving in' to what she perceived as a threat. So if you feel it is important, my guess is you should pay close attention to it, especially to anything that feels like it is trying to 'sedate' you.

Thanks. Since there are no entities or "critters" involved - at least not yet - I feel that this is more a battle within me, maybe with my higher self as you suggest. Having said that, I remember Laura writing that the incident where she "had to choose" did involve some creatures of some kind, but they were more like representations of something - am I correct?

Since my main goal in starting this "body therapy" and meditation was to clear up my past, and know exactly what happened in my childhood (many things are unclear and suppressed I believe) in order to overcome some nasty patterns of behaviour and this "brain fog"/disassosiation-thing, I feel like maybe my "knocking" has been answered in some way. It could very well be that this battle of mine is about re-membering some terrible incident from my childhood; some part of me still wants to suppress it, and the "new me" wants to know, dammit!

So if this is the case, maybe I should stop fighting this thing. On the other hand, the reaction to fight it seems like the "right thing" to do, but that maybe because my "programming" - it's probably common to man to want to keep things as they are, not mess with the past.

And of course it has passed my mind that this is some weird sort of abduction thing going on. Are there any "signs" that should alarm me, proving that a second party might be involved? It wouldn't be nice to "surrender" if this were the case :scared:
aragorn said:
Thanks. Since there are no entities or "critters" involved - at least not yet - I feel that this is more a battle within me, maybe with my higher self as you suggest. Having said that, I remember Laura writing that the incident where she "had to choose" did involve some creatures of some kind, but they were more like representations of something - am I correct?

Since my main goal in starting this "body therapy" and meditation was to clear up my past, and know exactly what happened in my childhood (many things are unclear and suppressed I believe) in order to overcome some nasty patterns of behaviour and this "brain fog"/disassosiation-thing, I feel like maybe my "knocking" has been answered in some way. It could very well be that this battle of mine is about re-membering some terrible incident from my childhood; some part of me still wants to suppress it, and the "new me" wants to know, dammit!

Aragon, I'm a bit confused as to why you assume that losing conscious control of yourself - that something 'trying to reel you in' or 'pull you away' has anything to do with knowing anything about your past. It seems as if it might be the opposite.

aragon said:
So if this is the case, maybe I should stop fighting this thing. On the other hand, the reaction to fight it seems like the "right thing" to do, but that maybe because my "programming" - it's probably common to man to want to keep things as they are, not mess with the past.

So, do you think that if you 'surrender' as you put it - and you stated that this results in loss of consciousness (fall asleep or something) and then awakening with something trying to close your eyelids - that this is a good thing? That you are learning something? It seems rather counter-intuitive.

aragon said:
And of course it has passed my mind that this is some weird sort of abduction thing going on. Are there any "signs" that should alarm me, proving that a second party might be involved? It wouldn't be nice to "surrender" if this were the case :scared:

I just can't imagine why anyone would want to 'surrender' to any outside force that makes them feel like they're being 'reeled in' - what if you are being reeled in? Why would you think clarity and understanding would come from something you don't remember when you 'give in'? As far as there being 'no critters' - how would you know when you don't remember what happens (fall asleep or something) when you 'give in' - you can't know. I could just be misunderstanding you, but it really sounds like you are trying to put a positive spin on a very dangerous activity instead of seeing it for what it might really be. I, of course, could be off on that - but fwiw.
I think you might have experienced the silver cord. Back in the days when i had obe's, I felt the tug of it as well.

a link to describe it,
Hi Aragon

Just wanted to say that I agree with anart on this. Having been through years of very similar experiences to yours (mostly as a teenager), and choosing to 'not fight' felt like I was loosing myself/ that was the end of that idea.

Objectively I am still unable to say after these years what any of the experiences where because I lack hard data and any form of reference. But it did feel like it was something external behind it at least in my case.

I started a thread a while ago related to some of my related experiences.
The conclusion that was offered was that it was probably down to needing to learn about and clean my machine, through reading the recommended psychological books.
So far from what I have observed from my own experiences there have been very little if any similar occurrences. Although this may not be enough data to say for sure its the solution, it does seem to offer a good starting point and something at least tangable to work with.
This seems to be the core idea that's helped me the most, that you should focus on the tangable/objective for your answer, not on the subjective experiences.

The thread on lucid dreaming may also help if you haven't read it already.

One last (but rather subjective) observation. Last time I found myself in a sleep paralysis state (which all these experiences for me occurred), I was able to observe myself (in a very limited way given I was in an altered state), and in doing so (by focusing my observations on my solar plexus) wake up properly instantly without the need to fight.
For the years of having these experiences, this was somewhat of a relief! But this has only happened once, so who knows.

I hope its of some help.
Aragon, I cannot provide advice as to what you should do, but I can relate to your situation.

I have had various kinds of dreams. They vary between the scattered and bizarre where the "plot" is very disconnected and the dream jumps from one place to another. In these dreams the visual impact is sort of cartoonish, with not an overwhelming amount of detail. Other dreams have more of a consistent "plot", even if the action and sequences are strange or can seem inconsistent. In these dreams the visual impact can be like I am seeing a real place. Many of my dreams are "serial" where the action continues from the previous dream like a TV drama, and in a few cases this serial dream has occured years apart with changes in the environment being consistent with the time difference.

But they are clearly dreams and I have had dreams all of my life (except for one year, which I will get to). For much of my life, I divided reality into two parts, the (physically) awake state and the dream state, with the dream state not being "real".

About twenty years ago my father died. The reasons are not important nor is the events of our estrangement, but when he collapsed in the hospital and I rushed to his side, my viewpoint on reality changed forever. I sat by his bedside holding his hand for three days. The first day I had a vision of him sitting bolt upright in bed. This was, of course, impossible because he was in a coma but I could not shake the visual impact. The next day I had a vision of him sitting in bed staring at me. His staring was not in a bad way, he was just looking at me, like he could look through me. The third day was the day he passed, and a number of coincidences (I don't "believe" in coincidence) left me alone with him in the room holding his hand. I had a vision of him swinging his feet off the side of the bed, sliding down off the bed, and walking away "towards the light", which was like illumination coming from around a corner or something. He died peacefully with me holding his hand.

Some time after this, my wife and I went to Niagra Falls for a vacation. Niagra Falls is not only a majestic waterfall, but the native americans considered it a spiratually powerful place. The first night in the hotel room, in my pre-sleep I saw hundreds and hundreds of visual forms of all kinds. There were human forms, monsters, animals, bizarre combinations of all three. They did not *do* anything, they were just there. I did not interact with these forms, there was no perceived communication or attempt at communication. Needless to say this freaked me out as I had never experienced anything like it. The following night, while sleeping, I became aware that I was in bed and I shot up from the bed at great speed, right through the sheets, the ceiling and way up into the atmosphere, where I looked down and saw the ground like one would see it from a plane cruising at altitude, with the lights of the city visible.

Some time after this trip, I was asleep in my home bed. I became aware of being in what seemed like a tube or tunnel. It was not constricting, it was large. As I emerged from the tunnel, I heard a voice, neither friendly nor unfriendly, say "You must learn to fly". As I emerged from the tunnel, I noticed that I could see everywhere all around me. Not only that but I was flying through space over a rolling meadow at an "altitude" of what seemed like 1,000 feet and I could see every single blade of grass and flower. I started to fly along the valley and had a sense for some reason that I was supposed to follow the valley, but instead I veered off to one side. When I did this, the tunnel came up behind me and swallowed me up and I woke up in bed. I was very aware that something very different had just happened to me. I had experienced something that was different from anything else I had ever experienced in my whole life and I had no explanation for what it was. I knew I was not awake, nor was it a dream, it was something else entirely. Th ability to see all around me, I have come to realize, is the so-called "spherical vision" that is reported with transcendent experiences and represents the awareness that exists at a different plane than the one I currently inhabit as I type this. I have also come to think that the "tunnel" experience that is also widely reported with OBEs is simply the transition of the soul between the limits of the current body (where you have stereo vision in front of you and limited quality of vision) to the ability of this "other" or "higher" ability to see everything at high detail. I came to realize that this was an Out of Body Experience.

This experience scared the living crap out of me.

I was literally afraid to sleep. After a few sleepless nights, I realized that this was not sustainable, so I decided instead to not dream. I did not have a dream (or I never recalled them, I will never know which) for a whole year untill I finally accepted that I was not going to simply float away and never come back, and even if I did, this new experience was just part of the whole universe, and if I don't embrace it, I should accept it. Someday I am going to die, and this obviously means that my soul will disconnect somehow from my body and my essence will go "somewhere else" and experience this elsewhere with different perceptions than what I now experience in what I have always thought of as "reality".

Some time after I calmed down about this, I had another OBE. In this one, I came out to the same general environment of rolling meadows with lush greenery, and I went into this "mansion", a gigantic house that was lavishly decorated with carvings, patterns and inlay. The walls of the rooms were simply breathtaking in their complexity and beauty.

With this last OBE, I concluded that the "places" I visit in dreams and OBEs must somehow be "real". The mansion with the wall decorations are simply too complex and beautiful to be self organizing random neural firings in my idle brain - I simply don't have that well developed an artistic sense and imagination. I don't claim to even begin to understand how the reality of these dream states and OBEs interplays with the one I am most familiar with, but I find it impossible at this point to discount the objective reality of these experiences. I cannot remember what I had for breakfast two weeks ago but I can remember a dream I had about a girl I had a crush on in 6th grade more than 40 years ago. These places, events, circumstances, whatever they are have formed what I see as "reality" as much as sitting at this desk has. I have decided to open up what I see as reality and embrace it for what it might reveal. That is of course easier typed than lived.

What is happening to you? Heck if I know, but perhaps you are beginning your own discovery process into the universe. I cannot offer help or guidance nor would I attempt to either mitigate you fear or accentuate it. All I can suggest is the C's platitude that "all are lessons" is far more real than the three words might suggest. The fear and discomfort you feel may be a legitimate intuitive warning, or it may be that you are "out of your element" and don't trust either yourself to manage the experiences or the universe and its inhabitants to not abuse you. Remember however that as being part of this 3D experience we call "earth" you are abused all of the time, and may not be aware of most of it. As the C's say, "knowledge protects", so your sense of fear may be related to an increasing awareness that you need to take charge of your own learning and this is coming from the knowledge you are gaining.

Anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger and things that kill you makes you stronger for what is next.
anart said:
I just can't imagine why anyone would want to 'surrender' to any outside force that makes them feel like they're being 'reeled in' - what if you are being reeled in? Why would you think clarity and understanding would come from something you don't remember when you 'give in'? As far as there being 'no critters' - how would you know when you don't remember what happens (fall asleep or something) when you 'give in' - you can't know. I could just be misunderstanding you, but it really sounds like you are trying to put a positive spin on a very dangerous activity instead of seeing it for what it might really be. I, of course, could be off on that - but fwiw.

Well said. I think your right, I'm sort of clutching at straws here. You have a remarkable gift to "see through" people, and I mean that in a positive way! Also your answer in a previous thread (link in RedFox post) was helpful:

anart said:
To clarify - the predator is not something outside of us - it IS us - it is all of our programmed thoughts and behavior that we take for our true/real selves. So, to speak of the 'predator's mind' as if it is an entity or something 'in' you is mistaken - it IS you - until you fully awaken, which is a vanishingly rare thing to accomplish.
Now, it has been evidenced time and again that certain phenomena/entities/ghosts/etc can be manifestations of a person's own energetic 'programming', as it were - that these things manifest because of unresolved issues within the person themselves - not as an external attack by some unseen entity. I think that is where GB was trying to go, though he could not get past 'himself' to get there.

This does not necessarily exclude the existence of 'entities' - but - as always, one must first eliminate all possibility that it is one's own issues and belief in lies that is manifesting energetically - or 'attracting things'.

As for now, I've decided to trust my intuition, that is to fight this thing. When these "OBEs" happen I'm not in a situation where I have time to contemplate on my reaction that much anyway - so I think I should trust the reaction that comes from my "spinal chord".

And maybe, as suggested, I'm "supposed" to fight this thing in order to develop some part of myself. And when I simultaneously learn as much as I can from other sources - e.g. through books and meditation - I can finally overcome this. And if I DON'T educate myself, I'll "fail the test" and eventually give in, I will be manipulated by some strange part of my own mind (predator?) or something other(entity/alien?) who'll put me back to sleep.

Well, I don't want to over analyze this, it may be counter productive. But considering all possibilities as for what this thing happening to me might be (with help from you guys!) feels right and protecting in some way.
I have had two episodes of "sleep paralysis" recently, once about a month ago and again last night. After spending some time meditating on the experience this morning I remembered a number of similar instances when I was younger which normally occurred just before I came down with a fever and a sickness. So I came online this morning with the intent of searching the forum for information and I was surprised to find such a recent post that closely describes the experience that I had. The forum threads linked to by RedFox contain interesting information, as well as links to other threads about night attacks that further elaborate on the subject. One of these posts links here:

and describes something called “sleep paralysis” which is the scientific term for the phenomenon. I conducted a quick google search and skimmed through the wikipedia article on the subject. At the bottom of the wikipedia article there is a link to this page: that claims that

Sleep paralysis occurs in 30% of the general population. In it you wake up in bed, feel paralyzed, and tend to sense a terrifying presence in your room. Sometimes you see something; sometimes you hear noises or even feel electrical shocks throughout your body. I have personally seen a small humanoid during one occasion of sleep paralysis; during another, more recent one, I saw what looked like a dog in my room. Others see ghosts, vampires--whatever they have in their minds or are particularly afraid of. Deceased relatives and loved ones are particularly good candidates for showing up during bouts of sleep paralysis.

and goes on to suggest that

what's really happening here, according to Harvard psychologists Richard McNally and Susan Clancy, is nothing out of the ordinary. Rather, REM sleep--the phase of sleep in which most dreaming occurs--is simply malfunctioning. In a phone conversation McNally even likened the situation to getting a case of the hiccups.

Our bodies are paralyzed while we undergo REM sleep, and for good reason (lest we act out our dreams and injure ourselves). But in some small number of cases we can actually start to wake up before paralysis wears off, and yet still remain in a dreaming state. What results is hallucination, often of some extremely scary stuff.

A man named Barry Karr is associated with this site (a whois of the domain name lists his name first), coauthor of The UFO Invasion: The Roswell Incident, Alien Abductions, and Government Coverups I have not read his book, nor have I heard of him before. Perhaps someone else knows something about who he is and whether or not he is a reliable source.

Wikihow has an entry that contains some information and suggestions for avoiding this phenomenon, including sleeping on your side instead of sleeping on your back. (page is found here: Most of the content of the page seems to be dedicated to convincing the reader that sleep paralysis is no big deal because "although it can feel dangerous, it isn't" because it "is not always scary! It is also sometimes very fun!" so you should probably just "remember to relax because sleep paralysis last only a few seconds or minutes and will fade away momentarily." Down at the bottom of the page the next to last piece of advice is "Don't fight it and it will pass. Fighting against it makes it worse than it is." The authors of this page (listed at the bottom) are trying pretty hard to convince the reader that sleep paralysis is nothing to be afraid of. As this advice is coming from a very popular (controlled) source of information, I am disinclined to trust it. I suspect that the information listed on these pages contains elements of truth, perhaps even a great deal of truth, presented in a way that is meant to convince the reader that it is nothing to worry about. These sites try to use sleep paralysis to explain away abduction experiences, ghost sightings, attacks by negative entities and experiences of sexual abuse. Anart's comments above, many of the comments on the other threads we have linked to, and our own senses would suggest otherwise, so I intend to move forward with this in mind. My hypothesis, and what seems to be the general consensus of posts in the forum, is that sleep paralysis could be a symptom rather than the cause of these experiences.

It has been suggested many times on the forum that we need to clean our machines so that we are psychologically healthy before we delve too far into areas that we don't understand. In that vein my primary concern is to continue working my way through the recommended psych books and applying what I learn. Since I fear what I don't understand, and knowledge protects, I am going to try to learn more about this experience by conducting my own investigation. I hope to share what I learn with the forum, so I would be interested in hearing about any suggestions for relevant books or other sources of information, or if anyone has already conducted a similar study. To start my investigation I plan to comb through the Wave and Adventure series, I will move the Drama of the Gifted Child (the search for the true self) to the top of my reading list, and I will check out a book referred to in the site associated with Barry Karr: Sleep paralysis, sexual abuse, and space alien abduction McNally, R. J., & Clancy, S. A (2005). I am going to check through the other research studies and references listed on the pages I linked to above, and I will have a look at my local university library for other potential sources. When I have a more developed bibliography I will list it for your consideration.

Thank you for reading through my post, I look forward to your thoughts and comments.
I have had this same thing happen to me for the last 6 years or so.

Always starts with me lifting off the bed, often by my feet.

Sometimes it takes me a few seconds to realise im dreaming, especially when it happens only a few seconds after i close my eyes.

I've had it happen over and over about 10 - 20 times in a 4 hour peroid, i had to give up sleeping.

I haven't had it happen lately, it started when i started reading about hypnosis/astrology/numerology a lot.

Started again when i read Bringers of the Dawn.

Happened a lot when i started reading the C's transcripts.

After being lifted off the bed i often heard very high pitched sounds and it felt like my body was moving at a rediculous speed.

Sometimes i would end up in a very black nothingness or a purple dome, visit past periods of my childhood and watch whats going on.

I'm not sure what it is, but its probably the most intense thing i've ever experienced.

Originally as i posted on this forum, i thought it was what the C's refered to as soul abuction but who knows.
I'm quite curious about all these experiences and ideas about what they could mean! I used to have sleep paralysis/so-called hypnagogic hallucinations when I was a teenager. It was always an unpleasant experience, usually a dark shadow from the corner trying to suffocate me. Unlike some of you here, it never occurred to me to give in or not, my immediate reaction was to fight it. I can remember it being quite painful and really pushing myself to move, it felt like I was struggling to move a mountain and often on the first attempt I failed but it never took that long to snap out of it. As there was quite a lot of alien hype about at the time, I started to believe that aliens were trying to experiment on me. Funnily enough, my brother also went through them at the same time as me. I even had a dream about how to protect myself from "them": make them laugh or flash a specific stone at them!
A few years later I happened to come across psychological reports on hynagogic hallucinations and how they were particularly common amongst narcoleptics and also a common cause for belief in alien abduction. Of course, this could be disinformation, but certainly at the time I accepted it as a neurological dysfunction. Both my brother and I had very erratic sleeping patterns and at that time I used to drink a lot of coffee. I don't drink coffee anymore and I haven't had any since giving it up.
What I would like to ask is: aren't OBEs something different to hypnagogic hallucinations? I had one experience that I would call an OBE (but I really know nothing about these things so please correct me if I'm misguided) where I floated down a corridor to follow a dog whilst my body remained in bed. I saw my body as I left it and then after a certain distance I got afraid and was immediately back to if I had willed myself back to it.
FWIW I still think the Seth books are some of the best material on this subject.
The Seth Material
Seth Dreams and Projections Of Consciousness

You might even find a copy at your local library or uni.
Possible explanation in High Strageness

Yesterday I was again reading 'High Strangeness'(ed. 2). Reading page 244 really made my head spin - the "attacks" Laura describes sounds so much like the ones I'm having!!! :O

And for clarification: I'm certainly not implying that I'm as "evolved" or "aware" as Laura!

I'm "happy" to have found a possible explanations for these strange events. At the same time I'm still a little bit scared about this whole business - but maybe I now have another "reason" (sort of a second opinion) not to "give in" or "surrender". Unfortunately I'm not as brave as Laura, I guess. I must admit that I'm horrified these days every time the rest of my family is away and I have to sleep alone in our house.

I hope it's okay to just put a small excerpt from the book here. I think it's better to use the original words by Laura than trying to describe it in my own words. From page 244 of High Strangeness:

[...] there where numerous "attempts" to "play with my head" by these forces... and I was certainly amazingly aware of them. When I slept, I no longer did so in my former manner; it was as though I slept only half way, and a whole other part of me was awake and watching. I could hear voices and whispers and activity; I could hear strange breathing and feel ghostly fingers touching me from time to time, which I would fling away mentally. [...] I felt that I was constantly surrounded by sniffing wolves looking for a sign of weakness or the scent of fear.

This certainly sounds familiar. I feel like my sleep is not as "deep" as it used to be.  The sleepiness induced by this "outside(?) force" feels very deep - I always try to fight it. The tiredness also feels unnatural  - not originating from me. It feels like if I'll give in to it, I'll never wake up! And I also have felt, prior to reading Laura's description, fingers touching my side and back - sort of tickling me. Annoying  :mad:

Laura writes:

One of the trickiest maneuvers was when "they" planted the thoughts in my mind that I had gotten out of the bed and walked in another room. As I came to the doorway and put my hand out to touch the wall, I realized that my hand went right through it and that I was clearly being manipulated in my mind. [...] The last night "they" came, I was lying in the bed, drifting to sleep, and the sleepiness was like a drug which was one of the "warning signs". I could "see" through my closed eyes, which was another warning, and hear raspy breathing behind me.

So I guess this could be a possible explanation. And it sure is interesting that I became aware of these "attacks" and my "OBE:s" somewhere around the time when I started reading The Wave vol. 1. When I meditate and do my "breathing-thing" I sometimes can feel, "smell" and "taste" these huge big forms or "blobs" (somehow they also feel like electric - charged). I remember feeling these "blobs" as a child whenever I had a fever...they feel like "old friends".

I would be very happy if Laura could shed some more light on this. In the mean time I'll keep fighting the "flyers" 
I'm posting this here, since it's sort of related.

Last night I had another strange experience, an inner struggle or attack of some sort. For many years, I haven't had the experiences described previously in this thread, but this thing had the same flavor.

I was dreaming a quite normal dream. In the dream there were some relatives and the actions and talks were casual as can be. Suddenly the idea was 'introduced' that I should have sex with one of our family friends! I didn't like this idea, so I resisted. Then, I sort of woke up, but apparently still immobile and with my eyes closed.

Someone was grabbing my left side, groping and pulling. I also felt some fingers from the right. First, I thought this was my wife, but soon realized that she was deeply asleep. I got very angry and started resisting, fighting with my "arms" (I don't think I was actually moving my arms, not in this dimension anyway). This something started to twist and bend my left arm. I mustered all my will and anger, and turned "looking" to my left, making and ugly face exposing my teeth and growling as hard as I could.

After a short struggle I "won", and could move my arm back in the opposite direction. After that I woke up, in real, and opened my eyes. My skin was crawling, like an electrical current was flowing. I sometimes get this crawling sensation when I sense "bad energies" present. My wife was in deep sleep.

The crawling sensation, and the sense of hostility still persisted. I had a glass of water and checked with the kids. Strangely, our son had turned 180 degrees sleeping with his feet on the pillow. Well, that's probably nothing to be alarmed about. After returning to bed, I found my wife awake saying how she still hadn't fallen asleep. She was very annoyed by the fact that after many hours of lying in bed, she still hadn't fallen asleep because it was so damn warm in the room. But I'm sure that during the episode and some minutes after, she was in deep sleep.

After reciting the POTS in my mind with some breathing, the sense of danger finally disappeared. Maybe this was another one of those inner struggles, or something else, who knows. The curious, and maybe related thing is, that right before going to bed last night I had watched the Caeasar-Jesus documentary, and posted the link on FB. Maybe some forces are 'touchy' about this subject...
Hi Aragorn,

I've had some similar experiences, and I've developed a theory about what happens during these experiences. My theory is largely based on what I've read in Castaneda's books, combined with what I've noticed during my own bouts with sleep paralysis. Keep in mind that I'm not attached to this theory and I'm willing to change or discard it whenever I feel like.

It goes like this: there are these kind of floating nightmare fish that look like manta rays or sting rays, which like to live in the corners or on the walls of people's rooms. They can't be seen because they can telepathically "interfere" with people's thoughts, and they're the flyers that Don Juan talks about in the active side of infinity.

Through their ability to impress their thoughts on people who are otherwise unaware of their existence, they are able to control people's dreams, inner reality and social situations. They do this to keep people in a state of heightened anxiety, so that they produce the sort of ethero-chemical substance, I guess you could call it, which they feed on.

When it comes time to feed, which in my theory is when people are sleeping, they sort of float over the person's body (so they can suck up the juices that come out), initiate a more "intense" telepathic link, and start implanting nightmares which are more vivid than usual.

Because they have to allow the person to have a greater level of awareness than in ordinary dreams (because the person needs to actually be scared or distressed or whatever), these nightmares can be accompanied by a kind of distorted awareness of wherever the person is sleeping, i.e. while in the dream, the person might think they are awake in their bed or that they have gotten up and are walking around.

Don Juan calls these things inorganic beings, and I think they are (or fall under the category of) what the C's call Elementals.

From Session 20 August 2011 (,24722.msg285390.html#msg285390):

Q: (L) Let me ask one of the questions that's on our minds first. Hopefully it will be a quick question. We are a bit curious about the activities of our forum group members {name redacted} and {name redacted} and their channeling experiment. They claim that they were channeling Cassiopaea Leo? (Bubbles) 6 Leo. (L) I guess that was because you had made remarks about, "Next stop, Leo". Who or what exactly are they channeling?

A: Not channeling per se, more like being toyed with.

Q: (L) Being toyed with by who or what?

A: Elementals reading bits of emotion/thoughts.

Oddly enough, the way to stop them from praying on you is to clean the machine. By removing the bits of dirt and gunk in your mind and body, you make it more difficult for them to find something within you which they can use to distress you or make you fearful. This then means that if possible, they'll start putting ideas in the people around you, who'll then start to harass you about whatever.

This is why you need to be a warrior, and not be concerned with all the concerns of daily life, because then the "world" will start putting all the bits of dirt and gunk back into your machine. And this is also why a warrior needs to know how to hunt, because if they're successful in what they're trying to achieve, then they're going to find themselves all alone out in the wilderness. OSIT.

Because of that, I find myself still in the think of things... :/
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