(the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics & nRt)


Jedi Council Member
I found this really good creative act on YouTube by someone known as "Trillion". It's a rap-style song about the dangers of vaccines and all the propaganda that goes along with that. Very clever! If you want the words, they are posted in the right-hand panel under "more info".

Re: (the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics & nR

Thanks for the link! Really liked the brief bit that called for people to eat healthy food, not junk food.
Re: (the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics & nR

Yes that bit about junk food is kind of crucial really. Although sadly the bit about the "one word" that can save you from the effects of vaccines (i.e. just saying "no") might not be so true in the near future, what with serious talk of mandatory vaccination.
Re: (the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics & nR

3D Resident said:
Although sadly the bit about the "one word" that can save you from the effects of vaccines (i.e. just saying "no") might not be so true in the near future, what with serious talk of mandatory vaccination.

Yup. Wouldn't be surprised if mandatory vaccines are in the offing. Won't be able to just say no then. All the more reason to continue with the Work, detox the body, eat healthy foods, and learn the breathing exercises for whatever lesson(s) the Universe may have in store for us.
I second that notion NormaRegula! Oddly enough I just got done reading the latest 'Connecting the Dots' article on Sott and was just thinking about mandatory vaccinations as well. Actually more like where I could hide? lol. Its no joke though, what would we do if they make it mandatory only for us to find out its really some kind of poison designed to eventually kill us?
Pete02 said:
.... what would we do if they make it mandatory only for us to find out its really some kind of poison designed to eventually kill us?

It really is a poison designed to eventually kill us. :mad: So, what are we gonna do? Avoid it in every way possible? Find some friendly doctor to sign a form stating that you took the shot when you really didn't? (Like my mum did with my childhood vaccinations.) If you get cornered and have to take the shot due to some threat (a camp?), take it and then rush home and detox hoping that your physical and mental preparation beforehand offers you enough protection to keep you from dying?
I've been turning this over and over in my mind trying to look at all the angles possible.
Firstly, is saying no (especially if it is mandatory) a good idea? Specifically for staying 'below the radar'???
Those that say no and resist may well be singled out for special treatment? I'm not saying we shouldn't say 'no', just be aware of the possibilities for entrapment by outwardly resisting.
Its like anything the PTB do, silence the descending (outward) voices first and swiftly to keep the rest in line. osit

Odds are (at least to start with) it won't be anything too new (path of least resistance and all).....people survived the Spanish flu by taking measures into there own hands, and the best I can figure is that this won't be any different.
What is probably the most important thing to do however is watch the flow of events and what new things they may add to the mix.

If they start poisoning (outright) the population then it would probably be too obvious, the Spanish flu 'epidemic' was reasonably successful (from the PTB's perspective) so this is why I conclude it will be pretty much the same as before......

I reminded of how to boil a frog alive (or so I've heard). You have to turn up the heat slowly or it will jump out (due to its natural instincts)....but if you turn the heat up slowly it will stay put and boil alive.

Do others think this is an accurate observation given the data at hand?
Re: (the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics & nR

chachachick said:
Pete02 said:
.... what would we do if they make it mandatory only for us to find out its really some kind of poison designed to eventually kill us?

It really is a poison designed to eventually kill us. :mad: So, what are we gonna do? Avoid it in every way possible? Find some friendly doctor to sign a form stating that you took the shot when you really didn't? (Like my mum did with my childhood vaccinations.) If you get cornered and have to take the shot due to some threat (a camp?), take it and then rush home and detox hoping that your physical and mental preparation beforehand offers you enough protection to keep you from dying?

This is exactly what occurred to me when I was thinking about the whole issue yesterday. I know of some doctors who refuse to administer vaccinations now due to personal beliefs, but they don't ever say that they are against them, nor do they advise their patients not to have vaccines (they wouldn't be allowed to do this because they would lose their licence to practise). But their true feelings are obviously that vaccines are dangerous and so they don't ever want to be someone who gives a shot to a child that renders that child incapacitated in some way. Having said this, would there be any doctors around who would be willing to lie to the Control System so that people actually get to exercise that which we all have a right to exercise -- our right to decide what goes into our bodies? With the way the Control System operates, I find it hard to imagine that there might be some doctors who would be willing to do this, given that there will always be "spies" who could pretend to be someone who wants a fake vaccination but is really just trying to prove that a doctor is being fraudulent (at least in the eyes of the government). So no, I can't see how that would work.

RedFox said:
If they start poisoning (outright) the population then it would probably be too obvious, the Spanish flu 'epidemic' was reasonably successful (from the PTB's perspective) so this is why I conclude it will be pretty much the same as before......

But that presupposes the idea that the sole point of vaccinations is to make the population sicker gradually over time. I'm not denying that this is probably part of the plan, but what about nanotechnology? It is entirely conceivable that technology exists right now to "monitor" every person on the face of the planet using various methods of nanotechnology injected with each vaccine. I've often wondered whether this is somehow like the "Mark of the Beast". I know that PopHistorian explained quite well how such a scenario is unlikely given that the PTB tend to make the populace want things that have the primary purpose of mind control or tracking or whatever, which also means that the populace pay for those same things and the PTB don't have to fork out a cent. However PopHistorian also pointed out that if vaccinations are made mandatory, then it's the breaking of the illusion of choice. So if forced vaccinations are implemented soon, as seems very possible, then the illusion of choice will be immediately shattered, so therefore the PTB might be thinking that they may as well go the whole hog and stick chips into everyone as well. Yes they already have means of tracking many people and of mind control, but perhaps they have come up with an amazing new, ultra-efficient, ultra-accurate and ultra-reliable means of total world domination :evil:[evil laugh goes here].
Re: (the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics & nR

3D Resident said:
If forced vaccinations are implemented, could it be the "Mark of the Beast" in one sense? I know that the Cs have already said that something like a chip implant would be the Mark of the Beast, and that no one can purchase anything without this mark (as it says in the Bible).

I had always thought that the purpose for the "Mark of the Beast" story and symbology was for warning about a highly visible (public) scenario where an individual was essentially forced to make a choice similar to the Bushism: "You're either with us or you're for the terrorists". Those professing loyalty (in some manner or other) would get the 'mark' and continue to enjoy all the 'rights' available from political approval.

My thinking for the necessity of a high profile choice is this: once people bought into the 'necessity' for this 'mark', it would be easier to separate and segregate those who refuse to participate...those not loyal to the PTB.
During this time, the ones who refuse this mark would either be under physical restraint/control by the PTB or would be 'free' to wander and try to stay alive without being able to legally participate in the economy.

The C's have told us about the VISA/666 connection. If this is the 'mark', then it doesn't matter in my scenario because we're already in it up to our eyeballs - even though I suppose that participation could be considered voluntarily self-chosen.

The only other way I could see a connection between forced vaccinations and 'mark of the beast' is if this 'Swine Flu' was SO contagious and SO deadly, that the general public could be made to believe that anyone refusing innoculation should be quarantined and that people who got the shot be required to wear or display some 'proof' of it so that everyone could 'feel safe'.

Then again, there's The Next Global Pandemic? Drug-Resistant TB And then, whatever comes after that!

If I'm missing anything, someone please feel free to point it out to me.
Re: (the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics & nR

Buddy said:
I had always thought that the purpose for the "Mark of the Beast" story and symbology was for warning about a highly visible (public) scenario where an individual was essentially forced to make a choice similar to the Bushism: "You're either with us or you're for the terrorists". Those professing loyalty (in some manner or other) would get the 'mark' and continue to enjoy all the 'rights' available from political approval.

My thinking for the necessity of a high profile choice is this: once people bought into the 'necessity' for this 'mark', it would be easier to separate and segregate those who refuse to participate...those not loyal to the PTB.

Considering those behind such a maneuver, why would you think actual choice would come into play at all? It seems you're taking the bible rather literally. Mechanical human beings don't even choose what they eat every day - why in the world would you think they would choose 'the mark'? It would follow the mechanical nature of all and everything that 'the mark' be implemented (if it wasn't long ago) with no general awareness at all.

b said:
During this time, the ones who refuse this mark would either be under physical restraint/control by the PTB or would be 'free' to wander and try to stay alive without being able to legally participate in the economy.

The C's have told us about the VISA/666 connection. If this is the 'mark', then it doesn't matter in my scenario because we're already in it up to our eyeballs - even though I suppose that participation could be considered voluntarily self-chosen.

Of course we're in it up to our eyeballs. It is NOW - we aren't speaking of the future - of future events - we are in it and have been for some time, to my understanding.

b said:
The only other way I could see a connection between forced vaccinations and 'mark of the beast' is if this 'Swine Flu' was SO contagious and SO deadly, that the general public could be made to believe that anyone refusing innoculation should be quarantined and that people who got the shot be required to wear or display some 'proof' of it so that everyone could 'feel safe'.

Why would it actually have to be deadly for that to be the case? Propaganda, the news media, create reality - less than 12% of the American population can even think at all. There is no need for a deadly anything - just create an ad campaign and you've created reality for the masses - and don't think they won't fight and kill for their 'reality'.

Perhaps it's time to stop thinking of 'Revelations' literally and to realize you're living it right now and all that is missing is the details, which are rapidly falling into place.

The most obvious connection between forced vaccinations and 'the mark' is nanotechnology which is already vastly incorporated on a global scale and I think that was the connection implied. I personally don't think that is even necessary at this point since humans have such a strong predilection to be tracked via cool toys and narcissistic internet applications, and those we're speaking of can supposedly track via FRV, in a way. However, with that said, there are still a lot of sheep wandering around in this global field who could use an internal tag that is easily scanned (if it's not already there) for the purposes of those 'human' faces of the real controllers. It would simply be another tool for control - control is the goal, before things get to the point where control is no longer possible for those who have been 'running the game' and think they will continue to run the game.

We'll see - the desperate push for control is in full force, so anything is possible. fwiw
The most obvious connection between forced vaccinations and 'the mark' is nanotechnology which is already vastly incorporated on a global scale and I think that was the connection implied. I personally don't think that is even necessary at this point since humans have such a strong predilection to be tracked via cool toys and narcissistic internet applications, and those we're speaking of can supposedly track via FRV, in a way. However, with that said, there are still a lot of sheep wandering around in this global field who could use an internal tag that is easily scanned (if it's not already there) for the purposes of those 'human' faces of the real controllers. It would simply be another tool for control - control is the goal, before things get to the point where control is no longer possible for those who have been 'running the game' and think they will continue to run the game.

We'll see - the desperate push for control is in full force, so anything is possible. fwiw

Yeah, though it seems like the whole credit thing allows them to track whoever they want very easily. Those who have no credit, usually don't have anything anyway.

I think the main thing to remember is they have a whole lot of people they need to get rid of before the "rain of fire" really gets underway. But as Laura pointed out in her latest book, the PTB act like they have plenty of time to play their political war games. Perhaps their wishful thinking, will catch them unprepared.

But still, we wait and watch and act with the knowledge we come by through networking.
Re: (the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics & nR

anart, thanks for that response!

anart said:
Considering those behind such a maneuver, why would you think actual choice would come into play at all?

I'm not sure. Perhaps I was thinking in terms of a massive culling of a large part of the population, using the mindless cooperation of the masses to help guarantee success. Sort of along the lines of what PopHistorian was addressing with comments from another thread: "(1) to promote them openly as benefits, and (2) to make us pay for our own enslavement -- a double bonus for them."
(ref: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=12593.msg90192#msg90192)

anart said:
It seems you're taking the bible rather literally.
Perhaps it's time to stop thinking of 'Revelations' literally...

Actually, I'm not taking (or wanting to take) anything literally - rather the opposite I thought...trying to clarify the meaning of the 'mark of the beast' symbology. I understand most of the C's explanation of the symbology in the story - thanks to Laura's specific questions - but I wanted to see if there is/was something specific mentioned that I missed.

Thanks for the feedback.
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