Re: (the vaccine song) SAY NO TO THE VACCINE by trillion (feat. pataphysics & nR
Buddy said:
I had always thought that the purpose for the "Mark of the Beast" story and symbology was for warning about a highly visible (public) scenario where an individual was essentially forced to make a choice similar to the Bushism: "You're either with us or you're for the terrorists". Those professing loyalty (in some manner or other) would get the 'mark' and continue to enjoy all the 'rights' available from political approval.
My thinking for the necessity of a high profile choice is this: once people bought into the 'necessity' for this 'mark', it would be easier to separate and segregate those who refuse to participate...those not loyal to the PTB.
Considering those behind such a maneuver, why would you think actual choice would come into play at all? It seems you're taking the bible rather literally. Mechanical human beings don't even choose what they eat every day - why in the world would you think they would choose 'the mark'? It would follow the mechanical nature of all and everything that 'the mark' be implemented (if it wasn't long ago) with no general awareness at all.
b said:
During this time, the ones who refuse this mark would either be under physical restraint/control by the PTB or would be 'free' to wander and try to stay alive without being able to legally participate in the economy.
The C's have told us about the VISA/666 connection. If this is the 'mark', then it doesn't matter in my scenario because we're already in it up to our eyeballs - even though I suppose that participation could be considered voluntarily self-chosen.
Of course we're in it up to our eyeballs. It is NOW - we aren't speaking of the future - of future events - we are in it and have been for some time, to my understanding.
b said:
The only other way I could see a connection between forced vaccinations and 'mark of the beast' is if this 'Swine Flu' was SO contagious and SO deadly, that the general public could be made to believe that anyone refusing innoculation should be quarantined and that people who got the shot be required to wear or display some 'proof' of it so that everyone could 'feel safe'.
Why would it actually have to be deadly for that to be the case? Propaganda, the news media, create reality - less than 12% of the American population can even think at all. There is no need for a deadly anything - just create an ad campaign and you've created reality for the masses - and don't think they won't fight and kill for their 'reality'.
Perhaps it's time to stop thinking of 'Revelations' literally and to realize you're living it right now and all that is missing is the details, which are rapidly falling into place.
The most obvious connection between forced vaccinations and 'the mark' is nanotechnology which is already vastly incorporated on a global scale and I think that was the connection implied. I personally don't think that is even necessary at this point since humans have such a strong predilection to be tracked via cool toys and narcissistic internet applications, and those we're speaking of can supposedly track via FRV, in a way. However, with that said, there are still a lot of sheep wandering around in this global field who could use an internal tag that is easily scanned (if it's not already there) for the purposes of those 'human' faces of the real controllers. It would simply be another tool for control - control is the goal, before things get to the point where control is no longer possible for those who have been 'running the game' and think they will continue to run the game.
We'll see - the desperate push for control is in full force, so anything is possible. fwiw