Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Hello guys,reason for taking DMSO would be my problem with sinuses and to help in cleaning.I noticed when drink 400mg
magnesium that I get eye bags,I noticed it and when I lower a dose than do not have them.I think I inherited little weaker
kidneys function of my mother so mast take caution.I drink literary translated Bitter Ions :magnesium chloride hexsahidrant
{ MgCl2 *6H2O}.That is the best I can fine.
agirl said:
Hello guys,reason for taking DMSO would be my problem with sinuses and to help in cleaning.I noticed when drink 400mg
magnesium that I get eye bags,I noticed it and when I lower a dose than do not have them.I think I inherited little weaker
kidneys function of my mother so mast take caution.I drink literary translated Bitter Ions :magnesium chloride hexsahidrant
{ MgCl2 *6H2O}.That is the best I can fine.

Actually you can use magnesium chloride transdermally. Just solve some MgCl in clean water (saturated solution) and then rub it in your skin or just spray it on it.
agirl said:
Hello guys,reason for taking DMSO would be my problem with sinuses and to help in cleaning.I noticed when drink 400mg
magnesium that I get eye bags,I noticed it and when I lower a dose than do not have them.I think I inherited little weaker
kidneys function of my mother so mast take caution.I drink literary translated Bitter Ions :magnesium chloride hexsahidrant
{ MgCl2 *6H2O}.That is the best I can fine.

We call that Epsom salt in the USA. It is not good to drink as it is a laxative- will make you go to bathroom and relieve stored water.
It has the same issue as magnesium oxide, that Pierre was taking years ago and had issues with.

You can do transdermal as mentioned. But what to take internally:
-Magnesium Malate
-Magnesium Orotate
-Magnesium Citrate
Are all ok for internal use.
Hey,Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate,and this what I take is magnesium chloride and made for interior usage,but could be used
topically.It does not make issues,but I try to find Mg Citrate.
agirl said:
Hey,Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate,and this what I take is magnesium chloride and made for interior usage,but could be used
topically.It does not make issues,but I try to find Mg Citrate.

You can mix magnesium chloride into water to make magnesium oil, which can be rubbed on the skin and absorbs that way. If the skin starts itching, the concentration is probably too high and your body cannot handle it or is not used to it. You can wash it off in the shower after leaving it on for a while.
agirl said:
Hey,Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate,and this what I take is magnesium chloride and made for interior usage,but could be used
topically.It does not make issues,but I try to find Mg Citrate.

Just be careful with dosage: it can be very laxative for some people. It it's the case with you you can try magnesium malate. By the way, we have a thread dedicated to magnesium.
Thank`s guys for advicess,I stopped drinking it and used for rubbing the skin.I haven`t seen magnesium malate in the pharmacies,and can not order from Amazon ,it is not allowed in my country except for importers or with doctors prescription.
Thank`s again
Altair said:
agirl said:
Hey,Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate,and this what I take is magnesium chloride and made for interior usage,but could be used
topically.It does not make issues,but I try to find Mg Citrate.

Just be careful with dosage: it can be very laxative for some people. It it's the case with you you can try magnesium malate. By the way, we have a thread dedicated to magnesium.

I can tolerate Mag Citrate up to 500 mg in a single dose without any laxative symptoms. But that dose is very, very calming for me and very relaxing.When i cant get any other Mag i`m using Mag Chloride. For oral use i make a weak solution made by 30-35 grams of Mag Chloride in 1 Liter of water. Its very bad taste and sometimes can iritate stomach and i`m using it very rarely in a very small quantities.. Much stronger solution is good for topical applications ( Mag Oil )
Hello guys,

I have seen that some of You felt some influence on teeth using Iodine/ Lugol's.

I have noticed following:
When my tooth becomes sore (feels somewhere inside, root?) I put a drop of Lugol's on my gum and on the tooth where it hurts and this feeling is gone. I still feel something inside but it is not pain.

I have also noticed during first two months using Lugol's:
- I got some painful bumps approximately 40x20mm on my skin on top of bicep in connection with this muscle pectoralis major but in the cavity between bicep and this big arm muscle, symetrically on both sides and also the same under my tighs approximately 100mm below big buttock muscle lower edge on skin in way of bicep femoris. And non-symertrical, bigger on left forearm on the inside part of it and smaller on rigth forearm.
They resolved after a week or so. I had them not in the same time.

I kept Lugol's in the jar but noticed that deckel / cover was heavily corroded after maybe two months. I have also noticed that storing pure iodine in granules is also problematic as this is very volatile and discolours any standing nearby objects. Bottle would probably be the best. Only question is the closing.
On April 23, I go down my dose to 2 drops of iodine
From May 28 I swallow half my glass of iodine and half that I keep in the mouth 45 seconds, and then I swallow (I periodontitis)
July 4 I added glycine my protocol 2 teaspoons / day
Since July 11 I used DMSO three times on my right thumb, I have a thumb tendinitis and since I have more inflammation.
It is now ten days I have sore legs, knees, I fatigue shots in the day and I hurt my left shoulder
Tuesday, July 19 I got hurt right side of the tongue by moving the left and the glands in the shot had slightly swollen and I had trouble breathing, Friday 22 this pain subsided and Saturday morning I discovered a large painful lump to the touch that it is inside of language, according to my research on the internet I have no other signs in the mouth that might suggest cancer, at least , I hope so .
Is it maybe just detoxification reactions?
Christine said:
On April 23, I go down my dose to 2 drops of iodine
From May 28 I swallow half my glass of iodine and half that I keep in the mouth 45 seconds, and then I swallow (I periodontitis)
July 4 I added glycine my protocol 2 teaspoons / day
Since July 11 I used DMSO three times on my right thumb, I have a thumb tendinitis and since I have more inflammation.
It is now ten days I have sore legs, knees, I fatigue shots in the day and I hurt my left shoulder
Tuesday, July 19 I got hurt right side of the tongue by moving the left and the glands in the shot had slightly swollen and I had trouble breathing, Friday 22 this pain subsided and Saturday morning I discovered a large painful lump to the touch that it is inside of language, according to my research on the internet I have no other signs in the mouth that might suggest cancer, at least , I hope so .
Is it maybe just detoxification reactions?

Maybe you could take it easy with the iodine if it is causing you detoxification reactions. You could try putting just one drop on the back heel of your foot, maybe once or twice a week, and see how that goes for a couple weeks.
[quote author= Christine]
From May 28 I swallow half my glass of iodine and half that I keep in the mouth 45 seconds, and then I swallow [/quote]

How much iodine are you taking in the half a glass? If it is a large amount, the swelling in your neck could be your thyroid gland, in which case, you should stop taking daily iodine.

For the Periodontitis, rinsing your mouth twice a day with a solution of water, salt and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) goes a long way to help. If there is severe inflammation, rinsing your mouth with 20-30% of DMSO/distilled water is also a good choice.

Mod edit as requested.
Christine said:
On April 23, I go down my dose to 2 drops of iodine
From May 28 I swallow half my glass of iodine and half that I keep in the mouth 45 seconds, and then I swallow (I periodontitis)
July 4 I added glycine my protocol 2 teaspoons / day
Since July 11 I used DMSO three times on my right thumb, I have a thumb tendinitis and since I have more inflammation.
It is now ten days I have sore legs, knees, I fatigue shots in the day and I hurt my left shoulder
Tuesday, July 19 I got hurt right side of the tongue by moving the left and the glands in the shot had slightly swollen and I had trouble breathing, Friday 22 this pain subsided and Saturday morning I discovered a large painful lump to the touch that it is inside of language, according to my research on the internet I have no other signs in the mouth that might suggest cancer, at least , I hope so .
Is it maybe just detoxification reactions?

It's likely a detox reaction and iodine overload. It sounds like you are inflamed and your body is over worked. What percentage of lugol's are you using? Are you taking the other co-factors or other supplements to help the body detoxify?

You may want to take a a week off (or more) from the iodine and see how you feel. And start back with the heel dosing every few days and see how that goes. With iodine, it's best to keep the dosage low and introduce it slowly into your body. It is powerful stuff! I hope you feel better and keep us posted. :)
Je prends l’eau chaude avec ½ cuillère à café de fleur de sel
1h30 à 2h après je mange du bacon que j’achète au boucher du village à côté avec 1 ou 2 œufs de mes poules et tout de suite après je prends du thé avec de la glycine (depuis le 4 juillet)
J’ai pris 5gr de Chlorella à partir du 1 mars avant le petit déjeuner, arrêté de puis 1 semaine (rupture de stock)
2 h après le petit déjeuné je prends 1cp sélénium 200mcg, 1cp riboflavin 100mg, 2cp niacinamide 250mg, 1cp zinc picolinate et 2 goutes d’iode à 12%
Je prends l’iode pendant 5 jours et deux jours de repos.
A partir du 5 juillet j’avais augmenté à 3 goutes
La parodontie est dû à des bactéries c’est pour cette raison que je faisais des bains de bouche avec l’iode. La rétraction de la gencive est bien trop avancée, je veux juste essayer de stopper en tuant les bactéries mais peut-être que je me fais des illusions.
Je ne rajoute pas de goutes en plus pour les bains de bouche juste les 3goutes dans un verre d’eau…moitié que j’avale et moitié que je garde dans la bouche 45 secondes
Vers 15-16 h je prends soit un thé, un café où une infusion de thym du jardin avec 1 cuillère à café de glycine accompagné de pancakes fait avec de la farine de sarrasin, du sel d’Himalaya, du poivre du moulin, un peu de curcuma et de l’eau que je vais chercher directement à la source pas très loin de chez moi.
Je mange entre 3 à 6 pancakes/j, avec du beurre dessus, qui représente 100gr de farine.
Cela fait à peu près 15 jours que je mets de la farine de riz avec celle de sarrasin (50/50)
Dans l’après midi je fais un petit tour dans le jardin pour aller manger quelques mûrs et quelques framboises, en juin c’était quelques fraises surtout fraises des bois.
Et à partir de 18h30 je prends un repas, ça peut-être un bouillon de poule où une viande avec un légume vert où une soupe avec les fanes de légume auquel j’ajoute des feuilles d’orties (il y en a plein le jardin en ce moment)
J’utilise saindoux ou huile d’olive pour la cuisson.
Et au soir je prends 1 cp de magnésium 400mg
Je ne dors que 5 - 6 h par nuit
Les ganglions ne sont plus enflés mais la boule dans la langue est toujours là et les douleurs aussi comme –ci la fibromyalgie c’est réveillé d’un coup
Je vais suivre vos conseilles et arrêter 1 semaine et voir ce que ça donne.
Merci à vous de m’aider…

I take hot water with ½ teaspoon sea salt coffee
1:30 2h after I eat bacon I buy in the village butcher next 1 or 2 eggs from my hens and right after I take tea with glycine (since July 4)
I took 5gr Chlorella from March 1 before breakfast, then stopped 1 week (out of stock)
2 h after a good breakfast I take 1CP selenium 200mcg, 1CP riboflavin 100mg, 250mg 2cp niacinamide, zinc picolinate 1CP and 2 drops of iodine to 12%
I take iodine for 5 days and two days off.
From July 5 I rose to 3 drops
Periodontics is due to bacteria that's why I was mouthwashes with iodine. The retraction of the gum is too advanced, just want to try to stop by killing bacteria but maybe I'm getting illusions.
I do not add more drops to just mouthwashes 3goutes in a glass of water ... I swallow half and half that I keep in the mouth 45 seconds
Around 15-16 pm I take either tea, coffee where a garden thyme infusion with 1 teaspoon of glycine coffee with pancakes made with buckwheat flour, Himalayan salt, pepper, a little turmeric and water I'll get straight to the source not far from my home.
I eat between 3-6 pancakes / d, with butter on it, representing 100g flour.
That's about 15 days I put the rice flour with that of buckwheat (50/50)
In the afternoon I make a small turn in the garden to eat some ripe and some raspberries in June was mainly some strawberries wild strawberries.
And from 18:30 I take a meal, it may be a chicken soup where meat with a green vegetable soup with where the vegetable topper which I add nettle leaves (there are plenty garden at the moment)
I use lard or olive oil for cooking.
And in the evening I take 1 tablet 400mg of magnesium
I sleep only 5-6 hours per night
The nodes are no longer swollen, but the ball in the language is still there and also pain as -ci fibromyalgia is awakened suddenly
I will follow your advise and stop one week and see what happens.
Thank you to you to help me ...
I hope that the English translation is understandable.

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