Can't escape 33!


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Since I came across the Cassiopaean material and Signs I have a few interesting 'synchronicities' (eg. the word Cassiopaea appearing in one of my lectures after I imagined that we were looking at in a lecture the prevous day - and I'm a zoology student!) and dreams which I think may be 'non free will abridging' messages from somewhere. Most interesting though, is that for a few months I would see the number 33 anywhere and everywhere you could possibly imagine - all the time. Either there is a statistically significant higher incidence of this number on Earth or there is some other significance to this experience. I thought that I might have just made myself highly atuned to spotting the number, like on digital clocks for example. At that point I started to hear it everwhere, mostly as people's ages on the news and things like that, but again - all the time!

I've since learned that this is quite a common experience and that there is even a website dedicated to the phenomenon. What are others' thoughts on this or other 'synchronicities'?
I call them signs myself. Most of the time they're trying to guide me to some conclusion. I always thought they were goofy lil ways the universe (or god, whatever you wanna label it) was trying to communicate something to me. Also i occasionally get feelings, like this one time after i saw spiderman2 i was hyped and we were walking home from the subway. I got this intense feeling to just go for a walk, my ego was wayyy more interested in coming home and smoking a blunt, but for some reason i couldnt ditch the "go for a walk" feeling. So i went, told myself it would be short, be back quickly, yada yada, after 5 mins or so i hear this nasty "Clunk Clunk Clunk" noise... over and over, so i start walking toward it, turns out there were these guys from europe who couldnt start their car, so i got mine, gave em a jump and sent em on their way. I was totally ecstatic to think that the vibe i got was real and had purpose. So usually i trust these synchronicities, havent failed me yet.
My spouse and I both see these types of synchronicities as signs as well, based on past experience both with heeding and ignoring the signs. In pretty much every case I can recall, heeding the signs resulted in an end result that could be considered beneficial, and ignoring the sign ended in a somewhat detrimental result. I am by no means an expert on interpreting the signs (my spouse is far better at reading them than I), but over time, I have improved in my reading of them.
The signs in particular than I was describing are more or less 'neutral', they could be taken as subtle confirmation that the sources I have been looking at are leading me in the right direction. Conversely they could be seen as the reverse of this (a deception) or meaningless coincidences. Either way, logic tells me that they are open to interpretation and therefore not 'proof' or abridgement of free will in any way.

They are cool though! A bizarre one was when I was first opening up to the aliens/hyperdimensional beings evidence and implications. I was 'followed' for ages down the street by a crisp packet being blown by the wind, it eventually blew up against me. It was a 'Space Raiders' packet, which has the face of a Gray on it. Shortly after this I noticed a pub called 'the Orion' just by my house which I walk past all the time but had never noticed until this seemingly appropriate time. Weird. Or, as I would have described this only a year or so ago, insane/ridiculous.

Then there was the guy with the 'Return of the Nephilim' t-shirt.......
I also had experiences with synchronicities on digital clocks. For those who want to know, it is a term defined by C. G. Jung, see I noticed them first at the age of about 12, when I repeadetly saw double numbers on digital clocks, e.g. 11:33 or 09:09. I then ignored them for about 10 years.

Two years ago, I was learning about the I Ching and looked for an explanation. There was a reference to C. G. Jung and his synchronicities. The double numbers started to appear again. In recent days I see also numbers like PI (3.1415), e.g. 13:14 or 14:13 (backwards).

It is clear, that order/wishful images can be seen everywhere, and the human brain is quite capable of it, e.g. faces in clouds. Nevertheless, the occurences were very frequent. It would be of course interesting to prove if it was statistically significant. Maybe I start recording them. Until that day I have to brand this experiences under the term 'subjective'.

I formed my own hypothesis: Consciousness creates/sees order from/in chaos. I also believed that when I saw synchronicities, I was on my 'predestined', right or correct way. I also based many decisions on I Ching hexagrams und used the I Ching 3-coin-method for question/answer conversation quite similar to the C's conservation when they answer shortly Yes/No/Close/Open.

A year ago, I attended a group channeling session and asked about the meaing of the double numbers. The answer was, that the 'old energy' is in equilibrium to the 'new energy' (sounds like 'The Wave') and that I should proceed boldly. I then would get the number 16:18. I still don't know what that means.

As another example, my mobile numer was
06507777590 and the number of my girlfriend
06506666390. Of course, without agreement.

Then in a short period of time (two weeks or so) I got two numbers of friends
06502050xxx and

After being aware that manipulations and impurities are everywhere (e.g. 4th density STS) in ways unimaginable, I quesioned the appearance of synchonicities and also I Ching readings:

[quote='The Wave' Vol. 2, p. 27][...] Seemingly synchronous events can be created and presented to the individual to persuade them that what they are doing or thinking is along the correct path because the very universe has "confirmed" it for them thereby.
The manipulations and variations are endless, incredibly deep, and cunning beyond all understanding. [...][/quote]
Today, I am disenchanted because I do not know how pure the information was I based many decisions on. I believed everything, and now, I strugge what to believe at all. The struggle manifests as depression, but that is another story...
Data said:
Today, I am disenchanted because I do not know how pure the information was I based many decisions on. I believed everything, and now, I strugge what to believe at all. The struggle manifests as depression, but that is another story...
Data, did you notice that you talk like data? Such as "do not" instead of "don't" and "that is" instead of "thats"... ;) Its good to see you're not his evil brother :)

But, more on topic:

I think its interesting to question why we want to believe anything ahead of our time so to speak. Lots of things happen, and we given information claiming to explain it, which can have an in-built persuasion to its objectivity, which appeals to some part of us that wants to believe it. What I have come to learn is that facts (at least for 3D) are very personal, they're more about how you percieve the world and how honest you are with what is happening within you. Things such as, being honest with what you know, what you understand, what you believe etc, and knowing the difference. We can say, for instance, that something is likely to happen, or that something is likely to operate in a certain way, and accept that we don't have to believe that much, aside from what is really happening within us. I don't think we have to belive very much of what is going on in the outside world (ie, what we are told is happening), but we can build up ideas and know that they are simply ideas. So instead of having beliefs, you work on probabilities, or unknowns and knowns. When the time comes you may have to act on these ideas and probabilties and its all you can do, really, isn't it?

Basically I think that beliefs are like a set up for you to become disheartened etc. You believe something, then it all gets confused. But thats a good thing IMO, confusion means that you are accepting that there is more than one possible answer. If you look at it like that I think you may see the positive side to it.
A few years ago I read a book by Wayne Dyer called "You Can Manifest Your Destiny." In it he described a period when he found an incredible amount of dimes, and only dimes. Anyway, about a month after reading this, I found an large amount of dimes over a week's time on the sidewalk (about 20 all told) without really looking for them.
One day I happened to glance down and there was a dime. As I bent over to pick it up there was another one about three feet away. The following day the same thing occurred two blocks away from the previous one.
I have no idea what the meaning of this phenomenom is, but it didn't stop there. Just a couple of months ago I was ringing in the tills at work and I rang in a cheque withe the number 376 in the upper right hand corner. The next day I was visiting my mom and her cheques were laying on the sofa next to where I was sitting. The top cheque was numbered-you guessed it-376. What is unusual is that I would notice and remember the cheque number I was ringing in because there was no reason to do so.
There were other times as well when these synchronicities happened.
Again, I have no idea as to their meaning, but it certainly is fascinating.
....and look at the number of posts which you have made, Redrock12. Oh's happening again :O
Scary scary 33 :) I suggest we are observing here what is described as synchronicity.

However, as a antithesis we must also consider that synchronicity is nothing more than apophenia. See for details.

Probability theory can give no PREDICTION for a single random event. It only can give PROBABILITIES for a *sufficiently* large amount of samples. If you dice, there is no reason why the numer 6 shall not appear 10 or more times in a series. You could shuffle a card deck, thereby producing order instead of disorder. For the stochastic process as such, it makes no difference if there is a huge amount of order in the samples or maximum chaos (entropy).

In computer science, it rather needs great effort to produce/calculate maximum entropy in ciphering computer algorithms, where chaos is desired. See for a true random numer generator algorithm, which collects entropy in a entropy pool from stochastic external events, e.g. microtime of keyboard hits / mouse motion.

By observing, I learned that randomness simply does not exist. I called it "to follow the white rabbit" in analogy to the Matrix Movie. In stochastic processes there is ALWAYS order. The quesion is however, what is the amount, and what is the "message" for the observer.

Once I rolled the dice and wished a 3. A 3 came. I rolled and wished again a 3. A 3 came. I rolled and wished a 3 a third time and it came - a 3. Then I got so excited that it did not work any more. :) said:
Synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life - to help you evolve or to place emphasis on something going on in your life. [...]

There are no accidents - just synchroncity wheels - the gears of time - the wheels of time - the wheel of karma - wheels within wheels [...]

Do be careful. Not all synchronicities are positive. Sometimes these lead to learning lessons - when you are deceived ito thinking that is road to take at that moment in time.[...]

Synchronicities can also go nowhere as they just occur in someone's life to make a point. [...]

You must look at the bigger picture of the synchronicty - think outside the box - not at the actual event. Look at the underlying facts when the synchronicity occurs to be sure you know why you attracted that person/situation into your life.

2005 - A recent study within the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab has suggested that there is a small though statistically measurable link between human thought and patterns that occur in random data sets. There is no evidence as to whether this is caused by individuals unintentionally recognizing complex patterns and then moulding their thoughts towards an unconsciously known result or the thoughts of the individual are themselves affecting the random patterns in a manner of individuation. This study's results have not been replicated, and its methodologies are disputed.


Since the theory of synchronicity is not testable according to the classical scientific method, it is not widely regarded as scientific at all, but rather as pseudoscientific or an example of magical thinking. However, it is doubtful that Jung would have considered the theory to be scientifically testable. [...]

Supporters of the theory claim that since the scientific method is applicable only to those phenomena that are reproducible, independent of observer and quantifiable, the argument that synchronicity is not scientifically 'provable' should be considered a red herring, as, by definition, synchronistic events are not independent of the observer, since the observer's unique history is precisely what gives the synchronistic event meaning for the observer.

A synchronistic event appears like just another meaningless 'random' event to anyone else without the unique prior history which correlates to the event. This reasoning claims that the principle of synchronicity raises the question of the subjectivity of significance and meaning in the sequence of natural events. [...]

Alternative Explanations:

The feeling of making a connection where there is none has been described as apophenia.[...]

Correlation can also be described as an 'acausal connecting principle' and so has been proposed as an analogy to the phenomenon of synchronicity. Though correlation does not necessarily imply causation, yet, correlation may in fact be a physical property shared by events without there being a classical cause-effect relationship, as shown in quantum physics, where widely separated events can be correlated without being linked by a direct physical cause-effect. [...]
p.s. for Russ: I did not notice it ;)
In the last few years, a german scientist conducted an experiement for informaiton transfer at superluminal speed over large distances without any EM sending devices, e.g. Antennas or Cables. He used nothing but two physical random number generators implemented in early Intel Pentium or AMD mainstream processors, e.g. two laptops seperated by several thousand kilometers. He was able to transfer a few bytes per second over the "background noise of the universe". The key is a forgotten algorithm of Leonhard Euler which filters harmonic components out of stochastic signals by a kind of fourier analysis. This was done SIMPLY BY A SOFTWARE APPROACH. The experiment was conducted in front of about several hundret witnesses (students and professors) at the University Of Berlin.

This scientist, Dr. Hartmut Muller, has established a community called "Global Scaling", He currently performs research and educational programmes for executive consultants.

I think there is much to learn about order and chaos.
i have these sychronicities as well.

about 1-2 years ago i brought a large can filled with change to the bank and dumped it into the counting machine (i throw everything smaller than 50 cents into the can, since i don't like hauling around kilograms of change) - it takes about 2 years to fill the can with change.
anyway, i poured everything into the machine and it took every single coin. the sum total was exactly 77,77 euros.
from then on i started seeing multiples of 7 everywhere.
the can is almost full again - can't wait to see the total!

syncronicity often happens with new information that i read about as well.
but i credit that to my BEING AWARE of the existence of the subject matter, since without being aware of it, you will not see it, because for your mind 'it doesn't exist'!
Uh, oh and mine have been the infamous snake eyes lately: 11:11. Looked at the clock at precisely that time in both am and pm yesterday. Today though, my alarm didn't go off as planned and I woke up at 4:44. Barely made my 6am flight.
mamadrama the post you just made, according to my time (US eastern) shows to be made precisely at 23:23:43
I'm telling you, it's a roll!! Either all this is just one big coincidence of numbers in a post about coincidences about numbers, or the universe is trying to be funny... as usual... o_O
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