Streetlights and other odd electronic failures


Jedi Master
I know this a little strange, but it has been bugging me for at least 2 solid weeks. There is a strange humming sound in my new house. At first I only noticed it in the bathroom when I was relaxing, taking bath. But now I hear it a lot more often in almost any room. I keep wondering if it's the plumbing or maybe an appliance, but it SOUNDS like it is outside the house, but the ears just like the eyes can play tricks on us. So I am almost resolved to go around checking all the appliances or walls for this sound. No one else seems to hear this sound, though, so I stopped bringing it up so as to avoid sounding loony to my family. Anyway... it's IRKtastic since I don't know where it's coming from.
Re: Strange

Vulcan59 said:
Hi Brenda86,
Here is what the Search results show when I searched for humming. ;)

Thanks, I suppose I should have tried that, lol. I've started reading some of them and it's very interesting. I'm gonna read more when I have a little more time. I've gone around the house and the hum does not sound like any of the appliances. I know when I heard it in my room I turned the computer off to make sure that wasn't it and it's definitely a different kind of hum. I don't know why my family can't hear it except for the fact that I have noticed their rooms are never very quiet. My mom sleeps with her tv on and my sister is always got some sound going.
Re: Strange

Slightly different to the 'humming' phenomena, nevertheless, a strange experience happened for me at the end of last week.

For context, I have two radios that I use with battery power only, one is in the kitchen and frequently used, the other is in the bedroom and seldom used. The latter has fresh batteries in for when the kitchen radio runs out of battery power.

Last week I swapped over the radios as usual, putting in new batteries for the radio in the bedroom, and leaving it switched off. However, for the two days following, this radio in the bedroom mysteriously switched itself on in the early evening, when I was in another room, and only discovering the radio was switched on by accident. On both occasions the radio was switched off on discovery. Nothing has happened since the second event.
Re: Strange

An update, it has happened again, the radio switched itself on again tis evening at around about the same time as before - approx 7 o'clock, I noticed it a bit later on, from another room. Strange.
Re: Strange

Hi Trevrizent,
Could it be possible that someone set an alarm, without you knowing about it, so that the radio automatically comes on at the appropriate time? :huh:
Re: Strange

Hi Vulcan

The radio lacks such an alarm function, and did not do it yesterday! The clock is not set, nor is the standby or sleep function. The only thing set are the stations. Good idea though, thanks, I did check to see if there was an alarm function - hence the reply.
Re: Strange

That is definitely strange. That would probably confuse me more than this humming sound, but that's probably because my mind can more easily rationalize the humming sound. I've noticed the sound is worse later in the evening, probably because all the other sounds of the house and world outside are dying down.
Re: Strange

I have noticed for some time (many months) now a continual droning low-frequency hum that fluctuates and comes and goes, resonating with the house, with the bones in my skull, more than with the ears.

It is a bit like idling diesel locomotives a long way away. However there are no railroad yards for many miles around, and the nearest major truck stop is 40 km away. There are no wind generators anywhere in the vicinity. I hear it most clrearly at night and I have to turn on a heater fan to create enough white noise to drown it out so I can sleep.

Sometimes I feel it as a vibration through my lower body. It is reall not very loud, and most people seem not to be able to perceive it, but it is an irritant to me.
How did this happen?

So I decided to post this instead of sweeping it under the rug. Check it!

I can set up to five alarm clocks in my cellphone. Last night i set up 4 of them, because i don't wake up very quickly.

I turned my phone volume all the way up, this has woken me up many times before. My phone was ON. Full battery!

I started doing ee, I was sure that I would zone out because i've done it alot lately, hence the alarm clocks to wake me up in time for work.

I WOKE UP AT 3:00 PM AND MY PHONE WAS OFF. It was off!! I was an hour and a half late to work because some way, somehow, it turned off in the middle of the night.

I can't figure out why, why, why my phone would be able to magically turn itself off in the middle of the night, it doesn't have a sleep mode or anything, it is NOT supposed to randomly shut off.

It's not broken. It's never done that before. Maybe i'm just being paranoid but really, what gives???
Re: How did this happen?

Hi abstract,

Somebody else had a similar phenomenon with his clock. Check out this thread called Strange. I'll merge this post with that thread. :)
Re: Strange

I had the same thing happen to me with my cell phone but I didn't think anything of it.

One time the phone was shut off when I woke and another time the phone was on and the alarm set, but never went off. I'm convinced these devices are relatively cheap and nowhere near perfect. There could be quite a few reasons why electronics do what they do but if I have something important coming up, I wouldn't rely on my cell phone only. I use my regular alarm clock and cell phone at the same time. One wakes me up and the other I use as a snooze! :lol:

Just the other night my cell phone ran some updates and was supposed to reboot itself and instead just turned off! There goes my alarm huh? I just bought this new phone that is practically half a computer and very pricey to say the least. So far its done nothing but give me more trouble than my last phone which was worth half as much. I can go even further and tell you about my desktop computer. That thing has a mind of its own. I swear sometimes I think its possessed! I have security on it and do regular virus scans but sometimes I'll be meditating and the darn thing with take off and start doing something all by itself. Strange indeed.

Maybe I'm overlooking some forces at work here but then again I don't think its too far out of the ordinary for some electronics to have issues once in a while. imho.
Re: Strange

An update, it has happened again, the radio switched itself on again tis evening at around about the same time as before - approx 7 o'clock, I noticed it a bit later on, from another room. Strange.

K, so your radio switches itself on, and last night my cell phone switched itself off, somehow. So, trevrizent, i assume you don't have any explanation so far for electronic devices seemingly

operating themselves?? What drives me nuts is that i've never had my phone do that, ever. You think these two phenomena are related in some way? I don't know where to begin, it's confusing.

It's just so screwed up that I was an hour and a half late to work, that's out of character for me, i like to be more punctual.

Anyway, since i live alone, there's now way somebody touched my phone. No other electronic devices were effected.

I'm searching my mind for all the variables and i'm coming up with nothing except a paranoid feeling that someone is plotting against me.

thanks for moving my post, vulcan.

I agree that electronics can do wacky things, pete. However, my phone is not a newer model, quite simple and reliable. It has not once shut off by itself. anything could be happening.
Re: Strange

abstract said:
I'm searching my mind for all the variables and I'm coming up with nothing except a paranoid feeling that someone is plotting against me.
Well, maybe someone IS plotting against you, because you're so easily freaked out ;)

Maybe it's a message from yourself, that says WAKE UP all by yourself, don't rely on any outside force to wake you up?

OR ! Maybe your battery is a bit old, the first sign of battery-death is when it randomly shuts itself off.

I could NEVER sleep over (is that a saying in English?) for an hour an a half, I have a build in alarm clock, because I'm extremely afraid of being late :shock:
Re: Strange

I was debating about posting this, but I had a wacky electronic experience recently, too. I was walking back into my bedroom and my laptop was on my dresser - music started playing on the laptop on it's own. I DID have a playlist open, but I can't think of any logical reason off the top of my head for it to have started PLAYING the music without anyone being near it.

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