Hello jhonny,
You'll find here some material available in Spanish:
Psyche said:
We have a health blog in Spanish: http://operacionsalud.blogspot.com/
The Ultra Simple diet and a brief synopsis on how to do it is here:
In addition to that, you'll find some of the books by Sherry Rogers in Spanish. For example, "Cansancio o intoxicación":
The Enzyme Factor by Hiromi Shinya is available in French and Spanish as well:
La enzima prodigiosa: Una Forma De Vida Sin Enfermarse
From the top 5 psychology books, there is Alice Miller in Spanish: El drama del niño dotado.
The translator team also did The Narcissistic Family and several other passages from the psychology books.
And here:
Ailén said:
You can find The Drama of the Gifted Child in Spanish
And a very interesting one is Women Who Run With Wolfs.
Oh, and Robert Hare's Without Conscience:
You can read summaries and reviews of a couple of the recommended books on narcissism and psychopathy in this blog: http://psicopatia-narcisismo.blogspot.com/
Here is another recommended book which is available in Spanish: Memorias de un alemán by Sebastian Haffner.
The Shock Doctrine is also available in Spanish: "La doctrina del shock" by Naomi Klein.
Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous is available in Spanish: "En búsqueda de lo milagroso". I think almost all Ouspensky's books are available in Spanish (for example Posible evolución del hombre, Tertium Organum, etc) although we recommend only some of them. The main one is "En búsqueda de lo milagroso".
Gnosis by Boris Mouravieff is also available in Spanish, all three volumes.
All Gurdjieff's books are available in Spanish: "La vida es real solo cuando soy yo", "Relatos de Belzebú a su nieto", "Perspectivas de la vida real", "Mensajero Bien Venidero", "Encuentros con hombres notables".
There is also "Invierno cósmico" by Victor Clube.
Also Fulcanelli is available in Spanish: "Las moradas filosofales", "El misterio de las catedrales".
Some books by Mircea Eliade are available in Spanish.
Louise Hay, "Usted puede sanar su vida" is also interesting.
All of Castaneda's books are available in Spanish: "El lado activo del infinito", etc (we don't recommend all of them though).
Victor Ostrovsky's book: "Por el camino de la decepción" about Mossad is also available in Spanish.
I think there is something available in Spanish by Peter d'Adamo: Grupos sanguíneos y alimentación.
Do check the blogs suggested above. Don't forget http://senalesdelostiempos.blogspot.com/
There might be more material, lets see if we can keep track of it.