SOTT worthy articles in French


An article worth republishing on SOTT Fr :
Un ancien sous-traitant de la NSA poursuivi pour espionnage
Selon les procureurs, Harold Martin a dérobé une « quantité effarante » de données classées « top secret » et « fait courir un danger à la sécurité nationale des Etats-Unis ».

Ce petit jeune a fait un excellent boulot, et il a d'autres vidéos/analyses en réserve qui, si elles sont de la même qualité, valent leur pesant de cacahuètes.
Dans lé vidéo ci-dessous, "Pourquoi 10 milliardaires contrôlent notre information ?" ce dernier a fait un très bon travail de synthèse résumé en 28 minutes et qui mériterait un article relayé sur sott :

PS: sauf erreur de ma part l'article de dedefensa proposé le 17/10 n'a pas été relayé sur sott, un oubli ou il y a quelque chose qui gène dans l'article ?

A blog article on a "new" hypothesis on the genesis of our moon :
Pierre Barthélémy said:
Une équipe israélienne fait l’hypothèse que notre satellite est né après le bombardement de la Terre par plusieurs mini-planètes.
Hello (again).

An article about the (quite low) independance of French medecine colleges from Big Pharma :

The Conversation said:
C’est une première en France. Les facultés de médecine viennent d’être classées sur l’indépendance qu’elles garantissent à leurs étudiants vis-à-vis des laboratoires pharmaceutiques. Ce travail inédit, inspiré d’un palmarès établi chaque année par l’Association américaine des étudiants en médecine, vient d’être publié, le 9 janvier, par la revue scientifique de référence en accès libre PLOS ONE, sous le titre « Conflict-of-Interest Policies at French Medical Schools : Starting from the Bottom ».

La faculté de Lyon Est arrive en tête, avec un score de 5 points, sur un maximum possible de 26. Celle d’Angers arrive en deuxième position, avec 4 points. Suivent sept établissements ex aequo, avec chacun 1 point : Aix-Marseille, Lyon Sud, Paris Descartes, Paris Diderot, Rennes 1, Strasbourg et Toulouse Purpan.

Ainsi, notre étude montre que seules 9 facultés sur 37, en France, ont pris des initiatives pour se prémunir contre les conflits d’intérêts qui surgissent en cas de liens de l’établissement ou de ses enseignants avec l’industrie du médicament. Les 28 autres, n’ayant adopté à ce jour aucune mesure en ce sens, n’obtiennent aucun point.(...)

From the same site, three articles worth publishing, about conflicts of interest in the research community :

A suggestion for the right-side image on SOTT Fr :

(I don't know if the copyright allows to republish it.)
A conference of Lucien Cerise entitled "Big brother today" : _

It was on the 09/11/16 and the last developments with decodex, for example, give a huge support to his thesis, to say the least.
Maat said:
A conference of Lucien Cerise entitled "Big brother today" : _

It was on the 09/11/16 and the last developments with decodex, for example, give a huge support to his thesis, to say the least.
Thank you Maat for this interesting conference !

During it, the speaker reads this article :

On the same blog, this article is really worth republishing :

About the same subject, an article from 2014 :

Frightening... but predictable.
Another "sign of the times", at least for French people in the context of presidential elections :

(Particularly if Ms. Le Pen is ahead of all other presidential candidates, according to Mr. Soral :
_ )
Hmmm, business as UNusual ? :O
Bastian said:
Hmmm, business as UNusual ? :O

Merci Bastian ! :)
Bastian said:
Another "sign of the times", at least for French people in the context of presidential elections :

(Particularly if Ms. Le Pen is ahead of all other presidential candidates, according to Mr. Soral :
_ )

This is not true, she is not ahead of all other presidential candidates, only Asselineau is. And she has plagiarized him too.
Check this :
This :
And this :

Also Soral is someone I would not trust at all. Even though he might have shared some interesting analysis, he is a sociopath. I had the opportunity to read "Sociologie du dragueur" (Sociology of the pick-up artist/womanizer) which he wrote, and I remember being shocked by a few things, notably his perception on women. But also, having read about psychopathology before, I couldn't help but connect the way he thinks to some real pathological view of the world.

Here is a quote from Adaryn in the thread Conference of LLP on Political ponerology 11.06.2015

Adaryn said:
luc said:
Hi Adaryn, it's been a while since I followed Dieudonné and Soral a bit, and I thought they had some interesting things to say. So I'm curious as to how they/the movement have exposed themselves - is there a forum thread or sott article or something that you can point me to (I also read French)? Thanks a lot!

There's been a lot of unsavory revelations and stuff going on regarding Soral/Dieudonné these past few months.
Soral, to begin with, has exposed himself as a complete whacko and a sexual predator. Well, it came as no surprise, given his past. But still, he claimed he had been "redeemed" and "found the light" (after all, he said that if Jesus were to reincarnate, he (Jesus) would sit at Soral's right hand side :lol: :shock:). Well, a few months ago, he was caught sending pics of him naked to a black young woman to whom he sent racist and very insulting text messages. Of course, for him, it was all a "zionist" conspiracy, yeah right.
Following that affair and Soral's fallout with most members of the French "dissi-dance" (where he insulted about everyone, starting with LLP), LLP made a series of 5 videos exposing Soral's dubious past and links to the National Front (he's apparently financed by one of the big bananas of the NF, Philippe Péninque, who also happens to be a friend of the fraudster Jérôme Cahuzac). This series of videos is called "Soraloscopie", you can find them on YouTube. There's a lot more, but I think you'll get the gist of it by watching the videos.
As for Dieudonné, it seems he's reached a point of no return. First, he goes into partnership with convicted serial killers (one of whom he named his "publication director") and pedophiles (the infamous Patrice Alègre) – always under the "guise of humor" and "second degree", you know. Then, he claims he's gonna emancipate people from the system by creating a totally "independent" insurance company. When Laurent Louis – another dubious guy, who was supposed to be involved in that insurance project but decided to quit because Dieudonné wouldn't pay him enough - it's all about money you know – denounced Dieudonné's project as a fraud, Dieudonné, hiding behind Patrice Alègre, answered him with one of the filthiest articles I've ever seen (didn't have the stomach to read it, I just perused it and read other people's accounts of it), attacking Louis' adopted disabled daughter (a 6 y.o. child!) in the most disgusting manner. Account here: _
Needless to say that this article (most probably penned by Dieudonné but signed under the name of P. Alègre) sparked public outrage even amongst his fans, many of whom just stopped being fans. The article was unpublished from Dieudonné's website, but screen captures are still available. Strangely, the mainstream media, which are always eager to trash Dieudonné, never said a word about this scandal.
An article from last April summing up the last events regarding Dieudonné (minus the Laurent Louis affair, which happened later) : _

In short, this "so-called" dissidence has been a slow motion train wreck, and I wonder if it wasn't all manufactured from the beginning, to divert people's anger and discontent with the situation in France (particularly young people from the "banlieues"). It's been interesting to observe though. I think it's a prime example of ponerology, where pathologicals and conmen take over or create organizations promoting certain aims and values, whereas the real goal is hidden (make money, divert people's anger, manipulate, etc). I'm not sure if Soral/Dieudonné are conscious of what they're doing, or if they're just useful idiots. In any case, Dieudonné has made a huge amount of money, and he's announced his latest show (next year) would be the last. I guess it's time to draw the curtain - big show's over!

I have to agree with this, it has proven to just divide people in a raising dissidence.
Soral is pro-FN and discrediting Asselineau.
Dieudonné has been sharing some Asselineau's material on his facebook page.

Marine Le Pen is not to be trusted.
There are many worthy articles available on the website, but regarding his perception of Putin and Russia, here is a synthetic one :
It has more value than this hand-shaking.


En conclusion, je crois utile de souligner que la comparaison à laquelle je viens de procéder ne signifie évidemment pas que notre mouvement apporterait un soutien sans faille et inconditionnel à Vladimir Poutine.

La vocation de la France est d’être un pays libre et indépendant, et de n’être subordonnée à aucun État étranger, quel qu’il soit. La Russie a ses valeurs, son type de société et ses intérêts, qu’elle défend légitimement. De même que la France a ses valeurs, son type de société et ses intérêts, qui ne sont pas forcément les mêmes que ceux de la Russie, et que, malheureusement, ses élites ne défendent plus.

Il n’en demeure pas moins qu’il y a une très grande convergence de vues entre les analyses de l’UPR et celles de l’actuel président russe – qui aime d’ailleurs à dire toute l’admiration qu’il porte aux analyses de Charles de Gaulle.

Cette convergence de vues se retrouve aussi dans la hiérarchie des priorités et dans le discernement des menaces. Pas plus que l’UPR, le président Poutine ne pratique la politique du bouc émissaire : il ne rend pas la religion musulmane, ni le sionisme, ni le capitalisme, ni Bilderberg, ni les Illuminati, ni les chemtrails, etc. etc. responsables de tous les maux de la planète, non plus d’ailleurs que le peuple américain. En revanche, il montre le peu de cas qu’il fait de l’Union européenne (qu’il ne cite qu’une seule fois dans son discours), et laisse transparaître à plusieurs reprises qu’il n’y voit qu’un groupe de pays ayant perdu toute politique indépendante et toute dignité, à la simple remorque de leur mentor d’outre-Atlantique.

Comme celle de l’UPR, l’analyse de Vladimir Poutine est, dans la forme comme dans le fond, éminemment respectable et pacifique. Elle vise au respect de tous les peuples du monde, et à des rapports pacifiés et civilisés au sein de l’humanité. Il veut contribuer à l’élaboration d’un modus vivendi entre toutes les nations du monde, quels que soient leurs civilisations et leur type de société et de gouvernement.

Et il parvient, comme l’UPR, à la conclusion que seuls la reviviscence de l’ONU et le respect des souverainetés nationales dans le cadre du droit international peuvent empêcher la planète de foncer vers le gouffre, et permettre de bâtir un XXIe siècle pacifique.

Que cela plaise ou pas, force est de reconnaître que Vladimir Poutine est un homme d’État réfléchi et responsable et que la comparaison avec les dirigeants français, à la botte de Washington, est accablante pour ces derniers et tragique pour notre pays.

François Asselineau

30 octobre 2014

Google translation quickly revised


In conclusion, I think it useful to point out that the comparison I have just made obviously does not mean that our movement would provide unwavering and unconditional support for Vladimir Putin.

The vocation of France is to be a free and independent country, and not to be subordinate to any foreign State, whatever it may be. Russia has its values, its type of society and its interests, which it defends legitimately. Just as France has its values, its type of society and its interests, which are not necessarily the same as those of Russia, and which, unfortunately, its elites no longer defend.

The fact remains, however, that there is a great convergence of views between the UPR's analyzes and those of the current Russian president - who, moreover, likes to express his admiration for Analyzes of Charles de Gaulle.

This convergence of views is also reflected in the hierarchy of priorities and the discernment of threats. President Putin, like the UPR, does not practice the politics of the scapegoat: he does not make the Muslim religion, Zionism, capitalism, Bilderberg, the Illuminati, the chemtrails, and so on. Etc. responsible for all the evils of the planet, no more than the American people. On the other hand, he shows how little he makes a case about the European Union (which he quotes only once in its speech), and shows several times that he sees only one group of countries that have lost all independent politics and dignity, simply by the trail of their mentor from across the Atlantic.

Like that of the UPR, Vladimir Putin's analysis is, in form and substance, eminently respectable and peaceful. He aims at the respect of all the peoples of the world, and at peaceful and civilized relations within humanity. He wants to contribute to the elaboration of a modus vivendi among all the nations of the world, whatever their civilizations and their type of society and government.

And he, like the UPR, comes to the conclusion that only the revival of the UN and the respect of national sovereignties in the framework of international law can prevent the planet from going to the abyss and to build a peaceful twenty-first century .

Whether we like it or not, we have to admit that Vladimir Putin is a thoughtful and responsible statesman and that the comparison with the French leaders at the Washington boot is overwhelming for them and tragic for our country.

François Asselineau

October 30, 2014
Yesterday was the day of the debate between the 11 french candidates to Presidency.

Asselineau invited all to consult a specific document to conclude, you can find an article here and I think it ought to be shared on Sott too.
You can find the economic policies defined by Brussels

I'll put the conclusion here in english.

In conclusion

As in previous elections, candidates for the next presidential election will be able to avail themselves of insubordination, economic patriotism, disobedience of treaties, sovereignty, firmness with the European Commission, renegotiation of treaties, [4] Etc ... in short still and always another Europe ... [5] French voters must understand that getting out of such hollow slogans within the framework of European treaties is an oxymoron.

Whatever he says, whatever he has promised, the elected candidate will in any case be forced to apply the economic policies ordered by Brussels, as long as France remains entangled in the European straitjacket.

The European (and credulous) tend to mitigate the scope of the Large-economic-policy-orientations/LEPOs by explaining that they are only recommendations and not obligations. This is false for at least two reasons:

Since the 2011 Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) [6], and with the 'six-pack' [7], the Commission can financially sanction countries in the event of failure or delay in implementing the measures recommended . In the case of 'significant discrepancies', the Commission shall send the Member State a warning and its situation shall be monitored throughout the year. If it is not rectified, the Commission may propose a deposit of 0.2% of GDP. For France, this would be a deposit of 4.3 billion euros. The "recommendations" in the texts thus become, in fact, transformed into obligations.
It also denies the functioning of the European institutions since the Brussels machine is based on the concept of "peer pressure". The very principle of these LEPOs is precisely to exert constant pressure on the representatives of a State. Of course, they may not follow this or that measure in a particular year by escaping sanctions. But it is concretely impossible for them to refuse to apply all the measures all the time. Moreover, the very principle of the LEPOs would otherwise be meaningless. In fact, it is an intellectual, legal and moral vice that gradually closes and can not be permanently withdrawn.

To regain our democracy and get us out of this prison of the people, the only useful and liberating vote is that for François Asselineau.

Worth republishing : De la Fondation Saint-Simon à Emmanuel Macron par Thierry Meyssan

A piece of news about a strange event yesterday in the famous church of Rennes-le-Château (Aude, France) : what a "SOTT" !

L'Indépendant (local journal) said:
Église de Rennes-le-Château : une femme voilée décapite le diable rouge
Fait divers. Vêtue d’un voile blanc une jeune femme s’attaque au bénitier et à l’autel de l’église.

Dimanche matin vers 9 h, une jeune femme d’une vingtaine d’années, seule, habillée d’un manteau noir, se présente à l’office de tourisme de Rennes-le-Château pour demander les horaires d’ouverture de l’église. Elle avait, disait-elle, l’intention de la visiter. L’employée du site lui indique les horaires. La visiteuse décide alors de boire un café puis de déambuler dans les ruelles. Vers 11 h 15, elle demande à un restaurateur de se laver les mains. Quelques minutes plus tard elle réapparaît habillée d’une longue cape blanche, d’un voile sur la tête et d’un masque style vénitien sur le visage.

À cette époque de l’année une soixantaine d’habitants vivent sur place, autant dire qu’ainsi vêtue, la jeune femme n’est évidemment pas passée inaperçue.

Même si ce haut lieu des mystères à l’habitude de voir défiler des visiteurs étranges en quête de trésors. Là, c’était différent, raconte un habitant. « J’ai compris de suite que ça n’avait rien à voir avec le trésor de l’abbé Saunière. »

Devant des touristes surpris la jeune femme se réfugie dans la grotte dite de la vierge, à proximité de l’église, et téléphone longuement en arabe, puis tranquillement rentre dans l’église, sort une hache, et se met à frapper sur le célèbre bénitier supporté par la représentation d’Asmodée. Elle décapite le fameux diable rouge, lui coupe le bras et pose un coran à ses côtés. Elle a ensuite lacéré le bas-relief de l’autel de Marie-Madeleine devant des visiteurs ébahis.

Ces derniers donnent l’alerte, le maire intervient. Il constate les faits et appelle la gendarmerie. Face à la jeune femme étonnamment calme, il lui demande pourquoi elle a commis ses actes. Elle répond posément : « Aujourd’hui, ici c’est un jour d’élection présidentielle, pendant qu’en Syrie, l’Occident bombarde et tue des enfants. Vous êtes tous des mécréants ! Mon mari est là-bas. »

Rapidement sur place, les gendarmes interpellent sans aucune résistance la jeune femme. Un périmètre de sécurité est établi dans le village et une équipe de déminage arrivée dans l’après-midi, se met à l’œuvre. Le maire, Alexandre Painco n’en revient toujours pas : « Cette femme était déterminée et son geste prémédité. Elle a choisi ce jour d’élection, ce lieu précis, pour qu’il ait un impact médiatique important et ainsi porter atteinte à la République française. »
(PS : an intuition that the sentence I underlined is doubtful.)
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