The Living Force
I've been reading CS Nott's "Journey Through this World" where he describes himself as a round idiot. It took him some time to find out why. Reading his two books it wasn't hard as an outside observer to see why. He kept going around in circles ending up where he started.....again and again.
Here is Gurdjieff's list of Idiots with some information behind them.
Here is Gurdjieff's list of Idiots with some information behind them.
I myself would choose zig-zag idiot or hopeless idiot... there isn't a flat idiot listed.Marcia Paul contributes:
"Gurdjieff introduced his toast to the Idiots in 1922, and
from 1940 gave it increasing emphasis.
Although not divesting 'idiot' of its pejorative sense, he re-invested
it with the meaning of individuality (from a Greek root
meaning 'I make my own').
Though idiocy was universal - God
himself being the Unique idiot (No.21) - a subsidiary
differentiation afforded a human typology at once 'poetic'
and profound.
David Hodges contributes:
Herewith the most complete list possible of Gurdjieff's
Order of Idiots, with thanks to Marcia Paul.
1 ordinary idiot
2 super idiot
3 arch idiot
4 hopeless idiot
5 compassionate idiot
6 squirming idiot
7 square idiot
8 round idiot
9 zigzag idiot
10 enlightened idiot
11 doubting idiot
12 swaggering idiot
13 born idiot
14 patented idiot
15 psychopathic idiot
16 polyhedral idiot
Idiots 17-21 constituted a spiritual hierarchy, reflecting
progressive gradations of objective reason
Idiot 18 presented the highest development which a human
being could reach, but in order to attain it, he had first
voluntarily to descend again from 17 to 1, the ordinary
Idiots 19 and 21 were reserved for the sons of God.
21 - Unique Idiot (God himself being the Unique idiot)
Source: Moore, J.B. 1991. Gurdjieff - A biography. Element
Books Limited, Shaftesbury, Dorset.