Session 28 March 2010

Bud said:
To me it suggests an additional option of doing something with the body in order to use the energy in the motor center if necessary, while holding onto emotional energy for transmutation purposes. I just wanted to ensure my clarity on this as it is the most common Work I do, I think.

Hi Bud :)

The mere fact of directing part of the energy of a shock to the moving center prevents you from using the total energy to CONSCIOUSLY SUFFER it in it's whole, deeply observing the process.

That's precisely a common way of avoiding suffering, the great work of a warrior lies in his/her hability to not to waste even a pinch of this energy and this is impeccability.

Anyway as anart said:

anart said:
It would take enormous effort, but it is - at the very least - another option to consider, if
only in 'baby steps' at first. In the meantime, motor center release can be very effective and helpful in releasing tension and stress.

And I would only add that seems this kind of work can only be approached by those who have come to realy understand that Universe is a big school, life is religion and there is no more guilty than ignorance, self importance starts to vanish and the soul grows gratefully.

Laura's signature said:
He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
Agamemnon, Aeschylus
Ok, I hadn't mentioned to anyone about this except for my house mate, and more recently the other mods. This is in relation to some members of the group being 'Haarped' and in view of the latest session.

For the last three months I have been feeling, generally speaking, quite good and strong. This feeling came after a period of rather intense EE sessions and emotions last year, so I attribute it to that. However, there were two occasions during March that I felt abnormally depressed, both lasting less than two days. The first one was around the 10th or 11th, and I thought it was simply a consequence of having been looking for a job for a month and a half with little success. That was probably just the accumulation of frustration.

But the second was very strange. It was on Sunday 21st and lasted that day only. The night before I had done the whole EE program and had wonderful, surreal, colorful dreams; happy dreams about flying and being on mountain tops and seeing strange, beautiful creatures. But as soon as I woke up I started to get very depressed. In my mind it was for many different reasons, but all leading to making me feel that I was a shame for the human race and maybe it would be much better to spare the world from my pathetic presence. This was very strange because I have never ever given thought to suicide nor wishing death. It was so strong that I literally spent most of the day in bed wondering what's the point of anything.

In the past, I had never been unwilling to get out of bed, and even in my darkest moments the thought of death or suicide seemed like a silly option since I am going to die some day anyway - I usually prefer to see the end of a movie, even if it's a terrible movie. That day I wasn't really planning of harming myself in any way, but the idea of just happening to die soon suddenly seemed very attractive, something to wish for. :huh:

I then went to sleep early and did so for many hours. I kept dreaming about two dear friends (a couple) I haven't seen in more than two years and who live in Thailand. So I woke up thinking that I should contact them because perhaps they were in trouble (at first I couldn't decide if I was still depressed but soon enough I was cheered up again - the thing just vanished). So I wrote to them and they are fine, but she is having many health issues that seem to be related to toxicity and allergies. I simply suggested some possibilities and sources of information (like the forum health threads) and haven't heard from them again.

I cannot say if these experiences were in any way related to 'gov waves' - maybe they weren't. But I thought I should mention just in case, because they were certainly abnormal.
Ana said:
The mere fact of directing part of the energy of a shock to the moving center prevents you from using the total energy to CONSCIOUSLY SUFFER it in it's whole, deeply observing the process.

That's precisely a common way of avoiding suffering, the great work of a warrior lies in his/her hability to not to waste even a pinch of this energy and this is impeccability.

Ok, Ana. I understand what you're saying. No more diversions for me in those kinds of situations. Thanks for your input. :)
Great session. Thank's Laura and team.

Seems like researchers; K. S. Rathore and A. Goldsworthy find right way to enhance rapid improvement of tobacco plants growth back in 1985 (perhaps we could use it as well, in stead buying industrialized tobacco, LOL) by applying direct current of about a 1 or 2 µA for 10 days and in 22 days they got 69 to 70% of improved growth. This is pretty small amperage, related to what C's mentioned, perhaps other factors were significant as well.
Funny, but successful usage of electric current is not a new topic at all, back in 1885, the Finnish scientist Selim Laemstrom experimented with an aerial system powered by a Wimhurst generator and Leyden jars. He found that the electrical discharge from wire points stimulated the growth of crops such as potatoes, carrots, and celery for an average increase of about 40% (up to 70%) within 8 weeks or Spechniew and Bertholon obtained similar results a few years later, and so did the Swiss priest J.J. Gasner in 1909. Also that year, Prof. G. Stone showed that a few sparks of static electricity discharged into the soil each day increased soil bacteria up to 600%, In 1898, Grandeau and Leclerq studied the effect of atmospheric electricity on plants by covering part of a field with a wire net which shielded them from natural electrical action. The uncovered plants grew 50-60% better than the shielded plants. In the 1840s, W. Ross of New York reportedly obtained a severalfold increase in the yield of a field of potatoes when he buried a copper plate (5 ft x 14 ft) in the earth, and a zinc plate of the same dimensions 200 ft away. The two plates were connected by a wire above ground, thus forming a galvanic cell. In similar experiments by Holdenfleiss (1844) with battery-charged zinc and copper plates, yields increased up to 25%. In 1964, the USDA performed tests in which a negative electrode was placed high in a tree, and the positive electrode was connected to a nail driven into the base of the tree. Stimulation with 60 volts DC substantially increased leaf density on electrified branches after a month. Within a year, foliage increased 300% on those branches, sadly these researches were never utilized (and so many people are starving on earth)

I noticed that many of us are experiencing same or very similar symptoms due to the malignant usage of HAARP and I would like to ask you folks if you noticed following in last couple of weeks? During fazes of relaxation or before going to sleep after meditation or/and EE, did you "hear" murmurring, almost human voice murmurring? First time we noticed these anomalies was 5 weeks ago, it was at 01:07 (CET), and it was so loud that my friends, my husband and I were opening windows and doors in order to locate these audio anomalies (we are living in same village but our houses are couple kilometres away from each other). Second time was 4 weeks ago when we were on dinner in our friends house, 3 of us heard same thing at the same time and could even articulate murmur as mail voice but almost mechanic with repetitive sequences, many times with echo effect. Of course we could not locate origin of audio anomaly because when ever we tried to locate it and moved around the house or in front the house these anomalies faded away. Same anomalies happened periodically every week during weekend, starts at Friday finished on Monday and last mostly during the night. We noticed these anomalies during regular week days only 3 times (early morning time).

PS: During audio anomalies several things happened: swapping of hearing focus from left to right ear or vice versa or sudden lost of hearing with out the obvious reason, drumming of ear drums (pretty loud experience and sometimes painfull as well), sudden headaches, energy drains, tinnitus, hearing distorsions (especially in range higher than 1100Hz (In terms of frequency, human voices are roughly in the range of 80 Hz to 1100 Hz (that is, E2 to C6) for normal male and female voices together) so distorsion of higher tunes and I noticed actually recorded high static during occurrences of audio anomalies, as well errors in mobile network and electrical power glitches.
Bud said:
Ana said:
The mere fact of directing part of the energy of a shock to the moving center prevents you from using the total energy to CONSCIOUSLY SUFFER it in it's whole, deeply observing the process.

That's precisely a common way of avoiding suffering, the great work of a warrior lies in his/her hability to not to waste even a pinch of this energy and this is impeccability.

Ok, Ana. I understand what you're saying. No more diversions for me in those kinds of situations. Thanks for your input. :)

I have been thinking about this since Anart's reply yesterday. I am not sure of what I tend to do in a situation that involves suffering to be honest.

I hope you don't mind me insisting on this subject, but I would also like to clarify your words Anart and Ana, to make sure that I got this right: I understand that in order to achieve results of an "higher" order when handling suffering, one could use all of his/her energy for the process of transmutation. Whilst the use of the motor centre trough physical activity of some sort can help at some stage, the aim is to learn not to rely on it since it can eventually dissipate the energy needed for transformation.

Having said that, and putting it into practice, one should Be in the moment of suffering, feel it, observe it. The "heat" created by our conscious presence within the moment of suffering would lead to some level of inner transformation which could, in itself, channel the energy into something of a creative nature.
The result would then differ from one whose energy would have been diverted before the process of transformation had begun, either by diverting energy to the motor centre, or to the intellectual centre (I suppose the later is also a possibility). These divertions are valid and will allow us to get through in life, but for a real transformation, one should learn how not to divert this energy, or in other words, learn how to really feel.
Would my understanding be correct?
Gertrudes, if you are correct then you have worded it all in a way that has helped me understand what I've been reading. So thank you and I also look forward to clarification on this.
Gertrudes said:
I hope you don't mind me insisting on this subject, but I would also like to clarify your words Anart and Ana, to make sure that I got this right: I understand that in order to achieve results of an "higher" order when handling suffering, one could use all of his/her energy for the process of transmutation. Whilst the use of the motor centre trough physical activity of some sort can help at some stage, the aim is to learn not to rely on it since it can eventually dissipate the energy needed for transformation.

Having said that, and putting it into practice, one should Be in the moment of suffering, feel it, observe it. The "heat" created by our conscious presence within the moment of suffering would lead to some level of inner transformation which could, in itself, channel the energy into something of a creative nature.
The result would then differ from one whose energy would have been diverted before the process of transformation had begun, either by diverting energy to the motor centre, or to the intellectual centre (I suppose the later is also a possibility). These divertions are valid and will allow us to get through in life, but for a real transformation, one should learn how not to divert this energy, or in other words, learn how to really feel.
Would my understanding be correct?

According to my own current understanding, your understanding sounds correct to me, Gertrudes ;) I think that Perceval's post here from earlier, also speaks of the process of this transmutation.
gertrudes said:
These divertions are valid and will allow us to get through in life, but for a real transformation, one should learn how not to divert this energy, or in other words, learn how to really feel.
Would my understanding be correct?

That pretty much sums it up. One cannot suffer without feeling. The heat needs to be felt, it needs to burn, internally; in the alchemical furnace. There have been times when I thought that heat, that suffering, would consume me. It did consume parts of me, but not the Real me.

He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
Agamemnon, Aeschylus

With that said, there are times when it's really wisest to release some of that heat (energy) to not 'shatter' - to be able to work on it again after cooling a bit - that's why a network is so important. We can never tell which is best, at any particular moment, on our own. There are people who push themselves too hard and lose the battle that way, there are people who give up too quickly because they dislike even moderate amounts of heat. The devil is in the details! If a person can just take the smallest steps toward 'sitting in that suffering' and not running from it, buffering it, releasing it, explaining it away, then larger steps can then be taken. One step a time.
I'm going to reproduce Perceval's post here in this thread since it's so important:

Perceval said:
I think this sums up pretty well how it should work

When the negative emotions are evoked in the sleeping, dreaming emotional center, in response to reality, elements from the intellectual or moving centers are added to them according to our social, religious, and psychological programming. We then "fall into confluence." Men and women commonly fall into moral prostitution in its infinitely varied shading because their actions or thoughts corrupt the pure negative emotions, deny them, suppress them, or otherwise create fantasies about reality using that energy.

As in the case of positive emotional reactions, the energy of the negative emotions spreads over the whole of the motor center and penetrated the motor sectors of the intellectual center and a state of profound confluence is the result. That is to say, that the individual will shift into a dream or an action that is programmed into them. Driven by shock or passion, a man loses his inner peace and falls immediately into the program, and proceeds to express his negative emotions via the intellectual or moving centers, and the energy is thereby lost.

If, however, at the moment when the negative emotions arises in him, the subject remains calm and does not mechanically begin to run a program, something powerful and positive can occur. By persistent introspection, the individual can observe the rise of the negative emotions and can disconnect them from intellectual or moving center usurpation and, understanding the origin of the reaction, will shed light on the inner darkness. The individual is then in a position to perform an act of primary importance:the liberation of the energy of the negative emotion for positive use. To allow this energy to be kept in the emotional center itself, to concentrate there, while simultaneously acquiring the knowledge of the external reality that stimulated the emotional reaction, and preventing the energy from being dissipated by the moving center, is a "victory" over the negative emotion, a mastery of the self that immediately brings an inflow of joy to the lower emotional center. This occurs when the negative emotional energy, concentrated in this way, causes the lower emotional center to vibrate at the rapid rhythm that is normal to it, which then establishes instant contact with the higher emotional center which triggers the current of higher emotional energy into the lower. The inflow of higher joy in the current of energy from the higher emotional center can then act on the energy concentrated in the lower emotional center by induction, transmuting it into the higher energy of the soul, which is the essential process of fusing the magnetic center, or growing the 4th density body - the gradual transformation of the physical body to the immortal body. With practice, this contact can be prolonged with more rapid results.

And, of course, the more violent the negative emotion, the greater the quantity of the emotional center energy that is produce, the more difficult the process, and the greater the rewards.

As the neophyte proceeds up the staircase, he will find that he experiences fewer negative emotions. It is at this point that he will discover the obvious utility of those who are hostile to him in the extreme. As long as he is on the Staircase it is in insults, hate, jealousy, treachery and the contempt of other men that the seeker finds the elements which are necessary for him to awaken his emotional center and utilize the "shocks" and "blows" and "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" to power his ascent.

By dominating the mechanical reactions - the programs - that the reality "out there" may produce in him, by separating and rejecting the elements that are parasites on the fine energy of this system, the seeker is able to mobilize the fine energy produced by the negative emotions. This accelerates the growth and development of the magnetic center which then enables the transition to the higher density. It is for this reason that the seeker understands why he should "love his enemies and bless those who curse and persecute him."

The saying: "Knowledge Protects" is wholly applicable to the inner revolution that takes place within the seeker. For all of our lives we are slaves to the programs that are set in motion by our negative emotions. Our intellectual centers steal this energy and produce all kinds of rationalizations, suppressions, fantasies of power or illusions that we have "mastered" the emotion simply because we are able to suppress it, or tell ourselves egotistical things like: "I'm better than that because see! I can suppress my reactions. I can say nice things when I am really boiling mad. That is what makes me superior." With knowledge of the true nature of reality and the programs that run in us, we are enabled to completely halt any such usurpation, to allow the concentration of the emotions - whether negative or positive - which then set our entire being on a higher vibration.
Hi Gertrudes, just to add to the above description of the process of the transmutation of negative emotions (which is the best description of the process that I've ever read) there is this in the Cassiopaea glossary on the difference between mechanical and conscious suffering which goes into more detail in Ouspensky's book In Search Of The Miraculous.

From the Glossary on mechanical and conscious suffering:

The 4th Way has a complex notion involving conscious and automatic suffering, seen as being diametrically opposite in their effects.

Gurdjieff speaks of the holy 'being partkdolg duty' in Beelzebub's Tales. This is defined as consisting of conscious labors and intentional suffering and is an impulse necessary for man's development towards objective reason and being.

This is not to be confused with mechanical suffering, which is the emotional or physical reaction to anything ordinarily painful. This 'feeds the moon,' whereas intentional suffering and conscious labors produce internal friction which is necessary for crystallizing anything of lasting value. The difference between the two types of suffering can be quite subtle and often ambiguous.

Ouspensky quotes Gurdjieff in In Search of the Miraculous:

"… If there is anything in the world that people do not understand it is the idea of sacrifice. They think they have to sacrifice something that they have. For example, I once said that they must sacrifice 'faith,' 'tranquillity,' 'health.' They understand this literally. But then the point is that they have not got either faith, or tranquillity, or health. All these words must be taken in quotation marks. In actual fact they have to sacrifice only what they imagine they have and which in reality they do not have. They must sacrifice their fantasies. But this is difficult for them, very difficult. It is much easier to sacrifice real things.

"Another thing that people must sacrifice is their suffering. It is very difficult also to sacrifice one's suffering. A man will renounce any pleasures you like but he will not give up his suffering. Man is made in such a way that he is never so much attached to anything as he is to his suffering. And it is necessary to be free from suffering. No one who is not free from suffering, who has not sacrificed his suffering, can work. Later on a great deal must be said about suffering. Nothing can be attained without suffering but at the same time one must begin by sacrificing suffering. Now, decipher what this means."
Thanks anart for the reminder about conscious suffering. I pray I won't forget it next time a negative emotion arises... I see now that I've wasted so many opportunities to progress. In any case, I think that this dark period many of us have been living, together with this reminder, will be useful to give us the living image of what we don't want to do, so it will be easier next time to recognize the chance and be victorious.
Thank you Anart, Ana and Kenlee. That was extremely helpful.
I'm reading Laura's signature differently now, I think I'm beginning to understand it.
I'm also understanding differently the excerpt from Gurdjieff on suffering, it wasn't very clear for me before.

Thank you also for pointing me out to the thread on Higher emotions where we find that quote from Perceval. I need to read the thread in its entirety, there is much there on this subject.
Jones said:
Gertrudes, if you are correct then you have worded it all in a way that has helped me understand what I've been reading. So thank you and I also look forward to clarification on this.

I'm glad me trying to understand it has helped you :)
Bluebird said:
(L) Okay, we've got some questions here that people have assembled. The first question is: "Do genetically modified foods affect human DNA?"

A: Yes! Very bad.

I remember reading somewhere that scientists found that genetically modified food altered the DNA of lab animals. Even more diabolical they ensure genetically modified food is not labelled so its very difficult to know what you are eating.


I remember reading this also on SOTT. And I looked at the time this was brought up in another thread, and was unable to find it. More than likely because of not using the right key words in the search function. So it is good to know that others have also read something similar.

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