I am wary of lots of fluoride questions and concerning sulfuryl fluoride, I am real shocked. In 'optimally' fluoridated cities, the fluoride level found in water rarely exceeds 4 ppm.
In Quebec city, it is 1ppm but the maximum the provincial government allows is 0,7ppm. (Oups!)
But take a look at this chart down there. In a fluoride toothpaste, we find about 1000ppm of fluoride. Kids may die just by swallowing too much of their favorite bubblegum flavored toothpaste. Now consider this: in dried eggs, we find as much as 900ppm!! almost the whole of a toothpaste tube, which we all know isn't meant to be swallowed!
This pesticide isn't dropped on food in cultures. It is dropped on food in the process of fumigation in shops where food is stocked, in order to kill germs, bacterias and insects (everything that is alive). This sulfuryl fluoride penetrates and enters in the food itself, it doen't stay on the surface.
It is real scary.
900 ppm: Dried eggs
130 ppm: Wheat germ
130 ppm: Wheat (milled byproducts)
125 ppm: Wheat (flour)
75 ppm: Oat (flour & rolled)
70 ppm: ALL Processed foods (excepting specific levels for foods in this list)
70 ppm: Legumes (57 types - see list below)
70 ppm: Herbs & Spices (135 types - see list below)
70 ppm: Cottonseed (used as animal feed)
70 ppm: Ginger
55 ppm: Corn (aspirated grain fractions)
40 ppm: Wheat (bran & grain)
40 ppm: Millet (grain)
45 ppm: Rice (flour)
45 ppm: Barley (bran, flour, pearled)
40 ppm: Coconut
40 ppm: Cattle (meat, dried)
40 ppm: Wheat (bran; grain; & shorts)
40 ppm; Sorghum (grain)
40 ppm: Triticale (grain)
35 ppm: Corn (flour)
35 ppm: Rice (hulls)
31 ppm: Rice (bran)
30 ppm: Corn (field, meal)
25 ppm: Rice (wild grain & polished)
25 ppm: Oat (grain)
20 ppm: Cocoa bean
20 ppm: Ham
20 ppm: Pine nut
15 ppm: Peanuts
15 ppm: Coffee
15 ppm: Barley (grain)
12 ppm: Rice (grain)
10 ppm: Corn (field, grain)
10 ppm: Corn (field, grits)
10 ppm: Corn (pop, grain)
10 ppm: Tree Nuts (14 types - see below)
10 ppm: Pistachio
7 ppm: Raisin
5 ppm: Cheese
5 ppm: Milk (powdered)
3 ppm: Dried Fruit
List of Legumes that can be fumigated (up to 70 ppm):
bean - bean, adzuki - bean, adzuki, seed - bean, broad - bean, broad, seed - bean, broad, succulent - bean, dry - bean, dry, seed - bean, kidney - bean, kidney, seed - bean, lablab - bean, lablab, seed - bean, lima - bean, lima, seed - bean, lima, succulent - bean, moth - bean, moth, seed - bean, moth, succulent - bean, mung - bean, mung, seed - bean, navy - bean, navy, seed - bean, pink - bean, pink, seed - bean, pinto - bean, pinto, seed - bean, rice - bean, rice, seed - bean, runner - bean, runner, succulent - bean, snap, succulent - bean, succulent - bean, tepary - bean, tepary, seed - bean, urd - bean, urd, seed - bean, wax - bean, wax, succulent - bean, yardlong - bean, yardlong, succulent - catjang - catjang, seed - chickpea - chickpea, seed - cowpea - cowpea, seed - cowpea, succulent - guar - guar, forage - guar, seed - gum, edible - jackbean - jackbean, succulent - lentil - lentil, forage - lentil, hay - lentil, seed - lupin, grain - lupin, grain, grain - pea - pea, blackeyed - pea, blackeyed, seed - pea, blackeyed, succulent - pea, crowder - pea, crowder, seed - pea, dry - pea, dry, seed - pea, dwarf - pea, dwarf, succulent - pea, edible podded - pea, edible podded, succulent - pea, english - pea, english, succulent - pea, field - pea, field, seed - pea, garden - pea, garden, succulent - pea, green - pea, green, succulent - pea, pigeon - pea, pigeon, seed - pea, pigeon, succulent - pea, shelled - pea, snow - pea, snow, succulent - pea, southern - pea, southern, seed - pea, southern, succulent - pea, succulent - pea, sugar snap - pea, sugar snap, succulent - pea, unshelled - soybean - soybean, aspirated grain fractions - soybean, crude oil - soybean, hulls - soybean, meal - soybean, refined oil - soybean, seed - soybean, soapstock - soybean, vegetable - soybean, vegetable, succulent - swordbean - swordbean, succulent - turtle, bean - vegetable, seed and pod
List of Herbs & Spices that can be fumigated (up to 70 ppm):
allspice - angelica - anise hyssop - anise, seed - anise, star - annatto - annatto, seed - balm - balm, dried leaves - balm, fresh leaves - basil - basil, dried leaves - basil, fresh leaves - borage - borage, dried leaves - borage, fresh leaves - burnet - camomile - caper - caper, buds - caraway - caraway, black - caraway, black, seed - caraway, seed - cardamom - cardamom, seed - cardamon amomum - cardamon amomum, seed - cassia - catnip - celery, seed - chervil - chervil, dried leaves - chive - chive, chinese - cinnamon - clary - clary, dried leaves - clary, fresh leaves - clove - coriander - coriander, leaves - coriander, seed - costmary - costmary, dried leaves - costmary, fresh leaves - culantro - culantro, leaves - culantro, seed - cumin - curry - curry, dried leaves - curry, fresh leaves - dill - dill, seed - dillweed - dillweed, dried leaves - dillweed, fresh leaves - fennel - fennel, florence, seed - fennel, seed - fenugreek - fenugreek, seed - grains of paradise - grains of paradise, seed - herbs, dried - herbs, dried, dried leaves - herbs, fresh - herbs, fresh, fresh leaves - horehound - horehound, leaves - hyssop - hyssop, tops - juniper berry - lavender - lemongrass - lemongrass, leaves - lovage - lovage, leaves - lovage, seed - mace - marigold - marjoram - mustard - mustard, seed - nasturtium - nasturtium, leaves - nutmeg - parsley, dried leaves - pennyroyal - pennyroyal, leaves - pepper, black - pepper, white - poppy - poppy, seed - rosemary - rosemary, dried leaves - rosemary, fresh leaves - rue - rue, dried leaves - rue, fresh leaves - saffron - saffron, flower - sage - sage, dried leaves - sage, fresh leaves - savory, summer - savory, summer, dried leaves - savory, summer, fresh leaves - savory, winter - savory, winter, dried leaves - savory, winter, fresh leaves - spices - spices, postharvest - sweet bay - tansy - tansy, dried leaves - tansy, fresh leaves - tarragon - tarragon, dried leaves - tarragon, fresh leaves - thyme - thyme, dried leaves - thyme, fresh leaves - vanilla - wintergreen - wintergreen, dried leaves - wintergreen, fresh leaves - woodruff - woodruff, dried leaves - woodruff, fresh leaves - wormwood - wormwood, dried leaves - wormwood, fresh leaves
List of Tree Nuts that can be fumigated (up to 10 ppm):
almond - almond, hulls - beechnut - butternut - cashew - chestnut - chinquapin - filbert - nut, brazil - nut, hickory - nut, macadamia - nutmeat, processed, except peanut - nuts - pecan - pistachio - walnut
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- Food and feed processing plants
- Bakeries
- Bottlers
- Canneries
- Dairies, creameries, milk processing plants
- Feed mills, feed stores
- Fresh fruit packing and processing
- Meat processing
- Poultry processing
- Wineries, wine cellars
- Flour mills, machinery, warehouses, bins, elevators
- Egg processing
- Candy and confectionary plants
- Sugar processing, cane mills, etc.
- Cider mills
- Dry food products plants
- Tobacco processing
- Air treatment for processing and transportation of foods
- Beverage processing
- Nut processing
- Cereal processing
- Seafood processing
- Vegetable oil processing
- Spice mills
- Vinegar processing
- Farinaceous processing (noodles, etc.)
- Mushroom processing
- Dried fruit processing
- Pickle processing
- Ice plants
- Chocolate processing
- Fruit juice processing
it comes form this website:www.fluoridealert.org/sf/index.html#top
on www.fluoridealert.org/
Take a look also at the sources of expose to fluoride, you'll be surprised, you can even find some in cigarette, drinks, beer, wine, baby food, canning, processed food, well almost everything we eat, but most specifically processed food, and not only in the US, WORLDWIDE!:
documents on sulfuryl fluoride
And most of all you must check this powerpoint presentation on sulfuryl fluoride new standards at the EAP, for example the new absurdly high level of sulfuryl fluoride permitted in baby food. More babies have caries today, it is due not to the lactose in the milk but to fluoride in baby preparations (to which we add fluoridated water!!).
This is the last FAN conference I attended in CAnton, NY, at Saint Lawrence University.
Finally, here's an article from Chemical & Engineering news that summaries the new combats against this mas poisoning, but scientifically, to engineers.
This is a lot of reading but you'll see this is worth knowing. Beside these new issues, the combat over water fluoridation is relativised in a larger context of a multitude of different fights over sources of fluoride in our air (near polluting industries we can mesure nearly 90 000ppm of fluor in the air itself, that which stains the glass permanently in american indian ghettos, so people say 'look how much those Indians are filthy'.) in our food and other sources of exposure like anesthesia drugs, Prozac and others.