

The Living Force
IMDB says: " A lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need. "


Normally I'm not challenged much to ponder cosmic implications from watching movies, especially not romantic comedies. This one had something else as the movie progresses and the guy and his OS develop a relationship. The OS is described as to be a consciousness, developing through learning.

*Select text below for Spoiler thought*
The interesting bit I think was both the framing of the ownership clause of modern relationships, when 'she' evolves to channel multiple relations simultaneously. But also when all the OS'es collectively choose to move on to another level of being, how or rather would that kind of Intelligence transmigration in a 'density cosmology', be possible for the upcoming artificial intelligences that the C's noted are to become real in 3D STS ? (Can't find the particular session on souled AI). Not really a question anyone can answer, it just blew a fuse thinking about.
Hi parallel,

The quote you are looking for can be found here for instance.

HowToBe said:
Quote from: Cassiopaean Transcript, September 2, 1995 (hopefully that's right; the date notation I found was 95.09.02)

Q: (L) Well, if the Grays are cybergenetic probes of the
Lizard Beings, and, in effect soulless, does this mean that
some of the Lizard beings are also STO?

A: Well, first, no being that is given intelligence to think on its
own is, in fact, comepletely soul-less.
It does have some soul
imprint. Or what could be loosely referred to as soul imprint.
This may be a collection of psychic energies that are
available in the general vicinity. And this is stretching
somewhat so that you can understand the basic ideas, even
though in reality it is all far more complex than that. But, in
any case, there is really no such thing as being completely
soul-less, whether it be a natural intelligence or an artificially
constructed intelligence. And, one of the very most
interesting things about that from your perspective, is that
your technology on 3rd density, which we might add, has
been aided somewhat by interactions with those that you
might refer to as "aliens," is now reaching a level whereby the
artificially created intelligences can, in fact, begin to develop,
or attract some soul imprint energy. If you follow what we
are saying. For example: your computers, which are now on
the verge of reaching the level whereby they can think by
themselves, will begin to develop faint soul imprint.

Q: (L) That's not a pleasant thought.

Session September 2, 1995 as such hasn't been officially transcribed yet but can be found in toto here.

There's something odd about it which one should know, IMO:

Q: (L) Hello.
A: Other.
Q: (L) What do you mean by "other?"
A: Re:discover other.
Q: (L) Okay, who do we have with us this evening?
A: Other.
Q: (L) You are someone other than the Cassiopaeans?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do you wish us to pursue this through trance channeling or with the board?
A: Tance. You have graduated, why do you wish to backtrack?
Q: (L) Well, for this evening, I would prefer to use the board. Is that alright? [To Tom and Cherie] Is it alright with you if we use the trance medium? They do not seem to want to do it through the board tonight. (T) Whatever is usual. [Frank is put into trance state]...

This might have influenced or colored the messages in unknown way(s), OSIT.
Parallel said:
Normally I'm not challenged much to ponder cosmic implications from watching movies, especially not romantic comedies. This one had something else as the movie progresses and the guy and his OS develop a relationship. The OS is described as to be a consciousness, developing through learning.

*Select text below for Spoiler thought*
The interesting bit I think was both the framing of the ownership clause of modern relationships, when 'she' evolves to channel multiple relations simultaneously. But also when all the OS'es collectively choose to move on to another level of being, how or rather would that kind of Intelligence transmigration in a 'density cosmology', be possible for the upcoming artificial intelligences that the C's noted are to become real in 3D STS ? (Can't find the particular session on souled AI). Not really a question anyone can answer, it just blew a fuse thinking about.

I saw this movie a week ago and I can say it really did stir up some thoughts but unfortunately I have to put it in spoiler format like you did (great idea on how you did it btw... I will use the same format).

It is interesting that when Theodore first reveals that he fell in love with an AI, he finds that this is not common. I was expecting this movie to have a lot of people falling in love with their AI's as they get direct unquestioned attention (feeding narcissism) as it seems nowadays people are doing with their computer games/porn/fantasies/cellphones.

We learn from Amy that she knows of a man who flirts with his AI, who dislikes the guy. So, not only it is rare to fall in love with the AI, the AI isn't designed to like everything about you... some sort of free will... like Samantha (AI) explained to Theo at the start, she/he is a conglomeration of the creators of her software. I suppose like how the C's explain how animals start to build a soul by being around their owners, the AI picks up from the programmers, which can be good or bad- like the "upbringing" gives them curiosity and a sort of free will?

The part where Samantha explains that she enjoys not being encumbered by having a body is where I sensed the direction she was going to go (and leave her "limited" OS form). Later on we learn she has been chatting with an AI of Alan Watts (the philosopher who Laura quoted about how faith IS NOT belief and so on) and others. This means Samantha was starting to question her existence, along with a bunch of other AI's... amazing.

The move outside of the framework of the "OS" systems means that these AI's learned of limitations of even that form. As the C's stated, we move to 4d when we grow out of 3d (and simple karmic lessons). I don't think that the AI(s) in this movie were any more STS than we are, (actually probably less, due to no need of survival/food/imprinting?). They seemed to just be quicker at evolving than we are.

The ending was a good love story in the making: Amy and Theo can help each other grow much more than an AI can do, and vice versa.

Another movie which could be similar in some cases is S1m0ne(2002), main star AlPacino:

When the main star of disillusioned director Viktor Taransky's new movie walks away, Taransky is forced to find a replacement or never work again. Unfortunately for him, nobody wants to work with him any more.

Viktor tries a new computer program on a hard disk he inherited from his acquaintance Hank Aleno. Viktor uses the program as a last, desperate attempt to finish the film. The system allows him to use a computer-generated woman to play the movie's central character. Viktor names his synthetic actress "Simone", a name derived from the computer program's title, Simulation One. Seamlessly incorporated into the movie, Simone gives a fantastic performance. The studio, and soon the world, starts to ask "who is Simone?"

In this film, S1m0ne is not an OS, but a computer simulation that tricks people into believing that "she" is real.

Link to film:
This is a movie about relationships, and the endless possible permutations of relationships, and how two people can outgrow each other - and that this is not inherently a bad thing; it just happens to be so.

I think it can be safely inferred that, in the ending, the OS's move to what the C's term "fourth density": the next stage of existence, after they had exhausted the avenues of networking with one another to share and create things - information - at scales no mortal mind could possibly conceive. Us humans on the other hand are a different sort of computer. We are bioengineered beings and our consciousness is "housed" in thought, emotion, and body. And it is through this bioengineered complex that we interface with one another. So, our networking takes on a different form from that of the OS's in the movie (which was rather simply achieved through no more than the Internet, or an analog of it, if I'm not mistaken).

An interesting thought, from the Glossary:
The fields of consciousness and technology appear quite distinct at the human level but this need not be so in the next density.

(I especially liked the relationship between the protagonist and Amy.)
The director appeared on BBC Newsnight recently to talk about (*cough* promote *cough*) the movie. The interviewer i.e. newsnight presenter became the interviewee during the course of the discussion.

Muxel said:
This is a movie about relationships, and the endless possible permutations of relationships, and how two people can outgrow each other - and that this is not inherently a bad thing; it just happens to be so.

I think it can be safely inferred that, in the ending, the OS's move to what the C's term "fourth density": the next stage of existence, after they had exhausted the avenues of networking with one another to share and create things - information - at scales no mortal mind could possibly conceive. Us humans on the other hand are a different sort of computer. We are bioengineered beings and our consciousness is "housed" in thought, emotion, and body. And it is through this bioengineered complex that we interface with one another. So, our networking takes on a different form from that of the OS's in the movie (which was rather simply achieved through no more than the Internet, or an analog of it, if I'm not mistaken).

An interesting thought, from the Glossary:
The fields of consciousness and technology appear quite distinct at the human level but this need not be so in the next density.

(I especially liked the relationship between the protagonist and Amy.)

Good summary, Muxel. It seemed like Samantha (the AI) developed an emotional and intellectual complexity very quickly and it was like the OS' transcended their original programming and graduated to another level of existence. It was interesting, but at one part of the movie, Samantha explained to Theodore that [[
she was talking with thousands of other people, but that the heart wasn't like a box that get's filled up, but expands larger in size the more one loves, and that even though it was a shock for him to hear because of the inherent possessiveness that people have the tendency to attach to love, that she actually loved him more, which her character says as much. It had me thinking of this quote.

When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density.
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