Romanian language not as we know it

edgitarra said:
With serious funding from nationalist circles, they have created a pretty high-budget documentary (high-budget for Romania, that is), called "Dacians, Unsettling Truths" which you can find here, if you are interested in following this story: "

I would highly recommend to watch this documentary for those interested in finding more material. I am posting it again because it is easier to be found, rather than the post above.
It is very interesting. There is apparently a second part but I could not find subtitles. Then I found this story which takes one back into prehistoric times:

_ with the Romanian title " Misterul Sfinxului din Carpați - partea I" I began to watch and caught some ideas of an interview between the host Daniel Roxin and his guest, Oana Raluca Ghiocel who then presents, beginning at around 8:50 min into the video, a film/documentary in English about the Carpatian Sphinx and the search of lost goddess worshipping civilizations in the same region. Later there is quite a load of hytpothesis about the Neandertals which is elaborated on in the second part, Misterul Sfinxului din Carpați - partea a II - a _ Whereas I watched the entire first part, I only viewed a few sections of the second part which. like the first part, begins with the English about 8-9 minutes in.
SeekinTruth said:
Very intriguing. Thanks for sharing, edgitarra. It's not just the lack of any real evidence of where Latin came from, but it seems nobody is really sure of where the very first people on the Italian peninsula, including Rome, came from either. I'm just reading Dionysius of Halicarnassus' Roman Antiquities and he starts with trying to identify the original inhabitants and settlers of Italy, and doesn't seem even as a first century BC historian to know for sure. He mentions conflicting accounts from different historians and writers over the centuries. His preferred claims seem to place the original settlers coming to Italy from Greece dozens of generations before the Trojan War. I think there might be something to the Romanian / Draco-Getae claims, too.

Indeed! And there is a great "Critical History of Rome" by Gary Forsythe that lays out all the problems with the faked Roman History:

Definitely worth reading. Excellent book.
There is a book that can be connected to this matter. It called "French does not come from Latin" by Yves Cortez. Apparently he was a journalist by profession and philologist by vocation.
Here is the prologue of the book (translated from spanish) and hope it be intelligible:

Contrary to the generally accepted idea, the French do not come from the Latin nor Italian, Spanish , Romanian or any other Romance language derived from Latin. Here is the summary of the thesis I will demonstrate .

In the early centuries of the history of Rome, two peoples, and therefore two languages ​​coexist in the small territory of Lazio. A people spoke Latin and the other spoke Italian. These two towns were merged into one. The Italian became the language spoken and written language remained Latin .

Thus, from the second century BC, the Romans were bilingual : they used Italian as spoken and written Latin as the language, and it is these two languages ​​which they contributed to all regions they conquered. After the Roman conquest in Italy, France, Spain and Romania, left their respective villages to adopt the Italian language as a spoken language and the Latin is only used for writing, as did the Romans.

It is plausible to think that the Romans call his spoken language the 'Roman'. To avoid confusion with our use of the term today, I will call the language spoken by the "old Italian" Roman. I use this term on purpose since the Romans spoke latin deformed, sometimes called "Vulgar Latin" or "Low Latin", but simply spoke a different language, which has not the latin as origin, and that it was a form Italian .

Bilingualism language spoken - written language has nothing exceptional. Shortly before the beginning of the Christian era, in Jerusalem, the Hebrew language spoken by the Jews until this time, gives way to Aramaic, but keeps its status of religious and literary language. The Jews of Christ's time were bilingual : they spoke Aramaic and Hebrew writing .

Today, in Arab countries, the Arabic dialect is spoken and written in classical Arabic only. In Germanic Switzerland, the spoken language is Swiss German and written language is High German. In Quebec, the spoken language is rich in words from an original vocabulary, but French is still used when writing academic perfectly. In Africa, in America and in Asia, bilingualism language spoken - written language is an everyday reality. Different people continue to use their native languages ​​and writing using the official language, usually the language of the former colonizers : the Spanish , the French, the English...

The strong divergence between Latin and the Romance languages ​​is under discussion for a long time among Latin scholars and linguists. In 1940 the Danish linguist Louis Hjelmslev concluded their research with these words : "the mother tongue we have come to rebuild is not the same Latin that has been handed down to us by the literature." In 1953, French linguist Jean Perrot notes just as the mother tongue has been reconstructed from the various Romance languages ​​"is not for the state to know Latin". Either find a very different Latin mother tongue but are hesitant to move away from dogma and say that instead of "another Latin" is quite simply "other language" .

In 1985 the great Latinist Jozsef Herman recognized at the international congress of linguistics and Roman philology, in front of an audience of coming scholars from around the world : "We Romanists, along with historians of the Latin language, we are almost the only ones to know with respect to the process of transformation from Latin to romance language, we have more hypothesis and controversies that certainties [ ... ] . "

In the late twentieth century, the more advanced the research, unless they disagreed researchers in regard to an explanation about the transformation of Latin in the Romance languages. The difficulties stem from the fact that researchers are prisoners of dogma that the Romance languages ​​come from Latin and manage to find explanations for all the supposed transformation of Latin. Try, therefore, to explain the disappearance of declensions, gender neutral, the deponent verbs, verbal adjectives, and the appearance of the items, the past perfect , conditional...without success.

Antoine Meillet, the famous French linguist of the early twentieth century, provides only partial demonstrations and unfounded conclusions hiding bad his peremptory formulas "common innovations result from the fact that a delicate and complex mechanism was handled by new people from all walks " [1 ] How is it possible that people from different backgrounds could cause the same linguistic innovations? There is a surprising mystery. For Antoine Meillet, the second major explanation lies in the fact that people prefer simplicity: "The deponent is the kind of useless complication in the language". The people, therefore , would get rid of the deponent. A little further says: "When you leave the neutral, Roman got rid of a linguistic category that meant nothing for a long time."

As for the Greek people, they have remained neutral, like the Germans and the Russians. Antoine Meillet has laws of variable geometry.

One of two things: either remain in the lyricism of Littre exclaiming in the introduction to his dictionary: "To the great surprise of the learned, mutations were made as if a concert had prepared beforehand determined" [2 ] or try to make a rigorous analysis and a little more scientific .

What are the main objections that can do the Latin origin of the Romance languages ​​?

- How is the disappearance of the same grammatical forms could occur in all the Romance languages ​​?

- How is the appearance of the same grammatical forms could occur in all the Romance languages ​​?

- How to explain the disappearance of the same Latin words and the appearance of a negotiation non-Latin words in all the Romance languages ​​?

- How to explain the disappearance of adjectives, adverbs, the most common Latin verbs in all Roman languages ​​?

- How is it that such a transformation has been made in less than four centuries, since the demise of the Roman Empire around the year 450 AD and the emergence of the Roman language mentioned at the Council of Tours, in 813, when stability of languages ​​seems to be a general law? Antoine Meillet, however, repeatedly demonstrates this feature of languages ​​in his book about the history of the Latin language: "language of a great empire, Latin remained stable for 800 years" [3 ] . After 8 centuries of stability, the language would have mutated from a stroke at a dizzying to the point of becoming something completely unrecognizable speed.

Antoine Meillet does feel that there 's a single Latin curiosity, and manages to find explanations for the stability of certain languages, as it does with the Turk. "Today Turkish is the Turkish thousand years ago , the rigid language outlining the history preserved". Will there be a law to explain the preservation of languages ​​by the schematic? Antoine Meillet also emphasizes that "the structure of Arabic today is still similar to that of the Semitic languages ​​than three thousand years ago". And who knows ancient Greek and modern Greek can not but be struck before the amazing continuity of Greek vocabulary and grammar over 2500 years. In fact , languages ​​are predominantly stable. So why a Latin transformation - transformationand go - in the course of less than four centuries only?

Why the Latin language is frozen, why all the Romance languages ​​resemble each other and are so different from latin?

We will review all these questions and I shall endeavor to make accessible to nonspecialists demonstration. It is necessary, however, my dear reader, that you are aware of two major pitfalls:

First, you can not escape the weight of dogma, and it will come to mind constantly the same question: "But how is it possible that every university, in every country, teach the Latin origin of the Romance languages? Perhaps they are wrong for so long and steadily that possible? And why would an amateur who make this discovery, not a university scholar? " .

Just do not think that a minister of the church at the same time I could question the dogma and tradition. See how linguists Perrot and Jean Louis Hjelmslev censor. They stop halfway through the crossing. Do not be timid. Dare to go to the extreme of logic, whatever your previous convictions.

The second obstacle comes from a superficial analysis do believe that Latin and the Romance languages ​​have many common points. Do not want to say that the latter are spawned from the first? The German and English, both Germanic languages ​​are quite close, and yet , the English language does not have the German like mother tongue, the same with Russian and Polish, for example.

The many common points into Latin and the Romance languages ​​come from their common origin, the Indo-European. To this are added the effects of coexistence of nearly 20 centuries between the Romance languages ​​spoken and written language as Latin, to the point that many Romance words are taken as loans from Latin.

Finally, the blind belief in a Latin origin of the Romance languages ​​has led to the French etymologists to invent a Latin origin almost every word. All procedures, from the witty to the most dishonest, are at the service of demonstrating an alleged affiliation without respect for any scientific rule. Will show that the Indo-European origin often appears much more evidence, and it is possible to imagine more rational etymologies. Surely you must have heard thousands of times the word WORK comes from the Latin "tripalium" (instrument of torture), that the word SLAVE comes from the "slavus" (Slavic), or that the word FOREST comes from "Forestis" (exterior). These etymologies are unfounded, but they reinforce the idea of a Latin origin of the Romance languages ​​when they are nothing but the result of our wrong ramblings.

There also I imagine your bewilderment. How - I - tell you that all our etymology is false and what are their titles to afford such questioning? As I said: I am not a man of the temple. Simply, for years I have studied many languages ​​and linguistics, and I discovered that there was another possible way.

Let me quote Buddha, "Do not believe in anything simply hearsay. No attesting only to the traditions because they have been honored after numerous generations. Do not believe in anything simply from the testimony of a sage of antiquity. Do not believe something because the odds in your favor or play because custom push us to take it as true. Do not believe in anything based only on the sole authority of your teachers or priests".

It is this provision which applied to consider another Copernican worldview.

Get rid of your preconceived ideas, not placed in the hands of specialists, judge for yourselves .

I next two schemes affiliation Roman languages ​. The "old" scheme, which is taught in all universities, and the new scheme, which will demonstrate in this book.

In the old scheme, the primitive language, the indoeuropean have originated the Latin. Since Roman times, Latin would have evolved into a low Latin, which would have given birth to the Romance languages.

In the new scheme, which will demonstrate in this book, have given rise to the Indo-European Latin, on the one hand, and on the other, the old Italian, long before the Roman era, then, the old Italian had given birth the various Romance languages, while Latin had no children.

[1] Antoine Meillet, Esquisse d’une histoire de la langue latine, 1928. Librairie Klincksieck.
[2] Emile Littré, Dictionnaire de la langue française, Librairie Hachette, 1870.
[3] Op. cit.
Seems that the thesis is interesting enough to buy the book. But in the light of this thread, if the "old Italian" proposed by the author was the Dacian-Romanian (almost identical to Sanskrit if I understood well) would be a key to understanding a lot more.
Yozilla said:
I also wonder if Alexander the Great was Romanian instead Greek (another hoax from Greek enforcers?). Also this tribe of Getae (Celts" :huh:) in Punjabi, are they remains of "Great Celtic Empire" in which Sanskrit was spoken? So cheating "Greeks put all that in one myth about one great Greek that conquered the world - for propaganda purposes?
It is very interesting think on it. The Greeks would inherited what could be their natural inheritance of the Dacians and others aryan tribes in the area who spoke Sanskrit, but maybe later the pathologicals, "erased traces" for imperialist issues. And the same with Troy. Seeing where these people lived, perhaps Troy was close of the shores of the black sea? (Thinking it more wildly, if they have been in india, Troy could have been near of the Arabian Sea). I know that do not match with what some writers have said about the Turkish Mediterranean or the British Isles or the Baltics options. Just a thought.
Certainement que le Sanskrit est la langue la plus ancienne...Mais cela ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y ait pas d'autre source.
Selon le magazine scientifique "Pour la science" (janvier-mars 2014) "L'évolution des langues": Le vascon est une langue qui s'est réfugiée durant la dernière glaciation dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, proche des Pyrénées et de l'Espagne. Les Indo-Européens ont très peu progressé en Espagne. A Fribourg en Allemagne, on a trouvé un campement datant de 18 000 ans, établi par des hommes qui réinvestissaient des contrées libérées par les glaces. Les hommes donnèrent alors des noms aux fleuves et aux lieux qu'ils rencontraient. Certains de ces noms ont subsisté. Les Vascons auraient été les premiers à nommer les fleuves, rivières, lieux et montagnes en Europe. Un tel rôle avait été attribué aux Indo-Européens, mais comme nous l'avons souligné, les racines "fossiles" ne ressemble guère aux racines indo-européennes. Par exemple, en Allemagne, près de la moitié des noms anciens de cours d'eau commence par une voyelle. Le (a) commence souvent le mot, et on le trouve aussi souvent en milieu ou en fin de mot. Le (i) et le (u) sont également très fréquents.
Cette caractéristique est absente de l'indo-européen, qui utilise plutôt le (e) et (o) rarement en début de mot. Au contraire dans la langue basque (langue franco-espagnol contemporaine), les voyelles (a, i et u) sont très fréquentes. L'Ibérie pays des Ibères, actuelle péninsule Ibérique, comprenant l'Espagne et le Portugal, pourrait bien tenir son nom du fleuve Eber qui coule au Nord de l'Espagne, et dont l'ancienne dénomination était "Iberus". Les Romains nommaient ainsi ce cours d'eau, mais des peuplades basques l'appelaient "Ibai" ou "Ibar", ce qui en basque signifie "fleuve". Plus de 2000 kilomètres à l'Est, au Monténégro et en Serbie, la rivière Ibar se jette dans la Morava occidentale. Les exemples "Ibar" sont nombreux dans toute l'Europe. Dans 200 noms de cours d'eau de la Norvège à l'Italie, d'Espagne à la Russie, de la Grande-Bretagne aux Balkans, on trouve également l
Certainly Sanskrit is the oldest language ... But this does not mean that there is no other source.
Indo-Europeans arrived while still under Neolithic there 8000 years.
According to the science magazine " Scientific American " ( January-March 2014 ) " The evolution of language " : The Vascon is a language that has taken refuge during the last glaciation in the South West of France , near the Pyrenees and Spain. Indo- Europeans have made ​​very little progress in Spain. In Freiburg, Germany , found a camp dating back 18,000 years , established by men who reinvest the countries liberated by ice. The men then gave names to rivers and places they encountered. Some of these names have survived. The Basques were the first to name the rivers, mountains and places in Europe. Such a role was attributed to Indo- Europeans, but as we have noted, " fossil " roots bears little resemblance to the Indo -European roots . For example, in Germany, nearly half of the former names of rivers starts with a vowel . The ( a) often begins the word , and it is also often found in the middle or end of the word . The ( i ) and ( u ) are also very common .
This feature is absent from Indo-European , which instead uses the ( e ) and ( o) rarely start of a word . In contrast, in the Basque language (contemporary Franco-Spanish language ) , vowels (a, i and u) are very common. Iberia Iberian countries , current Iberian Peninsula , including Spain and Portugal , might take its name from Eber flowing river in northern Spain , whose former name was " Iberus " . The Romans and named this river , but the Basque tribes called " Ibai " or " Ibar " , which in Basque means " river " . More than 2000 kilometers east , Montenegro and Serbia, the Ibar River flows into Western Morava . 200 names in rivers of Norway to Italy , Spain, Russia , Great Britain in the Balkans, there is also the " iz " variant which means water or watercourse. There are many examples throughout Europe . The word " Land" is also a word Basques . The Vascons had a vigémal system (20) as the Mayans. Vascons come Pyrenees ... In some translations the word "Pyrenees" mean pyramid, sea or space. E. Cayes said that the Atlanteans before their disaster they have migrated Egypts and Pyrenees. The Vascons and the Egyptians did not they be the same people?
Well, the origin of the Basque language also seems to be "antediluvian", right. And in the forum has been recommended Stephen Oppenheimer's book, "Origins of the British" on possible Basque populations in the islands prior to the Germanic invasions (sorry I have not read that book yet).

Here's an interesting note about that the people of Spain 7,000 years ago had dark skin and blue eyes :

It is said to be a possible mixture between Aryans and Africans ( this because standard science says that modern man comes from Africa. But the Egyptian question you've hinted, Kisito, may have some validity. I do not know). Another possibility is a mixture between Aryans and " Native Americans" previous arrival to Spain. Also could be adaptations to different environments, without mixture.
Spain is so fascinating to anthropological studies : Basques , Germanics ( Suevi and Vandals , besides Alans, etc), Romans, Arabs, Jews, Gypsies.
The article ends by saying this:
"For fans of the "Paleo Diet" and other get-back-to-nature notions, the study brings some good news, suggesting that people carry around plenty of genes left over from their primeval forebears. The survival of some disease-resistance genes that mattered greatly in antiquity, as shown by their continuity in modern humans, also can help show how evolution worked its magic on us, and is still working today."
On the subject of Basque, I've attached a recent paper (and reply to critics) that attempts to connect Basque and Indo-European. I only downloaded it recently and haven't read it in detail, so I can't comment on it, but you can see what you think.


  • Basque as IE.pdf
    1.7 MB · Views: 19
  • Basque as IE_Reply_to_critics.pdf
    459.4 KB · Views: 13

Thank you for bringing up a fascinating subject. I am born and educated in Romania and living abroad brought closer the history of my country of origin and created space for questions like: Where does 'strugure' ( grape) word come from? It seems that I'll have to actually learn Sanskrit and not keep postponing it. Thank you again. But to come back to your essay (?) I wished I could sustain a conversation on all three directions linguistic, religions and archaeological / historical however, I must confess I have not yet managed to systematically cover even 10% of the available material.
I am aware of the following facts though:
- In Romania there is no official intention to revisit the Illuminism (as cultural current) (1948) definitions regarding the Latin origins of the Romanian people and language. As a consequence the archeological research is great but non existent to the extent that Sarmisegetuza Regia Archaeological Complex is close to be taken over by nature.
- Thracian culture has come forth recently due to a very active and well resourced Bulgarian archaeological research as well as restoration of the sites. Therefore in the academic environment there is a subjective bias for the Thracian culture being mainly characteristic to the South of Danube created out of absence of evidence (excavated mounds) to the North of the Danube.
- Regarding the Thracian language I actually found some interesting articles and books:
- Regarding the Dacian - Thracian EU ? ( ;) )connection Mircea Eliade in the History of Religions (Zalmoxes Chapter) is quite boldly suggesting that many western European oral cultures (tales and legends) as well as early historical texts assert as national figures Burebista (Dacian king) and Deceneu high priest. Most than likely he was influenced by N. Densusianu (Dacia Preistorica, 1913) and V. Lovinescu (Geticus - La Dacie Hyperboreenne, Etudes Traditionnelles , 1936-1937) among other sources such as 23525453-fontes-historiae-dacoromanae-izvoarele-istoriei-romaniei-volumul-i.
- Regarding the Vatican .... it is indeed a pity as the texts are only in Romanian. I am currently reading about the initial schism between the Catholic and the Orthodox Church as it brings some interesting historical texts related to the Christianity before and after Constantine the Great.

I'd love to discuss more on the subject(s) but as I find myself lost in a tumultuous danube of information, I would appreciate at least a Wilson.

Kind regards
Thank you Edgitarra for your highly unexpected and unusual topic. It was a great surprise for me as it would've been probably for many other forum participating people.

This would be my first interaction in the forum excepting for my self-presenting initial sketch therefore I am going to ask you to forgive me for any of the rules I may have overlooked or broken.
I intend not to use any quotations due to the fact that there are too many important and thematically dense entries on the above topic and that would make it very difficult for me to choose from and would throw in my two cents worth of personal bits of comments, ideas and opinions:
- regarding ROMANIANS - ROMANI, they were calling themselves RUMANI or RUMUNI, and called VLAHI, VLACHI, BLAHI, BLACHI, VLACHOS, BLACHOS, and some more, by the populations speaking other languages, or outside of the Thraco-Gaeto-Dacian Empire limits. All these have been known even from historical writings as late as XIV - XVI centuries.

- the limits of the Thracian- Dacian-Gaetic Empire stretched south up to Dalmatia, with limit the Adriatic and further south to where it was the ancient Macedonia. It is therefore just expected that those areas would have population of Walachian - Rumanian origin living there even after the limit of the Empire shrank to the nowadays limits of Romania. That population spoke - and still speaks it where population survived the cultural onslaught - a form of old Rumanian language, known as Wlachic language. That is how the "Sanskrit" words penetrated in those areas of Slavic substance, and not brought in by anybody from India or Tibet. We must remember when the Slavic population invaded the Balkans and how long thereafter the Turkish people came to be in Europe, long, long, after the Wlachic language was a fact.
- if "ciorba" in Romanian or Turkish "chorba" have been borrowed by one or the other, the origin of the Sanskrit word would be difficult to dispute, due to its very old age.
- regarding the origin of old Rumanian words found on areas of India, there are a number of researchers who studied the Vedic epics patronymics and reached the conclusion that many of them were in fact personification of toponymies of mountains, rivers, places, etc, from actual Romania. That would come as possible evidence of the Gaetic population migrating eastwards and reaching India, possibly authoring those heroic epics and giving the names of the places left behind, and possibly hinting to the wars, victims of natural or nuclear catastrophes that might have chased them away from home.
- Sanskrit - Rumanian origins. As mentioned in the comments, the Cs gave Sanskrit as originating with Atlantean populations. Along of the same vein, let me add that according to the translations of SOME OF the heavily controversial SINAIA TABLETS, the authors of the tablets maintained they were of Atlantean descent!
- on the hen or egg priority applied to Rumanian vs Latin languages, I would like to say that a few facts in not too far past history may throw a bit of extra confusion in this mess: not so long ago it still existed a region in present days Slovakia named The Autonomous Region of Walachia inhabited by Wlachi, speaking a very primitive Rumanian; Sweden had for a long while a self-governing province of Dacia, the Spanish population still maintains they are descendants of the Dacians, as do the people of Pays D'oc in France, who speak an entirely different language from French. There is an essay authored by a Swedish lawyer, regarding the origin of the Swedish natural laws, that arguments it to the effect of common origin of Dacian, Dutch, Goths, Gaete, Dans from the same origin, in Carpathians, all of them being Thracians, and the origin of the natural Swedish laws, streaming out of the Laws of Zalmoksis, the Dacian God King.
I believe we all know, perceived or have the conviction that the history as given to us is a big lie. Why? we may find out if sticking around long enough and keeping on digging.
I consider the Carpathian people's history as being part of the great long lived global deception, but there is hope of finding out what it really is, despite of the continued attempts to prevent us from accessing to the real one.

With brotherly love,
To the author of this article.

I'm a Romanian living today in Hamburg and I'm very interested about this subject. I would like to get some more details, facts if that's possible.

Please let me know if you'd like to share these info's and/or provide me more informations. I have searched a lot in the internet but 99,9% of what I found is the same...fake history... Let's be serious, no population in 165 years will forget their language and completely assimilate a new one. We are talking here about 3 max 4 generations. That's practically impossible. Common, why the british, greeks, swiss and others languages are toady not coming from latin and they have been hundreds of years under the romans, much more than the Dacians?

We have been under the Ottoman Empire for 500 years and trust me I have no idea about turkish language :), same for hungarian, russian...

I 've seen the movie under your link, excellent but being Romanian I would like to get also sources and views from non-romanians in order to avoid the nationalism.

I hope I will get some news from you and respect for your article, excellent written.

With my regards,

Hi georgefrancisc,

Welcome to the Forum. It's a custom for new members to introduce themselves on the Newbie board. Just a little bit about yourself and how you came to find us. As far as your research, you can continue this thread with your findings, and add why you think the information is false. You never know when someone else may have been researching along the same lines. Sharing information and weeding out the useless stuff is the heart of the forum.

Have fun!
A conversation led to a task of searching for more links between Roman culture and that of the ancient Romanian culture. Perhaps not very different from what has been written already, but anyway:
The search begang by the reviewing the video that Edgitarre linked to:
Dacians - Unsettling truths - Full movie 2012 [ENG sub]
_ 51m 58 s
At about 26 minutes and 37 minutes they mention genetic research that is interpreted to mean that people from the ancestors of Romanians (not to be confused with the Roma people from Punjab and Pakistan (Gypsies)) came to Rome.
The above video led to a newer video, by the same author, Daniel Roxin:
The Thracians, a Hidden History - HD 2013
_ 56m 44 s

An outside, non-Romanian, perspective on espcially the archeological findings of gold can be found in this video:
The Gold of the Thracians
_ 48m 12 s
This video has a good English voice-over. Tthe amount of gold and the skill the artists had are astonishing.

A compilation of various videos, including those of Daniel Roxin, but also drawing on other sources and texts read by what almost sounds as a machine voice-over can be found in the following extensive series covering about 3000 years up until the present. Below are the titles, links and duration, with a few comments.
History of Romania part 1 / Istoria Romaniei partea 1 - Intro
_ 2m 49 s.
History of Romania part 2 - Prehistory / Istoria Romaniei partea 2 - Preistorie
_ 22m 38 s
History of Romania part 3 - Thracians / Istoria Romaniei partea 3 - Tracii
_ 1h 06 m 28 s
There is a map within the first minute showing the alleged extent of Thracian rule. At minute 4-5 there is a map showing the gentic links between European groups with reference to one marker that is said to have orginated in Europe. There is a map around 1h with explanation that the Etruscan were Thracian people, that Rome was founded by Thracian people fleeing battle of Troy. At the end, there is an academic who explains that Romanian is not descended from Latin, but that it is the other way round. (BTW: They are assuming though that Troy was located in Western Turkey.)
History of Romania part 4 - Dacians 1 / Istoria Romaniei partea 4 - Dacii 1
_ 28m 05s
Speaks in the beginning of the Romanian art.
History of Romania part 5 - Dacians 2 / Istoria Romaniei partea 5 - Dacii 2
_ 58m 38 s
History of Romania part 6 - Culture / Istoria Romaniei partea 6 - Cultura
_ 42m 17s
History of Romania part 7 - Continuity / Istoria Romaniei partea 7 - Continuitate
_ 41m 51s
History of Romania part 8 - Hungary 1 / Istoria Romaniei partea 8 - Ungaria 1
_ 1h 10m 28s
This is actually a long reading of the suppression conducted mainly by the Hungarian speakers rulers. At minute 48 there comes an interview with people who survived Hungarian ethnic cleansing during WWII. It seems to me the text that is read out in the first half contains a fair bit of repetition. In any case, it is quite a history of ethnic cleansing. What one finds out in this video is how Hungary became a nation through very agressive means applied over hundreds of years.
History of Romania part 9 - Hungary 2 (Szeklers) / Istoria Romaniei partea 9 - Ungaria 2 (Secuii)
_ 30m 37s
In this video there is something about a Runic alphabeth being used in the middle ages. This begs the question if the Runes were really invented by the Northern Germanic tribes, or if it came from somewhere else?
History of Romania part 10 - Leaders / Istoria Romaniei partea 10 - Conducatori
_ 21m 02s
History of Romania part 11 - 19th century / Istoria Romaniei partea 11 - Secolul 19 _ 24m 06s
History of Romania part 12 - WW1 / Istoria Romaniei partea 12 - Primul Razboi Mondial _ 1h 02m 04 s
History of Romania part 13 - WW2 a) / Istoria Romaniei partea 13 - Al 2lea R.M. a) _ 1h 17m 03s
History of Romania part 14 - WW2 b) / Istoria Romaniei partea 14 - al 2lea R.M. b) _ 56m 23s
History of Romania part 15 - Holocaust / Istoria Romaniei partea 15 - Holocaust _ 1h 27m 31s
History of Romania part 16 - present / Istoria Romaniei partea 16 - prezent
_ 1h 12m 00s
The last video is about the relation between Jews and Romanians in the last video. How some Jews behaved when arriving in great number during the 19th century is very instructive. It is around minute 5.

If anyone wishes a picture of what Romania should look like according to some Romanians then have a look at the map at the beginning of this video: _ But one should notice that other coutry borders also have been changed. Ukraine and Hungary do not even exist. By reading the comments to the video one gets and idea of how strong the emotions can get when it comes to national borders.
By reading the comments to the video one gets and idea of how strong the emotions can get when it comes to national borders.

Not sure if you reffer to those kinds of comments that contain a lot of Romanian profanity, where people just crush each other.
Romanians pretend to look like they are nationalists, but in reality they are just cowards. I mean people went home from the 2010 protests cause it was cold outside? Cmon. :)
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