John Kaminski Goes Off the Deep End


FOTCM Member
I think that this little essay just goes to show how a basically decent person can be shoved over the edge into absolute filth by proper "handling." Talk about "totalitarian" and doctrinaire thinking... sheesh! What a waste.

Rec via email

Parasite alert

Outing those who pretend
to be friends of the truth

By John Kaminski

Apologies to my longtime readers for inflicting upon you the numerous
and inane forwards of one Judy Zalman* Andreas <>, a
longtime radio social climber who attached to me and the 9/11 movement
and catapulted herself into becoming the wife of a white racist radio
host and chief spokesperson for the Jewish protection racket that has
Internet conspiracy radio in its firm grip.

Andreas pilfered my mailing list and soon begin e-mailing my friends
with her inconsistent (one story for one person, another for another)
and pro-Jewish New Age banalities, all with the intent of comprehending
the complaints against Jews for the purpose of negating them as public
issues, and to take the heat off of Jews. Her superficial emotionalism
has been roundly ridiculed in numerous chatrooms monitored by Ardeshir
Mehta and especially by my fellow Rense-refugee Dr. Lorraine Day

She, along with Jewish apologists Henry Makow and Israel Shamir,
pretend to preach the Jewish version of peace and understanding, all
the while blunting the horror of what the Jewish community is doing to
the world through its uncompromising support of Israel, the ADL, AIPAC,
the Jewish-funded universities that rule our country, and most of all,
the near-100 percent Jewish domination of the U.S. Congress, which not
so incidentally just passed legislation that finished off the
Constitution and made you subject to instant arrest for no real reason
at all.

And don't forget the cluster bombing in Lebanon topping off a 60-year
list of terrorism by the Israeli government in Palestine.

Anybody left out there still doubting this Jewish tyranny that is
destroying the world by making money the reason for living?

"Silly game-playing and deliberate subterfuge," I believe was the key
phrase in Dr. Day's dismantling of Andreas, which about describes her
meteoric rise to top Rense columnist and friend of Palestinian TV
socialite Hesham Tillawi and gatekeeping radio host Meria Heller (two
more compromised parasites to be avoided at all costs).

It would be my advice to block e-mails from Andreas, which are often
disguised as conversations with me which have not been sent to me,
particularly as the list of people she sends these to are exactly from
my mailing list, and were stolen by her without permission. I have not
had a conversation with Andreas in over a year, yet her recent spam
e-mails purport to record recent conversations between us. She has also
been known to use other names in chatrooms so you may be getting
e-mails with other names that have been invented by her.

I take responsibility for the messes she has created in various venues
because I am the one who introduced her to some of them, mistakenly
thinking at that moment that a Jew could tell the truth. I hope I have
learned something about people who are overly friendly. She penetrated
the Patriot movement bigtime, and reported back to her rabbi.

The last thing I remember her saying to me is that if I was going to
continue talking about Jews, she would continue to conduct her campaign
of harassment against me, which she and others have continued.

In my search of cyberspace once I knew 9/11 was a hoax, I have been
victimized by a number of people like Andreas who were overly friendly.
Some guy named Fintan Dunne had a nice interview with me about
religion, then put me on a list that I was a CIA mole.

Jon Carlson once sent me a hundred bucks but when I wouldn't run with
his white helicopter theory about 9/11, he wrote an article on Rense
that said I was Naval intelligence, which would have gotten a big laugh
from the boys on the fantail with whom I used to share an occasional

But the biggest sucker punch came from Daryl Bradford Smith, who
pretended to be a longtime friend of my Uncle Louie and had me on his
radio show on various networks about eight times. I even got him guests
when he needed them. But one night he called me up and said, "You've
got to get off Rense. He's a UFO nut." I said, "Daryl, don't threaten
me." Since then, Daryl and his puppeteer Eric Hufschmid (a good friend
of Tillawi) have conducted a smear campaign worthy of Andreas. In fact,
it's very similar.

And get this. Daryl originally smeared me, he said, because I went out
with the Jewish Andreas. But then he ran her stories (presumably
endorsing her efforts), yet still inveighed against me as a Zionist. At
the very same time, Rense kicked me off his site because I was
published by a competitor.

Andreas was the one who taught me, finally, to never trust a Jew. Her
name is a good gauge to tell whether a website is sincere or not. If
she's on there, you've got a huge dose of duplicitous Jewish
doublespeak awaiting you. And if you have the misfortune of speaking
with her, remember that what she tells you will not be what she tells
someone else.

By now, both the Genesis and Republic internet radio networks have come
to be viewed as propaganda outlets, led by the energetic Alex Jones,
who storms his way toward a network TV gig all the while insisting the
Israelis are our friends.

All that can be said about Daryl's shrill is that he
runs good stories by Hufschmid and others (that St. Einstein was a
classic!), and that I am thankful that somebody is labeling me a
Zionist because, frankly, after what I've written in the past year, I
need all the cover I can get.

It's also interesting that Daryl writes about Zionists but agrees with
French law that one may not speak about the Holocaust, a colossal act
of cowardice that should send people running from his site and should
delegitimize anything he says in the minds of anybody who can think.

Like Andreas, people who steal my mailing list worry me.

I still don't know who Mark Meza is, but his mailing list reads like

Another person who falls into this category is channeler Laura
Knight-Jadczyk, who has inveigled many with her prescient psychological
pronouncements that it is a percentage of psychopaths that hold the
world in thrall through savagery. K-J's encyclopedic and endlessly
perfect papers about aspects of human behavior scare the shit out of
me, because her new science of ponerology could serve perfectly as a
new template for totalitarianism, to be imposed by the very people who
get to fund spooky think tanks like these.

Thankfully, she has not caught on in any of the groups I observe
working on the world's problems.

I consider the world's top problem - the creator of more misery than
any other single source - to be unchecked Jewish control of money. I
have alienated myself from millions who were brought up to believe that
Jews were just ordinary people who have slightly different beliefs than
Christians. So it was in my white suburban American neighborhood of the

Since that time I have discovered that Jewish destabilization of
societies who hosted them exists in an unbroken line of calamity
stretching all the way back to ancient Egypt, a span of some 250
centuries. No other social pattern shows such longevity, indicating the
centrality of Hebrew archetypes to human thinking down through history.

In Egypt, in ancient Canaan, in Rome, in Spain, in England, in Russia,
in Germany, and now in the United States, the takeover of native
systems by a Jewish financial elite that has always mastered the money
game, has led to nothing but endless war, and the decay of the
societies on which the Jews have preyed.

The one thing that Andreas, Heller, Tillawi, Smith, and especially Jeff
Rense is that they all went after me for using the word "Jew" and
instead of "Zionist" (which is the current escape label Jews use to
distance themselves from responsibility for Jewish crime happening in
every nook and cranny of society). Rense particularly embarrassed and
revealed his true nature when he rewrote my title "Jewish war on
freedom of speech" to "Zionist war on freedom of speech." But then, he
has received awards from Jewish groups.

It's just another "ism," baby. The real word has four letters.

The failure in recent days of the American Constitution in Congress was
a wholly Jewish enterprise, guaranteed by the 100 percent AIPAC
controlled legislative body.

So when I write a story titled "Judaism is madness" and the florid and
effete former Jew now so-called Christian Israel Shamir writes,
"Kaminski is mad," in response to that piece, I can only conclude he is
a member of that "ex-Jewish" group of Andreas, Makow, William Rivers
Pitt, Paul Craig Roberts, and on and on who are all out to belittle
Americans and cover up the overarching manipulation of Jewish
influences which have led the United States to its doom.

Unless a Jew can say that it's more important to be a human being than
it is to be a Jew, then that person is not to be trusted.

Any defender of Judaism is obviously the enemy of the rest of the human
species. It says so right in both the Torah and the Talmud, and that's
what ALL Jews believe. Or else they wouldn't be Jews, and have their
2,500-year history of social deception shaping their behavior.

And a warning to all Internet commentators. Trust a Jew at your peril.
The probability is certain you will be distracted and deflected from
your goal.

My goal is to show how the Jewish mindset is destroying all life on
this planet, and to point out the number of Jews - from Judy Andreas to
Noam Chomsky to Richard Perle - who deny this even as they continue to
participate in the lie that is killing us all.

* Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), founder of the Lubavitcher
movement that is the chief religious sponsor of Jewish terror
throughout the world.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida whose
essays have been seen on hundreds of websites around the world, but
fewer lately because of the cowardice of supposed news purveyors who
lack the courage to call a Jew and Jew.
Kaminski's piece reminded me of the following story from Darkness Over Tibet by T. Illion:

T. Illion said:
"Are you never attacked by animals?"

"Seldom, " I answered. "The animals which are on the rising branch of life are very kind to me. I do not think even a lion would attack me, although I never met one. I have had very pleasant experiences, though, with bears and some other so-called wild animals."

"I heard a story about a bear," said Dolma. "I will tell it to you. Perhaps you will be able to tell me whether such a thing can happen... A man who often broke the law which prohibits hunting had obtained a white man's death stick in the Lhasa district, and when he returned to his province he went out bear-hunting. He had shot several bears, but one day, just while he followed the track of an animal, a strong bear suddenly appeared just behind his back... [...] The hunter was so afraid when he saw the big bear just behind his back that he dropped his gun and stared aghast at the animal, who could have crushed him in a couple of seconds. [...] The bear looked at the frail creature who stood tremblingly before him, his gun lying at his feet, and calmly walked away."

"I can believe that, " I said, "for bears have a soul, although they are only at times individualized. By the way, it is easy to say whether the hunter in the story had a soul or not."


"If the hunter had a soul, it was impossible for him to take up the gun to shoot after the bear. If he was soulless, he would have done so at once."

"Are there soulless animals too?"

"Oh yes. The animals on the descending branch of life are soulless. [...] Ravens, rats, mice - vermin, for instance."

"They behave like a soulless man?"


"Did these entities inhabit men before?"

"Perhaps, many thousand years ago. When they lost their soul they began to move downward."

"It is very strange. When I visited India I heard so much about progressive evolution - that life always passed upward, that the souls in minerals became souls in plants, then in animals, and after this in man, and that man finally must become an angel and that all this is only a question of time."

"Life would have no meaning if there was no alternative between light and darkness," I said. "There are two currents of life. One is moving upward and the other downward. The moment one loses one's soul one is precipitated into the downward current."

"How can one lose one's soul?"

"By sinning against one's soul."

"By a sensual life?"

"Oh no, in most cases that is a sin against one's body. You may suffer for it in this life or in some future incarnation."

"By treating other's badly, then?"

"No, as a rule, even this is no sin against your soul. You will get your punishment for treating others badly in this or some future incarnation, although wanton cruelty to defenceless creatures, ratlike ingratitude, or an innate tendency to spy on others already reveal a certain degree of soullessness which may be due to sins committed against one's soul in former incarnations."

"Well, then, what is a sin against one's soul?"

"Using spiritual things for selfish purposes. Dragging God down to earth. Trying to put oneself on a level with the Creator."

"Then many of us here sin like that!"

"Yes, but also people in other countries."
Sounds like John has been sinning against his soul.

I'm actually not really surprised by this - John has been waging a losing battle for his mind for quite some time and it has been very evident in his essays over the past year or so. At one time, I really looked forward to John's installments, but that time has long since passed. Perhaps these are the death throes of a dying mind - he's striking out at anyone and everyone because he can think of nothing else to do - his readers are abandoning him for clearer thinkers and for authors who don't see a 'demonic Jew' behind every corner. There appears to be some resentment that those of this forum and associated sites did not jump on his bandwagon of hate and twisted thinking - and he's used his only weapon to try to strike back. It is, indeed, very sad.
Henry said:
Sounds like John has been sinning against his soul.
Yeah, looks that way. I guess he got upset with my blogpost about Hitler and Historical Revisionism. The QFG board also voted to terminate the QFG grant for his support since we do not wish for funds donated to us by decent people to promote truth to be used to promote hate; and that is what John Kaminski is doing.

Regarding religions, I personally would like to see them all done away with and for people to deal with life rationally. But I don't expect that to happen because many people need that structure to function. I also know many Christians who believe that the Bible is the inerrant "word of God," and yet they are fine, kind, and loving people. They don't focus on the part of the Bible that says "kill them all, leave nothing that breathes." The same is true for those of the Jewish faith. There are many Jews who also are fine people. And the same for Muslims.

What John simply doesn't seem to be able to grasp is that religions, like ideologies, can be perverted and used to set people against one another. Certainly we see the result of this in today's world - and it is horrifying. But just because there is a group of Jews who may believe that they are "chosen" and the rest of humanity is cattle, doesn't mean they all do. And it certainly doesn't help for people like John Kaminski to then do the same thing, to think and promote the idea that he, and he alone, sees the truth and that the truth is it is "all the fault of the Jews." He is just falling for the manipulation - the oldest trick in the book: it's in Machiavelli, I believe.

As for his email list, he regularly sends out his essays to a list of website owners - some of whom I have had communications with without the benefit of John's "introduction," as he would like to think. And on a couple of occasions, I have responded to John's hate filled essays, and included his CC list in the response. I have also sent to the same list a couple of articles that argue the other side of the issue. Perhaps that is what John is referring to and perhaps that is what is making him so angry and full of hate that he sees fit to attack a person who has only ever tried to help him.

On more than one occasion over the past year, he has written to me saying that he felt he was "losing it," that he thought he might have to check himself into a hospital. My response has always been to try to encourage him to get a clear handle on things, to think logically, and to avoid undue influence of others who are obviously trying to vector his thinking and thus his writing. I have encouraged people to buy his books when he was down and out and no one was buying them. I tried to help him get away from things and have a rest so he could get a better perspective on things. QFG members made extra efforts to donate enough money to support his travel, and to support a small monthly grant so that he could be relieved of some financial pressures and devote his time to research, thinking, and writing.

So, frankly, the only explanation I can see for his words in the above essay is that something, or someone, is driving him into a state of hatred that is so consuming that anyone who does not agree with him has to be vilified and castigated and in order to do that, something had to be found to blame them for. Responding to an email list, when one suspects that the recipients are interested in the subject, is the reason he found and it's pretty pathetic in my opinion. I send emails to lists of recipients all the time, and have never had a problem with any one of the recipients replying to all on the list. That's what they are for.

John's focus on money and "stealing" seems to be indicative of a profound state of self-pity for the situation he finds himself in; a situation of his own creation, I should add.

It's really too bad. I don't think John is an "agent" though; I just think he's been worked on by a couple because he does have a talent... and it's too bad that he has been driven to use that talent to brand himself as a hate-filled looney.
Oh, good grief! 'Parasite Alert' ?! The one who sounds like the parasite here is John Kaminski! And if anybody is 'pretending' to be a 'friend of the truth' he's the one. I don't think Ive ever read such obvious jealousy. No doubt Laura scares him to death when she is talking about psychopaths, he must be one himself!!! The only kind of person who could have so much hate and talk about it the way he does is someone who is completely degenerate!

Laura, excuse me for saying so, but I think you are being way to 'understanding' and generous here. Don't you always write that 'pity' is the hook that psychopaths use to get their victims? It sure sounds like you, and a lot of other people, have been victimized by this manipulator!!!

Does he really think that people with common sense cant see through what he has written? The mean, ugly spirit of John Kaminski finally unveiled!!!

I never did like his writing. It was always so *feverish* and like a rant more than anything else. And he just plays a 'one note samba' : 'hate jews, hate jews, hate jews' Well I think he *is* an agent and he's just mad because your compassionate work is making mincemeat of him and his disgusting tirades.
Well it seems the opportunity was presented to him and he made his choice, continuation on a downward spiral, too bad.
Laura said:
John's focus on money and "stealing" seems to be indicative of a profound state of self-pity for the situation he finds himself in; a situation of his own creation, I should add.

It's really too bad. I don't think John is an "agent" though; I just think he's been worked on by a couple because he does have a talent... and it's too bad that he has been driven to use that talent to brand himself as a hate-filled looney.
This seems to be the case. But an exceptionally strong character is needed for any person who wishes to avoid turning in to what he hates.

Once I was riding on a city bus. A rough-looking couple were seated behing me. The bus was completely silent just long enough for me to take notice, when suddenly there was the unmistakable sound of someone being hit. It was the guy behind me hitting his girlfriend. Then a moment more of silence, and then this tiny voice issuing from (I'm guessing) a three-year-old boy at the back of the bus, saying "Chester, don't hit my mommy! Don't hit my mommy!" Heartbreaking. Then it was my stop and as I stood up to exit, I stole a glance at them. He was looking all stern and righteous, and she was all curled up like a little brown wren, sobbing.

To tell the truth, I felt like giving her another slap for being such a dish rag. And in front of her own child.

For me, John has turned into that woman. What a colossal waste.
If John would only take the time to do some reading, he'd see what a mess his thought-processes have become. He has fallen deeper into conversive paranoidal thinking than even Chris Bollyn, it would seem. The paragraph mentioning Laura indicates that he thinks what she has to say has merit, but that he thinks it is "too dangerous" for people to know because it could be used as a blue-print for taking over the world. Excuse me, but give me a flipping break! Ponerology is a description of WHAT ALREADY EXISTS. Pyshcopaths do not need to steal research revealing their own plans, it's hard-wired into their brains. Think about the absurdity and tautological nature of this yarn: psychopaths, because of their perception of their own difference from and hatred of humanity, get together to rule over and kill other people; intelligent observers see what they are doing and publish it for others to read; now, according to Kaminski, these same psychopaths are going to read said research and say, "Aha! Now we know how to take over the world!" Jeezus, he's reaching.

Does he honestly for a second believe that the "Jewish bankers" at the top of the heap consider themselves Jews?? They despise Jews as much as they despise Gentiles, or anyone who latches themselves onto ANY ideology, for the prerequisite for believing an ideology is to NOT BE A PSYCHOPATH. Why do you think they are willing to murder Jews (their own, apparently), create false anti-semitism as a pretext for mass migration to Israel, and finally murder the rest of them in the war that certainly will result? Get over it John, Judaism is an IDEOLOGY used by psychopaths, just like any other ideology (albeit, this one may have been created by psychopaths, but normal people still try to find the good in any ideology).

Now John seems to be saying that the idyllic world would manifest if there were no Jews. But he misses the point: the psychopaths! They'll simply latch onto another ideology and we'll still be caught in the shitstorm we're in now. Think about it. They won't be Jewish bankers, they'll be Christian bankers, or Moonie-bankers, etc., ad nauseum. You get the picture. So get over it, John.
It is my opinion that it is NOT John Kaminski who FEARS Laura/SOTT.

His (current, off-and-on, longstanding) HANDLER fears Laura. He has had more than one handler over the last few years and I've discussed this with him on the phone a few times.

The notion that he has been HANDLED by certain people in various ways over time, and in particular, how he is currently being handled by one specific person, who is latched onto him like a tick.

This particular HANDLER, who doesn't even know Laura, has been saying some very negative things about Laura to John K.

John K. repeated some of these things to me on the telephone when he called here some weeks ago.
I then learned that this HANDLER had the cojones to try and insinuate "herself" into the home of Laura, Ark & the SOTT team recently UNINVITED - and this was AFTER calling Laura a "master manipulator" to John K.

John K. told me this had been said and was conflicted about it. I asked him to consider WHY this person would make such a statement to him when she doesn't even know Laura at all. Why does this person feel threatened by Laura? Is it because this person knows Kaminski has thought well of Laura's opinions and regarded them highly in the past? Does this person feel threatened by someone she considers potentially able to change Kaminski's mind about a few things, by introducing him to research that could perhaps alter the way he looks at how the world works? I don't know exactly. I just have a sense from all that Kaminski told me, and have been very troubled by these conversations with him. He has flip-flopped in his thinking a lot lately, and I don't know exactly what to make of that. Like I said, I just have a sense, a strong sense of where it's coming from, based upon his comments to me about a specific person close to him.

Now why would someone who makes such a disparaging remark about someone else want to insinuate themself into that person's home UNINVITED?

Obviously, the HANDLER doesn't think much of Laura, for whatever reason.

So, I thought this very strange and very b.s.

Would any of you invite yourself to someone's home after talking sh*t about them to others, and making it evident that you don't care for the person?

Well, what reason would the HANDLER have for doing that? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that
Kaminski had been invited to spend some time with the SOTT group. He was into doing that, but he began to grow very troubled and conflicted about it - and some people were insidiously trying to talk him out of it over the course of a year. They eventually succeeded, because Kaminski never showed up in France, even after telling me just days prior to his supposed "imminent" departure, that he was definitely going to go.

He told me he was soooo looking forward to it. Add to that, it was costing him nothing, because in their kindness and generosity, the SOTT group paid the cost of his ticket, since he was struggling financially.

He blew off a free trip to France to spend time with SOTT because of his handler(s).

Now, that's control....

If Kaminski had gone there, he would not have been under the direct influence of the HANDLER. So, the HANDLER had to try and wedge her way into that scenario, just in case - which ultimately never came to pass, because Kaminski never made the trip. Talk about a total slap in the face to the people who extended such kindness to him, not to mention GENEROSITY. Trips to Europe cost a nice chunk of change.

Kaminski let them EAT the cost of the ticket, but luckily with some hassle, I think they managed to get a refund.
No thanks to Kaminski, but I suspect his HANDLER was pleased.

(Everybody following me so far?)

Unfortunately for his HANDLER, Kaminski finds comfort in sharing his troubles relating to the HANDLER, with others. Whether she knows this, I'm not sure, but I suspect that she gets him to "spill the beans" and knows which buttons to press to get him to tell, tell, tell. It's kind of surreal listening to him speak about her.
He wants to get away from her one minute, and the next, he's racing back to her after hearing her voice.

She has some kind of weird "hold" over him. He knows it's weird. He told me so.

I think it's more than weird.

He has admitted to me how the person closest to him manipulates his thinking, influences his writings and psycho-analyzes him to death. His HANDLER tells him all about himself. His HANDLER holds the keys to his locked mind, knows His flaws, his inadequacies, all that is wrong with him, and analyzes and explains to him constantly what his problem is. Nothing like giving someone else the keys to your mind.

Kaminski may be locked out of his own mind by his "Handler".

I even talked with him about this. He didn't deny it.

The HANDLER feels threatened by Laura, and likely, anyone that may have some kind of capability to bend
John 's ear and possibly influence him in some way. She has acted weird about me, too, in the past.

And so, these conversations with Kaminski tripped my trigger even more than it was tripping already, and my sense is that he is very susceptible to the tactics being played upon him. Kaminski is malleable.

It is incredibly frustrating to see him cast Laura in the way he has, particularly when I know that Laura and the SOTT group have been very good to John for quite some time, on a number of levels.

In Henry's story, the words, "ratlike ingratitude" seem appropriate and are applicable to what is going on with Special "K". but I think it is more than that.

I think it stems from the grip of his own personal spellbinder.

As far as I'm concerned, Kaminski's mind is mush now. He's had his balls cut off and his mind is in lockdown.
I've told him this directly on the phone. I mean it, I believe it, and this is the distinct, unpleasant impression he gives to me when he calls here, anxious, troubled and needing to talk about his problems with the HANDLER.

Below is my email to John Kaminski, which I sent off to him after reading the article above.
Maybe we can all learn something from this whole mess.



Is there some reason why you are sticking it to Laura in this article?

From all I know, Laura and SOTT have done nothing but offered you kindness and the invitation to go to France and stay at their castle. They even paid for the ticket for you to do so, which you didn't use.

I know they have tried to help you. I know they have helped you out fnancially as well in the past. You even told me you didn't read the Ponerology book or Controversy of Zion. Did you even bother to read Laura's "endlessly perfect articles"? They have a lot of important and worthy things to say in them.

Did you take the time to read all these things before composing your article?

Laura scares the shit out of you, John?

Her writings serve as a perfect totalitarian template??

What the hell?

Are you lumping her site in with the rest of those you cite as propaganda outlets?
If so, how come, John?

What exactly has Laura ever done to you to give you cause to take a shot at her or at SOTT?
Invite you to spend time with them in France?

Help you out financially?

Take the time to listen to you when you're conflicted, confused, tormented and troubled?

Offered you advice, suggestions, and ideas on how you might perhaps change the situation you find yourself in?

Gee, there is good stuff in this article you wrote, but you then throw in this shit about Laura and I don't know what the hell is going on in your brain.

Looks like your handler is having a really good time playing around in there, John.

What have Laura and SOTT ever done to cause you to FEAR them?

You certainly didn't seem to be "fearing" them or their writings when you accepted their money...
I don't get it.

As I read all this, I was thinking of a story a friend told me about visiting the CN Tower in Toronto (I've never been there, myself). He said there was a place were you could walk across a plexiglass floor that gave the impression of walking several hundred feet in the air with nothing below you. He had laughed at other people falling to their knees as they walked out there...until he tried it himself. He said his knees buckled involuntarily.

John Kaminski makes me think of someone who has had the feeling of metaphorically walking across a plexiglass floor many, many hundreds of feet in the air. I think this is an ever-present danger for people who seek for the truth. If they don't have the proper foundation, they are sitting ducks for "handlers" and psychopaths. Once you feel like you are falling or have lost your means of support, the brain panicks and any steadying hand is grabbed.

At any rate, if John is being "handled" then I think we can see a bit what this handler is trying to achieve. I found it very interesting that he made such a vociferous denial of the distinction between Jews and Zionists. This might serve two purposes at once, I think. It solidifies the thought that any anti-Zionist rhetoric is anti-Jewish rhetoric on the one hand, and it works to turn those who are aware of the atrocities of Zionists against all Jews on the other.

Kaminski said:
The one thing that Andreas, Heller, Tillawi, Smith, and especially Jeff Rense is that they all went after me for using the word "Jew" and instead of "Zionist" (which is the current escape label Jews use to distance themselves from responsibility for Jewish crime happening in every nook and cranny of society). Rense particularly embarrassed and revealed his true nature when he rewrote my title "Jewish war on freedom of speech" to "Zionist war on freedom of speech." But then, he has received awards from Jewish groups.

It's just another "ism," baby. The real word has four letters.
He also manages to blame every last nefarious thing going on in the world on Jews. He doesn't explicitly say it, but he implies it with the sentence "which is the current escape label Jews use to distance themselves from responsibility for Jewish crime happening in every nook and cranny of society." I'm tempted to say that anyone with two brain cells firing knows that is non-sense, but that would be unfair. Kaminski has a lot more brain cells than that firing. He isn't stupid.

I think he shows what can be done to manipulate thoughts by people who know what they are doing. One technique used to brainwash is to constantly expose the victim to contradictions. Everyone who listens to the local T.V. news is getting that. Someone like Kaminski, who has delved deeper into recent goings-on, has been exposed to a lot more than the average citizen. I imagine he was being fed information that would drive him further into contradiction, being watched closely the whole time for signs that he had reached the proper destablization point so that his mind could be taken and controlled.

Maybe there is nothing to be done about folks like Kaminski "turning" but something can be learned from them, I think. We can learn how to keep ourselves from flying off the handle and we can learn something about the "handlers" as they spin their twisted tale through them.
Violet said:
Oh, good grief! 'Parasite Alert' ?! The one who sounds like the parasite here is John Kaminski! And if anybody is 'pretending' to be a 'friend of the truth' he's the one. I don't think Ive ever read such obvious jealousy. No doubt Laura scares him to death when she is talking about psychopaths, he must be one himself!!! The only kind of person who could have so much hate and talk about it the way he does is someone who is completely degenerate!
From the point of view of a person who not at all involved with the dynamics of the problem, it looks to me like Johns greatest mistake was not being able to SEE a psychopath for what they are (Judy Andreas). Consequently when a person doesn't see a situation or even a reality as it is, it becomes very easy to victimise and/or manipulate them. This is what I think happened to him. He now claims to be islolated, which was most likely one of the outcomes they wanted. A mental breakdown, would have even been better from their p.o.v. Certainly financial ruin. It seems obvious that they couldn't 'get' to him by ruining his 'reputation' or blackmail him in anyway. Mind you, they may not have tried yet. Of course, suicide is always good.

Violet said:
Laura, excuse me for saying so, but I think you are being way to 'understanding' and generous here. Don't you always write that 'pity' is the hook that psychopaths use to get their victims? It sure sounds like you, and a lot of other people, have been victimized by this manipulator!!!
How would you feel if you were victimised? Self pity might be one thing. You might feel anger and hostility also. Paranoia perhaps? Depression, maybe? When a person is seriously damaged by attack (of whatever sort), to 'come back' from that, they need to return from the place that is 'as bad as it gets'.... and some of it will be self created because of the individuals inability to 'see'.

Violet said:
Does he really think that people with common sense cant see through what he has written? The mean, ugly spirit of John Kaminski finally unveiled!!!

I never did like his writing. It was always so *feverish* and like a rant more than anything else. And he just plays a 'one note samba' : 'hate jews, hate jews, hate jews' Well I think he *is* an agent and he's just mad because your compassionate work is making mincemeat of him and his disgusting tirades.
Sounds like you are blaming the victim here. Its also quite obvious that John Kaminski doesn't have a clue about whats going or the depth of the manipulations around the globe or even around him. If this is a concious choice by him, then, he's not yet in a position that is 'as bad as it gets'..... yet. Mind you, he may just buckle under the pressure and become completely controlled by his 'handlers'. This is tantamount to going back to sleep again, just for the easy life.
Ruth said:
Its also quite obvious that John Kaminski doesn't have a clue about whats going or the depth of the manipulations around the globe or even around him.
Through my logic I see it differently. If he does not have a clue yet, that would mean he has not clue about anything, because the facts have been pointed to him repeatedly. So, I reject the the hypothesis that he has no clue as too improbable. More probable is that he is a trap, and that he has a vague idea about his role as a trap, but his circuits has been re-wired in such a way that he accepts this situation of him being manipulated, because this brings him some psychological "rewards" that he "values".

By the way: the "logic" tests seem to be very effective in discerning between the real truth seekers and the parasitic ones. The logic circuits are damaged in those latter ones, as otherwise they would be able to know that other people know what they are after, and that would affect negatively their trapping functions (and each trap must also act as an effective receiver-deceiver).

Lisa was talking about handlers. But things are not always just that simple. I think there is a whole chain of handlers. Handlers have handlers who have their own handlers etc. Each level of handling has its specific programming that is different at different levels.

All in all: an interesting development to watch and to learn from it.
I don't really understand this talk about handlers. Is Lisa saying that Kaminski is been managed or controlled by this person and that Kaminiski is even aware of what is happening? How does that work?
I'm trying to strip it down to the basics here but like Ark and Lisa said things are not that simple and there seems to be multiple levels of this handling business.
moonwalker said:
I don't really understand this talk about handlers. Is Lisa saying that Kaminski is been managed or controlled by this person and that Kaminiski is even aware of what is happening? How does that work? Do these people just ingratiate themselves in to your life and start manipulating?
Details differ and are personalized. When it is a man with an ego and difficulties with handling practical things of life, then a "friendly and taking care of practical things" woman is the standard solution. But JK IS aware of the fact that this may be his case, because he himself was contemplating this possibility. Yet he has made his choice ( or the choice has been persuaded to him).
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