What happened to my oldest sister?



I heard today that my älsteste sister has disappeared. My nephew (her son) is still in shock.
My sister had her car set on fire and had taken important papers. The police have already inspected the crime scene , and could not determine whether she is burned in the car.
Everyone thinks (and I do) that she has made ​​suicide, but there is no evidence. My question to the Cassiopaeans is: has she committed suicide, or is she waterline?

Ich habe heute erfahren, dass meine älsteste Schwester verschwunden ist. Mein Neffe (ihr Sohn) steht noch unter Schock.
Meine Schwester hätte ihr Auto angezündet und wichtige Papiere mit genommen. Die Polizei hat schon am Tatort ermittelt, und konnte nicht feststellen, ob sie im Auto verbrannt ist.
Jeder denkt (und ich auch), dass sie Selbstmord gemacht hat, aber es gibt keinen Nachweis. Meine Frage an die Cassiopaeaner ist: hat sie Suizid begangen, oder ist sie abgetaucht?
I'm sorry to hear what has happened, alchemie. It does not seem likely that the police would be unable to determine if she was in the burned up car, although, it may take more time. Is it possible she faked her death to disappear? Given she took papers with her?

Keep us posted. :hug:
Oh wow, I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope your nephew and your family will do ok trough this horrible accident (if it was an accident) :hug2:
That's a really terrible situation, Alchemie. Sorry to hear about it. Let us know what else is discovered by the investigation.
That's horrible, alchemie. I'd wait for the results of the investigation, thought it could take a bit. I does sound a bit fishy.

Take care of yourself and your family. Keep us posted. :hug:
That sounds horrible and extremely strange, indeed! Do you have any more details that could help you know whether it was an accident, or suicide or an escape? Was the car burned down to the ground? It's strange that the police wouldn't be able to say anything else from studying the scene. No witnesses either?

Take care! :hug2:
Chu said:
That sounds horrible and extremely strange, indeed! Do you have any more details that could help you know whether it was an accident, or suicide or an escape? Was the car burned down to the ground? It's strange that the police wouldn't be able to say anything else from studying the scene. No witnesses either?

Take care! :hug2:

Alchemie, likewise my thoughts are with you and your family as you undergo this horrible ordeal. :( :hug2:

Like Chu asks, could you give any further thoughts, details, background information, etc that may help in determining what may have happened?

Oh, Alchemie, that's terrible! :(

You (and everyone, apparently) say you believe your sister committed suicide: had she already tried to commit suicide before, was she depressed?
Could she have 'faked' her death to go some place else?
And if this is a possibility, did she indeed have reasons to do so (debts, dangerous husband/ex-husband, etc.) ?

My thoughts are with you and your family, especially your nephew. How old is he by the way?

Big hugs, Alchemie. :hug2:
Really sorry to hear about what happened, Alchemie! I agree that it sounds strange that the police couldn't make any determination, and I second the questions brought up by Chu and Mrs. Tigersoap. Since there seems to be a consensus among you all that it was suicice it seems like there is a certain background story that indicates such.

Take care, keep us posted, and I hope that your nephew is having good support as well! :hug2:
A very sad story, I am sorry! I can not imagine something like this to happen to my sister, I would be devastated. What a tragedy for you and your family. Take care of yourself and give us news. :hug2: :hug2:
That sounds like an awful tragedy, so sorry!

Is there anything more you can tell about "had taken important papers"?
Thank you for showing your compassion/empathy.

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
My thoughts are with you and your family, especially your nephew. How old is he by the way?

My nephew is 12 years old. He is the next day with my older sister (we are six siblings), with whom I was on the phone recently.

Aragorn said:
Is there anything more you can tell about "had taken important papers"?

Key documents with which one identifies himself, the passport, the family tree, etc.

My older sister just called me and said that our oldest sister is alive. She has lived seemingly the last day like a bum in the forest. Our oldest sister appeared to the police.
My genetic family is broken :ohboy:... . Our oldest sister and parents quarreled violently lately. The last few months, our youngest brother be turned more and more into himself (introverted), and is currently in assisted living. He whirled again the old dramas of our parents, and that excites the whole family climate.
I heared, that our mother was, too, an emotional warmongers in the dispute between our oldest sister and them. I guess for years that she got psychopathic traits in the course of their lives.
The subject is far too extensive. In short. Our parents make each of their children mentally brittle.
If you are interested in my story, you may like to read this extensively in my trauma-processing book in a few years.

It is hard for me to write detailed texts in english, sorry. I want to make language courses in English and Russian, if it is financially better in the future with us. My English is so bad, how to learn it in an state school. And Russian I understand only in speaking (the knowledge of a 5 years old girl), but had never learned to read and write. I love the German language a lot, what I've noticed in Latin again.
Meine ältere Schwester von mir hat mich eben angerufen, und gesagt, dass unsere älteste Schwester am Leben ist. Sie hat scheinbar die letzten Tage wie ein Penner im Wald gehaust. Unsere älteste Schwester hat sich selbst der Polizei gestellt.
Meine genetische Familie ist einfach nur kaputt... . Unsere älteste Schwester und die Eltern haben in letzter Zeit sich heftiger gestritten. Die letzten Monate hat unser jüngster Bruder immer mehr in sich gekehrt, und ist derzeit im betreuten Wohnen. Er wirbelt nochmal die alten Dramen unserer Eltern auf, und das reizt das ganze familiäre Klima.
Wie ich raushören konnte, war ein emotionaler Kriegstreiber in dem Streit zwischen unserer ältesten Schwester auch unsere Mutter. Bei ihr vermute ich schon seit Jahren, dass sie im Verlauf ihres Lebens psychopathische Züge bekommen hat.
Das Thema ist viel zu umfangreich. Kurz gesagt. Unsere Eltern machen jedes ihrer Kinder mürbe.
Wer an meiner Geschichte Interesse hat, kann es gerne in einigen Jahren in meinem Trauma-Verarbeitungs-Buch ausführlich nachlesen.
Ich tue mich etwas schwer, detaillierte Texte auf Englisch zu schreiben, Entschuldigung. Ich möchte richtige Sprachkurse in Englisch und Russisch machen, wenn es bei uns in Zukunft finanziell besser wird. Englisch ist so miserabel, wie man es in einer Schule minderwertig lernen kann. Und Russisch verstehe ich nur (der Wissenstand bis zum 5 Lebensjahr), aber hatte es nie Lesen und Schreiben gelernt. Mir macht die deutsche Sprache großen Spaß, was ich im Lateinischen nochmal gemerkt habe.
It is good news that your oldest sister is alive! It seems there are many drama's in your family that will, hopefully, be worked out for all. Maybe by burning up the car, it was a cry for help? Maybe the shock of all this will somehow bring your family together to heal old wounds? If you need anything, we are here. :)
Thanks God your sister is alive, Alchemie, but still what a bitter pill to swallow! I extend my deeper sympathy to you :hug2: and like someone said above, may this shock be an opportunity for even a little positive change to occur in your family, although it may need some time.

I hope you have a good relationship with your elder sister at least. It seems you are pretty left on your own because of the way you are describing your family that seems to affect more or less every member. I hope you will keep us informed :), and btw your english is perfectly understandable!
hesperides said:
Thanks God your sister is alive, Alchemie, but still what a bitter pill to swallow! I extend my deeper sympathy to you :hug2: and like someone said above, may this shock be an opportunity for even a little positive change to occur in your family, although it may need some time.

I hope you have a good relationship with your elder sister at least. It seems you are pretty left on your own because of the way you are describing your family that seems to affect more or less every member. I hope you will keep us informed :), and btw your english is perfectly understandable!

I'll second that. Thanks for the update, Alchemie, and take care of yourself.
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