Students march against new Rules of Procedure of the IPN


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
There had been students mobilizations these last days due to the new Rules of Procedure of the IPN (National Polytechnic Institute-of Mexico) and with good reason, new procedure wants to create low income workers for private corporations.¨

_ said:
Mexican students summon up Tuesday
29 septiembre, 2014 Latin America 0 Comments
The new regulation will sanction IPN students.
The refusal of Mexicans to the amended Rules of Procedure of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) students will continue on Tuesday when they meet at the iconic Angel of Independence monument in Mexico City (capital).
Telesur correspondent in Mexico, Eduardo Martinez, said through his twitter account on the call for students.

Students dissatisfied #IPN morning agreed to hold a march from the Angel of Independence toSEGOB_mx #TodosSomosPolitecnico
- Eduardo Martinez (EduardomteleSUR) September 29, 2014

The work stoppage that has held since September 17 by the students of the College of Engineering and Architecture (ESIA) Zacatenco groups joined the Interdisciplinary Professional Unit Engineering and Social and Administrative Sciences (UPIICSA) and the College of Engineering and Architecture (ESIA) Unit Tecamachalco.
Among the demands of the students are the suspension of the Internal Regulations approved by the General Advisory Council of the IPN, the detention of the new competency-based educational model and curriculum modifications.
Students opposed to the more than 80 changes to the rules of IPN, emphasizing especially the reform of Article 47, which states that those who owed a subject for more than two subsequent semesters he attended will be given to permanent expulsion.The protesters also warned that quotas before considered donations, with the new regulations become mandatory. Also indicate that a fee will be charged to all students who want to participate in a workshop, sports or cultural activities organized by the school.

Curious, this news, as other in the mexican media are conveniently reporting, students are not emphasizing especially the reform of Article 47, they are emphasizing in other more important matters that go against the foundation of the Institute, but need to be translated though, perhaps this night I can do it. The new Rules of Procedure of the IPN, want to create a technified education instead of a scientific and critical one.
Here, Proceso Magazine explains why IPN students are against the new Rules of Procedure of the IPN that in short, is perceived as generating low income workers.
_ said:
Translating from Spanish…
MÉXICO, D.F. (apro).- (Translating from Spanish) Modifications to the Intern Regulation--Procedures of the IPN), according to students and teachers, discourage the scientific investigation, reduce the formation of the students to a technical level – no professional-, benefits the private initiative, affects the rights of the pyrotechnical community, including the “Consejo Consultivo General” (General Consultative Council) and give more potential faculties to the general direction.

According with the “politecnic community statement, the preliminary plan of the inter rulerment of the IPN”, that integrants of the polytechnic comunity sent to Yoloxóchitl Bustamante, general manageress of the IPN, the changes in the document that rules the institution does not take into account “the teaching” just “the education”; skip substantial functions like the scientific investigation and the exchange and knowledge diffusion, moreover it suppress the (Cecyt) -Scientific and Technological Studies Centers-.

In the 14 pages document, spread in the internet, students and academicians point out their worry for the changes, because it eliminates the “integral formation in scientific and technological character, as its purpose, that is, the search for solutions of problems linked with the development of the nation”.

Upon the detailed revision by chapters and articles, stand out the disappearance of the notion of the Studies Plan “That impact in its definition, characteristics, content, structure, integration, scientific character of the same and criterion modifiers of evaluation”. In change, the underline, “its incorporate the pertinent studies modalities, as the flexibility and pertinence of the academical programs”.

Moreover, they distinguish that in the new document, it eliminates the academy participation in the assignment of academic functions to the teachers and criterion's for new ingress of academic personnel. They stress out that it incorporates the notion of quality education of evaluation of the teachers, but “eliminates the academic responsibility of the institute offering or impulsing formation programs to new teachers and researchers”.

In fact, they emphasize that the criterion's for the allocation of scholarchips and stimulus are not clear nor for the general evaluation of teachers.

Among the observations of the polytechnics, also noticed the elimination of didactic instruments and support for teachers. Worst, they say, the character of “obligation” is replace by “promotion” of technological development by IPN, furthermore skip over among its aims of “the conservation and sustainable use of the natural resources of the nation”.

They also dispute the introduction of the concept of “business-related culture” in the projects of the institute which “privileges the private sector above the public sector”.

Later they emphasize the elimination of the article 50, regarding the support and stimulus to researching, and the 61 that propose that programs should be oriented to “improve the quality of the productive sectors of the country”.

According to the analysis, the preliminary plan the Rules add up the Public Education Secretary (SEP) to make the official studies recognition. “This gives a direct meddling of the federal government in the academic life of the institute” they considerate.
Here, _ teachers explain the problems with the new Regulation/Procedures of the IPN that had lead students to the streets. A complete letter sent to Yoloxóchitl Bustamante, general manageress of the IPN by Demetrio Galíndez López, Academic teacher of Earthways of ESIA UZ (Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Unidad Zacatenco) –Superior School of Engineering an Architecture. Zacatenco Unit— had been posted, in short it explains succinctly what is wrong with the new regulations and procedures, regarding engineering knowledge students need to know upon the requirements the nation will need. An interesting reading, I was unfamiliar with, the site has also good comments, didn't saw the videos though.

I know personally students and graduates from IPN, and they are angry to say the least. Even though, today, students manage to talk in public with the Government Secretary Osorio Chong after the 60 thousand students march, and agree to meet with him again next Friday 3rd of October, to find solutions; personally, I think, that these new rules came from upper hands, of the NWO, that the world is under its siege, in favor for big corporate business. Let see how things evolve.

So far no violence, close encounters with police nor vandalism and that is good. Too close to the date in which is the anniversary of the 68' movement _, that usually ends in vandalism. It seems, that -conveniently- police let them create havoc, business & commerce are asking for protection since today _ --Spanish, and yes, usually a tense day for business in the route of the march.
An update, there's been a halt in the dialogues between the movement of AGM - Asamblea General Politécnica -General Politechnic Assembly) and education authorities (SEP-Secretaría de Educación Pública -- Public Education Secretary). Will see what happens next Tuesday.

As I understood, they agree that they are not in agreement. Students urge SEP authorities to name a new director, in order to confirmed/ratified the agreements both parties are having. SEP urge students to return to classes, the AGP wont return to classes until the new director is in charge.

Students from AGM are making quite of a job, media do not give them such importance, I had heard some of them in interviews and from IPN TV Channel, they are having advise, counsel, in order to not become "chamaqueados" an mexican term that means to deceive a person, abusing his good faith and his naïvety within business, political and/or general manager issues. I That's why they are asking with insistence for a new director. The older one is 30 years old, he is cursing his post degree.

This Sunday, (16 November) the new director of the IPN was supposed to be named, but it was postpone _

AGM is also demandign for the annulment of "Grupos Porriles" within the IPN..

Grupos Porriles -- here, in Mexico, "porro" in singular, is a student or not, that is part of a group, mercenary style, sponsored/financed from a political party an/or somewhere within the government. Porros inside IPN have a long history, it was first with the PRI party, nowadays can be with 3 major parties (PRI, PAN, PRD)

El IPN contra el porrismo (The IPN versus el porrismo)
_ --spanish

El porrismo, un viejo nuevo mal en México (The Porrismo, an old new bad in Mexico)
_ --spanish

Pactan en el IPN más presupuesto y eliminar a porros (-They- accord at the IPN more budget and eliminate the porros
_ -- this news name "grupos porriles" inside IPN, FEP, one of them --spanish

---well, just recently I was reading this article, and mmm ... translated from spanish: need to read it again, though, tomorrow, is already too late, fortunately I do not work tom---next hours.

in short it says ...
_ said:
El colmillo que intenta desgarrar el movimiento del Poli --The fang that try to rip off the movement of IPN
Domingo, 5 octubre 2014 - 8:27 am
Santiago Igartúa

The federal government display a wide pack of cards of stratagem for deactivate the recent IPN movement: all indicates that it unloose a low intensity "dirty war" for discredit the movement, that prepared consciously the "improve apparition" of Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong at the meeting on September 30 and that the renunciation of the former director Yoloxóchitl Bustamante, had forged even before the students gave their demands. In fact, the probable exit of the director, benefits the government, that could be able to place one of the PRI party in charge of IPN

I shouldn't be surprised.
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