jobs vs. The Work, homelessness & WANDERERing

That's a really interesting story, Tohu. Especially the rolling a cigarette part, given Cheese's story. It's always useful to see a conman/psychopath in action and have them explain what they do to you without them doing it to you, of course. Pure STS. But I wonder if all the speculating about what action is STS and what is STO is useful if we are all machines. Are machines STS or STO? Does that make any sense in judging a machine? So I think that worrying about whether having a job is STS or STO is premature. We should be concentrating on doing the Work to fuse a magnetic center and to really be able to DO. Then at that point, I think, STS vs STO would mean something. As Gurdjieff said, things are good if they help you in your Aim. So if a job as a wage slave working for psychopathic corporations helps one in one's Aim then the job is good.
Mr. Premise, of course it is important to work towards the aim. Nonetheless as you say the aim should be fusing magnetic center. This is not possible without polarization. In the beginning there is always realization that our physical bodies are only machines. But when one realizes this he can intentionally navigate towards the positive or negative. That is why it is so important to know about this. I do not know about others but when someone who is STS cons me into doing something that is not compatible with STO then I feel like a part of my soul has been stolen. Therefore one should be vigilant.

It is interesting that the guy did not try to con me. He was trying to convert me. He was showing me how easy it is to get whatever you wish for nothing. Kinda like a teacher would do. Fortunately I am not greedy therefore his hook did not work.
tohuwabohu said:
Mr. Premise, of course it is important to work towards the aim. Nonetheless as you say the aim should be fusing magnetic center. This is not possible without polarization. In the beginning there is always realization that our physical bodies are only machines. But when one realizes this he can intentionally navigate towards the positive or negative. That is why it is so important to know about this. I do not know about others but when someone who is STS cons me into doing something that is not compatible with STO then I feel like a part of my soul has been stolen. Therefore one should be vigilant.

This makes sense, I totally agree. The devil is in the details, of course, down here in 3D STS land.
It is interesting that the guy did not try to con me. He was trying to convert me. He was showing me how easy it is to get whatever you wish for nothing. Kinda like a teacher would do. Fortunately I am not greedy therefore his hook did not work.
Of course, he's really low-level. Not many people would envy his life. If he were smarter and had a good head start, he could be on Wall Street. :D
Dylan said:
I hope naturenut does well on her path, and wish her the best. As one who fits the description of those who 'defend the job and work world as it is,' I would like to take this opportunity to do a little 'splainin.

<humongous regretful snip>

But I am not a slave, while I may not have been in complete control of all the events in my life and the way in which they have transpired, I am in control of the way in which I react. I have used that to build a life and taken control of my own destiny through self employment, but yes there are somedays in which I feel the weight of it all. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, a wise man once said, and I feel the suffering of my brothers and sisters suppressed and repressed around this rock.

Did not Gurdjieff say that those who were weak in life would also be weak in the work? We all have a hard road to travel, but the way we respond to the obstacles and challenges we face is what defines us. We have control over those instances, or at least we ought to, and the way we face those moments every minute of everyday is the standard by which we will be judged. I hope I live up to the expectations of my children, yet know I fail them as well. I know this world can be perceived as a quagmire, yet I feel we have to keep our chins up and carry on.

So yeah, I don't agree with the current paradigm of the economy, but that doesn't much matter. I have mouths to nourish, and a better future to build for them, so I buckle down, sacrifice time, energy, blood, sweat and tears and I know, that when life presents me with an obstacle, it is an opportunity to act rightly and overcome, not an insurmountable barrier.

Thank you for your story Dylan. It exactly captures the spirit of G's obyvatel. You've found your Work where you are and understand your aim. It's a fortunate few who can do that and consciously appreciate the opportunity.

From In Search of the Miraculous:

"Obyvatel is a strange word in the Russian language. It is used in the sense of 'inhabitant,' without any particular shade. At the same time it is used to express contempt or derision--'obyvatel'--as though there could be nothing worse. But those who speak in this way do not understand that the obyvatel is the healthy kernel of life. And from the point of view of the possibility of evolution, a good obyvatel has many more chances than a 'lunatic' or a 'tramp.' Afterwards I will perhaps explain what I mean by these two words. In the meantime we will talk about the obyvatel. I do not at all wish to say that all obyvatels are people of the objective way. Nothing of the kind. Among them are thieves, rascals, and fools; but there are others. I merely wish to say that being a good obyvatel by itself does not hinder the 'way.' And finally there are different types of obyvatel. Imagine, for example, the type of obyvatel who lives all his life just as the other people round him, conspicuous in nothing, perhaps a good master, who makes money, and is perhaps even close-fisted. At the same time he dreams all his life of monasteries, for instance, and dreams that some time or other he will leave everything and go into a monastery. And such things happen in the East and in Russia. A man lives and works, then, when his children or his grandchildren are grown up, he gives everything to them and goes into a monastery. This is the obyvatel of which I speak. Perhaps he does not go into a monastery, perhaps he does not need this. His own life as an obyvatel can be his way.

"People who are definitely thinking about ways, particularly people of intellectual ways, very often look down on the obyvatel and in general despise the virtues of the obyvatel. But they only show by this their own personal unsuitability for any way whatever. Because no way can begin from a level lower than the obyvatel. This is very often lost sight of on people who are unable to organize their own personal lives, who are too weak to struggle with and conquer life, dream of the ways, or what they consider are ways, because they think it will be easier for them than life and because this, so to speak, justifies their weakness and inadaptability. A man who can be a good obyvatel is much more helpful from the point of view of the way than a 'tramp' who thinks himself much higher than an obyvatel. I call 'tramps' all the so-called 'intelligentsia'--artists, poets, any kind of 'bohemian' in general, who despises the obyvatel and who at the same time would be unable to exist without him. Ability to orientate oneself in life is a very useful quality from the point of view of the work. A good obyvatel should be able to support at least twenty persons by his own labor. What is a man worth who is unable to do this?"

"What does obyvatel actually mean?" asked somebody. "Can it be said that an obyvatel is a good citizen?"

"Ought an obyvatel to be patriotic?" someone else asked. "Let us suppose there is war. What attitude should an obyvatel have towards war?"

"There can be different wars and there can be different patriots," said G. "You all still believe in words. An obyvatel, if he is a good obyvatel, does not believe in words. He realizes how much idle talk is hidden behind them. People who shout about their patriotism are psychopaths for him and he looks upon them as such."

"And how would an obyvatel look upon pacifists or upon people who refuse to go to the war?"

"Equally as lunatics! They are probably still worse."


"When I say that an obyvatel is more serious than a 'tramp' or a 'lunatic,' I mean by this that, accustomed to deal with real values, an obyvatel values the possibilities of the 'ways' and the possibilities of 'liberation' or 'salvation' better and quicker than a man who is accustomed all his life to a circle of imaginary values, imaginary interests, and imaginary possibilities.

"People who are not serious for the obyvatel are people who live by fantasies, chiefly by the fantasy that they are able to do something. The obyvatel knows that they only deceive people, promise them God knows what, and that actually they are simply arranging affairs for themselves--or they are lunatics, which is still worse, in other words they believe everything that people say.


"The obyvatel perhaps may not know it in a philosophical way, that is to say, he is not able to formulate it, but he knows that things 'do themselves' simply through his own practical shrewdness, therefore, in his heart, he laughs at people who think, or who want to assure him, that they signify anything, that anything depends on their decisions, that they can change or, in general, do anything. This for him is not being serious. An understanding of what is not serious can help him to value that which is serious."
herondancer said:
Thank you for your story Dylan. It exactly captures the spirit of G's obyvatel. You've found your Work where you are and understand your aim. It's a fortunate few who can do that and consciously appreciate the opportunity.

From In Search of the Miraculous:

"Obyvatel is a strange word in the Russian language. It is used in the sense of 'inhabitant,' without any particular shade. At the same time it is used to express contempt or derision--'obyvatel'--as though there could be nothing worse. But those who speak in this way do not understand that the obyvatel is the healthy kernel of life. And from the point of view of the possibility of evolution, a good obyvatel has many more chances than a 'lunatic' or a 'tramp.' Afterwards I will perhaps explain what I mean by these two words. In the meantime we will talk about the obyvatel. I do not at all wish to say that all obyvatels are people of the objective way. Nothing of the kind. Among them are thieves, rascals, and fools; but there are others. I merely wish to say that being a good obyvatel by itself does not hinder the 'way.' And finally there are different types of obyvatel. Imagine, for example, the type of obyvatel who lives all his life just as the other people round him, conspicuous in nothing, perhaps a good master, who makes money, and is perhaps even close-fisted. At the same time he dreams all his life of monasteries, for instance, and dreams that some time or other he will leave everything and go into a monastery. And such things happen in the East and in Russia. A man lives and works, then, when his children or his grandchildren are grown up, he gives everything to them and goes into a monastery. This is the obyvatel of which I speak. Perhaps he does not go into a monastery, perhaps he does not need this. His own life as an obyvatel can be his way.

"People who are definitely thinking about ways, particularly people of intellectual ways, very often look down on the obyvatel and in general despise the virtues of the obyvatel. But they only show by this their own personal unsuitability for any way whatever. Because no way can begin from a level lower than the obyvatel. This is very often lost sight of on people who are unable to organize their own personal lives, who are too weak to struggle with and conquer life, dream of the ways, or what they consider are ways, because they think it will be easier for them than life and because this, so to speak, justifies their weakness and inadaptability. A man who can be a good obyvatel is much more helpful from the point of view of the way than a 'tramp' who thinks himself much higher than an obyvatel. I call 'tramps' all the so-called 'intelligentsia'--artists, poets, any kind of 'bohemian' in general, who despises the obyvatel and who at the same time would be unable to exist without him. Ability to orientate oneself in life is a very useful quality from the point of view of the work. A good obyvatel should be able to support at least twenty persons by his own labor. What is a man worth who is unable to do this?"

"What does obyvatel actually mean?" asked somebody. "Can it be said that an obyvatel is a good citizen?"

"Ought an obyvatel to be patriotic?" someone else asked. "Let us suppose there is war. What attitude should an obyvatel have towards war?"

"There can be different wars and there can be different patriots," said G. "You all still believe in words. An obyvatel, if he is a good obyvatel, does not believe in words. He realizes how much idle talk is hidden behind them. People who shout about their patriotism are psychopaths for him and he looks upon them as such."

"And how would an obyvatel look upon pacifists or upon people who refuse to go to the war?"

"Equally as lunatics! They are probably still worse."


"When I say that an obyvatel is more serious than a 'tramp' or a 'lunatic,' I mean by this that, accustomed to deal with real values, an obyvatel values the possibilities of the 'ways' and the possibilities of 'liberation' or 'salvation' better and quicker than a man who is accustomed all his life to a circle of imaginary values, imaginary interests, and imaginary possibilities.

"People who are not serious for the obyvatel are people who live by fantasies, chiefly by the fantasy that they are able to do something. The obyvatel knows that they only deceive people, promise them God knows what, and that actually they are simply arranging affairs for themselves--or they are lunatics, which is still worse, in other words they believe everything that people say.


"The obyvatel perhaps may not know it in a philosophical way, that is to say, he is not able to formulate it, but he knows that things 'do themselves' simply through his own practical shrewdness, therefore, in his heart, he laughs at people who think, or who want to assure him, that they signify anything, that anything depends on their decisions, that they can change or, in general, do anything. This for him is not being serious. An understanding of what is not serious can help him to value that which is serious."

I appreciate your response, herondancer. Thank you for highlighting that passage from ISOTM. I remember reading it a couple of years back and it's one of the passages I re-read a few times as it resonated with me. I do feel quite fortunate, fwiw, as I could easily have been born to much different and more dire circumstances.
Having passed 4 months of homelessness in Seattle (a seemingly spiritually dead zone), without a doubt, the biggest crutch has been lack of sleep. Shelters like the Salvation Army provides do help, but it's just not enough, for a multitude of reasons: not only the gray depression, the exhaustion, hopelessness, but for those who work and need even more to recharge. All recent meltdowns I've had since December have been primarily fueled by sheer exhaustion. ~
[url=]C'est la vie.[/url] said:

The Criminalization of Homelessness in U.S. Cities
A Report by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty



Imagine a world where it is illegal to sit down. Could you survive if there were no place you were allowed to fall asleep, to store your belongings, or to stand still? For most of us, these scenarios seem unrealistic to the point of being ludicrous. But, for homeless people across America, these circumstances are an ordinary part of daily life.
Skyalmian said:
[url=]C'est la vie.[/url] said:
Elsewhere said:
This is one of the most comprehensive PDFs on the subject out there. It shows how depraved the kleptocracy / oligarchy in this country is in trying to "shove it under the rug" like it's not there. But the problem of lack of affordable housing is there and not only isn't going anywhere but is just worsening. Downhill is the only direction without fundamental economical change. The average individual in this country doesn't care / is complacent and so indirectly 'enables' such criminalization / laws via apathy.
For the past seven (7) months, mainly during the first three (3) when I was being sucked into the depths, despair, misery, nihilism, etc. of homelessness post-mother, I seem to have felt / noticed very unpleasant things:

[url=]Google+[/url] said:
The worst aspect has been the frequencies / vibes of the homeless as a whole and all the disease / sickness they carry (plus all the drugs, legal and illegal). Being an apparent HSP ("Highly Sensitive Person") I am a bit more attuned to the unseen behind the surface physical, and there much anger, depression, despair, hatred (of themselves and others), hopelessness, hostility, irritation, nihilism, suicidalness, and negativity in all its forms in some manner clouding the air, and nearly all are perpetually "on edge" in some fashion, with some that can and will snap and lose it at the slightest provocation. (I have been near at least 20+ fistfights and within earshot of even more verbal altercations that almost lead to a fight...) There is little-to-no awareness / light with some anymore, their being 'gone' / "the lights are out", and the overall atmosphere is...dark, dim. Shielding and coping mechanism techniques in some form are an absolute must and it is an absolute essential to get away periodically to be alone and 'decompress', no matter how short or small (some with jobs get a motel room for a weekend or week to disappear). (Éiriú Eolas ( ) helps clear and protect my energy field with the "cocoons of light" it creates.) Being around so many 24/7 can be suffocating, and 'institutionalized' is a term that has come to mind.

It seems that their collective FRV makes them more or less conducive to extermination after any collapse ahead, being the most visible and hated, not only trapped in their sticky tar pit of self-hatred and shame but constantly receiving both high levels of pity and loathing from majority society (which believes in 'NIMBYism') on a daily basis. The frequent fights erupting, trashing of places they frequent, constant police attention / arrests, etc. just adds fuel to it, and most don't see it, the problem of that plugged into the bigger picture / signs.

(The beginning of this period coincided with the end of autophobia after 18 years. :( )

Forewarned is forearmed. Exit everything to do with it as much as possible asap, if one.
Skyalmian said:
Forewarned is forearmed. Exit everything to do with it as much as possible asap, if one.

And how about you, Skyalmian? How/where are you now, do you have a place to stay, work, any resources to "exit everything to do with it as much as possible asap"?
Alana said:
Skyalmian said:
Forewarned is forearmed. Exit everything to do with it as much as possible asap, if one.

And how about you, Skyalmian? How/where are you now, do you have a place to stay, work, any resources to "exit everything to do with it as much as possible asap"?
Tentatively there is a place in Sappho, Washington, that I have twice-visited so far for 4 nights each. We both consider the visits a surprising success in person but the woman has issues she is going through, including and likely sourced from major digestive issues ('diverticulitis') that required surgery, and faltering memory. For example, one 'I' agreed in person to me 'unlimited' tenting on the property on the last Friday I left, another 'I' online a day later (which is where all the miscommunications take place) said to not come back, and was highly defensive and pushy back at me, so it's a wavering "wait and see". I was terrified she would be a "mother clone", and in one way is, but inversely, ala. the online miscommunications versus, with my mother, in-person miscommunications (and I only got along with my mother online). Though, fortunately / positively, this individual recognizes that she has issues, is employing multiple techniques constantly to try to cope, and has shown what seems to be genuine interest to learn / improve.

All of the above observations saying more about me than her, because when I exited my mother in February 2013 I ended up living with a far worse clone for five (5) brutal months as a BDSM slave, where the worst traumas in second half of life took place in the form of "it all opens up", on Hawai'i Island at (as later found out) 19.555 latitude in an area said by one shaman, "It's nothing personal, it's just the location."

My focus is and has been on Amazon, which I was, after five (5) brutal months, 'converted' / graduated to "blue badge" Amazonian. Which...

to a friend said:
I earned the "blue badge"... It's not just the money, it's the 'frequency' of 'Amazonian' and all that it entails, the corporate and social connections, of being a direct member of something awesome (that's going somewhere), part of a crowd, social group, etc. I earned the privilege to become one and everything linked to it. Also, this ties into being a 'Seattleite'.

Already I have some friends and am slowly getting back into a standard life.

One thing I realized by mid-November 2014 was that the way I exited my mother -- walking out silently, unnoticed, without explosive, emotional, screaming / raging at each other -- those unexpressed emotions, played themselves out this way and fed entirely into this situation. It's not that just what happened over 7.5 years hurt so much, but that I cared / loved her so much, but couldn't do anything to help her, as my father's abuse of her was so severe that she became beyond the ability to want to work on herself, and descended into "drama queen" / narcissist for it...

She was the provider of the roof over my head post-father November 2005, and had emphasized that point at various times over the years, all her sacrifice (her being a 'codependent' / "Rescuer" on the "Drama Triangle".

Self said:
[2015-04-08 17:24 UTC-08] I need not slowly, passively destroy myself over my mother / what happened, which is what I've been quasi-doing since arriving in Seattle, for over low self-worth, guilt, shame, powerlessness at having been unable to help her against even a greater threat than my abusive father, etc... The pain runs deep, I know how much she did for me over my life, doing the best she could, but how a 31-year relationship ended sucks hard and there's no way around how much it hurts... :( It's dragging me down and the "homeless tar", current miserable draining life in homeless shelters, nihilism, suicidalness, etc. are all related to that...

o/t: I have no idea what lead cheezemurda49 to where he is today, still in "The Tunnel" to this day and suffering in his own ways for it.

(I constantly edit. I'm always pressed for time, being on a library PC and also have to go to work today.)
"Amazonians are not homeless." —random thought yesterday timed around Éiriú Eolas.

Just as this forum can / may represent a 'conduit' to a better, balanced, service-oriented realm / planet, there are other 'conduits' / pathways to other things, e.g. frequencies by association and matching / modifying to fit.

Doors are already opening to end what will be, in 1 day, a 7-month period.

[quote author="cheezemurda49 on 2014-12-04 @ 20:26 via e-mail"]While in Hawaii, I wondered why the hell you would go to Seattle, in September... Or Seattle, in general. To be blunt, but to spark some life into your soul, what is your business with Seattle?

Was there some kind of call? And if so, by whom & what for?

I don't ask this for my own benefit, I'm hoping it will benefit you. Write it to me if it helps, I am truly concerned for You and this Seattle Affair.

From my distance, it seems Seattle has been BRUTAL. I sense a poisonous fog. A scene of spiritual pollution. I wonder how all of this is assisting your spiritual development.

It may be that your higher self called you there...

Maybe its a trap.

I only conjecture.

Sometimes I find myself, or my higher self, or both of them jumping into traps, for... God only knows.

Learning. Maybe.

I mean, is it ALL bad? Are you learning anything? Are you possibly assisting others to alleviate suffering? (Quite possibly at your own expense?)

I basically finished reading the Neg book, and wow...

I'm seeing you in a type of cage, surrounded by a lot of ..people.. But not a group of people in the healthy sense of the word, comradare. If I were to be blunt, I would say you are surrounded by dark animals, and a light you may be, but the wick burns low and the wax is... Waning. The fog is thick and the atmosphere is Dim.

This all may be according to your lessons. But why? Why! Maybe ask your Self why. Dream a little dream, ..of You.

Diet. Dye it. Die it.

Fasting is a God-$end. Worth every penny. If you are able, or if it becomes necessary. Sometimes just not eating for two or three days will activate a voracious Hunger. Which will Create Drive.

Also, it activates the sense of Smell, which connects you, or allows you to See your surroundings, and Act more in accordance with Your Will. And thus Drive to a better location, even if that location is a simple change in perspective.

Are you trapped? Stuck? Other than illness preventing your locomotion, that is. Can you not, move?[/quote]
"Most cannot move.", no. And "Location, Location, Location." — "make it here" or make it nowhere because constantly running won't 'fix' things. But that '10.4' has been a specter in the back of mind.

IRC said:
<limestpi>: hi skyalmian_mb
<limestpi>: did you get your promotion yet
<skyalmian_mb>: limestpi: Yes. And I cried after I saw how few were 'converted' to "blue badge" 'Amazonian'.
<skyalmian_mb>: (Caused meltdown.)
<limestpi>: great job
<skyalmian_mb>: Flirted with death for so long......
<skyalmian_mb>: Caroline, my case manager, knows how suicidal I've been.
<limestpi>: case manager = a social worker?
<skyalmian_mb>: I can, as I told her, handle lots of things, but goddamnit...when I got as badly sick constantly as I was, REPEATED long-term instances of Influenza, the last that lasted from mid-February to mid-March and rebooted itself in-between, and I never stopped moving no matter how much my body was SCREAMING at me to just drop...
<skyalmian_mb>: 3 colds, bacterial/viral conjunctivitis (both eyes, November 2014), influenza December 2014, influenza January 2015, and influenza again February-March 2015.
<skyalmian_mb>: Combined with prolonged, chronic sleep deprivation, pure raw physical exhaustion feeding psychotic episodes ('disintegration' of sorts)...
<limestpi>: I got pink eye last year
<limestpi>: was awful
<skyalmian_mb>: Nevermind being surrounded by "aggressively disrespectful" "10,000 mosquitoes"
<limestpi>: so I can't begin to imagine what that was like

Other things:

me to a friend said:
Yesterday's visit to Everett to see an aimless mass of homeless in the rain right next to a large bridge, the Everett Gospel Mission, and 10,000 "NO TRESPASSING" signs everywhere was crushing.
More or less, indeed! :O

[url=]Google+[/url] said:
These can, do, and would apply to the not-a-low-energy-zombie mode of homelessness.

I noted months ago that this IS a war.

The same with Amazon and the successful graduation to "blue badge" 'Amazonian' after 5 months, beating out over...yes (article correlation)...80 others.

[url=]The Best Quotes From The Navy SEAL Training Guide: Mental Toughness[/url] said:
"Of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are nothing but targets, nine are real fighters... We are lucky to have them... They make the battle. Ah, but the One... One of them is a Warrior... and He will bring the others back." ~ Hericletus, 500 B.C.

"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness." ~ Seneca, 50 A.D.

"No matter what happens, I simply refuse to lose. To me, it's really that simple. I approach anything thought to be difficult with an attitude of "I'll do this or die trying."

One of the SEALS interviewed for this book stated that during BUDS he would literally break down each training day into dozens of separate events starting from the moment he woke up. He said that once he was done shaving and brushing his teeth, he'd say to himself, "OK — got that done — you're a winner! Now, let's get dressed." Next, he would focus on getting dressed in the proper uniform for the day's first training event and when he did that he would again mentally reaffirm to himself that he had once again "been a winner" and was ready for the next "event" which was to clean his barracks room with his roommates. After successfully completing this task (and "winning" once again!), he'd fall out for morning formation with the rest of his class and run a mile to the chow hall for breakfast.

Simply stated, the "4 x 4 breathing" technique is executed by inhaling deeply (as if you are trying to fill up your lungs!) for four seconds and then exhaling in a steady and even manner for four seconds. This sequence must be continuously repeated for at least one minute to be effective, and many SEALS find that doing it for longer periods of 2-4 minutes produces even better results for them.

In his highly acclaimed book "On Combat", retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel David Grossman describes how heart rate affects performance under stressful conditions. His research, which has been validated by previous and subsequent studies, indicates that in general, the higher the heart rate, the more a human body relies on instincts when responding to dangerous situations, threats, problems, etc. The problem with this is that during times of great stress, a person's instincts are often wrong.

If confidence is contagious, it is also highly visible. If you ever get the chance to meet or observe a Navy SEAL, you will invariably agree that young or old, he carries himself with an aura of quiet confidence and bearing. While their personalities range from introvert to extrovert, SEALS literally walk and talk as if they are in complete control of themselves and the environment they are in.

Addictions: People lacking confidence often resort to destructive behavior such as overeating, abuse of alcohol or drugs in order to cope with their feelings of inadequacy.

Most planning experts agree that the majority of people, organizations, etc., that fail to reach their goals do so because they did not apply an adequate form of measurement to keep track of their progress.

The guys that start BUDS thinking that they won't make it...DON'T MAKE IT! Those who begin BUDS with an "I will die before I quit" mentality are the guys who are standing tall on graduation day!
That's literally the attitude I have...

[url=]The Best Quotes From The Navy SEAL Training Guide: Mental Toughness[/url] said:
I saw many people quit at BUDS who had all the necessary attributes and traits required to serve as a SEAL, except one — the ability to remain mentally focused when faced with continuous and very stressful challenges or situations. I also saw many make it through the course who were quite ordinary from a physical standpoint, yet they kept going day after day, evolution after evolution. At some point they seemed to arrive at a mental state that basically said, "Others have made it through this course and I can too!"

The common denominator among these men was the fact that they all had a very strong competitive personality and they really enjoyed competing against challenges most others found too difficult or even impossible to overcome.

In the SEAL culture, winning and accomplishing the mission at hand is to be done at all costs.

Instead of thinking about the entire 6 month course, the week's training schedule or even the daily schedule, many trainees focus on literally getting by one small event at a time, be it getting dressed, eating breakfast, running to the obstacle course, completing the obstacle course within standards, etc. — the focus is one successive micro-evolutions or time frames.

The really tough guys never whined or made excuses about anything. They were often brutally critical of themselves and their units and they were always focused on whatever actions were necessary to achieve the mission at hand.

Toughness involves having control over your thoughts. In a situation where your fitness level is not where you want it to be and your negative thoughts are getting the best of you, you have a choice. You can let the negative thoughts take over and drain you of energy, or you can consciously choose positive thoughts that empower you and push you to press on.

Mental toughness in this situation means consciously noticing the things that you are able to do well and honoring your efforts with positive thoughts.

"If not me, then who? If not now, then when?" ~ Hillel the Elder, 50 B.C.
[url=]Wikiquote said:
You must understand that ordinary efforts do not count; only superefforts count.

What is this, survival training for the times ahead when the cities and stores are empty and everyone's starving to death? :( (With that ice age inbound there really will not be any easy food to find or obtain.)

Of note, pent-up emotions / emotional states can 'clog' the energy field of the head, causing physical ailments like colds, influenzas etc. and Éiriú Eolas in/around the head to break apart that clutter can lead to meltdowns. (Such confirming the connection / correlation between holding back tears (emotions) and physical head pain.)
Here in So. Cal. Southern California, we have over 30,000 + homeless people and families. It would be a mistake to Stereo Type the homeless as somebody deserving of the situation they find themselves in. I have personally met some of them and while we tend to remember the ones whose Dip-stick don't touch oil, a great many are homeless because housing casts 80% of their monthly income, they have exhausted monies from DPSS (Department of public social services), They for some reason do not qualify for DPSS monies (criminal record, drugs and what-ever, they only get monies for 9-months out of 1-year, they do not qualify for further assistance or have fallen into a different category) and the monies you do receive is not very much. Many are scared and are greatly worried that something terrible is soon to happen. I concur with their forebodings that the future has Winds of Change before the Storm. Riders of the Storm Wyatt
Wyatt Shipley said:
It would be a mistake to Stereo Type the homeless as somebody deserving of the situation they find themselves in.
None do.

The psychopaths that made the world the way it is and by proxy homelessness an ever-increasing commonality, do (deserve to be homeless).

Having crossed the 7-month mark on May 7 and been saturated in endless bad vibes, aggressive disrespect, surrounded by "walking dead", etc. it became plain long ago to make 'superefforts' to not sink into the depths to become as empty, hollow, and lifeless as the rest of them, devoid of any drive or will left to change or escape. The ones who wait in outside Seattle City Hall every day for 4 hours just for a mat are sadly such lifeless ones, and I could barely handle doing that (insane waiting) and being around all that. :( (Nevermind the fights that would break out.)

As for my brain, or what's left of it under the chronic stress, malnutrition (I'm not even close to a paleolithic diet, let alone ketogenic one.), and long-term severe sleep deprivation, "use it or lose it" has been applied, and typing this is one part of that. (The links are intentional for self-reference and networking (within own mind, trying to keep memory functioning, and for others in terms of context).)

[url=]July 16 said:
A: Tornadoes/Florida - several. Also Texas and Alabama. When the Sun is in Libra. Seattle buried; Japan buckles; Missouri shakes; California Crumbles; Arizona burns. Denver Airport Scandal.

[url=]February 16 said:
First World Problems: "I can't use the plugs because they're all buried in homeless people." - friend

:D :lol:
It could be said that Seattle, in one way at least, is 'buried' in homeless people.

Not really funny, but true.

The situation is worse than most hear or read about, but that may be normally the case with anything dark / negative on this planet. :/

Utah found the solution to homelessness but the rest of the country has yet to get with it.

I read somewhere that '12.9%' of affordable housing disappeared 'forever' after the crash of 2008. :(
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