The Congress (2013)

Divide by Zero

The Living Force
I just saw The Congress from 2013. It was a beautiful film with some shocking ideas of what the future could be.
I bumped into it by admiring the music of Max Richter who also did quite a few pieces for Waltz With Bashir.

The basic premise is that in the future technology advances where actors are no longer needed, as they get scanned in and their likeness acts inside a computer to make the film. The technology of media and reality develops further- spoilers below:

Plot is here, warning spoilers!

SPOILERS- My comments on the film and what I took from it.

I found it interesting that media "evolved" into a group hallucination. The form is cartoonish.
It was sold as free choice, because anybody could be anything they wanted to be in this world. Unfortunately, this ability to change reality seems to be fruitless without objectivity. Without an AIM, the people just live out dreams. The C's have explained 4d is where what you think, you create, and the danger of this coupled with wishful thinking.

The main character Robin gets stuck in the hallucinogenic world and ends up having problems which leads her to getting frozen for 20 years in order to be able to heal.

Instead of Robin waking up to the real world, we learn that this chemical world now has the majority of the population and she is still a part of it.
Robin, the main character decides to go back into the real world to find her son who she lost contact with and couldn't track down.
The real world looks post apocalyptic, not sure if it was due to the people who were stuck in the chemical world not being able to be productive or not or other issues. They walk around like zombies in the physical world. There are a few people overseeing the basic needs of the world, but there are very little doctors or other useful hands on people to help out.

Robin learns that her son was almost fully blind and deaf and was told to go into the chemical world after waiting for her so many years. So, Robin decides to go back into the chemical world, knowing that this time it will be what she wants. She experiences her birth and life up until the time she was stuck in the hallucination, but past that point she dreams up a "normal life" where her son and rest of her family are alive and well in the "real world".

That reminded me of karma and the how spirits in "30 years among the dead" were attached to their story of life. It always bugged me that we don't normally remember our past lives in much detail, but I wonder now, if we did, would we not want to repeat it to make it better like she did?

It's very disheartening, thinking of the trans humanist ideals of living forever and how something like this could happen (if there are no disasters). It helped remind me why seeing what IS now in reality is important to prepare for 4d. Going to 4d now would not be liberating for us, without objective knowledge. More and more I understand the ramifications of "Knowledge protects".
Yeah I watched that movie too. What really astounds me in all this is that there are these two choices yet no alternatives. In both worlds there is no real MEANING to life. There is the option of living out your personal fantasies and the other one is literally waiting for death. I mean what a total lack of imagination. Its as if we can only imagine a rich and creative life in some chemical celebrity-fantasy world but are unable to apply our own unique imagination in the real world. WHY???
I think the lack of imagination in the real world was because the easy choice- living in the personal fantasy world was much easier.

Because the majority choose the fantasy world, the real world lost out on people who can do things for that world, so the state of decay there.
yea sure but wouldn´t it be also a great chance in creating something new in this world, when the system collapses and less people and so on..

I would imagine it as a great possibility for creativity and new options. The destruction of the old order is at the end something good and nessesary. Its just that it seems to me that we are fed this themes of hopelessness powerlessness and despair as if we are some bunch of weak, stupid creatures that are just to apathic and impotent to create a new world outside of some authoritarian control system. Its the thing with all these post apocalyptic movies. If we as human beings can create a hell on earth surely we can also create a heaven. Why not???

If we could just drop our small minded, cowardly self-absorbed, seperativness, and find new ways of interacting with each other on the basis of equality and unity.

It is the question is the human being an animal that needs a master or is the human being a CREATOR who is free to choose. Hollywood always feeds us the first option.
Let those idiots drift off in their cemical fantasy and let us create a new world here on earth.... :D :D :D :D :P yeahhhh
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