Fukushima- The TIP of the Iceberg


Dagobah Resident
We are living on borrowed time : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEJn7Y21zT0 A Fairewinds’ interview with Matthew Stein.

Solar Storms: Occasionally the sun erupts with huge quantities of particles (Coronal Mass Ejection) that can damage the earth’s electric systems. Renowned author Mat Stein and Arnie Gundersen discuss the dangers of a large coronal mass ejection on the electrical grid and on nuclear plants worldwide. Arnie Gundersen and Mat discuss EMPs (electromagnetic pulses), and Mat explains the three different levels of EMPs, clarifying misconceptions.
Arnie and Mat also explore the devastating damage to our electronic and digital world and on the world’s nuclear power plants if terrorists detonated a nuclear bomb in space...
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