Landmark study proves that magnets can control heat and sound


The Living Force
This should give us all something to chew on with all the geoelectrophonics, acoustic levitation, tonal rills and stuff.
thanks for the article monotonic.

It seems the effect is tiny but it still has an impact in bigger systems like that of a planet.
In summary if the magnetic force is strong enough to break the waves, the effect takes place.

Now if photons can produce electricity, I wonder if the same applies for phonons. Certainly phonons and sound contain a different type of energy, and do not vibrate at the same speed in the same way as photons do.
This quote from the article caught my attention:

With a strong enough magnetic field, we should be able to steer sound waves, too.

So, why not:

With strong enough sound waves, we should be able to steer a magnetic field, too.
Well if there is a resistance that stops the motion of waves that produce heat, it would be good enough to cancel out the effect of heat in the medium, but that already exist in electricity, and also in heating/cooling systems, like insulation, as insulation is not a conductible a medium for these types of waves .

So the only thing that comes to my mind, something that can alter these wastes, at that level, has to be something that moves at the same speed or in the same frequency.

So heat wave vibrations with Light frequencies instead of a magnet. Like a light frequency that can alter the motion and sync of the original heat waves, or sound waves. Some way to flatten the wave into a line, or stop the oscillation in the medium, would in theory allow an object to remain completely cold in, say, a volcano.

Maybe it is the development of the manipulation of waves, the technology that allows UFO's to not sound or not heat up or to do all the things that they can do, including moving at such speeds by eliminating the resistance in the surrounding environment via wave manipulation; Because, one of the thing the C's mentioned is that once in 3rd density they are 3rd density , so they are ruled by the laws of this density.

I'm sorry I slipped into the UFO, but I couldn't help but to consider it. :)
It also occurred to me the many stories of Himalayan yogis who can survive in extreme cold by generating heat, but not in the conventional sense that the body generates heat. Maybe it's the same mechanism at play in the body, but those yogis are supposed to be able to control it consciously. I recently read "Living with the Himalayan Masters" by Swami Rama, and there are numerous stories in that book, such as a yogi sitting in meditation for days, weeks, or longer (?), amidst blizzard conditions at high altitude, while snow just piled up around them. When the snow eventually melts in the springtime, they are still there in meditation. I also know and have met a yogi who is said to have lived totally naked in the Himalayas above 5000m, walking barefoot in -50C temperatures. I also recall a story, though I have never been able to track it down, of a documentary film crew that went to Tibet to film some of the extreme and austere practices of a group of monks. The film crew followed a group of monks out of the monastery and climbed up to a rock ledge at the beginning of a snow storm. They were only wearing their robes, but the film crew was fully covered in arctic attire. The monks sat calmly on the rock ledge and eventually went to sleep for the night. The heat they generated melted all snow that fell on their rock ledge, but the film crew had to abandon their efforts because they were suffering from the cold. Other stories are of monks who put wet towels on their backs and as a kind of competition they see how fast they can generate enough body-heat to dry the towels.

Given those examples, I wonder what is the nature of this so-called siddhi in relation to controlling electromagnetic phenomena.
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