Huge Tsunami


Padawan Learner
Hello everyone, i believe it's been the 3rd dream now that i have had of a HUGE tsunami rolling straight for me probably in the 100+ of meters in height, and i seem to dream them very vividly. The last 2 i recall quite well, one of which i am in a Tall highrise building on the ocean and i see a massive wall of water coming straight for the coastline that moment i felt safe as i was higher then the wall of water, but one i can recall of me being in the ocean holding on to a rock looking out and seeing a cruise ship heading my way then suddenly a huge wall of water towering behind it taking the ship and me along with it but for some reason i feel at peace when it does take me and can still breathe while being under the water! A once off dream i wouldn't pay too much attention but multiple dreams of a similar concept has really got my attention. Anyone else experiencing these types of dream???
Hello scottiet, is there any more detail in your dream concerning the city or perhaps which country you are dreaming about.
A Tsunami as big as that would be one to tell the grandchildren about!
Hi there :) Well, the highrise dream that i had was my actual hometown on the east coast of Australia, which was one of the first dreams, but the others which came after that, the last dream was actually just the other night, did not seem to give me any reference of location nor did i feel like i knew the area, i also didn't see any devastation of it (i seem to wake before that happens) more of like just seeing it suddenly form from calm ocean to an instant tower and pretty much preparing myself for it, Sorry i can't be of more help!
You are not the only one dreaming about tsunamis, I think, looking in Internet, tsunamis are very common dreams, these times. I had one at the beginning of this year, a monstrous tsunami wave in front of me.

About tsunamis dreams:

I’m thinking we must be in the midst of a kind of “global tsunami”. In Jungian terms I’m thinking the tsunami is part of our “collective unconscious” a part of the unconscious that is shared by everyone. Jung spoke of archetypes and symbols as arising from the collective unconscious. This is where Jung starts to get a bit more spiritual and departs from conventional psychiatry.

So why is everyone dreaming of tsunamis? An obvious connection is the huge real-life tsunamis of 2005. Or is there some kind of global emotional / spiritual “wave” that is now affecting everyone?? I don’t know what that might be. Comments always appreciated.



You are facing a killer wave, rushing at you like a moving mountain of water. You are fleeing from it, but you can’t escape and it crashes over you, pushing the air from your lungs and you surface from sleep terrified and gasping for breath.
This is a rather widespread experience in sleep dreams. I’ve heard versions of it from hundreds of dreamers. What’s going on here?
You could be dreaming of something that will blow up in your life with the emotional force of a rogue wave, even a tsunami. The dream may be a prompt to look at the kind of situations in your regular like that threaten to overwhelm you, and how you can better cope when those situations arise. This may lead you to shape a survival strategy that is simple as this:
– Remember to breathe
– Let the storm wash over you
– Put yourself in a protective bubble


You can look for the symbolism of water, also.

Water is the stuff of life, the stuff in which we swim and the stuff that nourishes our body and soul. Dreams featuring water are dreams of life, living and rejuvenation. They are dreams in which we return to the safety of the womb and regenerate our life's pathway. Nevertheless, water can also overwhelm and drown us, removing the life force we draw from it. Interpreting a dream about water is dependent on the elements of the dream.


Everyone is a unique individual with our personal experiences but also we are part of a community, a humanity. So our dreams or nightmares can be a mirror of it.
Yeah thanks for that, it's always good to hear others opinions and experiences, i felt i had to put it in here just because it is reoccurring and quite vivid compared to anything else i can remember. Always open to anyone else opinion!
fwiw it's always worth looking at the emotional component. Water can represent emotion, so there are a few possibilities to consider.
Being swept away by emotions and being fearful of them (seeing a wave that big - it is life threatening).
Along those lines, standing on top of a building and getting an overview (feeling safe) could be about emotional observation. Being able to breathe under the wave could also be about realizing you can 'survive' these emotions arising without it consuming you.

So perhaps it's worth considering what emotions may have been showing up recently, and how your view of them has changed?
I have a few friends who have told me of reoccurring tidal wave dreams they've been having lately. I've been having the tsunami dream since I was a child. At one point they were so frequent that I started to believe one was really coming. In the summer we would stay with relatives at a house across the street from the ocean. Many days while the other kids were playing, I would sit on the porch with binoculars watching for the wave so I could alert everyone in time to hit the road. Family would shake their heads, saying that crazy kid is on the porch watching for tidal waves again. Thankfully, the dreams lessened, although I would still have them occasionally. In recent years I have them more frequently again. They are mostly the same. I can see the huge wave approaching, it's coming fast. I have to decide if I can get ahead of it to higher ground, or go under it. Sometimes I am already high above it and it can't reach me. Other times, I know I can't out run it, so I choose to dive under it. Every time I go under it, it is calm and I am safe and all the fury is on the top. And funny, I can also breathe under the water in the dream, lol. I used to think the dreams represented personal issues and how I am facing my problems in life. Maybe they did. But perhaps these dreams could represent the tsunami of change that is washing across the planet and how we react to this or will react. Not sure, but I'm having them too. :/
In reading, it's kinda funny what came to mind.

Dreaming about it or living the dream. For me, living the dream is much more interesting. Now, that is not about anything in particular, any old dream, but rather the dream you have chosen for this time and place. If people were not so heavily programmed, me included, the dream may become the reality.

In certain respects, changes are already taking place.
Usually my reocurring dream is of being in a plane crash but last month I had a very vivid tsunami dream (I thought it strange because I live thousands of miles from an ocean). Anyway thanks for all the input. I guess I'm in the same boat as others (mild pun intended).
I've had many natural disaster dreams as well, earthquakes, comets, the earths gravitational field going upside down (where I was standing on the ground but it felt like gravity was pulling towards the sky instead of the ground) and one about a supernova which destroyed everything in a bright light.
I agree with Redfox that it probably has some emotional symbology. When this force that feels so much larger than us is coming, our fear of it and how we deal with it. Ususally when it "hits" in my dream I am calm in the midst of chaos and it's never as bad as it seems like it will be.
It could be our fear of dealing with these deeper emotions that make them appear larger than life, able to swallow us whole but when it comes to the crunch we survive.
Perhaps when we wake up from our dream when the actual event is upon us it is symbolic of the shocks we need to give ourselves in our daily life in order to "wake up"?
scottiet said:
Hi there :) Well, the highrise dream that i had was my actual hometown on the east coast of Australia, which was one of the first dreams, but the others which came after that, the last dream was actually just the other night, did not seem to give me any reference of location nor did i feel like i knew the area, i also didn't see any devastation of it (i seem to wake before that happens) more of like just seeing it suddenly form from calm ocean to an instant tower and pretty much preparing myself for it, Sorry i can't be of more help!

Perhaps it's time to start building an Ark!
My grandchildren will be in the path of any tsunami that hits the East coast of Oz, and Wollongong has been known to suffer 100ft tsunamis in the past.
It's a worry.
( strange how my mind works: 'warri' is a native word for water. A 'warrie', is navy slang for a warship )
In 2011, I woke up early one morning because I had to catch a flight, I turned on the news while doing last minute packing and saw that there was a earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The night before I had a dream about a Tsunami.. it was really weird. Just makes me wonder about some type of collective unconscious that I may have tapped into while dreaming, who knows. I also had another dream about a tsunami last night and huge waves, but it was only after reading about the earthquake in Chile so it was already in my conscious mind. Nonetheless... it does seem odd that so many people are dreaming the same thing.
I've also had a similar recurring dream for years. I'm in a hotel up a few stories and see a big tsunami maybe 100 feet tall out in the ocean distance. And it's kind of like in slow motion, as if it's just hovering right past the beach-line. Sometimes I am on the beach and it's like, "Uh oh". Crazily enough, in some of them, the tsunami overwhelms the city and the hotel breaks loose from the foundation and floats around the city and everyone inside it including myself are ok..
3D Student said:
I've also had a similar recurring dream for years. I'm in a hotel up a few stories and see a big tsunami maybe 100 feet tall out in the ocean distance. And it's kind of like in slow motion, as if it's just hovering right past the beach-line. Sometimes I am on the beach and it's like, "Uh oh". Crazily enough, in some of them, the tsunami overwhelms the city and the hotel breaks loose from the foundation and floats around the city and everyone inside it including myself are ok..
It's like your higher vantage point on the hotel symbolises your awareness and you can see more of what's coming - tsunami=economic collapse etc. and that's why you and the other guys are ok on the "ark" hotel. The event still happens but you ride it out.
I've experienced tsunami dreams off and on, had one this morning and then another last month. A few other water, ocean dreams as well. Been reading/looking up more info about the impending Cascadia Subduction Zone quake since reading this years C's sessions.. so very likely it's filtering into my dreams.

In the one this morning, I was on the beach with a good amount of other people...seems as if I notice a large wave of water approaching and start to run to higher ground. Other people then too notice and start to run. The land seems to be shifting/sliding all around as I'm running..

Then being at higher ground, something about looking out at the ocean and the appearance/sense of another approaching wave (pretty vague now). At one point, I'm suddenly in a building and climbing what seems like a rope of some sort, to get as close to the ceiling as possible..made more sense in the dream. Later on.. I'm at what appears to be the outside of a house overlooking the ocean at night, trying to get as far away as possible by getting into a car with a couple others..but the visibility isn't too good, that's where I think I wake up.

A family member who watches the weather pretty closely, was also telling me yesterday about a funnel cloud in the area and then not longer after, a high wind advisory on the Oregon Coast. So, that also likely contributed to said dream. In the tsunami dream from last month, I was also on the beach but getting tossed around by the waves, till (from what I remember) I made it out.
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