UFO Evidence?

Interesting. No idea at all if these are genuine pictures of alien craft.
There is so much noise in the pictures that it's hard to extract a clear image.
Thanks for sharing anyway !
UFO Case Review - Portage County UFO Chase, 1966

Published on Aug 25, 2013
In the spring of 1966, several police officers in Portage County, Ohio, pursued an unidentified flying object for half an hour before watching it disappear into the night sky. The media brought the story to public attention, and popular interest compelled the Air Force to conduct an investigation. The Air Force's conclusion that the officers had misidentified ordinary occurrences opened the witnesses up to a torrent of ridicule. Some of the witnesses, already emotionally disturbed by what they'd seen, were so harshly scrutinized that they quit the force to escape the public eye. As well as being an intriguing case in its own right, the Portage County chase compels us to consider the human toll of ridiculing UFO witnesses and to question the morality of the Air Force's debunking agenda.


Good Article of the late Dr. Hynek (May 1, 1910 – April 27, 1986)

The Secret Life of J. Allen Hynek
John Franch {1}
Skeptical Inquirer Volume 37.1, January/February 2013
According to legend, the astronomer J. Allen Hynek was a skeptic before becoming an outspoken UFOlogist, but is the legend true? This article takes a look at Hynek’s unusual life and career.
{1} John Franch
John Franch is a freelance writer. He is the author of Robber Baron: The Life of Charles Tyson Yerkes and has written articles for such publications as Astronomy, Sky and Telescope, the University of Chicago Magazine, Illinois Alumni, and Chicago History.


"Blue Book was now under direct orders to debunk. . . I remember the conversations around the conference table in which it was suggested that Walt Disney or some educational cartoon producer be enlisted in [the] debunking process."
J. Allen Hynek

"When invading a place for its resources, the first step is to wipe out the indigenous population".

Session 30 September 1994
Q: (L) Are the Lizzies planning to take over our planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are they planning on landing and doing this openly?
A: Close.25
Q: (L) Do they utilize such things as possession by dark energy forms to effect their control?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What other groups are they in cahoots with?
A: Orions.
Q: (L) How many members are there in the Orion/Lizzie group?
A: 16.
Q: (L) Who are the good guys? You say the Cassiopaeans are the good guys. Who else?
A: Pleiadeans and many others.
Q: (L) How many?
A: 16.26
Q: (L) Are the sides equally balanced?
A: Yes.

Quote from the above session:
21 Charles Fort, an obsessive collector of anomalous events, once remarked that the only conclusions he could draw from all his research, was that Earth was "owned" by some beings who we could neither see nor comprehend. Barbara Marciniak's Pleiadians say, in Bringers of the Dawn:

"During Earth's early history, there were wars in space for ownership of this planet. ...Skirmishes took place, and Earth became a place of duality. ...When this skirmish occurred, a certain group of entities fought in space and won the territory of Earth. These new owners did not want the native Earth species - the humans - to be informed of what took place. Uninformed, the species would be easier to control. This is why light is information and darkness is lack of information. ... These new owners who came here 300,000 years ago are the magnificent beings spoken of in your Bible, in the Babylonian and Sumerian tablets, and in texts all over the world. ...Who were these gods from ancient times? They were beings who were able to move reality and to command the spirits of nature to bend to their will. ...The creator gods who have been ruling this planet have the ability to become physical, though mostly they exist in other dimensions. They keep Earth in a certain vibrational frequency while they create emotional trauma to nourish themselves. ...In order to have you believe they were Gods with a big G, they rearranged you genetically. ...The gods who did this are magnificent space creatures. They can do many kinds of manipulations and work with realities in many different ways. ...Some of these creator gods married and merged their line... The creator gods would mix one kind with another to see what they could create. Remember, they understood genetics, and all things were created by manifesting and using the life force and understanding how the life force works. ...Who are these beings... the Dark T-shirts? Be kind when you speak of the forces of darkness. Do not speak as if they are bad. Simply understand that they are uninformed, and they create systems that are uninformed because that is how they believe they must operate. They fought at one time and separated themselves from knowledge, so now they desperately hold onto their existing knowledge and onto life as they have evolved it into being. It is life based on fear, life that does not honor other life, life that uses other life. Who are these beings? They are the reptiles. These space beings are part human and part reptilian. We call them Lizzies because we like to make things a little less emotional and a little humorous so that you don't take them so seriously and get so upset. We are not here to frighten you - we are here to inform you....Creator gods take many forms, and they are not all Lizzies. There are creator gods who are insectlike. We Pleiadians are associated with the creator gods that are birdlike and reptilian. ...At one time, the birds and the reptiles worked together, and at other times they fought."

The Cassiopaean perspective is slightly different from the Pleiadian perspective as the reader will soon see. However, there are many terms and concepts that are similar, if not identical.
NASA UFOs: The Best Evidence Part One Jul 17, 2016

A stunning compilation of real unexplained phenomena, caught by NASA's own cameras. Most of this footage was never transmitted publicly, but were down-linked via satellite, straight from the NASA shuttles and the ISS by researcher Martyn Stubbs. These are real UFOs, no filters, no enhancements, just raw footage proving the existence of extraterrestrial life in space, the footage NASA didnt want the public to see.

Session 25 October 1994
Q: (L) What is the meaning of the eye of Horus?
A: Psychic energy.
Q: (L) What was the origin of the serpent god?
A: Lizard rule.
Q: (L) Who appeared to Joan of Arc?
A: Lizard projection.
Q: (L) What is the true origin of Halloween?
A: All Hallows Eve.
Q: (L) Is there something older than that?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are there alien bases on the Moon?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Who do the bases belong to?
A: Grays.

Skipping down

Q: (L) Are there alien bases on Mars?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Whose?
A: Grays and Lizards.
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