Forgot I was Asleep

luke wilson

The Living Force
So, not really a dream... I got up at like 5 this morning and I forgot I was asleep. I had just got up from a dream, one that I cant remember now. I remember though a voice in my head saying that I may be laughing now, but when I get up again, id have forgotten the dream I just had. LOL, the voice wasn't lying.

Nonetheless, it was quite interesting getting up the first time and being so surprised I was in bed, asleep. I suppose I didn't feel like I was asleep. At the time I thought it was sort of funny.
Any idea what these dream symbols mean

a) Symbol 1: Going home

Every now and again, I dream about making my way home to the house my dad grew up in.

The route is always the same.... it starts walking on a road by villages and towns. My dad grew up in the highlands so as the dream progresses, I always notice the surrounding landscape as it gets more equatorial.

Anyways, then I get to some point and I have to take a route through the trees, follow a path and hope I don't get lost as the house is deep in the country. This part of the journey always fills me with anxiety, because these are back country paths and it's easy to get lost. The very first time I had this dream, I think I asked someone how to get there and that person told me and now whenever in future dreams (like last night) I get to those country roads, I try and remember as if from memory the way to take. But I'm always filled with anxiety.

I find this dream strange because I don't understand the symbolism. The theme is simple enough, making my way back to where my dad grew up. Like I suppose this place is sort of home, traditionally, you come from where your father comes from, you take his name, you take his 'tribes' name (not your mother's) etc. What is the symbol saying?

b) Symbol 2: Food

I only stick this here because I recently read this thread. I used to type in the type of food into dreammoods but that thread puts it into a whole new light. I'm definitely getting the book. First of all, they feature pretty regularly though the way they feature has changed. It used to be that it was a shared meal. You know, at a table with other people.

Nowadays, like this week, it's always by a counter. Either on the street or as if in a canteen of some sort. You know, where you walk up to the counter and their is choice. The food isn't for free either, you pay money for it. This week's one cost me a solid £10. That's expensive for what was essentially a snack and it really filled me with anxiety because I can't spend £10 on a snack! I was happy to get up and realize it was a dream!

Weirdly, I can always remember

a) Either looking for the place to get the food or stood there looking at the options
b) Seeing the different choices and knowing what I want or sometimes I know I can't get what I want for whatever reason
c) Sometimes feeling anxiety for having to pay for it or not getting what I want e.g. they ran out or I arrived at the counter to late and now they've closed etc..

I rarely remember

a) Eating the food

in the rare occasions that I remember eating it,

They don't taste like you'd expect (as per the thread). Though some of them, are quite addictive, or is it nourishing?, maybe more so than normal food? As in, they have something in them that feeds something in you that normal food doesn't.

As far as I am aware, I don't dream of drinking liquids.

So, dreaming of food, cause for concern i.e. entity interference?

c) Symbol 3: Things that are visually shrouded

This is an annoying one. Every now and again, something would appear that is shrouded i.e. can't see it clearly. For example this week, I was walking round a neighbourhood which again was quite familiar as in a neighbourhood I've been to in other dreams. It's sort of strange in that there are always new streets to find, new things to see but the neighbourhood seems familiar in that I know (at least from previous dreams) of houses there where people that I know live in. In previous dreams it was the drama of finding these houses to visit this people (who take on the appearance of certain family members) but I know it isn't true because these family members don't live in this neighbourhood in real life.

Anyways, I was walking with someone and we got to a part where there was a wall or a hedge that we couldn't get through so we decided to turn back. However, this person looked back and told me to look back as well and this is when I saw these huge walls, towers etc that went so high they got shrouded in the clouds. They were quite impressive. Then to my right I saw a castle with a tower that was truly gigantic, it was crazy. On inspection I found out that only kids can go in... LOL! (Strange!!!)

d) Symbol 4: Forests with wild animals

Another one that is familiar i.e. makes multiple appearances. It's this forest and this forest, more like woodland or whatever it is, has a bunch of wild animals. Every now and again I find myself having to go there and every now and again it's the same story, there is a lion or sometimes a tiger that resides there that isn't friendly and it's always the case that if I go in, I am trying to not run into this animal because for sure it'll chase me down and try to eat me.

e) Symbol 5: Places that appear in different dreams

Brings me to the last one which I've alluded to above, things, places, that appear in different dreams that seem familiar as if in those dreams you have the memory of being there in previous dreams (that you then carry forward into future dreams). There is the uncanny feeling of knowing the place but in each dream something is slightly different so the knowledge of the place is not 100% accurate and concrete e.g. lets say it's not like how you know your neighbourhood in real life which is the same every time you walk out the front door of your house.
Had a strange creature appear in my dreams last night... Don't know why but animals feature way to much in my dreams. Anyways, this creature was a man, but he had what looked like an animal attachment on his back, the animal was a lion ( :halo:) it appeared ghostly i.e. Non physical. Anyways, it was attached on his back so that its head was just behind the man's head. Between the man and this lion, there were wings, to me they looked like angelic wings.

I got the impression that the animal was keeping the wing in place on the man. So essentially, you had a man with wings (ghostly, non physical) on his back, and then a lion there as well (ghostly, non physical). The man was flying and he could talk to the animal on his back. I vaguely remember one answer that this animal told the man which was essentially that it would stay where it is until the man required it to move.

This man had nothing to do with me, rather i just watched him fly through in this rather strange configuration.
That last one made me think of a powerful parasite that isn't going anywhere until you force it to leave. Mind you the plague time book is actually laying on my stomach right now so that and the autoimmune thread are still fresh in my mind.

Something that clings to your back is out of your line of sight, doesn't hinder obstruct from things that are directly in front of you, and can generally be ignored. I.e. you can proceed with your day to day life as if everything is alright. Nonetheless it can still weigh the man down without his knowing. A lion on the back of a man, and seemingly holding wings in place is not natural relatively speaking, osit. Ironically enough on the dreammoods site the lion can allegedly 'symbolize' control or control over another and that doesn't really make me envision a parasite although controlling others for your own gain could be seen as parasitic behavior.

Another interesting point about the wings is that they almost imply some kind of symbiosis but they could also symbolize a false sense of security or pleasure which is of course only to the benefit of the lion. I am not saying any of that is close or even wrong and as the C's say dreams can often just be a form of cheap entertainment, but the above is what came to mind regarding the last part.

Edit: grammar/clarity
trendsetter37 said:
That last one made me think of a powerful parasite that isn't going anywhere until you force it to leave. Mind you the plague time book is actually laying on my stomach right now so that and the autoimmune thread is still fresh in my mind.

Something that clings to your back is out of your line of sight, doesn't hinder obstruct from things that are directly in front of you. I.e. you can proceed with your day to day life as if everything is alright. Nonetheless it can still weigh the man down without his knowing. A lion on the back of a man, and seemingly holding wings in place is not natural relatively speaking. Ironically enough on the dreammoods site the lion can allegedly 'symbolize' control or control over another. Holding wings in place would indicate some sort of control on the man imo.

I also found the wings interesting because they almost imply some kind of symbiosis but they could also symbolize a false sense of security or pleasure which is of course only to the benefit of the parasitic lion. I am not saying any of that is close. As the C's say dreams can often just be a form of cheap entertainment, but the above is what came to mind regarding the last part.

Hmmm.... interesting. I have to admit I couldn't have ever thought of the parasite angle. I thought maybe some sort of attachment. This lion was just chilling there... the flight of the man appeared controlled. No indication in the dream that the lion was evil essentially. I've had some dreams with evil lions out to get you... this one wasn't one of them in this dream at least from outside appearances. But still... interesting!
luke wilson said:
No indication in the dream that the lion was evil essentially. I've had some dreams with evil lions out to get you... this one wasn't one of them in this dream at least from outside appearances.

Yea I can see what you mean there, although the subtlety of evil could lie on a spectrum where there is the short game and the long game. The evil in your face lion is apparent and you kind of have to make a choice then and there. In contrast, the lion situated on one's back can seem nice and friendly but the fact still remains that it is not willing to interact with you directly and to your face. That kind of feels like a red flag; albeit a barely there translucent one but red all the same.

As far as spirit attachments go it could be a tomato/tomoto situation. If parasites can serve as a connection to information from different realms or realities it could be possible that some parasitic infections serve as a physical manifestation of actual spirit attachments. I remember reading somewhere, and I wish I could find this now, that a weakened body/immune system could make it easier to catch or get a spirit attachment. Well that's also the case in parasitic infections so maybe it's plausible?

I've actually had a pretty creepy dream about a year ago that your lion dream reminded me of. There was this little girl that rode on my back and at first it was ok but then I began to get tired and she would not let me go. The creepiest part was that she would not converse with me or make any sound for that matter but she was there because her arms and legs were wrapped around my waist and neck with a deathlock. And that was the only indication that she was alive.

It did not have the loving daddy daughter feel but something quite different that I couldn't put my finger on. Shivvvveerr :scared:
trendsetter37 said:
luke wilson said:
No indication in the dream that the lion was evil essentially. I've had some dreams with evil lions out to get you... this one wasn't one of them in this dream at least from outside appearances.

I've actually had a pretty creepy dream about a year ago that your lion dream reminded me of. There was this little girl that rode on my back and at first it was ok but then I began to get tired and she would not let me go. The creepiest part was that she would not converse with me or make any sound for that matter but she was there because her arms and legs were wrapped around my waist and neck with a deathlock. And that was the only indication that she was alive.

It did not have the loving daddy daughter feel but something quite different that I couldn't put my finger on. Shivvvveerr :scared:

This sounds quite scary! I wonder if you managed to at least try and figure out what it meant? Don't know much about your circumstances at the time so not sure I can be much help. A little devil girl on your back sounds rather ominous. Maybe something that you thought was innocent (little girl), that you then put on your back(out of direct view) which later came to weigh down on you and that you couldn't shake it off as it was out of your direct view?

Anyways, I see what you are saying about false impressions (something appearing nice when it may be evil!). I have had 2 other dreams this week that have made me stand and take note but as of yet I don't know what they mean and don't understand how they came into my mind whilst I was a sleep. The first was I was being stalked by a polar bear pretty much for hours, half the night. The dream wasn't like nightmare scary you know with explosive fear but rather had a sort of slow building, slow burning sense of fear and tension that eventually got me up. I have no idea how a polar bear ended up in my dreams, I can sort of understand lions and generally animals found in the savannah as that's something that exists in my home country but a polar bear? That's a first.

The 2nd dream I don't remember much but it's one where I saw the name of (now I know) Egyptian deity (Ptah) which came as quite the surprise to me as I had no idea who this one was. I don't know why the name was in my dream plus I also saw the name of what I now know is an island (Aruba). Thank goodness for the power of google. Aruba coincidentally seems like a nice holiday destination - might stick that on the bucket list... here I was hoping for some mystical land with mysterious undertones... Hahaha. If I was going to dream of some deity, I would hope for a more exciting one, hopefully of the Greek mythology variety...

But yeah, going back to the parasitic infection, since reading the Autoimmune thread I've been feeling somewhat not that great in my own body as if I may have some parasites and micro-organisms crawling inside me.. I mean I don't really know for sure but looking at the possibilities, I don't think there is much chance of escaping all the nasty crawlies for this many years so chances are that yeah, for sure there may be some nasties lurking around. I'm just waiting to see the final consensus on the parasite/micro organisms experiment and see the benefits others get before I start experimenting with the biology of my body by taking pharmaceuticals.
"Maybe something that you thought was innocent (little girl), that you then put on your back(out of direct view) which later came to weigh down on you and that you couldn't shake it off as it was out of your direct view?"

This made me think of the way the conscious mind discards information to the subconscious if it's not presently relevant - like something important on your "back burner" that you have forgotten about?

Just a thought

I had a recurrence of the following last night

a) Symbol 1: Going home

Every now and again, I dream about making my way home to the house my dad grew up in.

The route is always the same.... it starts walking on a road by villages and towns. My dad grew up in the highlands so as the dream progresses, I always notice the surrounding landscape as it gets more equatorial.

Anyways, then I get to some point and I have to take a route through the trees, follow a path and hope I don't get lost as the house is deep in the country. This part of the journey always fills me with anxiety, because these are back country paths and it's easy to get lost. The very first time I had this dream, I think I asked someone how to get there and that person told me and now whenever in future dreams (like last night) I get to those country roads, I try and remember as if from memory the way to take. But I'm always filled with anxiety.

I find this dream strange because I don't understand the symbolism. The theme is simple enough, making my way back to where my dad grew up. Like I suppose this place is sort of home, traditionally, you come from where your father comes from, you take his name, you take his 'tribes' name (not your mother's) etc. What is the symbol saying?

Except this time, the route changed! I was going home, to my Dad's place of birth, with my sister in a car, which she was driving. The dream never actually culminated with us getting there. I must have got up before the end, don't know. Anyways, at some point I looked at the map and realized we were taking the long way there, taking the route that is almost circular, going to the northern border of the country then driving sort of parallel to the border then turning south to come down, instead from our place of starting, we could have just cut across the country in an almost straight line to get there!

I have no idea what this theme means. Why my dad, why not mum? Why always trying to get to his house of birth? I don't get it!
Interesting bit of dream entertainment last night. I'll elaborate on one bit of it... I'm yet to look up the symbolism.

The sun was going to blow up and that was that. The whole world was bracing itself for this. I spent the whole time in a house I assume was home, looking at the sky. On the solar disk you could see rings on the outside, black rings. I took it to mean its becoming more unstable. Then it blew up. I braced myself, waiting for the debri, the heat, whatever to hit earth, wondering how the end will be like. I started to feel an increase in heat, then I thought it wont be long now, I am about to die from the heat which will only get higher and higher. I closed my eyes and waited. And I waited. I thought, how long does it take to get here. I waited. Nothing happened. I got up and walked outside, I looked up at the sky. The sun's light was not there, but I could see the sky. I wondered how I could see. Where was the sun? Where was the light source? I couldn't tell.
Hi Luke, I'll try to give you my interpretation, it will be in two parts. The first part two of your dreams, or that you forget that you sleep and lion. The second part and the sun explodes.

1.a.) I forget that I sleep:

Before interpreting the meaning, we must understand the causes.
We know that our "being" is composed of several bodies (genetic, biological, egocentric, mental, emotional, mind, soul, angel, divine). The first six body are trapped in the matrix of the third density. They are in principle independent of each other, but our ignorance gives the illusion to some they are only biological, and because of the ego. When the ego begins to clear our, mind takes power and alarm clock. So your first dream was not a dream, but I think it's your mind-body that is awakening. This explains how the beings sages travel through their bodies-organic. I myself have several times this type of dream, where I'm sure I got up and did this and that without having track in the morning.

b) The lion is the symbol of strength. Some like David Icke think there's a lion in every man, and that we must wake him. For my part, it is not a parasite, but your mind trying to wake up. We must not forget that most of the things and beings are not natural, and do not particularly see "bad ghosts."

So for me it's two dreams are the awakening of your mind, or awareness of your soul. The soul is both the past and the future, ie the home and origin. The awakening of our consciousness opens the doors of timelessness, so here's why you think back to your origins.

2. The sun explodes and awaiting your death, shows the end of a world. The fact that then you can not see the sun, may indicate that you are the light, you're not made of matter. This is even linked to raised awareness and your membership in the divine.

Finally that's how I interpret it.
Thank you Kisito, definitely food for thought.

Incidentally, I now looked up on dreammoods about the sun exploding. This is what it says

To dream that the sun is exploding signifies a traumatic or devastating end to a situation or relationship. You feel that an important aspect of your life is over.
What came to my mind when I read your dream was your recent discussion on the finding partners thread. The heating up of the topic(sun going to explode), your anxiety of being discovered (the world exploding, end of the world) yet it doesn't and your still alive... just my two cents though
Thorn said:
What came to my mind when I read your dream was your recent discussion on the finding partners thread. The heating up of the topic(sun going to explode), your anxiety of being discovered (the world exploding, end of the world) yet it doesn't and your still alive... just my two cents though

You are probably right seeing the proximity in time between that discussion and the dream.

I suppose that discussion brought up some stuff in me that my unconscious symbolised as an exploding sun, fear and resignation to death, lack of the source of light in the sky etc.

Maybe the dream had relevance to what I was feeling either yesterday or today, not sure as I can't remember. At some point in the afternoon I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling and I realized I had a lot of anxiety and stress in my body. It wasn't directly related to the main topic of the thread, rather some of the off-topic comments that were made. I suppose sometimes if you go through a distressing situation, it temporarily unties or loosens knots in your mind and you find yourself tumbling through a stream of feelings, emotions and thoughts that have a higher personal impact than the initial trigger.

Regarding the actual topic of that discussion, I remember saying in that thread that I compromise with the 'addiction' because after awhile, things take on a 'grey' appearance so it's a way to prop up colour in my life (so to speak). In a grey landscape, the sun isn't shining but you can still see, so where is the light coming from? Maybe the sun is still there, just hidden by clouds or maybe it doesn't matter because all that matters as far as you are concerned is that you can see (and are alive) and the worry was that without the sun, you can't see (and you are dead)... Maybe the dream is playing along this lines? The fear of losing the addiction maybe represents a descent into death in the emotional sphere of why the addiction exists (sun exploding). All addictions after all serve a deeper purpose in those afflicted, a prop of some sort. Maybe whatever it serves in my life is taken to represent 'The sun' in my minds unconscious. And the sun exploding holds in me the fear of imminent inevitable death (given the importance of the sun). But maybe the ultimate message of the dream is that maybe their is still life after the disappearance of the sun. That it is not the source of the light (represented by looking up at the sky and wondering why you can see when there is no sun). Don't know might be trying to make things fit that maybe dont.

Personally, I'd much rather think it meant this (but I fear that is wishful thinking)

"This is even linked to raised awareness and your membership in the divine."

If it does, LOL, they must have lowered the scales MASSIVELY. LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think it's a potential interpretation that you could work with, the comparison between the grey and boring life and the sunless world is interesting... If I was you I wouldn't believe it was any of the options just have them as hypotheses, eg. if it means this then when do I need to reflect on/ adjust in my life, and then try that with each possible interpretation.

I would definitely be weary about the one that strokes my ego :lol: just because I think it's a slippery slope, afterall they are all subjective interpretations I don't know if we can truly KNOW, and where would believing the 'raised awareness' option get you in practical terms?

Have you had chance to listen to the Addictive Behaviours Sott podcast?
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