Mark McCandlish and the Fluxliner

Hi Friends,
I did some searching in the forum and did not find anything about this. I'm curious what you all might think about it. The guy who made the movie, James Allen, got the ultimate stamp of approval from the "extremely aggressive form of cancer" and died 3 months after diagnosis, before the movie was released.

Here's a link to the movie..

and here's a more recent vid from the secret space program conference where Mark and some others discuss the movie and James' death.

Being that Mark is still alive, he may be someone worth interviewing on a SoTT radio show...?

...I wonder what the C's would say about it all?

Thanks, Dave
I just finished watching this video. It's one and a half hours long.
Veterans Today has a link to this video in an article "Deep-Black Murder Incorporated."

Anyone who hasn't seen this needs to see it. I can't say enough about it.
If you watch this you will know the truth, or certainly a big part of the truth.

The implications which this video holds go far beyond UFO's and should be a matter for
deep concern as I feel it manifestly proves both the existence of the Deep Black Corporate State, and
yes it is murder inc.

This video is truth. I can't say enough about it.
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