"Crisis of the Republic" and Pathocrats - An Exercise in Discernment

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The Theory and Conclusion expressed here is plainly wrongheaded. No 9-11 Conspiracy is a Required element in the waking integrity of anyone, let alone for the salvation of men from themselves; it's just a bogus, hyperventilating obsession that distracts from the Fact that evil men have ever strained to dominate, in whatever guise, and will continue to do so until all are enslaved...Period. Big deal, eh? So be it, but you don't NEED 9-11 Conspiracy concepts to draw the lines, now do ya?
Hi Durand,

It depends on what level you are talking about. On one level, you can say "The world is as it is, we have fallen in the mud, and you can't do anything without getting dirty". The only salvation for anyone is to do the inner work, fuse their magnetic centre, and join in the network of colinear individuals who are attempting to escape.

However, accomplishing this means seeing this world as objectively as possible, and as has become frightening clear over the last few years, a good part of that lesson has to deal with psychopathy and the use of evil for political purposes. Awakening to the reality of the psychopath and seeing how the pathocracy works to instill within us all the pathocratic world view is a vital, and dare I say it, necessary step in our "salvation". Learn this and your phrase "evil men have ever strained to dominate, in whatever guise, and will continue to do so until all are enslaved" takes on a much deeper sense, one that precludes your reaction of "Period. Big deal, eh?"

Yes, it is a big deal to understand in detail how evil manifests in this world. It may well be essential to your salvation.

And at the moment, 9/11 is the big, display window on psychopathy and the pathocrats. Were Americans to admit to themselves what happened on 9/11, they would have a life-changing lesson in psychopathy, and that just might bring some of them closer to salvation.
Durand said:
The Theory and Conclusion expressed here is plainly wrongheaded. No 9-11 Conspiracy is a Required element in the waking integrity of anyone, let alone for the salvation of men from themselves; it's just a bogus, hyperventilating obsession that distracts from the Fact that evil men have ever strained to dominate, in whatever guise, and will continue to do so until all are enslaved...Period. Big deal, eh? So be it, but you don't NEED 9-11 Conspiracy concepts to draw the lines, now do ya?
Hi Durand,

Imagine the action that would be inspired if every American citizen became instantly aware of the real facts surrounding 9-11 - imagine the upheaval in every corner of the country if every American citizen realized just how horribly they've been deceived, and just how murderous and treacherous their elected leaders are? Think about that - really think about it - everything would change instantly. This really is the lynchpin at this point in 'history' - for, you see, as long as the American populace believes these pathocrats to be incapable of things that they have already done, the populace is incapable of changing one iota of the continued destruction of everything they've ever held dear. You simply cannot fight or control something when you have no clear definition of what it is - and that is the state of the American populace today - whether it be by choice, or by lack of access to information.

Without a basic understanding of what these men (and women) are capable of, you don't even have a pencil with which to draw the lines, much less the ability to do it.

The entire cabal that will bring our destruction is nothing but smoke and imagination, until you realize the evidence of what and who they are was plainly displayed on September 11th, 2001. Perhaps you've not had the 'opportunity' to be personally affected by a psychopath, for if you had, you would clearly realize that identification and definition of their behavior and identity is critical to surviving their influence. To become clearly aware of the facts regarding 9-11 is to identify and define these loathsome individuals, thus supplying a defense and means of stopping them.

Speaking of Pathocracy, do we have any idea how soon Ponerology will be available for purchase through Red Pill Press?

anart said:
Speaking of Pathocracy, do we have any idea how soon Ponerology will be available for purchase through Red Pill Press?
We are in the process of going through the text and inserting necessary footnotes, constructing the bibliography, and generally doing some of the detail work that is necessary for a scholarly book of this sort.

On the subject of psychopaths, indeed, a person who has never been personally "acquainted" with one has NO idea of what Amazing Grace it is to finally see, to name the disease, to heal it thereby, and to regain your freedom. I would say that, acting on the principle "as above, so below," that this can apply not only on an individual level, but to families, social groups, entire societies and even nations. As Lobaczewski wrote in Ponerology:

As a youth, I read a book about a naturalist wandering through the Amazon-basin wilderness. At some moment a small animal fell from a tree onto the nape of his neck, clawing his skin painfully and sucking his blood. The biologist cautiously removed it -- without anger, since that was its form of feeding -- and proceeded to study it carefully. This story stubbornly stuck in my mind during those very difficult times when a vampire fell onto our necks, sucking the blood of an unhappy nation.

An attitude of a naturalist, who attempts to track the nature of macro-social phenomenon in spite of all adversity, insured a certain intellectual distance and better psychological hygiene, also slightly increasing the feeling of safety and furnishing a premonition that this very method may help find a certain creative solution. This required controlling the natural, moralizing reflexes of revulsion, and other painful emotions this phenomenon provokes in any normal person when it deprives him of his joy of life and personal safety, ruining his own future and that of his nation. Scientific curiosity becomes a loyal ally during such times.
I think that many people, and perhaps Durand is one of them, are unable to overcome the revulsion for this kind of work. Lobaczewski also says:

Understanding the nature of a disease is basic to any search for the proper methods of treatment. The same applies by analogy with regard to that macrosocial pathological phenomenon, especially since, in the latter case, mere understanding of the nature of the disease starts curing human minds and souls. Throughout the entire process, reasoning approximated to the style elaborated by medicine is the proper method which leads to untangling the contemporary Gordian knot.
It is Oh, so true! that "mere understanding" starts to cure human minds and souls because, in a real sense, this is a cosmic battle of consciousness. But it certainly takes more than JUST understanding even if that is the beginning of the cure. Again, let me quote Lobaczewski addressing just the kind of declarations Durand is making:

Those fair-minded people who preach that all we have left is trust in the Great Apiarist and a return to His commandments are able to see the general truth, but they also tend to trivialize particular truths, especially the naturalistic ones. It is the latter, however, which constitute a basis for comprehending phenomena and targeting practical action.

The laws of nature have made us very different from one another. Thanks to his individual characteristics, exceptional life-circumstances, and scientific effort, man may have achieved sufficient mastery of the art of objectively comprehending the phenomena of the above-mentioned type, but we must underscore that this could only occur because it was in accordance with the laws of nature and the will of God.

If societies and their wise people are able to accept this objective understanding of social and sociopathological phenomena, overcoming the emotionalism and egotism of the natural world-view for this purpose, they shall find a means of action based on an understanding of the essence of the phenomena. It will then become evident that a proper vaccine or treatment can be found for each of the diseases scourging the earth in the form of major or minor epidemics.

Just as a sailor possessing an accurate nautical map enjoys greater freedom of course-selection and maneuvering amid islands and bays, a person endowed with a better comprehension of self, other people, and the complex interdependencies of social life becomes more independent of the various circumstances of life and better able to overcome situations which are difficult to understand.

At the same time, such improved knowledge makes an individual more liable to accept his duties toward society and to subordinate himself to the discipline which arises as a corollary.

Better-informed societies also achieve internal order and criteria for collective efforts. This book is dedicated to reinforcing this knowledge by means of a naturalistic understanding of phenomena, something heretofore comprehended only by means of excessively moralistic categories of the natural world-view.
And for Durand, another passage that applies to his remarks:

Ever since ancient times, philosophers and religious thinkers representing various attitudes in different cultures have been searching for the truth regarding moral values, attempting to find criteria for what is right, and what constitutes good advice. They described the virtues of human character and suggested these be acquired. They created a heritage worth knowing, one which contains centuries of experience and reflections. In spite of the obvious differences among attitudes, the similarity or complimentary nature of the conclusions reached by famous ancients are striking, even though they worked in widely divergent times and places. After all, whatever is valuable is conditioned and caused by the laws of nature acting upon the personalities of both individual human beings and collective societies.

It is equally thought-provoking, however, to see how relatively little has been said about the opposite side of the coin; the nature, causes, and genesis of evil. These matters are usually cloaked behind the above generalized conclusions with a certain amount of secrecy.

Such a state of affairs can be partially ascribed to the social conditions and historical circumstances under which these thinkers worked; their modus operandi may have been dictated at least in part by personal fate, inherited traditions, or even prudishness. After all, justice and virtue are the opposites of force and perversity; the same applies to truthfulness vs. mendacity, similarly like health is the opposite of an illness.

The character and genesis of evil thus remained hidden in discreet shadows, leaving it to playwrights to deal with the subject in their highly expressive language, but it did not reach the primeval source of the phenomena.

A certain cognitive space thus remains as an uninvestigated thicket of moral questions which resists understanding and philosophical generalizations.

Present-day philosophers developing meta-ethics are trying to push on, but as they slip and slide along the elastic space leading to an analysis of the language of ethics, they contribute toward eliminating some imperfections and habits of natural conceptual language. Penetrating this ever-mysterious nucleus, however, is highly tempting to a scientist.

At the same time, active practitioners in social life and normal people searching for their way are both significantly conditioned by their trust in certain authorities. However, eternal temptations such as trivializing insufficiently-proven moral values or disloyally taking advantage of naive human respect for them, find no adequate counterweight within a rational understanding of reality.

If physicians behaved like ethicists, i.e. left in the shadow of their personal experience of relatively un-esthetic disease phenomena because they were primarily interested in studying questions of physical and mental hygiene, there would be no such thing as modern medicine. Even the roots of this health-maintenance science would be hidden in similar shadows. In spite of the fact that the theory of hygiene has been linked to medicine since its ancient beginnings, physicians were correct in their emphasis upon studying disease above all. They risked their own health and suffered sacrifices in order to discover the causes and biological properties of illnesses and, afterwards, to understand the patho-dynamics of the courses of these illnesses. A comprehension of the nature of a disease, and the course it runs, after all, enables the proper curative means to be elaborated.

While studying an organisms’ ability to fight off disease, scientists invented vaccination, which allows organisms to become resistant to an illness without passing through it. Thanks to this, medicine conquers and prevents phenomena which, in its scope of activity, are considered a type of evil.

The question thus arises: could some analogous modus operandi not be used to study the causes and genesis of other kinds of evil scourging human individuals, families, and societies, in spite of the fact that they appear even more insulting to our moral feelings than do diseases?

Experience has taught the author that evil is similar to disease in nature, although possibly more complex and elusive to our understanding. Its genesis reveals many factors, pathological, especially psychopathological, in character, whose essence medicine and psychology have already studied, or whose understanding demands investigation in these realms.

Parallel to the traditional approach, problems commonly perceived to be moral may also be treated on the basis of data provided by biology, medicine, and psychology, as the factors of this kind are simultaneously present in the question as a whole. Experience teaches us that a comprehension of the essence and genesis of evil generally makes use of data from these areas.

Philosophical reflection alone must then prove insufficient. Philosophical thought may have engendered all the scientific disciplines, but the other scientific disciplines did not mature until they became independent, based on detailed data and a relationship to other disciplines supplying such data.

Encouraged by the often “coincidental” discovery of these naturalistic aspects of evil, the author has imitated the methodology of medicine; a clinical psychologist and medical coworker by profession, he had such tendencies anyway. As is the case with physicians and disease, he took the risks of close contact with evil and suffered the consequences. His purpose was to ascertain the possibilities of understanding the nature of evil, its etiological factors and to track its patho-dynamics.

The development of biology, medicine, and psychology in the meantime have opened so many avenues that the above-mentioned behavior turned out to be feasible and exceptionally fertile. Personal experience and refined methods in clinical psychology permitted reaching ever more accurate conclusions. Insufficient data, especially in the area of the science of psychopathies, represented a major difficulty which had to be overcome based on my own investigations. This insufficiency was caused by neglect of these areas, theoretical difficulties facing researchers, and the unpopular nature of these problems. That is that this work in general, and this chapter in particular, contain references to research conclusions the author was either prevented from publishing or unwilling to publish for reasons of personal safety.

A new discipline thus arose; two Greek philologists-monks baptized it “PONEROLOGY” from the Greek poneros = evil. The process of the genesis of evil was called, correspondingly, “ponerogenesis”. I hope that these modest beginnings will grow so as to enable us to overcome evil through an understanding of its nature, causes, and development.
In short, you must know the diseases to be a physician of the soul and that is what many are called to be, but so few choose to answer.
Coffeeshopped, indeed. Though the telling arguement is under cover of others' assertions on my ignorance in so many poignant inferences...a feeble thanks will do, though a better observation prevails despite apparent ignorance or willful disregards.

What's kinda ironic, from my point of view (so to speak), is the topsy/turvy lurches from pillar to post in rationalization why an etiological deduction can discover praxis, and from thence, ANY moral imperative. Methinks you be juggling with vipers, crashing through walls unseen for ends unknown on quests unguessed. Braver than I, be ye.

Evil is not, unfortunately, such coin as trade is made of, when it comes to discovering the secret springs our evolution makes and myths fortold. I hear your little hammer ringing on the anavil, but I see you catch no fleeing Salmon in the iron nets of this presumed science. Science of the soul/Soul, says they. Rumors of the heart/Heart, says I.

I grant all your equitable and charitable insights and qualifications, though more cream does separate in the churn as grace from accusations worthless spent. Wake whom will, or them woke whom the sleepless sought and invoking ever raised. Something about straining at nats, etc.

A pleasure, as ever.
Durand, it has been obvious for a very long time that you do not consider that anything that we do, think, or say is worthwhile of anything but your cryptic, schizoidal critiques. If such is the case, why don't you simply go among your own kind and find acceptance there and leave us in peace to deal with the world the way we see fit?
Laura said:
Durand, it has been obvious for a very long time that you do not consider that anything that we do, think, or say is worthwhile of anything but your cryptic, schizoidal critiques. If such is the case, why don't you simply go among your own kind and find acceptance there and leave us in peace to deal with the world the way we see fit?
Perhaps he first needs to find the courage to recognise the disease (evil) in order to begin curing himself to whatever level he deems appropriate. Perhaps he could also help other people recognise the disease as well. On this journey.

If all people have free will then it is possible. Perhaps you think me overly optomistic?
Durand said:
What's kinda ironic, from my point of view (so to speak), is the topsy/turvy lurches from pillar to post in rationalization why an etiological deduction can discover praxis, and from thence, ANY moral imperative. Methinks you be juggling with vipers, crashing through walls unseen for ends unknown on quests unguessed. Braver than I, be ye.

Evil is not, unfortunately, such coin as trade is made of, when it comes to discovering the secret springs our evolution makes and myths fortold. I hear your little hammer ringing on the anavil, but I see you catch no fleeing Salmon in the iron nets of this presumed science. Science of the soul/Soul, says they. Rumors of the heart/Heart, says I.
I may be off here, but I gather that the author finds it ironic that deducing the cause of something (such as 9-11) or anything else for that matter, can reveal a course of action and motivate moral necessity. I guess that is like finding it ironic how water can possibly fall from the sky.

So what is so strange about the obvious? In the case of 9-11, a government which affects all of us (all over the world in this case) was involved in nefarious activities where evidence points to its guilt. The sheer magnitude of the evidence impicating an alleged high and mighty moral government in a terrorist event had better move people to a course of action or we're all screwed.

And we had better open our eyes and wonder why things happen around us, because when we are hoodwinked at this level, our very survival is at stake. I would say that consitutes moral necessity.

Now as to the next paragraph, I disagree. Evil IS such coin as trade is made of. Evil is tangible, infectuous and bites. As for fleeing Salmons, Durand (dude), look in the mirror for once with eyes open instead of wide shut! It's you caught in the net. Thinking you can make others feel stupid with "philosophic elegance" is a cheap shot at yourself.
"Durand, it has been obvious for a very long time that you do not consider that anything that we do, think, or say is worthwhile of anything but your cryptic, schizoidal critiques."-Laura.

Well, that's an overstatement, doubtless. The whole history of my comments argues, and proves, otherwise. But I don't begrudge the characterization. What Am I to U? Your faith confesses it, and I don't mind playing the pauper.

I agree with Henry's response, but the notion expressed in the Editorial is still dangerously obsessive and, if pursued with such violence as these responses indicate, violence done to that which stands outside of this Assertion (the dependance of Americans on the Reality of 9-11 Conspiracy scenarios for wakening to the 'horror...' etc.), I think it's clear that you and them who harbor the notion must suffer attendant and unnecessary consequences...the worst of which is sheer distraction, loss of time, from that which Does matter for the actual transformation of our perspective, darkened way. Your bootstrap theory of awakening thus, though well enough constructed, has a dire vulnerability to the overall pool of energy available here for such Work as you avow. Spend much time pushing this protocol and you'll find yourself serving the retarded and crippled. Even if you save them, the method of attempt can only sink you in their profound mediocrity. Save this? A misplaced interest.

I mean, looking at these responses one can see how important the notion is to you all, something of a linchpin in your own methods/projects for awakeneing others. It's just poorly placed in the constellation of other worthy notions and nowhere near approaches the juncture of perspective to objectivity, despite your very strenuous efforts. An admirable attempt, perhaps, and well meaning, no doubt; but a sacred cow, nonetheless.

How do we scratch each other?

It must be true what Heisenburg was driving at, as to the effect of the observer upon the Matter; and as such, tincture everything you lay claim to in the way of objectivity. A cherished Principle, and worthily so; but in the hands of an overweaning assumption as to the nature and dynamics of the Process of wakening, a poor guide ultimately. If I believe this for good reason, and I perceive or even believe that I perceive, my friends' vulnerability to this little energy sucking assumption, wouldn't I cry out to them if even but to receive back little more than disdain, contempt, and denigration? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, unless your conceits are wholly justified and you stand above all others in this Dynamic, needing no humility on the Way yet untrod.

All these little psycho-traumas are evidence of the Hammer wielding, no doubt; though once you set these filings to humming about, if you suppose to return to the same albeit just orientations, your kidding yourself somewhat. We all can be brought down a notch, you can bet on that. And why not?

I never supposed that my cryptic enterprises were for the crew which you seem so anxious to awaken. Your apparent ministry in this admirable, so far as it goes; but the enormous energy you expend, which is considerable (I understand) will not be repaid with such harvest as this Editorial assumes is the program for these, caverned men. And if one needs 9-11 to wake them up to the horror of the situation, they are too deeply mired in somnolescent idiocy to ever be anything but another's plucked firebrand...good for nothing but windowdressing (preened conceits); though I suppose both gods and devils need their finery, too. But hang this one around your necks and expect a loaded grief that cannot repay you for your devotion here expressed, and undoubted. The spirit is willing (major arcana); but the flesh is weak (minor arcana). Something about millstones around the neck.

And if this crypto-logia seems too subtle to find a thread to pull at, in the very least in action it unseats the confidence of the Royal Couple for a moment in jest of their pretended wealth. And it frankly doesn't matter if your insights are the light of the world, if in the end you whimper at what you cannot Control or otherwise bend to service of your own, vast conceits. Ah yes, an hundred eyed Argos, batting at each Other in the Dark.

It has ever been the Way that 2 would follow upon the steps of an Other, and as iron sharpens iron, so the proverb goes, so the face of man sharpens man. But you mistake me when you assert the above, and which assertion bleeds into the minds of others with whom you have to do, witholding what Key is there for them but which you disavow and would have them contemn as well. This is NOT a creative approach, but here torques down heavily with an entropic denunciation that goes well beyond the bounds of my own, simple qualifications (albeit dimly, cryptically held). I offer you a somewhat bitter inoculation (hardly tempting), and a number rushes forth to spew acid chaos on the plane. I take it that some pleasure would ensue upon my eradication. Nice.

You suppose I do not applaud your efforts in the Work, and rationalize this as just cause to lampoon my integrity, though still a nominal guest (that's ever the way with me). This latter fact is gentle token of your remaining faith, which I see twinkle in the twilight of patient endurance. And though it is disguised, I hear a serious complaint that can only refer to a rusty hinge in the major arcana of the Work; such as is yet well beyond the mob whom you so much condescend to liberate from self-serving bondage (an even nicer trick).

The fact that I AM looking for something Other than what you so much admire of the potency in this Work ought tell you something Other than what you have yet evinced by and in the Work itself. But Noooo, says ye. THAT cannot Be, for We in our Counsel do not 'objectively' realize the import, cryptically beheld. So I see the end of the line for your expectations, still muttering about the abtuse, obtruding, oblique, or otherwise wide veering apparency. Ya get what you C, and C what you get. All else is Other. But who would plunge such pool? Eh, it's all just philosophical mumbo jumbo...I know, I know...clatter of dried bones in the valley, or napsack purse spilled open, the dancing runes flung round upon the silver lave.

Philosophers will tell you how you can't philosophize (Truth) and Theologians will espy every Heterodoxy (Love); men will give your Head nowhere to lay down at Night, and the gods and devils give you little to no Rest, not till the last farthing be paid, at least; and THAT'S all you may know, or can know, about the fates and limits of mortality. Behold, I have seen a great vanity under the Sun that is performed by men; in that all striving is one in quest of domination over another, and how every skill and ambition among men is the fruit of this empty conquest...Period.

If you're complaining, it's but the half-eyed Odin's Raven cawing down the Night into your clamored hearing, or the tinkling dishes of Artemis, beseemed. Your desperate hope is still endearing, and so you knock upon the major arcana as initiate to this horror, not as the Magistry you seem sometimes to pretend. Get used to IT. The Devil's Advocate is an Office of In-spection, NOT a ministry of Defence. First comes One, then comes the Other...and a man's case seems just until an other comes along to examine them. Wherefor the Trial of Job. Welcome to the Maelstrom.

So, you sit there on the Mountain Cleft, seeing far and wide the great expance of their captivity, being well fed by the Raven once let loose from out the Ark of Argos (wrongly thrown down, or Osiris besieged?), and otherwise tended by the Gourd sprung up in the desert places where once the son of Melchizadek pondered Nineva or the wasteling places of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Sound of Majesty passes bye, but you dare not look upon the Face of IT, blinded besides and viewing but the back of Glory. Not a problem, except that Thing you refuse to tell Them, tempted ever to look back upon the smoldering ruin in hope that it cannot Be so, transfixed thereby in the sight.

Or is IT what you refuse to tell your selves about what you know that you do not gnow? I'll admit, if you wish, that you are adept at the minor glyphs; that the cypher of discovery for the mediate soul is accessible now like never before, speaking of objective criteria. How long to applaud? Such sight is transfixing, to be sure, but the obsessiveness that it compels is not unlike a salt-lick of the Aeons, so much entrancing to your initiates and bitter as wormwood the slake, or little reed which is a book. Aviary, indeed. Where comes the Eye of Odin do you suppose, and from what Roots are you sprung? Even THIS had an I to pay for Wisdom, as them their farthings...little selves, perhaps in payment of the One Self.

So you have your bushels of grain (or is IT stocks?), and winnow out the tears in seed of joy, seeking to come again carrying your bounty with you...the payment is the Work, and cuts both ways. What to one is tears wrought joy in an other, sowing and reaping at once and garnering of the dear bought fold. Little flock, and remnant, which untrampled by the violent usurpations of conceit come gently into the stores. And what of the Goats, or Shephards of the Flock on the Way? Did I not tell you that there is no one you may call Master? How you were to the least of these, my ken...IT staring you in the face while you whimper. Indeed, men need their devils as they need their gods, if but in order to make a place to stand and behold. What you C is what you Are. Voila.

Which brings us back to this whole nonsense about being out of step, so to speak, with the tempo or orientation of your minor arcana there. It's all good, except for that part about who knocks on the Door. Joe had it well the other day in Commentary, how that he challenges the adversary on quite what is the Complaint, saying: U want the Truth?! Ok then...Here IT IS! But one can only C what One IS, eh. And so there is a tilting at windmills, pinwheels, and other such psycho-trauma as the depraved are in need of...an extreme medicine. Granted. Yet this is not all, but barely a beginning, and not a very good nor early one...a kind of last-chance probe to the most extreme lethargy of spirit. This is amusing in a kind of comedic/tragic pschizoidal-ism, sure. Careful how you pin that emblem on the vesture though, and on whom; as it may well be a token of a vaster surmise yet to be resolved. So, perhaps, in coming to the very depths of the Deep we are enabled to discern the Above IN all that Below, and not just some darkling shadow of a glove-cave captivity.

From the Mystery and Rites of Demeter, the Virgin Mother ascends from the realms of Plouton, that Major Arcana owning all that is sown and reaped, waved aloft in the Golden Grain Stalk, Root of Culture-Destiny. Nope, ya can't kill this off, and so own what belongs to you, and owing belong to what owns you. Point Be-ing? Pay your debts while on your way to Court and reconcile the Complaint before it is taken up by another Greater than U and both be clamped in irons and handed over to the Jailor. I tell you the Truth, verily: U will not escape those dank haunts till you have paid the last mite of what the soul does owe. Take that to the bank...chuckle*

In those Days the born of Heaven descried the sons and daughters of Earth, their Mother. And they said: Behold how lovely are the daughters of men; let Us go unto them. And so the Angels descended, as if on Jacob's ladder. They did not guess what Debt would owe nor what impulse of theirs might beget upon the Stage new enterprises or contests. But the gods looked on and saw that the children of Earth were cast into a most dire predicament, in that the innocence which their Mother begat upon them was strained by the cultivation of that beyond them, the sons of Heaven wreaking havoc upon the simplicity of another's proper inheritence.

And it was that the sons of Heaven did despise somewhat their roles among men, despondent of their captivity and exuding virtues to appall the Elders, such that They met in Counsel of the stark surmise, construded life upon the Moment and rose up a Companion, thrice born Man among the Greeny shadows of their own clear prescriptions of Remedy, a balance of the aethers and humid growth Earth's latter luxury espouses Heaven. Enlin or Enki devising plans to stamp down the mire before it over-runs the enterprising Link and ruin the Work, otherwise crafting an Ark into which IS cast the seeds of all life (seedbanks eh?...probably a good idea, watertight and fireproof preferred). And what did this venture mean for Gilgamesh, but Enkidu followed suit to suffer the wrong of his own loves' devotions and regret, thrown down by the hasty Argo-nauts' hundred-eyed, some empty musing on the glory of civil-ization, caverned men or wayward sons of Heaven, contesting the now impossible in harm of Gaia's cherished. "Who sent this Man here?!" Oops, they then said. Think we sacra-ficed the wrong One? Yah...bud, who's on First?!

So the games begun, and Game begin again in stark challenge of resolution. But death came to all men, yet a live dog were better than a dead lion, and the gods condescended to weep upon their Work, owning the inheritance of Each and securing the Debt for Line-E-age of Parent outcroppings, and new Aeons ever without end.

Now you may wonder about those caught in the mire up to their necks, or the bedraggled servitude of Earth or besodded cosmic flotsam, but it will not avail much to help the poor nor cast bread to the dogs (there have always been and ever are plenty of these [get your spinknard]), as nothing is more obnoxious than a swine with a gold ring in its snout, wallowing away in vocal snortle of its own shite and stinking cisterns. Your own footing may give way and you find yourself wallowing up to your knees, not quite sunken, but towing a sled of chattering idiots who somehow enjoy the rankling chaos upon which they blithely float. Rather set down in the house of Lazarus and Rest a while, for the beloved of thy beloved (friend of my friend) only sleeps, and Mary would honey-comb threw the tears spent on her tresses, wiping withal the Beloved of thy beloved, deep embibing what Martha would own, if all but too busy or anxious or otherwise first fearful for the late Visit life's love promised.

Some fine distinctions, to be sure, and we sift out the hours' many treasures or churn away upon the dials the advent of Now, sturdier moments in momentum for the richer, sweeter, more certified Future. IT's a marriage date, and Well Come to the Party salutes. Wherefore all the dismal complaint upon the Shore?, when Remedy did Call and Guests arrive, some sodden and poor, some ready and prepared, each finding a seat around the Banquet; perhaps even the birds of the Air (aviary?) some little feast, as if inheriting the fleeting hordes belched from Pluto's dank abode (frogs?), none of Her darlings denied, nor threshing out of the tares.

IT IS a Mystery, indeed. Why not treat IT as such, for a moment or two from time to time, or have ye no spare for such twaddle? Nor did Enkidu convince against assault upon the Forest Timbre nor Serpent Watch. Perhaps THIS now encoils Enkidu and they, together, complain upon the Alter of Persephone whom some did beguile at great cost, though seeming postponed, and razed the Ancient Wood whose Groves were sacred and unsought, then in thrawl as Pythia to Apollo's Might, the sons of Heaven intruding upon what they could not understand of Night. Thus Athene lept forth and Dionysus tore through the filaments their Garbs of Time did weave, the Norns a subtle tapestry or Ariadne spun to semblance of what they C, echoing the ruin of pride and Aye offending, secrets wrought, Cassandra taught, and Librarian Sybls stocked, the History of Nations. Behold what may B the Glory of the vast enterprise in that the one in a hundred voyagers (monkeys?), as one ship of venture among an hundred, or one eye among fifty (so small is the remnant, or little flock), may pluck the vine, catch the wine (Sans Grael?) and reel up the rites as if Leviathan from the Depths, what seemed once soo stark a befalling...Jonah, Jonah...how aileth thee this Trial?!

Green Man/Leviathan/Ororoubus, thrice born and but once elected foresight to wrack upon ruin the viperous objectivity and condemnation of unjust war, the friend of my better making enemies, tempting me by love of lonely but innocent familiarity of Home my own contentments (leaving the noisy rabble of Gilgamesh's forceful ways of civil-ization [[think rationality of science, which we may call the Ark but not the Treasure; for it is not the Alter that makes Worthy, but the Giver whose Gift is benefaction and honor itself]]), which is too often turned to ambitious means for ambitious ways among the civil-ized/objectified. A thing which is torturous to some, to be sure, and near wholly a matter for Accusation of Wrong, from whence greater wrongs issue like spiderlings from a single treacherous egg (thought), hatched of despite in the sons of Heaven, or their Maiden conquests seemed suffering from Aegytus' spawn.

Together though they Form the Fact of Devotion in the Cause, and Osiris is not his own; wherefor the Ceremony, or Drama of the Major Key. Symbols anyone?

"Who sent this Man here?!" says She, and all of Heaven bows to the Right/Rite Major, both what Their Mother and Night allowed or elsewise insisted on against all comers. This is a Secret spelled horizontally and vertically to every Plane any may Cross, and under which banner the Marriage is prepared from the foundations of the Earth, a Promise more firm than the Heavens' Heaven, or Founded such God of gods in Throned of the Heart and Crowned in Rainbow hews, shone the bright Majesty of Peace. Perhaps this would be the Gnostic Saaboath, which said feeble son does outvote the treachery of others. Lines tide too taught? I guess so.

Clash and Clang, the Aeons roll, and U can hear it on the resounding Aer...the Wind carries IT in its belly.

Enough writing on the Wall my graffiti, or if I am anywhere near the stockyards...I'll go scribble on the Kabooses. Toot, toot, and a tut in common...good Day.
Lobaczewski said:
Schizoidia: Schizoidia, or schizoidal psychopathy, was isolated by the very first of the famous creators of modern psychiatry. From the beginning, it was treated as a lighter form of the same hereditary taint which is the cause of susceptibility to schizophrenia. However, this latter connection could neither be confirmed nor denied with the help of statistical analysis, and no biological test was then found which would have been able to solve this dilemma. ...

Literature provides us with descriptions of several varieties of this anomaly, whose existence can be attributed either to changes in the genetic factor or to differences in other individual characteristics of a non-pathological nature. Let us thus sketch these sub-species’ common features.

Carriers of this anomaly are hypersensitive and distrustful, but they pay little attention to the feelings of others, tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses.

Sometimes they are eccentric and odd.

Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people’s intentions.

They easy become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which actually inflict damage upon themselves and others.

Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature. We frequently find expressions of their characteristic attitudes in their statements and writings: “Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea.” Let us call this typical expression the “schizoid declaration”... (Here I want to note that the Schizoidal type generally believes that THEY are the carriers of the knowledge of how human society can be "fixed" - and they alone.)

When they become wrapped up in situations of serious stress, however, the schizoid’s failings cause them to collapse easily. The capacity for thought is thereupon characteristically stifled, and frequently the schizoids fall into reactive psychotic states so similar in appearance to schizophrenia that they lead to misdiagnoses.

The common factor in the varieties of this anomaly is a dull pallor of emotions and feeling for the psychological realities. This can be attributed to the incomplete quality of the instinctive substratum, which is working as though on sand. Low emotional pressure enables them to develop proper speculative reasoning, which is useful in non-humanistic spheres of activity. Because of their one-sidedness, they tend to consider themselves intellectually superior to “ordinary” people.

The quantitative frequency of this anomaly varies among races and nations: low among Blacks, the highest among Jews. Estimates of this frequency range from negligible up to 3 %. In Poland it may be estimated as 0.7 % of population. My observations suggest this anomaly is autosomally hereditary.

A schizoid’s ponerological activity should be evaluated in two aspects. On the small scale, such people cause their families trouble, easily turn into tools of intrigue in the hands of clever individuals, and generally do a poor job of raising the younger generation.

Their tendency to see human reality in the doctrinaire and simplistic manner they consider “proper”, transforms their frequently good intentions into bad results. However, their ponerogenic role can take on macro-social proportions if their attitude toward human reality and their tendency to invent great doctrines are put to paper and duplicated in large editions.

In spite of their typical deficits, or even an openly schizoidal declaration, their readers do not realize what the authors’ characters are like; they interpret such works in a manner corresponding to their own nature. The minds of normal people tend toward corrective interpretation thanks to the participation of their own richer, psychological world-view. However, many readers critically reject such works with moral disgust but without being aware of the specific cause.

An analysis of the role played by Karl Marx’s works easily reveals all the above-mentioned types of apperception and the social reactions which engendered separations among people. [...]

During stable times which are ostensibly happy, albeit marked by injustice to individuals and nations, doctrinaire [schizoidal type] people believe they have found a simple solution to fix such a world. Such a historical period is always characterized by a generally impoverished psychological world-view, and so a schizoidally impoverished psychological world-view does not stand out during such times and is accepted as legal tender.

These doctrinaire individuals characteristically manifest a certain contempt with regard to moralists then preaching the need to rediscover lost human values and to develop a richer, more appropriate psychological world-view.

Schizoid characters aim to impose their own conceptual world upon other people or social groups, using relatively controlled pathological egotism and the exceptional tenacity derived from their persistent nature.

They are thus eventually able to overpower another individual’s personality, which causes the latter’s behavior to turn desperately illogical. They may also exert a similar influence upon the group of people they have joined.

They are psychological loners who feel better in some human organization, wherein they become zealots for some ideology, religious bigots, materialists, or adherents of an ideology with satanic features. If their activities consist of direct contact on a small social scale, their acquaintances easily perceive them to be eccentric, which limits their ponerogenic role. However, if they manage to hide their own personality behind the written word, their influence may poison the minds of society in a wide scale and for a long time.

The conviction that Karl Marx is the best example of this is correct as he was the best-known figure of that kind. Frostig, a psychiatrist of the old school, included Engels and others into a category he called “bearded schizoidal fanatics”. The famous utterances attributed to Zionist wise men at the turn of the century start with a schizoidal declaration. The nineteenth century, especially its latter half, appears to have been a time of exceptional activity on the part of schizoidal individuals, often but not always of Jewish descent. After all we have to remember that 97% of all Jews do not manifest this anomaly, and that it also appears among all European nations, albeit to a markedly lesser extent. Our inheritance from this period includes world-images, scientific traditions, and legal concepts flavored with the shoddy ingredients of a schizoidal apprehension of reality.

In spite of the fact that the writings of schizoidal authors contain the above described deficiency, or even an openly formulated schizoidal declaration which constitutes sufficient warning to specialists, the average reader accepts them not as a view of reality warped by this anomaly, but rather as an idea to which he should assume an attitude based on his convictions and his reason. That is the first mistake.

The oversimplified pattern, devoid of psychological color and based on easily available data, exerts an intense influence upon individuals who are insufficiently critical, frequently frustrated as result of downward social adjustment, culturally neglected, or characterized by some psychological deficiencies. Others are provoked to criticism based on their healthy common sense, also they fail to grasp this essential cause of the error....

We can distinguish two distinctly different apperception types among those persons who accept the contents of such works: the critically-corrective and the pathological.

People whose feel for psychological reality is normal tend to incorporate chiefly the more valuable elements of the work. They trivialize the obvious errors and complement the schizoid deficiencies by means of their own richer world-view. This gives rise to a more sensible, measured, and thus creative interpretation, but is not free from the influence of the error frequently adduced above.

Pathological acceptance is manifested by individuals with diverse deviations, whether inherited or acquired, as well as by many people bearing personality malformations or who have been injured by social injustice. ...

Schizoidia has thus played an essential role as one of the factors in the genesis of the evil threatening our contemporary world. Practicing psychotherapy upon the world will therefore demand that the results of such evil be eliminated as skillfully as possible. ....

In the ponerogenic process of the pathocratic phenomenon, characteropathic individuals adopt ideologies created by doctrinaire, often schizoidal people, recast them into an active propaganda form, and disseminate it with pathological egotism and paranoid intolerance for any philosophies which may differ from their own. ...

Underneath the rulership of [a pathocracy] we can even discern a period of hyperactivity on the part of schizoidal individuals mesmerized by the vision of their own rule based on contempt for human nature, especially if they are numerous within a given country. ...

In non-semitic nations, schizoidals are somewhat more numerous than essential psychopaths; although highly active in the early phases of the genesis of the phenomenon, they betray an attraction to pathocracy as well as the rational distance of efficient thinking; Thus they are torn between such a system and the society of normal people.
I have a folder full of such rants from Durand. What is outstanding about them is the fact that they don't even fit into the category of an individual who has come to a group to learn and to work. They are quite simply schizoidal declarations backed up by what Lobaczewski described as an unusual persistence:

Schizoid characters aim to impose their own conceptual world upon other people or social groups, using relatively controlled pathological egotism and the exceptional tenacity derived from their persistent nature. They are thus eventually able to overpower another individual’s personality...
Because we see that Durand is a disordered individual and there is no point in engaging with him - it is a waste of time - we have repeatedly suggested that he go and do his own thing elsewhere.

But no, Durand does not go and do his own thing. He prefers to "gate crash" and try to take over with his schizoidal manipulations.

Schizoid characters aim to impose their own conceptual world upon other people or social groups, using relatively controlled pathological egotism and the exceptional tenacity derived from their persistent nature. They are thus eventually able to overpower another individual’s personality...
So, nuff said.
Durand said:
Spend much time pushing this protocol and you'll find yourself serving the retarded and crippled. Even if you save them, the method of attempt can only sink you in their profound mediocrity.
Durand said:
And if one needs 9-11 to wake them up to the horror of the situation, they are too deeply mired in somnolescent idiocy to ever be anything but another's plucked firebrand...good for nothing but windowdressing (preened conceits)[...]
Not much else to say other than that these two quotes stick out as particularly offensive as I perceive them to refer to myself and others on this forumn as retarded, crippled, and half awake idiots.
Schizoid characters aim to impose their own conceptual world upon other people or social groups, using relatively controlled pathological egotism and the exceptional tenacity derived from their persistent nature. They are thus eventually able to overpower another individual’s personality...
Ah yet ' tis fine to whether thou assumptive passions on the thrice given wittle of thy labor's lost. For cherished in seasons will, can thou sense the gleen in one's overwrought chattle for promise of praise? Ah, but thrice shone the fairest dawn with eyes of Canthiderwain - Did she not see into the pit of all our hidden daemons? Osiris in Jest? Methinks not. Are you not worthy and bright enough of bonce to pierce the veiled symbols that trip from the velvetine carpet of my honourable gob?

"Enough writing on the Wall my graffiti"

Oh Master, One can but hope.

gaelen said:
Are you not worthy and bright enough of bonce to pierce the veiled symbols that trip from the velvetine carpet of my honourable gob?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You all have far more patience for this kind of nonsense than I do. I favour a ban for those not willing to play nicely. :P
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