The power of imagination in our eyes


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This is really a very beautiful short about how we can bring beauty around us by looking at things with color and imagination. We can draw, write poetry, write short stories, we can simply look around us and imagine something different. It is a challenge in our times to bring color in our lives. Sometimes this is vital to continue to fight. This short is from an Argentinian, Carlos Lascano. Enjoy for some 9 minutes color! And beauty and love.
Thanks so much Loreta: Brightened my day. The Thanksgiving dinner I was going to was canceled because of the weather (freezing rain.) It's dark and cloudy. So I am feeling a little blue.

With times so dark and ominous in our world it helps to paint beauty and love with colors on our surroundings. Imagination put to good purpose. There is joy and love within us. Imagination is the key.

A very different and unique story line. The end brought tears to my eyes.......tears of joy, but with such strong emotion that it surprised even myself. I enjoyed the unfolding of Lila's imagination in this short video. Moments of true happiness and surprises shown in this video are hard to find these days.

Thank you Loreta for posting.
As the saying goes: with hands heaven is reached, you do not need wings.
Lila's thoughts land into his hands, and with them reaching heavens.

Thanks Loreta for sharing the video
caballero reyes said:
As the saying goes: with hands heaven is reached, you do not need wings.
Lila's thoughts land into his hands, and with them reaching heavens.

Thanks Loreta for sharing the video

Thanks for sharing the video, Loreta, it really gave me a lift. Caballero reyes, that is a lovely poem, thank you for sharing that as well.
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