A question about mind and body


Padawan Learner
Hello everybody,
Can we say our physical body is part of a larger being/entity also as our consciousness ?
If matter is an illusion then how is body created? Is the body a secondary creation that has been created by consciousness ? And something more to ask, would you please define these words : "consciousness ", "soul", "mental body", "spirit".. I'd like to know the difference.
Thank you very much!
Hi Moonsun, you can make your own research by example
in taking a look to the CassWiki:
The Cassiopaean material divides the human into the physical body, consciousness, the genetic body, and spirit/etheric body. The material does not go particularly deep into their functions or delineations. From the context of usage we could infer that the C's etheric is whatever survives between incarnations, corresponding to Steiner's I and parts of astral. The genetic would probably correspond to Steiner's etheric, meaning an information field whose presence separates living from inanimate matter and consciousness would correspond to transient parts of I and astral. Such comparisons are however of little practical consequence.

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You will know too in searching on some threads of the forum in typing your subjet in the search box.
Have a good searching !
zak said:
Hi Moonsun, you can make your own research by example
in taking a look to the CassWiki:
The Cassiopaean material divides the human into the physical body, consciousness, the genetic body, and spirit/etheric body. The material does not go particularly deep into their functions or delineations. From the context of usage we could infer that the C's etheric is whatever survives between incarnations, corresponding to Steiner's I and parts of astral. The genetic would probably correspond to Steiner's etheric, meaning an information field whose presence separates living from inanimate matter and consciousness would correspond to transient parts of I and astral. Such comparisons are however of little practical consequence.

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You will know too in searching on some threads of the forum in typing your subjet in the search box.
Have a good searching !
Monsoon Hi, yes the various links in the forum are very interesting, they are many, and you should also fasses your own research, perhaps you already do.
I can make you share my interpretation.
1. Maybe we should consider the meaning of "illusion". For me this word does not mean a thing does not exist, but one thing that is misinterpreted. Also, the illusion is proportional to our awareness.
2. Consequently, if the matter is an illusion, that does not mean it does not exist. As Einstein seemed to say, matter is concentrated energy, so the information. We may think that if the reseal the field of information, this is a matter of intélligente entity. However, paradoxically, the opposite is true, because this information is prisoners from one another and block their connections. These connections comuniquent difficult-among them, but also outwardly of the material.
3. Now as regards the different body, they have their existence based on their ease to fluidize the connection of their information.
So to answer your question, if our physical body is part of a larger entity; the answer is most likely yes. The more we in the world of matter, the more time is prisoner (eg black holes). What seems to say that the gravity focuses the time and matter.
4. C's which are of only etheric density, are not trapped in the space-time. By this fact, they are connected to the information is greater. Not being subject to time, it is why the C's claim to be "we" in the future. This seems consistent.
5. Taking as premise that there are seven densities, and that man is in 3D, then we can assume that there are four bodies with higher consciousnesses and two with lower consciousness. 7D, we can consider it as the body-divine, the 6D, the Cassiopaeans, could be seen as the body-archangel, 5D, that of observation, could be considered the mind-body 4D could be seen as the body-angel, 3D could be seen as the body-mind, 2D could be seen as the body-animal, and 1D as the body-atomic or existential.
And it seems to me that all these bodies are part of the soul. The soul is a generic name that would cover all the different stages of consciousness. Finally these are my guesses.
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