The 'Mayan Calendar' is unlike most other calendars in that it does not simply record the movement of heavenly bodies as a background reference for events. I.e. as a reference point for history or a planned/foreseen future.
Unlike, for example, our Gregorian Calendar, which is based on the endless circling of our Sun by Planet Earth (365 days ... each day being one 24 hour 'spin' of Planet Earth), the Mayan Calendar is measuring something else.
The Mayan Calendar is measuring the wave pulse of creation ... and creation's primary intent. Namely, the evolution of consciousness.
There are, in fact, about 20 'calendars' that were used by the Mayans, including a precisely known calendar of 365 days known as the HAAB calendar. This latter was used for agricultural purposes (dates for ploughing, sowing, harvesting, etc.) and for purposes of collecting taxes - usually at harvest time!
Under the popular term 'the Mayan Calendar' are actually 2 Calendars that are closely inter-related - namely the Tzolkin (Daily Calendar) of 260 days, and the Tun (Prophetic Calendar) of 360 days. These two 'calendars' intermesh like gears, and if you can visualise the smaller Tzolkin 'gear' on the left as circular with 260 teeth (days) intermeshing with the larger Tun on the right (360 teeth, or days), then as the Tzolkin turns so does the Tun. (Or vice versa.)
It takes 72 turns of the Tzolkin calendar ('gear') and 52 turns of the Tun calendar ('gear') for each 'tooth' (day) of each 'gear' (calendar) to come into contact. I.e. 18,720 days (72 x 260 or 52 x 360), or approximately 51 Gregorian calendar years. (18,720 / 365 ).
52 turns of the Tun Calendar (approximately 51 years) was the age at which a Mayan became an elder. No mean achievement with an average life-span of about 35-40 years! It signified that the 'elder' had lived through all of the recurrent and cyclic energies of creation.
And this is what the Mayan Calendar is about .... the energy patterns of creation.
The Mayans describe 9 frequencies, or 'underworlds' that underpin, guide, and infuse the Universe.
These 9 frequencies initiate in sequence, each newly initiated frequency blending with the frequencies already pulsing.
Together the 9 frequencies build into an integrated chord that climaxes in 2011/2012.
Each frequency is divided into 13 equal time-spans, or heavens, and the odd heavens are known as days, while the even heavens are nights.
So for each frequency we have:
Day 1; Heaven 1 (Sowing)
Night 1; Heaven 2
Day2: Heaven3 (Germination)
Night2; Heaven 4
Day 3; Heaven 5 (Sprouting)
Night 3; Heaven6
Day 4; Heaven 7 (Proliferation)
Night 4; Heaven 8
Day 5; Heaven 9 (BUDDING)
Night 5; Heaven 10
Day 6; Heaven 11 (Flowering)
Night 6; Heaven 12
Day 7; Heaven 13 (Fruit-ing/fruition)
Each frequency is one twentieth the overall time-span of its predecessor, and initiates in the last heaven, Day 7, of its predecessor.
So, the first frequency, or underworld, commenced with the Big Bang 16.4 billion years ago, and each 'heaven' lasted for a period of approximately 1.26 billion years.
In Day 7, heaven 13, of the first underworld - which we are still in - cellular life evolved.
The second frequency initiated 820 million years ago (16.4 billion divided by 20), with 13 heavens of approximately 63 million years each. Day 7 of this cycle is still running, along with Day 7 of the first cycle.
In Day 7 of this second underworld mammalian life developed ...
Underworld 3 commenced approximately 41 Million years ago, with 13 heavens of approximately 3.15 million years each ....
And so on.
... up to the cycle we are in at the moment - the penultimate cycle - that began on January 5 1999.
Remember that all the preceding 7 cycles (or Underworlds) are still pulsing within their 'last Day', and the 9th and final cycle (or Underworld) will initiate on 10 February 2011 and last for 260 days - at the end of which all the 9 Underworlds will have come to the end of their 13 heavens of varying spans (or 'wavelength').
To-morrow - 24th November 2006 - is Day 5 (or 'heaven' 9) of this penultimate 12.7 year cycle.
Each 'heaven' (or resonance or frequency) of this cycle lasts 360 days, and this 'resonance' - Day 5 - beginning this Friday, 24 November 2006 lasts until 18 November 2007, when we go into Night 5 or resonance (heaven) 10.
Day 5 is always a crucial resonance period in a cycle, it somehow 'exemplifies', 'establishes' or 'sets the stamp or seal' on the nature of the whole cycle.
Day 5 is ruled by the God of Light - Quetzalcoatl. We can expect a big change in our perception of things, and the way things will be thereafter on this our world.
By way of example, the previous cycle (and we are still in the last day of ALL the cycles that previously initiated - as already mentioned they superimpose, or blend, with one another, (building into a sort of 'cosmic chord' of frequencies if you like) all coming to a 'grand finale' in 2011/2012) - the previous cycle commenced in 1755 and lasts for 256 years, each of the 13 'heavens' or 'resonances' being 19.7 years. It was a cycle all about physical/technological/scientific power awareness and its management, and you will note that the Day 1 (1755 to 1774) was the start of the Industrial Revolution in Britain ... placed at about 1760 by most historians.
Day 5 of the previous cycle commenced about 1912.
In 1914 the First World War broke out. A real demonstration of power! Also the Russian Revolution ... 1917. Boy oh boy ... did the world ever change after day 5 of the last cycle!
Unfortunately, after Day 5 comes Night 5, and, yes, you've guessed it, it doesn't seem to get better. Quite the contrary!
Night 5 (which in this current cycle begins 19 November 2007) is ruled by the God of Darkness - Tezcatlipoca!
Night 5 in the previous cycle was 1932 to 1952. I'm sure I don't need to remind you what happened during that one!
BUT ... before too much despair sets in, remember that the Mayan calendar appears to be all about the evolution of CONSCIOUSNESS - and planet Earth (third Density if I may borrow the term) is a spiritual gymnasium for the evolution of consciousness.
WE chose to be here at this time!
All those 'horrors' of the 5 Day and 5 Night of the previous cycle were certainly an impetus to a vast expansion of awareness and consciousness among many people in the world.
The First World War sounded the death knell of the old autocratic and monarchic 'political' systems (government by whim!), and did - albeit counterbalanced by the communist regimes - clear a way forward for a more democratic period of involvement in Government 'by the people'. Unfortunately, we know how that is turning out. It does seem to me that, very sadly, we just won't wake up and stay awake unless we are vigorously shocked into it!
The previous cycle, although about power, was also an opportunity for us to relate to power and manage it sensibly. For example, the Albany Congress of 1754 was the first attempt at democratic union in the English colonies in America. (Day 1)
The Declaration of Independence followed in 1776 (Night 1).
The fall of the last totalitarian empire - USSR - occurred in 1992 - the precise start date of Day 7 of the previous cycle.
(Unfortunately another totalitarian empire is now attempting to take its place!)
The Days of a cycle (underworld) are usually the 'initiation' of a new energy. The 'learning' of a new skill/understanding/awareness. The nights appear to be their 'applications' or 'results' - and the results can sometimes be 'accidents' through still unpractised use - and can be painful!.
In fact the Days are related analogously to the growth of a plant or flower like this:
Day 1 - Sowing
Day 2 - Germination
Day 3 - Sprouting
Day 4 - Proliferation
Day 6 - Flowering
Day 7 - Fruition.
The Mayan calendar, although not a precise event-specific prophesy system, is fascinating when approached as an overview of energy rhythms within the Universe (and therefore also applicable to all planets, ours included), possibly effected through a 'world tree' kind of 'tuning fork' centre of emanation.
Interesting to overlay the 9 cyclic rhythms and their 13 heavens upon the history of our planet. This is something you can do for yourself by purchasing a good 'History of the World' with timelines since the Big Bang.
And remember, the first base cycle (Underworld) commenced about 16.4 billion years ago!
(Quite a calendar for a few Meso-American Indians to come up with a few thousand years ago! Or could they also have come upon it from .... who?)
And as for 16.4 billion years ago ... could that have been the precise date (in our earth-time terms) of the Big Bang - that is now popularly agreed at approximately 15 billion years ago, but was previously thought to have been 10, 12 and 14 billion years ago?
If you would like to sit back and enjoy a very accessible presentation of the Mayan Calendar from the above perspective, here are the links to parts 1 and 2 of a 3 hour presentation currently on Google Video entitled 'The Mayan Calendar comes North.' Presented by Ian Xel Lungold, who has now, sadly, passed away.
The Mayan Calendar Comes North:
Part 1
Part 2
There are also two excellent books on this by Dr Carl Johan Calleman (formerly a microbiologist who studied the effects of radiation at cellular level), entitled;
'The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness.' (This is the second, and, in my opinion, the more easily assimilable work.)
'The Mayan Calendar: Solving the Greatest Mystery of our Time.' (Dr Calleman's first book)
"This is only where I am today."
Unlike, for example, our Gregorian Calendar, which is based on the endless circling of our Sun by Planet Earth (365 days ... each day being one 24 hour 'spin' of Planet Earth), the Mayan Calendar is measuring something else.
The Mayan Calendar is measuring the wave pulse of creation ... and creation's primary intent. Namely, the evolution of consciousness.
There are, in fact, about 20 'calendars' that were used by the Mayans, including a precisely known calendar of 365 days known as the HAAB calendar. This latter was used for agricultural purposes (dates for ploughing, sowing, harvesting, etc.) and for purposes of collecting taxes - usually at harvest time!
Under the popular term 'the Mayan Calendar' are actually 2 Calendars that are closely inter-related - namely the Tzolkin (Daily Calendar) of 260 days, and the Tun (Prophetic Calendar) of 360 days. These two 'calendars' intermesh like gears, and if you can visualise the smaller Tzolkin 'gear' on the left as circular with 260 teeth (days) intermeshing with the larger Tun on the right (360 teeth, or days), then as the Tzolkin turns so does the Tun. (Or vice versa.)
It takes 72 turns of the Tzolkin calendar ('gear') and 52 turns of the Tun calendar ('gear') for each 'tooth' (day) of each 'gear' (calendar) to come into contact. I.e. 18,720 days (72 x 260 or 52 x 360), or approximately 51 Gregorian calendar years. (18,720 / 365 ).
52 turns of the Tun Calendar (approximately 51 years) was the age at which a Mayan became an elder. No mean achievement with an average life-span of about 35-40 years! It signified that the 'elder' had lived through all of the recurrent and cyclic energies of creation.
And this is what the Mayan Calendar is about .... the energy patterns of creation.
The Mayans describe 9 frequencies, or 'underworlds' that underpin, guide, and infuse the Universe.
These 9 frequencies initiate in sequence, each newly initiated frequency blending with the frequencies already pulsing.
Together the 9 frequencies build into an integrated chord that climaxes in 2011/2012.
Each frequency is divided into 13 equal time-spans, or heavens, and the odd heavens are known as days, while the even heavens are nights.
So for each frequency we have:
Day 1; Heaven 1 (Sowing)
Night 1; Heaven 2
Day2: Heaven3 (Germination)
Night2; Heaven 4
Day 3; Heaven 5 (Sprouting)
Night 3; Heaven6
Day 4; Heaven 7 (Proliferation)
Night 4; Heaven 8
Day 5; Heaven 9 (BUDDING)
Night 5; Heaven 10
Day 6; Heaven 11 (Flowering)
Night 6; Heaven 12
Day 7; Heaven 13 (Fruit-ing/fruition)
Each frequency is one twentieth the overall time-span of its predecessor, and initiates in the last heaven, Day 7, of its predecessor.
So, the first frequency, or underworld, commenced with the Big Bang 16.4 billion years ago, and each 'heaven' lasted for a period of approximately 1.26 billion years.
In Day 7, heaven 13, of the first underworld - which we are still in - cellular life evolved.
The second frequency initiated 820 million years ago (16.4 billion divided by 20), with 13 heavens of approximately 63 million years each. Day 7 of this cycle is still running, along with Day 7 of the first cycle.
In Day 7 of this second underworld mammalian life developed ...
Underworld 3 commenced approximately 41 Million years ago, with 13 heavens of approximately 3.15 million years each ....
And so on.
... up to the cycle we are in at the moment - the penultimate cycle - that began on January 5 1999.
Remember that all the preceding 7 cycles (or Underworlds) are still pulsing within their 'last Day', and the 9th and final cycle (or Underworld) will initiate on 10 February 2011 and last for 260 days - at the end of which all the 9 Underworlds will have come to the end of their 13 heavens of varying spans (or 'wavelength').
To-morrow - 24th November 2006 - is Day 5 (or 'heaven' 9) of this penultimate 12.7 year cycle.
Each 'heaven' (or resonance or frequency) of this cycle lasts 360 days, and this 'resonance' - Day 5 - beginning this Friday, 24 November 2006 lasts until 18 November 2007, when we go into Night 5 or resonance (heaven) 10.
Day 5 is always a crucial resonance period in a cycle, it somehow 'exemplifies', 'establishes' or 'sets the stamp or seal' on the nature of the whole cycle.
Day 5 is ruled by the God of Light - Quetzalcoatl. We can expect a big change in our perception of things, and the way things will be thereafter on this our world.
By way of example, the previous cycle (and we are still in the last day of ALL the cycles that previously initiated - as already mentioned they superimpose, or blend, with one another, (building into a sort of 'cosmic chord' of frequencies if you like) all coming to a 'grand finale' in 2011/2012) - the previous cycle commenced in 1755 and lasts for 256 years, each of the 13 'heavens' or 'resonances' being 19.7 years. It was a cycle all about physical/technological/scientific power awareness and its management, and you will note that the Day 1 (1755 to 1774) was the start of the Industrial Revolution in Britain ... placed at about 1760 by most historians.
Day 5 of the previous cycle commenced about 1912.
In 1914 the First World War broke out. A real demonstration of power! Also the Russian Revolution ... 1917. Boy oh boy ... did the world ever change after day 5 of the last cycle!
Unfortunately, after Day 5 comes Night 5, and, yes, you've guessed it, it doesn't seem to get better. Quite the contrary!
Night 5 (which in this current cycle begins 19 November 2007) is ruled by the God of Darkness - Tezcatlipoca!
Night 5 in the previous cycle was 1932 to 1952. I'm sure I don't need to remind you what happened during that one!
BUT ... before too much despair sets in, remember that the Mayan calendar appears to be all about the evolution of CONSCIOUSNESS - and planet Earth (third Density if I may borrow the term) is a spiritual gymnasium for the evolution of consciousness.
WE chose to be here at this time!
All those 'horrors' of the 5 Day and 5 Night of the previous cycle were certainly an impetus to a vast expansion of awareness and consciousness among many people in the world.
The First World War sounded the death knell of the old autocratic and monarchic 'political' systems (government by whim!), and did - albeit counterbalanced by the communist regimes - clear a way forward for a more democratic period of involvement in Government 'by the people'. Unfortunately, we know how that is turning out. It does seem to me that, very sadly, we just won't wake up and stay awake unless we are vigorously shocked into it!
The previous cycle, although about power, was also an opportunity for us to relate to power and manage it sensibly. For example, the Albany Congress of 1754 was the first attempt at democratic union in the English colonies in America. (Day 1)
The Declaration of Independence followed in 1776 (Night 1).
The fall of the last totalitarian empire - USSR - occurred in 1992 - the precise start date of Day 7 of the previous cycle.
(Unfortunately another totalitarian empire is now attempting to take its place!)
The Days of a cycle (underworld) are usually the 'initiation' of a new energy. The 'learning' of a new skill/understanding/awareness. The nights appear to be their 'applications' or 'results' - and the results can sometimes be 'accidents' through still unpractised use - and can be painful!.
In fact the Days are related analogously to the growth of a plant or flower like this:
Day 1 - Sowing
Day 2 - Germination
Day 3 - Sprouting
Day 4 - Proliferation
Day 6 - Flowering
Day 7 - Fruition.
The Mayan calendar, although not a precise event-specific prophesy system, is fascinating when approached as an overview of energy rhythms within the Universe (and therefore also applicable to all planets, ours included), possibly effected through a 'world tree' kind of 'tuning fork' centre of emanation.
Interesting to overlay the 9 cyclic rhythms and their 13 heavens upon the history of our planet. This is something you can do for yourself by purchasing a good 'History of the World' with timelines since the Big Bang.
And remember, the first base cycle (Underworld) commenced about 16.4 billion years ago!
(Quite a calendar for a few Meso-American Indians to come up with a few thousand years ago! Or could they also have come upon it from .... who?)
And as for 16.4 billion years ago ... could that have been the precise date (in our earth-time terms) of the Big Bang - that is now popularly agreed at approximately 15 billion years ago, but was previously thought to have been 10, 12 and 14 billion years ago?
If you would like to sit back and enjoy a very accessible presentation of the Mayan Calendar from the above perspective, here are the links to parts 1 and 2 of a 3 hour presentation currently on Google Video entitled 'The Mayan Calendar comes North.' Presented by Ian Xel Lungold, who has now, sadly, passed away.
The Mayan Calendar Comes North:
Part 1
Part 2
There are also two excellent books on this by Dr Carl Johan Calleman (formerly a microbiologist who studied the effects of radiation at cellular level), entitled;
'The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness.' (This is the second, and, in my opinion, the more easily assimilable work.)
'The Mayan Calendar: Solving the Greatest Mystery of our Time.' (Dr Calleman's first book)
"This is only where I am today."