Wow! The Cass thang must be pretty "speshul" if they get a whole article on Shoutwire with
pictures and everything! Sore toes seem to abound. The writer of this piece definately has not read and
paid attention to the different articles he presumes to criticize, or he woudn't be embarrassing himself with such offbase conclusions.
Vireliek said:
If they really are open to discussion I encourage them to allow me to become a part of their school. No I will not read your books; instead I wish to be a free thinker, untainted by your teachings.
Oh jeeze, I just had to stop here! My sides were so sore from ROFLMAO!! What educational organization would admit a person with such an attitude? (Well, maybe Berkley once upon a time, but that time is long gone . . . . :( And if he is politely refused admittance because he will not abide by the entrance requirements, boo hoo he feels he's being discriminated against and we are all brainwashed. Pleeeze . . . .
"So what exactly is The Cassiopaeans Experiment? I've said a lot about it without actually telling you in detail what they believe. It's hard to get an exact list of what this group believes as their writings are long - very, very VERY long."
Poor dear. The information there is not being served up in nice little soundbites for his neurons to gum. The material is dense and detailed, as it is the result of many years of research in real libraries and real laboratories to follow the clues given in the sessions. Work to acquire corroborating information, and work to integrate it into knowledge. No pain, no gain.
Now that most of us have identified this group as a cult, we can move on.
Well, phew!! Based in Virliek's speedreading of the entire Cass site (including Dr. Jadczyk's Physics reearch
of course) we can all rest easy that he's got Cass pegged. Anyone want to check out the magnitude of Vireliek's deed?
Amazing! Oh wait. He hasn't read it. But he is still qualifed to make sweeping judgements.
And then there's these two gems:
That being said I believe in freedom of religion and freedom of speech, even in this case. But I also believe that it's a two way street. While they have the right to spread their propaganda (as I see it), I have the right to call them a nutty cult and attack their core beliefs. No, they should not be banned off ShoutWire; instead, let them continue their rants and parade of disinformation.
Mmmkay, Freedom of Speech . . . Good.
But then
It is my suggestion to you to avoid this website, send them an email and let them know you are not happy with their content.
So, like which is it? If you are avoiding the material, why insult those producing the material, if you never have to deal with it? OOOOOH, are we are trying to save others? Abridging free will? And wait for it, . . . . . . infringing on Freedom of Speech??? Mmmkay, infringing . . . . Bad, right?
A little candour is offered as a sop:
I do realize my editorial is a direct attack against the people who run SOTT, but in my editorial I tried to use their quotes, their website and their information.
Yes it is an attack, and the quotes were twisted completely out of context, but that is the point of some editorials, n'est pas?. (Sigh)
At least there wasn't a single profanity or obscenity in the entire article. Points for that Vireliek. A masterpiece of restraint, when compared with average level of Shoutwire commentary on SOTT articles.
P.S. Thanks for my 15 seconds of Shoutwire fame. Social Consensus is not an evil Cass idea, btw. Try googling it. It was a bit ingenuous of you to put that in as the comments on YOUR piece is a classic study of it in action.