Shoutwire as COINTELPRO

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I'll bet I get banned for this within minutes. Any response to the reptile claims, or the grays, or any of the other nonsense that is cited in that article?
Actually, you'll only get banned if you are here to disrupt or obfuscate the truth. While it is clearly obvious that you are here with an agenda, having not gotten the response you desired on Shoutwire with this nonsense, we'll let that go for the moment. You may actually learn something if you take the time to read the forthcoming comments from forum members to this repetitive tripe.

Apologies that you didn't get the outrage you were looking for in Shoutwire comments, but, we've all been around long enough and are able to use our minds well enough to recognize vapid defamation and fear based nonsense when we read it - not to mention the nonsensical humor of it all - classic farce if you ask me. I open the floor to further discussion for your benefit, assuming you are capable of learning, that is.

Since you are the person who brought this to the forum then you are taicho on SW, and I see you-

joined 11/28/2006 6:12:40pm
0 shouts
comments 2 articles
total comments 5

And right on your heels is Spero who-

joined 11/30/2006 3:38:45pm
1 shout( which happens to be the article you want us to discuss)
comments 1 article
total comments 5

It might just be me, but I find that kinda interesting!
oorgle said:

I'll bet I get banned for this within minutes. Any response to the reptile claims, or the grays, or any of the other nonsense that is cited in that article?
Why start out saying that you bet you'd get banned within minutes? Is it because you think this place isn't open to decent discussion (in the sense of adults conversing without resorting to lies and filthy language) or is it because you have an agenda, or both?

Well if you have some twisted agenda then you're not alone. Shoutwire has one too! The mask came off with that post from the 'director' -- it seems to be directing some people's minds, but not everyone's ... some people can actually THINK.
oorgle, if you're interested in getting a glimpse at the real reason you are here, this thread might help -
Its such a shame that once again a cult of anti truthists have decided to print nonsense about Laura and the Signs team once again.They dig up old stuff which has been proven to be total BS over and over again,and it really is not worth even getting into responding to such BS as it takes away energy from pursuing other things that matter.

The main attacks always go on about aliens and ouija boards and that apparantly makes us a cult! Many people have seen what they would describe as U.F.Os its really not that strange ,though as we see it is used as a supposedly legitimate attack on people to prove they are nutz.

So basically any one who attempts to gather people together for the purpose of pursuing truth and attempting to make sense of the situation we are in on this planet signifies one is a member of a cult!

Thats a scary in itself.Goodbye any type of revolution/progress (peaceful of course)

First one has to gather people together to attempt to initiate change,though if this was to happen then it would be a Cult and would need to be shouted down as being one if we are to use SW and others like SWs criteria of what is a cult.

How can "We are you in the future" mean we are aliens, although to a martian,humans would be aliens of course,but in this context we are talking about humans looking back through time at themselves.

There are only actually a few posters over at the SW ,and i cant see how it has so many shouts considering this.Maybe if one is the editor of SW you can tweak the results.If this is the case then that says something else.

It would speak of manipulation,and signify a place not to be trusted in if one seeks truth.It would also signify an agenda would it not?

As always comments from the mudslingers never have anything in them.No facts,no knowledge.They are kind of crappy snowballs that when the light hits them,they melt away.

How can one even read an article or comment when all it says is Blah blah ALIENS,blah blah Aliens,BLAH BLAH ALIENS.Where is the education,the content.

Thankfully in this world some people may come across such articles and decide to go and check out what all the fuss is about for themselves,and these inquisitive people are the ones most likely to bring change.Not the village type torch carrying,burn the monster types who are really the cattle herd cults.

nuff sed for now.
There is this thing in research where people manipulate data to the point of falsefication so that they get just what they expect or want to get. Thats what the shoutwire article reads like to me. As for this oorgle person all he has to do if he wants to be banned is resort to some of the tactics I've seen on shoutwire,like flaming and filthy language and so on.

It's just about anything goes over there. The editors will be the first to talk about people having a right to their opinions and blah blah blah. Then they turn around and try to bash what they label as the wacky beliefs and opinions of others. So much for opinions of others. Shoutwire is mainly for opinons of trolls since the flaming is encouraged by its editors. It would have been nice to see the actual contents of signs articles discussed as opposed to the personal attacks on Laura by some of the posters there. But that was wishful thinking as shoutwire is really just for enterainment and we have to take it as that.

For some objectivity is just a word without meaning, for others it means you have your beliefs and I have mine but you will be attacked for yours. For others it means some things are true but one has to work to find and understand the truth. Getting to the truth requires using the data we have in order to form working hypotheses. These are tested and either discarded or further developed as we learn more. Hypothesis doesn't mean fact and I think they are bashing signs because they don't really understand the latter or again just for fun. In the meantime shoutwire fufills it entertainment purpose becasue I get to laugh a little at their data analysis of signs, It's beyond funny and I could use a laugh after reading all the sad things about the state of the world. Signs articles are hardly funny because they often lay out in stark accuracy some of sick things that are going on around the world.

I must confess though, I used the cult excuse once to avoid reading the material for a religion class that I eventually withdrew from a few years back. I've felt guilty about it ever since but it taught me that the word is what sometimes lazy people use when they don't like what is being presented.

Signs is associated with the QFS-a school. Things like knowledge, work, lessons and the like will just turn off internet junkies looking for another way to get off. It can even force them to come up with silly stuff like the cult article. The current state of the world isn't fun and the articles SOTT post on shoutwire reminded us of that. They also remind us that work researching multiple sources are required to get a better understanding of things. Again , not fun. Lets just laugh along 'cause while facts are not fun, seeing the various ways in which others avoid them is.
I find the whole thing a bit humorous. He is essentially doing it for attention, everything the man says from start to finish is done with faux humility pseudo-kronkitian for the people, Oh! I am so self-less.

To top it all off, He, the writer that is, seems to be doing the very thing that he is claiming L is doing. The problem comes down to this, he's a stupid kid, and L has spent 35 years researching this stuff, he is posting on a kitch dime a dozen news voting site, (no offense shout wire) L has written thousands upon thousands of pages in book and article form about the subject, and backs up every single claim she makes with references, he makes no references and pulls a few transcript's quotes out of his hat, which were poorly choosen, I have read the transcripts and man is there juicier pieces there, obviously he didn't even take the time to actually read them. So you'll will forgive us if we don't waste our valuable and short lifespans answering questions that have already been answered in books and in articles time and time again.

And thirdly, I kinda feel like Illyria here, when she said to Wesley "It offends me that you think he matters." It's downright offensive that this guy has the nads to think that he has anything worthwhile to say. 35 years of research marginalized in a one page pseudo editorial on a 2 bit website with delusions of Digg/ And lastly, this entire exchange has enlightened me to what DMX was rapping about in "Bring your whole crew"

You are like a bunch of gangbangers thinking you are the mob. I used to live around people like that LOC and Bloods where always fighting around my block, I've even seen the aftermath of a few drivebys.

In summation, if you have a specific question to ask, then ask it, don't beat around the bush. The sad thing about the internet is, no portables, if you catch my Junior High drift.
I have gotten a good laugh out of the following recommendation form the Shoutwire's guide to writing for the online audience:

If you've written enough solid work, you begin to get a reputation. People love you, hate you, or even want to kick your ass. Once you start receiving threatening emails, you know you're on the right track.
So, apparently, SOTT was doing everything right even by the Shoutwire standards of online-writing-for-the-cat-fight-entertainment. The SOTT articles 'polarized readers' very nicely, livening up the place, this is what was wanted, right? Why such uproar then?

My guess is, perhaps, that it is because SOTT is really NOT about this kind of empty discussion, where one could argue one side of the point and than do a backflip and argue the opposite side, just for the fun of it. SOTT has a point based on solid research, and they write about what really matters and is serious, to them and to others who are asking questions.

And perhaps this is the reason why SOTT articles are, content-wise, a few notches above anything else posted to Shoutwire, which is I'd say at about 75% pop-culture regurgitation (no offense, Shoutwire). The lack of appreciation of this fact is only your loss.
the rabbit said:
There are only actually a few posters over at the SW ,and i cant see how it has so many shouts considering this.Maybe if one is the editor of SW you can tweak the results.If this is the case then that says something else.
I've done a couple of posts that haven't made it up (I guess they just went into the big black shoutwire hole somewhere) and I keep getting 'errors' when I post over there too. The 'errors' must be really bad if they stop a post going through, though.

That's only happened once that I'm aware of, here.

Well, I guess that's just a day in the life of Shriekwire, er Shoutwire. You know what I mean. It must be really hard to provide them with the level of shrieking that they obviously want to hear. :D
oorgle said:

I'll bet I get banned for this within minutes. Any response to the reptile claims, or the grays, or any of the other nonsense that is cited in that article?
To quote Janosz from Ghostbusters II:

- She is Laura! You are like the buzzing of flies to her.

- Everything you're doing is bad. I want you to know this.

Any attempt to discuss the issues in the Signs articles posted over at Shoutwire were almost immediately 'shouted down' by muslinging foul-mouthed and mentally sick people who had no interest whatsoever regarding any of the content of the aforesaid articles. Their agenda was evident right from the start, and was nothing more than to slander the 'messenger' so that no one would consider the content as being of any real worth.

This is but one of the tactics used by Cointelpro. Cointelpro is a hugely financed and staffed and multi-faceted organ which was set up and is operated for just such purposes. If they can infiltrate an organization or even a loose assemblage of like-minded people they will do so. If they can not they have a whole bag full of 'dirty tricks' they can and do use. They slander, malign, marginalize and cause whatever havoc and confusion they are able in order to derail these groups and do their utmost to prevent any real information from reaching the consiciousness of the populace.

Why? Well think about how long these people who rule over us would be able to stay in power if the majority ever found out what they were really up to and what they have planned for all of us in the future!

The article Virellek posted in his attempt to defame SOTT and the related sites was so crudely distorted and comments taken from the Cassiopaea site were so carefully picked out of context that I could do nothing but laugh at such an amateurish attempt at dis-info! I mean, geez! I feel sorry for somebody who has such limited abilites! While it was worth a good chuckle, it most certainly was not in my mind to spend any of my time and effort to rebut - point by point - such nonsense.

Besides, if I am going to spend my time explaining things, it would be more productive to explain something to my dog. She is actually very intelligent for a dog, and moreover, she doesn't seem to have any hidden agendas or unterior motives in what she does. And unlike many other supposedely 'intelligent beings' she really does want to understand what is going on around her.
Wow! The Cass thang must be pretty "speshul" if they get a whole article on Shoutwire with pictures and everything! Sore toes seem to abound. The writer of this piece definately has not read and paid attention to the different articles he presumes to criticize, or he woudn't be embarrassing himself with such offbase conclusions.

Vireliek said:
If they really are open to discussion I encourage them to allow me to become a part of their school. No I will not read your books; instead I wish to be a free thinker, untainted by your teachings.
Oh jeeze, I just had to stop here! My sides were so sore from ROFLMAO!! What educational organization would admit a person with such an attitude? (Well, maybe Berkley once upon a time, but that time is long gone . . . . :( And if he is politely refused admittance because he will not abide by the entrance requirements, boo hoo he feels he's being discriminated against and we are all brainwashed. Pleeeze . . . .

"So what exactly is The Cassiopaeans Experiment? I've said a lot about it without actually telling you in detail what they believe. It's hard to get an exact list of what this group believes as their writings are long - very, very VERY long."
Poor dear. The information there is not being served up in nice little soundbites for his neurons to gum. The material is dense and detailed, as it is the result of many years of research in real libraries and real laboratories to follow the clues given in the sessions. Work to acquire corroborating information, and work to integrate it into knowledge. No pain, no gain.

Now that most of us have identified this group as a cult, we can move on.
Well, phew!! Based in Virliek's speedreading of the entire Cass site (including Dr. Jadczyk's Physics reearch of course) we can all rest easy that he's got Cass pegged. Anyone want to check out the magnitude of Vireliek's deed?

Amazing! Oh wait. He hasn't read it. But he is still qualifed to make sweeping judgements.

And then there's these two gems:

That being said I believe in freedom of religion and freedom of speech, even in this case. But I also believe that it's a two way street. While they have the right to spread their propaganda (as I see it), I have the right to call them a nutty cult and attack their core beliefs. No, they should not be banned off ShoutWire; instead, let them continue their rants and parade of disinformation.
Mmmkay, Freedom of Speech . . . Good.

But then

It is my suggestion to you to avoid this website, send them an email and let them know you are not happy with their content.
So, like which is it? If you are avoiding the material, why insult those producing the material, if you never have to deal with it? OOOOOH, are we are trying to save others? Abridging free will? And wait for it, . . . . . . infringing on Freedom of Speech??? Mmmkay, infringing . . . . Bad, right?

A little candour is offered as a sop:
I do realize my editorial is a direct attack against the people who run SOTT, but in my editorial I tried to use their quotes, their website and their information.
Yes it is an attack, and the quotes were twisted completely out of context, but that is the point of some editorials, n'est pas?. (Sigh)

At least there wasn't a single profanity or obscenity in the entire article. Points for that Vireliek. A masterpiece of restraint, when compared with average level of Shoutwire commentary on SOTT articles.


P.S. Thanks for my 15 seconds of Shoutwire fame. Social Consensus is not an evil Cass idea, btw. Try googling it. It was a bit ingenuous of you to put that in as the comments on YOUR piece is a classic study of it in action.
Well, interesting developments, no doubt. I understand that quite a few Shoutwire people signed up during the night and attempted to take over this forum for their own nefarious purposes. Their accounts were deleted along with their posts, though we always save those things to a special file. In one of Oorgle's deleted posts he/she wrote:

You imply that my original intent was to flame the shoutwire board. Far from it. I was intending to flame this board. But more to the point, I'd like an honest and thoughtful response to the points made in the article I linked in the original post. You're ideas, as quoted in that article, seem totally nonsensical. Id like to hear your rebuttal.
Well, we don't allow flaming. Period. It isn't productive. When the planet is facing a Fascist crisis, the last thing we need is flaming, polarization, and juvenile games such as those played by Shoutwire Trolls.

But, more than that, it is important to see the kind of REAL cult that Shoutwire is supporting and promoting: the Fascist Black Magic of Vincent Bridges and his controllers.

To get the full backstory on Bridges, check this thread here, scroll down about half way or so:

and to learn about his associates and controllers, see this thread:

You will notice that there is a rather bizarre synchronization between the activities of the A.D.L. sponsored Kochav ben Yehuda and Vincent Bridges. The same bizarre synchronization is evident in the Shoutwire activities.

To get some backstory on Shoutwire, see these threads:

Then, of course, we notice that the violent flaming on Shoutwire comes from those who object to news articles that put Israel in a bad light. We've posted other articles on Shoutwire that were shouted, but otherwise ignored because they didn't mention Israel.

In short, if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck, it's a duck.
Laura said:
Then, of course, we notice that the violent flaming on Shoutwire comes from those who object to news articles that put Israel in a bad light. We've posted other articles on Shoutwire that were shouted, but otherwise ignored because they didn't mention Israel.
by gum, so it is!

there is a method to that madness then ... hmmm ... I wonder how they screen 'objectionable material'?
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