The Living Force
After being duly sobered with the hard facts of moons accumulating around neighboring planets (as evidence of the comets approaching us), I checked out the extensive data tabulated on NASA's website [neo(dot)jpl(dot)nasa(dot)gov] regarding recent Near Earth Objects (NEO's). Analysis of just this data that NASA's willing to disclose, provides parallel data about Earth that's equally sobering.
Regarding NEO's (averaging 100' diameters) that have been coming closer to Earth than our moon:
1997 0
1998 0
1999 0
2000 0
2001 1
2002 2
2003 5
2004 8
2005 6
2006 12
2007 20 (projected from the actual 5 documented through 3-20-07)
Regarding NEO's (averaging 100' diameters) that have been coming closer to Earth than our moon:
1997 0
1998 0
1999 0
2000 0
2001 1
2002 2
2003 5
2004 8
2005 6
2006 12
2007 20 (projected from the actual 5 documented through 3-20-07)