Organised or "Gang" Stalking - Paranoia?

Hey! I'm hanging in here. I've been absorbed in reading Laura's Wave series. I'm on volume 3. I'm still highly paranoid and freaking out inside over being surrounded by stalkers, but I still have a bit of sanity left. I'll write more later. Namaste!
Hey everyone! I'm back. I just want to say that the Wave volumes 2 and 3 pretty much perfectly explain the bizarre things happening to me the past 15 months. Without going into boring detail, the extensive info about the 4D STS beings and their 3D underlings describes what I'm going through! What I can't figure out is how I came to attract the attention of all these beings. The C's state that it's no problem for the PTB to devote individualized attention to someone. I'm afraid that's what has happened to me, so I hesitate to post too much about my situation publicly.

I just want to say Thank You to Laura and Ark for putting this info out there. I just wish I had come across it 15 or so years ago.
@seeker of truth

Please do not take what i am about to say the bad way, but you are still experiencing delusional thoughts if now you think that 4D is somehow out to get ya! It's not the case. My understanding of it, is that when we receive too much light, we start to see all of our own shortcomings, we start experiencing how we project outwards but towards ourselves, if that makes sense to you? And please understand that i am not saying the following to harm you but to help you, even if you will probably despise me for saying so:

Glad to read that you are doing better. Yet again, by your posts, i must say that in my reading of it, you are still creating this from the inside out. Because i am sorry to say that you are NOT targeted, and NOBODY is out to stalk you, unless you are some high value target? And if that were the case, i don't think you would be here writing about it.

If you truly want to get to the bottom of this, you simply need to very politely talk to these people that you think are following or harassing you, and you will realize that they absolutely will not know what you are talking about. And they will be honestly shocked that you think such a thing.

What i find scary is the time frame, because that is an awful long time for the psychosis to have such a grasp on your perception, Do you believe that people in your family, are somehow involved in this seeker of truth? These things take time. i am with you one hundred per cent, and please consider all the options mentioned by other forum members because the time frame is off the charts in my opinion. That is an awful long time to be in such a state. Also, please know that when you start getting better, these feelings will come back in waves regularly for a certain time.

Peace be with you.

Take care of yourself, try and start imagining that you are the one projecting your life on a screen in your mind because that is the absolute truth of the matter, and then ask yourself why would you project those perceptions? What are your fears, what are your TRUE feelings towards others? etc
@seeker of truth

Have you had a better week brother of Cassiopeae? You may not feel like it, but please make an effort if you can, in order to let us know that you are alright?!

Tomorrow, i will be attending a concert with a wonderful young woman who i met on the street 4 years ago while she was going through exactly what you describe and what I think was my version of the same perception glitch! When she stayed with me, for ten days, back then, she was into the full-blown phase of it, and told me she believed I was part of 'them'. Yet, because I could see what she was going thourgh I managed to keep her here, ge her to relax, and stop paranoid thoughts concerning me. She has now moved on, opened her own business, and seems to be doing great from what I can read on social media. My point being this: If I can relatre to what you are feeling, and my girlfriend went through, it cannot be that rare an occurence. Plus, if she, and I can now talk about this thing with a sense of humour, it is because, after all is said and done, we were wrong, and to a certain extent it can be overcome before causing too much damage. What worries me about your explanation, firstly is the duration, because for her, same as me it was about 3 months before the effects began to wear off somewhat.

But, when i was helping her, one night we left the suburb where i now live, to go into town to meet up with my youngest son, and at one point I felt and saw in her face that the symptoms were coming up again, and sure as shot, a bunck=h of pretty weird people started showing up around us, acting as if it was, what she thought she was seeing. So yes, our perceptions are tricky and seem to be able to make some pretty dodgy stuff manifest. But, having had the same sort of experience, Imanaged to calm her down, and she just reminded me on the internet that yes, they were real. YES, then again was it her pulling these things/ people towards us, I cannot say? But I will say this: in retrospect, I truly believe that a certain energy within us can make manifest our fears, our hates, our shirtcoming up in our faces. How that works I can not say. where do these seemingly ordinary people come from to act so weird, also I cannot say, except that in my analysis it was alll a creation of ME. And in the case of what I just described, a creation of HER" FWIW, so my suggestion is to do every opssible thing to change your surroundings, change the poeple you associate with, change your habits and then, in my opinion you will see your internal change manifest from the outside?!

I hope this makes sense to you? And I am worryed about you, probably not the only one worryed about you oin the forum, so please let us know thaùt you are alright brother of Light? You will eventually see anbother picture of reality if you do some work on your perception. In my case prayer, although I had never really prayed before, seeemed to help attain a certain calm and collected state. Even though when I say this, I cannot say that you seemed freaked out6 it would just be great to read your words. and soon! Take good care of yourself; Seeker of Truth. Thank you!

NB: I only wish someone would have done this for me when I went through my episode. Also, I hope that those reading this will remember that this happening may multiply with the coming times, and that we all should be more aware of what the people around us are going through on a ermanent basis. It is actually pretty much the prayer I ask of my higher self on a very regular basis.
To anyone experiencing the symptoms discussed on this thread, please be aware that there is also the thread titled : Once You Take The Red Pill (,7465.60.html), which covers a similar subject, and I just read some great exchanges there for a better understanding of what is probably going on!

I have come to understand that thbis is a very emotional subject for those going through this PHASE in their development. And, I can see that it is happening to more people, and for longer periods by browsing over the sites related to it. Having personnaly lived it, I think I can a little, But people in the thick of this need to consult for professional help and accept that the changes must come from them. Not from the outside world which will not change, but that by changing oneself, the perception of reality will change and all will go back to normal slowly or not so slowly depending on how much effort the person puts into changin themselves. Thank you! Have a great day!
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