This guy is an "alternative" history writer. Anyone have any thoughts on the validity of his writings?
ZeropointNinja said:Seems logical that if one seeks to be a Shaman then you should seek out a Shaman or many Shaman.
Some of my most cherished experiences were interactions with some Norther Cheyenne Medicine Men/Shamen.
I learned about natural medicine, plant spirits, etc...
I was also brought into a pow wow circle surrounded by ghost dancers in thanks for putting out a forest fire (not by myself of course) and the energies and field there left a lasting mark on my soul.
I will leave out the most interesting parts as per forum guidelines.
ZeropointNinja said:Sorry for the new thread, the old one seems to be locked or archived and was only 3 posts long.
ZeropointNinja said:My bad, must have overlook the reply button...
So, anybody besides Laura and I reading this or have read this book?
Laura said:Right now, I'm reading Graham Hancock's "The Supernatural." He and his pals seem to be in the same club. They are convinced that the ability to gain access to other worlds and entities should also give them power over said entities so that they can use them to influence events in this reality. That's their whole schtick. They want "power over the forces of life". They don't even realize that this idea has been dangled before them as bait to lead them into networks of STS. And, of course, all of them think that they can access these realities via drugs.
I'll just repeat what I wrote above: I think that their sources have misled them. They've been empowered to create an infrastructure for their STS overlords which has been used to set things up so that vast numbers of people will die in upcoming cosmic interactions so that this energy can be used by the 4D STS crowd to take control of the planet in toto. But, believe me, the 4D STS types don't want a bunch of psychopaths hanging around any more than anyone else... they aren't useful, they aren't manipulatable, they don't produce emotional loosh, who needs 'em? They are being set up...
That's the big double-cross that their "sources" are setting them up for: Psychopaths simply do not recognize that they, like germs, will be destroyed by fire or buried deep underground along with the body they are helping to destroy.
It would be funny if it wasn't all so tragic for everyone else.