Graham Hancock

My general take is that he is really good but he doesn't know enough about hyperdimensional realities and cointelpro to protect himself from disinformation or red herrings. But then, everybody doesn't have the C's to point out that there is other info or that something ought to be researched a bit deeper or wider.
I have several of his books and they have a lot of content. Generally, his FACTS seem to be really good but when he starts to jump to conclusions I think he sometimes loses focus, as you pointed put above. One thing that is disturbing to me though is that he seems to have been, at least partially, co-opted by the "traditional egyptologists" because he changed his view on the pyramids to fit their dating (2500bc).

Still, good info for the most part when one uses the C's to cross-reference. I jusr ordered "Secret History" and look forward to doing more cross-reference.

His "Fingerprints of the Gods" introduced me to the whole of alternative archeology. I find he uses facts, but it is possible that, as has been said, he would omit a few facts here and there. Also there is a debate about wether his "star alignment" is valid or not - the way he describes it, it looks significant, but I couldn't vouch for it.

One thing that I find worrisome now, is that he automatically assumed that this lost civilization was a great one (in the moral sense) and the people in it did a great job of civilizing everybody. Due to my personal ideas I had come to the idea that they were all (lost civilization & Hancock) just a bit misguided, but his ideas could help the STS agenda - maybe those who won't follow Jaysus in his saucer would follow the "guides from the lost civilization" in theirs. Also Hancock mentions the 2012 thing along with an explanation of the Maya calendar and why it's almost an out-of-place-artifact all by itself. And of course he doesn't ever mention anything in the hyperdimensional bit, but then he's trying to work "scientifically" and imo he doesn't have a clue about any of it.

Sure is a good read though.
Black Magic, Shamanism, Supernatural, Graham Hancock

Any comments? The book is a pretty wild ride. Hancock makes a case for hallucinogen plants playing a role in the development of human consciousness.

The journey starts with an explanation of the Stone Age cave paintings in France and Spain. Graham claims the art work is representative of hallucinogenic experiences.

More later, has anyone read the book?

Re: Supernatural Graham Hancock

It is the working hypothesis of the QFG that hallucinogenic plants play no role in the development of human consciousness, and that discussions of such should take place on other forums. Please read the forum rules regarding discussions of drug use - whether from personal experience, or of a "hypothetical" nature.
Re: Supernatural Graham Hancock

To further expand on what Ryan posted, let me give you the reasoning behind this position.

Certain drugs may induce states of consciousness that permit us to "see" or experience certain aspects of reality that are veiled in normal consciousness -- as we are now. But these effects are temporary and short-lived.

The real work before us is to change ourselves in a permanent way, so that such experiences, if they are necessary and part of our development and evolution, occur in step with the evolution of our BEing and DOing. When and if they occur in such a case, they are part of our natural develoment. And if they don't, then they are not necessary.

If certain drugs initiate these experiences, then it suggests that we are programmed to have them. But if we are so programmed, then the best way to attain them is to unleash those genetic codes through the Work on ourselves, which will happen when we are ready.

Laura's book The Secret History of the World discusses this issue at some length.

I would like to do further reading on Shamans and anything closely related. I have read the thread on Malta and have a copy of "The Secret History of the World" plus a quick google search that really only quoted the books by Mircea Eliade which I am already planning to pick up. I have had that shamanic initiation but didn't know it was even significant in any way until reading "The Wave", "Secret History of the World" etc. I also have a personal helper or someone who "feeds" me as it turns out and even thought I didn't know prior to her coming to live with my family, she is the grandaughter of a traditional Shaman who has her own amazing story! Now that i have found this out, I have even more of a drive to find where this is all leading. I have also not had the benefit of an elder Shaman (grew up in a regular middle class, North American family of European ancestry) to impart the wisdom of a tradition to me(at least not so far) so I'm asking for any help or thoughts on potential leads to make my quest easier.

Thank you in advance
Re: Shamanism

I think that if you read the books you have mentioned, you will have a clue about what to do and, most important, what NOT to do...
Re: Shamanism

Seems logical that if one seeks to be a Shaman then you should seek out a Shaman or many Shaman.

Some of my most cherished experiences were interactions with some Norther Cheyenne Medicine Men/Shamen.

I learned about natural medicine, plant spirits, etc...

I was also brought into a pow wow circle surrounded by ghost dancers in thanks for putting out a forest fire (not by myself of course) and the energies and field there left a lasting mark on my soul.

I will leave out the most interesting parts as per forum guidelines.
Re: Shamanism

ZeropointNinja said:
Seems logical that if one seeks to be a Shaman then you should seek out a Shaman or many Shaman.

Some of my most cherished experiences were interactions with some Norther Cheyenne Medicine Men/Shamen.

I learned about natural medicine, plant spirits, etc...

I was also brought into a pow wow circle surrounded by ghost dancers in thanks for putting out a forest fire (not by myself of course) and the energies and field there left a lasting mark on my soul.

I will leave out the most interesting parts as per forum guidelines.

Those are very interesting experiences that I would like to hear more about- thanks for the post.

If I could find a shaman I would but as far as I know, they don't really advertise and the ones that do are rather suspect according to my housekeeper. To make it more difficult, I am living in a culture that I am not very familiar with here in Asia where many don't speak English and that is the only language I know. I find it interesting that around the time that you posted this, I was thinking to myself that maybe none of these connections and experiences really meant anything at all since not much has changed on this path of thinking for sometime. I had sort of thought to myself that if I don't see any sign posts in the near future, I would really just have to come to terms with the fact that my experiences were most likely passing episodes of "high strangeness". And then you posted this response to my initial thread almost a 1/2 year later exactly????? As you can see, not a lot of responses there expect from Laura so beyond the words of your post, the timing of it is quite amazing!

You've definitely got me thinking....

Re: Supernatural Graham Hancock

Sorry for the new thread, the old one seems to be locked or archived and was only 3 posts long.

I am currently reading this book now.

Laura mentioned in a different thread that she is currently reading this book as well. And of course it seems she has some interesting insight and opinions about it.

Which I would love to hear! So, Laura if you would be so kind, could you elaborate on Supernatural?
Re: Supernatural Graham Hancock

ZeropointNinja said:
Sorry for the new thread, the old one seems to be locked or archived and was only 3 posts long.

I have merged the two threads and by the way, the thread was not locked.
Re: Supernatural Graham Hancock

My bad, must have overlook the reply button...

So, anybody besides Laura and I reading this or have read this book?
Re: Supernatural Graham Hancock

ZeropointNinja said:
My bad, must have overlook the reply button...

So, anybody besides Laura and I reading this or have read this book?

Hi zpninja - you've asked a few times what Laura thinks of this book, so I'm wondering if you missed her post on it this morning?

Here is the relevant part:

Laura said:
Right now, I'm reading Graham Hancock's "The Supernatural." He and his pals seem to be in the same club. They are convinced that the ability to gain access to other worlds and entities should also give them power over said entities so that they can use them to influence events in this reality. That's their whole schtick. They want "power over the forces of life". They don't even realize that this idea has been dangled before them as bait to lead them into networks of STS. And, of course, all of them think that they can access these realities via drugs.

I'll just repeat what I wrote above: I think that their sources have misled them. They've been empowered to create an infrastructure for their STS overlords which has been used to set things up so that vast numbers of people will die in upcoming cosmic interactions so that this energy can be used by the 4D STS crowd to take control of the planet in toto. But, believe me, the 4D STS types don't want a bunch of psychopaths hanging around any more than anyone else... they aren't useful, they aren't manipulatable, they don't produce emotional loosh, who needs 'em? They are being set up...

That's the big double-cross that their "sources" are setting them up for: Psychopaths simply do not recognize that they, like germs, will be destroyed by fire or buried deep underground along with the body they are helping to destroy.

It would be funny if it wasn't all so tragic for everyone else.

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